as regards the transformations into a higher dimension

Time, timelines, the 3D temporal landscape... research into the physics involved, how to understand it and make use of it to improve the quality of our lives, and all the life on Earth.


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as regards the transformations into a higher dimension

Post by nick58 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:24 pm

when the transformation and transition occurs either slowy or rapidly, from our 3rd density into a mid fourth density state, will there be an assimilation of our earthly density with the so called afterlife density which I am told is fourth dimensional?
is there any similarity and compatability, between the afterlife realms and this new state the earth is ascending into? can any comparison be made between them?
lastly will there then be an interfaceing betwen these two planes of existence, namely the new earth plane and the spirtual planes, accepting there wil be a harmony of vibrations between them?

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Re: as regards the transformations into a higher dimension

Post by infinity » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:51 am

These are great questions nick58,

There is a lot of uncertainty as to the "how" of the transitions, or how it may be experienced, but if you want to know more about the mechanics of the densities (e.g. 4th and up) and how it relates to the 3rd density, there is already plenty of reading material on the forum - especially in daniel's post with regards to timelines. This may help u understand a lot of things better. From that material (which was researched quite a lot by daniel and those he knows and respects) I would deduce the following to answer your post:
will there be an assimilation of our earthly density with the so called afterlife density which I am told is fourth dimensional?
All the densities already exist and are already fully integrated. The catch is that we will be learning to perceive the time/space part of the densities as we go up from 3rd density to 4th etc. Its all already there, and a lot are already working with it, experiencing it, and learning/using new abilities. The 4th density isn't a "place", its already part of everyone's everday life - but the veil must be lifted individually for each person so it can be perceived and experienced.

You don't have to "wait" for some cosmic timing to experience this. Through diligent discipline and spiritual work, you can 'get ahead' of the status quo and fully experience even 6th density before most people even knows anything about 5th density - if you so wish. Its up to you where/what density you live in / live by.
is there any similarity and compatability, between the afterlife realms and this new state the earth is ascending into? can any comparison be made between them?
There might be a lot of ways to explore this question, but I personally believe it will come down to this (i.e. there's a lot to talk about but this is the most important thing to understand): Thoughts become things. A lot faster than it does now. Currently, there is a time delay between a desire/intention/thought and its manifestation. The higher we go in densities, the easier and quicker our desires/intentions/thoughts manifest. It is of PARAMOUNT importance to become very disciplined spiritually/mentally and deal with any emotional issues, self-worth issues, or in more extreme cases things like any form of addiction or lack of control of our thoughts or emotions. These will wreak havoc like a car being driven by a drunk person - thoughts and emotions will manifest powerfully and can be dangerous for the immature person.

See the movie "The Sphere" for a great demonstration of this principle.

Other Comparisons
Other comparisons would include the differences in how we experience life and death, how people related to each other (everyone's thoughts will become as loud as voices screaming on rooftops - no secrets can exist), and access to technologies and abilities like travelling very far in very short amounts of time, or time-travel itself too. There are already people on this planet that have travelled to many other planets using either technology or their own abilities developed over decades of spiritual and mental discipline.

Some examples
There are also individuals that have travelled through time in like-manner. I've personally met a business-man that goes back in time to view physical business meetings in the past that he couldn't attend (no one could see him while he's there though), and then anticipated (in the one case) how some of his partners wanted to betray him and he could act accordingly. This same person has taught young adults of 16-30 ages how to "teleport" or "jaunt" at will, without the need for any technological devices. This is not fiction. These things are real and are facts already. This type of thing will become common-place.
lastly will there then be an interfaceing betwen these two planes of existence, namely the new earth plane and the spirtual planes, accepting there wil be a harmony of vibrations between them?
This has been the case already for decades or even centuries now. A great example is the native American Indians and their practices of Shamanism. The primary difference is that in the future, a lot more people will start living in harmony with both the physical and non-physical planes of existence and be able to use new abilities gained through such harmony. You can already explore these things easily today. Just a few weeks of private meditation is already sufficient to catch glimpses of non-physical things going on all "around" us all day. Or inside yourself. There's many layers of worlds, some internal, some external, some planetary in scope, some galactic in scope, some universal in scope.

Its not just "two" planes of existence. There are countless ones. Its our ability to perceive and navigate them, as well as perform actions in them, that will be developing in the coming times.

I hope this helps give some perspective! If anyone wants to add or challenge anything I've mentioned, please feel free to do so :)

Joined:Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:29 am

Re: as regards the transformations into a higher dimension

Post by nick58 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:33 am

just to say thank you, Infinity for your reply to my post. I think very soon now these questions will be answerd though no doubt many more will be brought up

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