Search found 4 matches
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:29 pm
- Forum: Extraterrestrials and Extra-dimensionals
- Topic: ET/ED incarnate as human
- Replies: 17
- Views: 62237
Re: ET/ED incarnate as human
Starseed Ikse, What have you contributed? Other than trying to defend your position of I am better than you, I can see nothing. Sorry, just reporting it as I see it. I have stated repeatedly that I do not see myself as being better than anyone. How this continues to be re-interpreted into an exact ...
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:14 pm
- Forum: Extraterrestrials and Extra-dimensionals
- Topic: ET/ED incarnate as human
- Replies: 17
- Views: 62237
Re: ET/ED incarnate as human
Kano, I've already explained how this is untrue. I did not say that I was superior to anyone, nor do I *think* of myself being so. Now you have brought out the term 'underlings' and attempted to put this word into my mouth. I said no such thing. Is it fair for you to speak on my behalf, altering the...
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:36 am
- Forum: Extraterrestrials and Extra-dimensionals
- Topic: ET/ED incarnate as human
- Replies: 17
- Views: 62237
Re: ET/ED incarnate as human
We are among you and have been for some time. This statement is curious since we all live on this planet and we are all starseeds. We are simply at different levels of spiritual evolution. Who is the you you are referring to? In a manner of speaking yes, but the term "star seed" usually refers to a...
- Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:02 am
- Forum: Extraterrestrials and Extra-dimensionals
- Topic: ET/ED incarnate as human
- Replies: 17
- Views: 62237
Re: ET/ED incarnate as human
I am Ikse. I am a star seed. We are among you and have been for some time. As it is both my mission and my joy to give rise to consciousness and awareness, I would be pleased to answer any questions about this that anyone may have about these topics. I feel a great deal of encouragement and joy in s...