SMs and Ethics
Thank you for the advice. I was naturally going to practice it out of curiosity, but now I'll be sure that I do. I feel fear is the real killer. I've already been through hell. I'm not looking for another entity to tell me things. I just want to observe and experiment with the situation. What exactly would be "summoned"? Is there sentience on the cosmic side always looking from out silicon or would there be a cosmic entity attracted to the opportunity to instill fear by choosing to look back into me, a la Aberforth Dumbledore and the broken mirror?
I remember your paper regarding silver-backed mirrors. I've looked into it, but most websites are about repairing silver-backed mirrors.
I remember your paper regarding silver-backed mirrors. I've looked into it, but most websites are about repairing silver-backed mirrors.
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: Curiosity > Fear
As Yoda told Luke at the cave, "What's in there?" "Only what you bring with you." That is the situation here, you will summon what you bring to that realm. So best to go in without any expectations. If you do it right, without hope, fear or expectation, what will happen is this:Andrew wrote:Thank you for the advice. I was naturally going to practice it out of curiosity, but now I'll be sure that I do. I feel fear is the real killer. I've already been through hell. I'm not looking for another entity to tell me things. I just want to observe and experiment with the situation. What exactly would be "summoned"? Is there sentience on the cosmic side always looking from out silicon or would there be a cosmic entity attracted to the opportunity to instill fear by choosing to look back into me, a la Aberforth Dumbledore and the broken mirror?
Your reflection will become semitransparent as the image of your soul, and the blackness will become a negative image, turning white and revealing a landscape. Initially, it may happen very quickly, like a flash bulb, and your eyes will instantly refocus to your reflection. The brain is not accustomed to "clock space," so it tries to treat it as clock time and crashes after 152 attoseconds, one natural unit of time. In many occasions, the mind will retain an image for a few seconds, so you get a glimpse into this other realm.
If it does happen, do not attempt it again in the same evening. Wait until a 'tween time has passed (one day), or you WILL get the attention of something on the other side that, when you try again, will be looking at you through that window, like William Shatner on the Twilight Zone episode, "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet."
Silver is a "binding" metal, like the silver bullets used to kill a werewolf. Different end of the spectrum from silicon. Just keep in mind that silver is the antithesis of carbon, as far as life is concerned.Andrew wrote:I remember your paper regarding silver-backed mirrors. I've looked into it, but most websites are about repairing silver-backed mirrors.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: SMs and Ethics
I'm confused now. Is this rendition of Larson's periodic wheel accurate? I see that silver is in the same hemisphere of silicon, but in a different section. I initially though that, because you said silver is the antithesis of carbon, that reciprocally copper would be the antithesis of silicon, per this diagram.Silver is a "binding" metal, like the silver bullets used to kill a werewolf. Different end of the spectrum from silicon. Just keep in mind that silver is the antithesis of carbon, as far as life is concerned.

It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: SMs and Ethics
No, it isn't. That is from the Bundy System of theory (not RS, but "BS"). It has a number of problems; the magnetic rotations are doubled-up on the circumference (2-1-x and 2-2-x are at the same radius), is missing the proton group, and lists hydrogen as the first element, which should be Deuterium. (Hydrogen is a composite rotation of a proton + electron neutrino, making it subatomic. Deuterium is the first atomic rotating system. Of course, that means Deuterium is NOT an isotope of hydrogen, but hydrogen IS an isotope of the proton).Andrew wrote:Is this rendition of Larson's periodic wheel accurate?
There are three scalar dimensions involved in Larson's periodic table, so you would need a 3D object to accurately represent it.
My reference is from Nothing But Motion, page 132.
If you notice, the Periodic Table is divided into three groups, lower, intermediate and higher, just like speed ranges. Each range is split into two columns, and the elements in each column have similar properties by row (like a mirror splitting the rows into image and reflection). Carbon is on the left and silicon is "in the mirror" on the right.
All these elements do that. For example, Oxygen and Sulfur behave the same... you can have H2O, which is healthy water, or H2S, which is poisonous gas (rotten egg odor). SiO2, silicon dioxide, is just sand. Flip Silicon to Carbon, and you get CO2, carbon dioxide, another poisonous gas. When things start to exchange, sympathy becomes discord.
In the inanimate realm, silver and copper are mirror images, as are carbon and silicon. I was speaking of the life unit function. Silver binds bioenergy, while carbon releases it.Andrew wrote:I see that silver is in the same hemisphere of silicon, but in a different section. I initially though that, because you said silver is the antithesis of carbon, that reciprocally copper would be the antithesis of silicon, per this diagram.
As a general principle, the elements on the left-hand side of Larson's Periodic Table tend to be pro-life (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, potassium, iron, etc) and the ones on the right tend to be unhealthy (aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, silver, etc). These "unhealthy" ones tend to form the basis of medicines (like colloidal silver) because of that property--our "health system" is not based on making the body healthier, but attacking the invading condition with poisons.
I found this 3D version of the Periodic Table that Bruce did. I think he was going to use it for an "element picker" in a computer program. As you can see, it reflects Larson's periodic structure exactly, with each layer having the image/mirror image elements, one on top of the other.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: SMs and Ethics
sooooo good info thx really enjoying this
Re: SMs and Ethics
You paid for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge.infinity wrote:sooooo good info thx really enjoying this

