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Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:28 am
by tribs4u2

Hi daniel
this is a simple question to you - how much time before the Big Changes in our Sun really affect the Earth? I believe the Earth will become larger - Oceans will appear lower and days time will be longer! Is this to happen within months or years and how many? I live in Finland and it is minus 30 Centigrade and more in the winter and +25 degrees or more Centigrade in summer! I have read that the Sun will switch off for minutes but we will not notice in the winter (only a few hours day light) but in summer 23 hours daylight!
What can you say about these changes?
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:44 pm
by daniel
tribs4u2 wrote:this is a simple question to you - how much time before the Big Changes in our Sun really affect the Earth? I believe the Earth will become larger - Oceans will appear lower and days time will be longer! Is this to happen within months or years and how many?
When I look up into the sky and cannot look at the sun with my welding goggles on (which I used to be able to do), it is my opinion that the changes are now in progress. Not having lived through one before, I don't know how long they will take, but mythological records indicate there is a fairly sudden shift, followed by a recovery that can last 10-20 years, depending on what part of the planet you are on.
And I am in complete agreement with the Earth expansion theory; the age of the ocean floor strongly supports that. I also agree with your conclusions; larger earth, lower oceans, exposing the continental shelves. Methodologically, years are getting longer but most ancient societies did not track the hours of the day, so no way to tell how long a day was back then.
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:49 pm
by 7Serpent
Daniel wrote
daniel wrote :
When I look up into the sky and cannot look at the sun with my welding goggles on (which I used to be able to do), it is my opinion that the changes are now in progress.
On my way to work... timing and weather allowed me to view the clear unobstructed sunrise this morning..
I have been sun gazing going on for several years now, which is a whole other subject.
Needless to say the Sun was pure white in a my perspective far sooner than recently, not withstanding it is springtime and days are getting noticeably longer etc... What lm trying to say is l felt a bit more acceleration in the power right at sunrise... a lot more.. l was kinda blown back from it. Did anybody else happen to feel this?
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:04 am
by daniel
7Serpent wrote: ↑Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:49 pm
What lm trying to say is l felt a bit more acceleration in the power right at sunrise... a lot more.. l was kinda blown back from it. Did anybody else happen to feel this?
I'm in a valley with mountains to the east, so I don't get to see sunrise anymore.
It was 70F yesterday and they are saying "snow" tomorrow. Good thing they aren't doing geoengineering... or else who knows how crazy the weather would be!
I have noticed that I'm seeing more and more reports saying that "unless the NWO acted when they did, the northern hemisphere would be a desert by now." IMHO, that really means that, because of evolution, "the human race would have deserted the NWO and left them high and dry." After all, what good are masters without slaves...
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:25 am
by animus
7Serpent wrote: ↑Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:49 pm
On my way to work... timing and weather allowed me to view the clear unobstructed sunrise this morning..
I have been sun gazing going on for several years now, which is a whole other subject.
Needless to say the Sun was pure white in a my perspective far sooner than recently, not withstanding it is springtime and days are getting noticeably longer etc... What lm trying to say is l felt a bit more acceleration in the power right at sunrise... a lot more.. l was kinda blown back from it. Did anybody else happen to feel this?
Please feel free to elaborate on the subject of sun gazing.
As to the "acceleration in the power", perhaps the answer lies in Earth's magnetic field which is weakening at 5% per decade. Here is an animation of Earth's magnetic field of the last 10,000 years: ... /cals10k2/
You see high fluctuations in the last 200 years which may be due to the fact that at this time period the data was obtained directly through instruments, or perhaps (and probably more likely) the geomagnetic field is indeed fluctuating much more in the last decades, indicating that Earth is in the process of a big change.
Here's some info on how the Paleomagnetic data was obtained: ... ariations/
Also interesting in this context:
The Kozyrev mirror creates a shielded space in which the magnetic field of the earth is weakened. Alexander Trofimov
explains that while the researcher is using the law of optical reflection, the effect is not restricted to electromagnetic radiation. The energies of consciousness of the experimental person (which in the large part are faster than light and not yet determinable for us) are reflected, thrown back on them and intensified. Thus, it becomes possible to decouple from the prevailing mode of consciousness dictated by the surrounding vibration level. This achieves alternative states of consciousness and a non-linear sense of time. The experiments carried out also included experiments on the so-called "remote viewing" and telepathy, whereby a person tries to "send" symbols to the other person regardless of space and time. These experiments are a good idea, but when the external electromagnetic influences are lifted, space and time can be overcome (easier), according to Trofimov.
The institute was not satisfied with the Kozyrev mirror: a continuation of the research resulted in the construction of the " Cosmobiotron ", a prototype of a shell of Permalloy ( Mu metal ), in the interior of which the magnetic field is reduced to a 600th of a degree . It might be said that the future development of mankind is anticipated by the apparatus, for the earth's magnetic field, which reflects our mass consciousness, continually decreases from year to year. "We can simulate the situation on Earth in 1000 years," says Trofimov. Due to the reduced magnetic field, cosmic rays will be easier to penetrate us in the future. A direct connection with cosmic energies will make it possible to activate active resources of our brain, which are denied their service in the momentary vibrational structure.
Additional to the "explains"-link above you can also check
this russian article for further information on the Kozyrev-mirrors. Here's an excerpt (google translation):

The first is a hypogeomagnetic chamber, an installation shielding a person from the action of the Earth's magnetic field. In appearance they are simple pipes, but in them a situation is simulated that a person has never evolved from before. All generations of people developed in the magnetic field of the Earth. And in our installation it is removed for a short time. And it turns out that by removing such pressure, we open psychophysical reserves of a person that we did not even suspect of. Including reserves of psychophysical health. We are trying to treat - and it is already getting - something that the medicine of the late twentieth century has refused, for example, some forms of genoein epilepsy, dependent on solar activity and on the magnetic field.
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:22 am
by animus
Some additions to the magnetic field:
If you download the animation (the zip-file), the time jumps are in 5-year intervals, so it's more detailed. Also make sure to download the previous version CALS10k.1b if you want to see the view from the north and south pole.
I don't know why the data stops at 1980/85. The fluctuations started to get haywire at the very end, so the missing last 20 years would have been the most interesting. (I haven't read the pdfs yet but there might be a clue as to why. Here they are:
CALS10k.2, 2016 and
CALS10k.1b, 2011)
The 10,000 years was meant to be in quotation marks as it is following the uncorrected calendar.
The link to the russian article is not working right now. The whole site is down, so probably just wait a few hours or days.
(Question: When I wrote the last sentence above, or to be more precise, when I wrote "wait a few", the url in the sentence just vanished!? How can this happen? It was fine at the second time.)
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:43 pm
by soldierhugsmember
I've been seeing reports of how hot sunlight is now and found this report which you guys may find of interest ... I40245.pdf
Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications
Aims: The dangerous portion of ultraviolet radiation is widely believed to be completely absorbed by the atmosphere before reaching Earth’s surface. Our objective is to make multiple measurements at Earth’s surface of the solar irradiance spectrum in the range 200-400 nm.
Methods: We made numerous measurements of the solar irradiance spectrum in the range 200-400 nm at an elevation of 56 m with International Light Technologies ILT950UV Spectral Radiometer mounted on a Meade LXD55 auto guider telescope tripod and mount assembly.
Results: Our multifold measurements of solar irradiance spectra demonstrate conclusively that all wavelengths in the spectral range 200-400 nm reach Earth’s surface, contrary to the widespread perception that all UV-C and the majority of UV-B never reach the surface. We confirm the surface UV-C measurements of D’Antoni et al. (2007) that were disputed, based on faulty computer model calculations of atmospheric ozone, and thereafter ignored by the geoscience community.
Conclusions: The veracity of our data and D’Antoni et al. (2007)’s data call into question the validity of atmospheric ozone models. Further, we call into question the simplistic supposition of the Montreal Protocol that chloro-fluoro-hydrocarbons are the primary cause of ozone depletion, and point to the very heavy burden of halogens introduced into the atmosphere by ongoing jet-sprayed coal-fly-ash geoengineering. We demonstrate that satellite-based LISIRD solar spectra irradiance at the top of the atmosphere is badly flawed with some regions of the spectrum being less intense than measured at Earth’s surface. That calls into question any calculations made utilizing LISIRD data. We provide introductory information on the devastating effects of UV-B and UV-C on humans, phytoplankton, coral, insects and plants. These will be discussed in greater detail in subsequent articles.
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:46 pm
by soldierhugsmember ... nd/9942800
Melting bitumen leaves motorists 'sinking' into Queensland road, destroys tyres
This video starts off with what people's comments on how they've been hurt by the sunlight
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:52 pm
by soldierhugsmember
daniel, would blue blocker sunglasses be the most suitable protection for our eyes?
We can't all walk around with welder's goggles.
Re: Time For Changes In Our Sun?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:15 am
by Ilkka
soldierhugsmember wrote: ↑Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:52 pm
daniel, would blue blocker sunglasses be the most suitable protection for our eyes?
We can't all walk around with welder's goggles.
Well, I think that no need for that protection unless you plan on sungazing. I have only glasses on my head that I need to use everyday dont know if they have UV protection, cant really trust these "experts" untill tested myself.
If you buy UV flashlight or "blacklight" and test it on some sunglasses in a store, that could be interesting to see what wavelength of UV they protect against. It should say on the product what wavelength it has, laser pointers mostly do atleast. So that should give some direction about that subject.