Discussion on geoengineering, NEXRAD/ HAARP, climate change, chemtrails and related topics, including how to deal with the effects of these incursions.
soldierhugsmember - Adept

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by soldierhugsmember » Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:18 am
http://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/mysteri ... bioweapon/
Mysterious New Blood Bacteria Seems Like Nanobot Bioweapon
Dr. Nick Delgado is a researcher of biochemistry and endocrinology, with a special focus on anti-aging medicine. In this clip, Dr. Delgado .... about a disturbing new phenomenon that he’s been observing for about a year and a half.
When he examines patients, Dr. Delgado puts a drop of their blood beneath a microscope. After 40 years of studying blood morphology, he has never previously seen or heard of the 1-micron-sized* tiny “tadpoles”, which he’s been seeing lately, which school like fish in large groups around the blood cells, moving in unison and changing rapidly in direction. The people carrying these “tadpoles” all describe having a persistent cough.
Dr. Delgado isn’t sure whether these are a “super” bacteria or exactly what they are but he’s encountered cases in Northern- and Southern California, as well as in Florida. After I suggested that if they were not readily identifiable as microbes, that these might be some sort of bioweapon, he remarked that he was open to this possibility.
Earlier this week, a colleague of his had confirmed that he’d observed the exact same thing – so it truly appears that we may be looking at an emerging and pervasive phenomenon.....
Dr. Delgado will be showing images of these strange new blood “tadpoles” in his upcoming October 16th Immortality Webclass, a free webinar he’s conducting with fellow leading anti-aging experts, that’s all about revolutionizing the way participants think about and experience aging, with critical scientific insights into the findings of recent research and how to safely use biochemistry to improve all areas of human performance in advanced ages.
This FREE webinar will be held on October 16th, between 3PM to 6PM Pacific Time......
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by daniel » Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:25 am
I do find it interesting that the moment anyone finds anything new, it is immediately assumed that it is some kind of engineered weapon out to "get them." There are lots of things mankind has not encountered yet... perhaps this is one of them.

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animus - Mage

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by animus » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:40 pm
So instead of the real thing that he has been seeing "wayyy too much [...] in the last year and a half", he decided to show only computergraphics when he made a video out of that dialogue. That should say it all.
daniel, have you heard of Alexandra Bruce before or by any chance read her book?
Wikipedia wrote:Notably, she was the Line producer of the 10-minute introductory segment of the 30-minute pilot for the Disinformation (TV series), with proponents of the controversial Montauk Project, in which she played herself. (She'd previously interviewed all of the major characters of this saga for her book, "
The Philadelphia Experiment Murder").