I know the video. I saw it on wakingtimes a few years ago and saved the link because I found it to be groundbreaking (3rd video in the article): ... -plants-2/Ilkka wrote: Yes it was. I think that in Divinecosmos site there was these videos that had an experiment done in one of them at one point in history by the inventor of the lie detector machine, he discovered that plants do feel the something a distress at least when someone is thinking of hurting the plant in practically any given distance, the plant would react the same towards the same threat.
The article also scratches on Dr. Masaru Emoto's work on watercrystals which is equally impressive.
Interesting! Especially colloidal silver comes as a surprise. I haven't read the book yet, any particular reason for this general principle? The list will surely shake up all physicians and biochemists.daniel wrote: As a general principle, the elements on the left-hand side of Larson's Periodic Table tend to be pro-life (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, potassium, iron, etc) and the ones on the right tend to be unhealthy (aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, silver, etc). These "unhealthy" ones tend to form the basis of medicines (like colloidal silver) because of that property--our "health system" is not based on making the body healthier, but attacking the invading condition with poisons.
Sodium and Chlorine both on the right side, as well as iodine which would make refined table salt exactly the poison that health gurus have been telling all along. But that would also mean that stone salt and sea salt aren't that much better. Magnesium (right) might be an exception. I would hate to leave all those good seeds out of my daily muesli.

Organic Sulfur, MSM, (right) is widely talked up on health sites, organic Germanium (left) is forbidden in Germany.
I once read that Borax might be good for decalcifying the pineal gland. Also good against arthritis as stated in the nexus article "The Borax Conspiracy". It's shortly mentioned in Etidorhpa in the alchemistic letter, chapter VI. It can't be sold to ultimate consumers within the EU. Looking at the formula B4 Na2 O7 ·10H2O and comparing it against the list it looks good at first sight (except Na) but I don't think it's as easy as that. You'd have to keep the various chem. compounds in mind and how they interact in the body. I must say it really does look like an interesting field of study, especially when considering that the RS might bring some fresh ideas into biochemistry, or rather putting it upside down if it's also backwards

Re: SMs and Ethics
Is Deuterium prima materia?
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: SMs and Ethics
If you use the RS postulates, deuterium is actually Atomic Number 1--not hydrogen. Hydrogen, being composed of a proton + neutrino, does not complete two, double-rotating systems and is therefore subatomic. Basically, hydrogen is an isotope of the proton, and deuterium is the first element (complete atom), with tritium as its only isotope.Andrew wrote:Is Deuterium prima materia?
So, if you accept the definition of prima materia as "prime unviolated first matter," then yes, I'd agree with that.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: SMs and Ethics
I was never really interested in immortality. I always figured reincarnation was a power in and of itself, unless the dark ones established complete control, a la 1984. I couldn't optimistically suppose anyone could develop enough Shen to ascend and perhaps liberate a portion of a society under those conditions of complete schizophrenia, fear, and government(etymology=mind control.) Reminds me of my Theatre History teacher who lived under Soviet Union control for a part of her life... the paranoia that would develop not knowing if those you were talking to were in actuality working as a narc for the KGB or whatever control unit there was to maintain cultural hegemony. The idea just shuts down all freedom of expression.
In AQ, I was asking about the nature of Mana, since that was one of those objects we "millenials" were exposed to in video games as providing magical energy. LB had said, "Mana is a concentrated form of food with a lot of jing."
But I remembered you had said Deuterium is the actual Atomic Number 1, so I wanted to ask about it. If Brown's gas (to create "living water") helps build a stronger body-soul connection, wouldn't that be considered a form of Mana? Strengthening the connection between the material and cosmic bodies is the internal process towards doing magic(k.)
In AQ, I was asking about the nature of Mana, since that was one of those objects we "millenials" were exposed to in video games as providing magical energy. LB had said, "Mana is a concentrated form of food with a lot of jing."
But I remembered you had said Deuterium is the actual Atomic Number 1, so I wanted to ask about it. If Brown's gas (to create "living water") helps build a stronger body-soul connection, wouldn't that be considered a form of Mana? Strengthening the connection between the material and cosmic bodies is the internal process towards doing magic(k.)
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: SMs and Ethics
Well, deuterium can replace hydrogen in the water molecule as D2O (heavy water) which is not radioactive, but I doubt it would be life-giving because as a complete, double-rotating system deuterium could not free a "proton" as hydrogen can, and proton exchange is vital to living organisms. You would literally drown, internally, in D2O versus H2O.Andrew wrote:But I remembered you had said Deuterium is the actual Atomic Number 1, so I wanted to ask about it.
A living molecule of antideutrium hydroxide would technically qualify as a "life unit," but I have no idea of what that would do to the body, since the behavior of deuterium is very different than hydrogen.
I believe mana has been redefined by the New Agers and video games into something that has no basis in legend or mythology. The closest reference I found was from the Anglo-Saxon interpretation of mana as "life force" (qi, ch'i), but if you look at the root, the mana was provided by God to keep the Israelites alive in the desert--it was the force that kept them living, hence a "life force." There is no real connection with bioenergy, other than the fact that honeydew (aphid poop from ergot) has a lot of sugar in it, and since sugar is a poison, it gets you a bit high so you think you're getting divine energy.Andrew wrote:If Brown's gas (to create "living water") helps build a stronger body-soul connection, wouldn't that be considered a form of Mana? Strengthening the connection between the material and cosmic bodies is the internal process towards doing magic(k.)
There are health benefits associated with Brown's gas, which is just water in the cosmic "enthalpy of vaporization" state (transitioning from inverse gas to inverse vapor). It is providing some energy to the soul side of an organism, which is normally starving for food in today's society. I really don't see anything magical about it.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii