Omnomnom - Food for thought
I'm busy watching an interesting interview and in the first 30 minutes it's given some touch points on;
1. Soul Traps
2. "Stargates" of various types
3. Geometry and its critical role in both consciousness and energetic flows
4. Mechanics of life-death cycle, including ascension (or not)
While I'm watching this, perhaps some of you could have a peek at it and help break it down into various topics to focus a comparison of other research on. E.g. The stuff about stargates - what other info do we have on it, and how does it compare/relate with the info here. Or e.g. geometry's role in energetic configuration of the body, mind, spirit to take advantage of different levels of existence/consciousness and how this info relates with other info we have so far.
Would be interesting to look at all these topics with another perspective: ... -mechanics
1. Soul Traps
2. "Stargates" of various types
3. Geometry and its critical role in both consciousness and energetic flows
4. Mechanics of life-death cycle, including ascension (or not)
While I'm watching this, perhaps some of you could have a peek at it and help break it down into various topics to focus a comparison of other research on. E.g. The stuff about stargates - what other info do we have on it, and how does it compare/relate with the info here. Or e.g. geometry's role in energetic configuration of the body, mind, spirit to take advantage of different levels of existence/consciousness and how this info relates with other info we have so far.
Would be interesting to look at all these topics with another perspective: ... -mechanics
- Djchrismac
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- Posts:487
- Joined:Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:38 pm
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Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
Well i'm not so sure i like this particular type of nosh!
I almost gave up at the first paragraph...

This interview is from 2010 so a good while back now but on looking for the transcript, before it they have a legal back and forth between a guy known as James of the Wingmakers website and A'shayana Deane who's interview you've linked to. I certainly think James sounds like a nicer and more genuine person than A'shayana and on checking both their sites i'd be tempted to read his pdf on the Wingmakers Project instead of carrying on with the interview. ... makers.pdf
I just scanned through it but have saved to maybe read later and see if it ties in with some of the alternative view on true historical happenings we've been learning about here from Daniel. I'm just not sure we can trust either source, the Wingmakers story looks a lot better than the Azurite Press though but I would personally recommend reading some actual mythology and folklore and applying what you've learned here to it. Makes for much more fun reading than a couple of people bickering about who's channeled what info and it wouldn't surprise me if A'shayana had plagiarised some of James's work and didn't expect to get found out, judging from the way the letters are written.
Admittedly I did only get so far with the interview transcript before I couldn't handle any more Guardian Alliance chat and stopped reading. I'm getting much more out of folklore and really enjoying finding old second hand book shops and finding pre-1900 folklore books, here's one I picked up the other week for £5, it's also free online:
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland
by Lady Francesca Speranza Wilde [1887]
This isn't to say we shouldn't be discussing Soul Traps, Stargates, Geometry and life/death but I just get alarm bells going off.... i mean check this out:
Sorry, I count seven um's, ah's and you know's in that paragraph alone!
I almost gave up at the first paragraph...
...but I did persevere and... well, it looks suspiciously to me like "the false light brigade" in one of their many different wrappers!She and two other "speakers" as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is from 2010 so a good while back now but on looking for the transcript, before it they have a legal back and forth between a guy known as James of the Wingmakers website and A'shayana Deane who's interview you've linked to. I certainly think James sounds like a nicer and more genuine person than A'shayana and on checking both their sites i'd be tempted to read his pdf on the Wingmakers Project instead of carrying on with the interview. ... makers.pdf
I just scanned through it but have saved to maybe read later and see if it ties in with some of the alternative view on true historical happenings we've been learning about here from Daniel. I'm just not sure we can trust either source, the Wingmakers story looks a lot better than the Azurite Press though but I would personally recommend reading some actual mythology and folklore and applying what you've learned here to it. Makes for much more fun reading than a couple of people bickering about who's channeled what info and it wouldn't surprise me if A'shayana had plagiarised some of James's work and didn't expect to get found out, judging from the way the letters are written.
Admittedly I did only get so far with the interview transcript before I couldn't handle any more Guardian Alliance chat and stopped reading. I'm getting much more out of folklore and really enjoying finding old second hand book shops and finding pre-1900 folklore books, here's one I picked up the other week for £5, it's also free online:
Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland
by Lady Francesca Speranza Wilde [1887]
This isn't to say we shouldn't be discussing Soul Traps, Stargates, Geometry and life/death but I just get alarm bells going off.... i mean check this out:
I just can't read this any more....!A: and this point its like if we get this far... because what’s happening between now and is pretty rough and what some of the other ones, like those who make wings, um have planed for 2019 isn’t to be pretty either. So, we're trying to help keep the grid stable and the consciousness stable. Just by working energy, you know, as-as opposed to trying to go out and preachin’ anything, you know we're just, we teach what we teach, but, there are some, this is a really bumpy period we're going through here because of what the service to self ones are doing, and they are seriously just trying to use this. They’re trying to take our planet, forget about us, they don’t care; they were planning to exterminate us in 2012, and just use it as torque to drag a whole larger system in to feed their black hole. So, when you have an objective like that you really don’t care, they don’t care how many people are lost, but the guardians do and that’s why we're still here so we're moving through this period now, We're probably somewhere right about here... because this would be 2027, There’s some rough spots coming in 2019 and 2022, and also we are in the middle, not quite the middle, but um in march of ah, I think it was march 25th 2007, there were certain things that a particular group of the raider races called the Borja, that are connected with the Theatens, um they kind of work together, they’re on the negative side. They’re, they’re part of the groups that are fighting over whose going to control this beast machine, this death star merkaba here, um, they did something with the solar gates of the core of the sun, and they force closed what is called the prana seed.
Sorry, I count seven um's, ah's and you know's in that paragraph alone!

Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
Fascinating response. Let me answer it.
I didn't read transcripts, i watched the vids because the graphs show a lot of stuff u can't pick up in transcripts. I had a very different feeling going through this interview than you had.
I guess you missed the part where Kerry already knows about the wingmaker stuff and said that she found this Ashayana stuff very fresh. If she was "plagiarising" wingmaker materials, I doubt Kerry would have said anything close to that. But that topic is like 5 mins of the over 5+ hours of content - curious that you put so much focus on it lol. I find it amazing how you literally mention the only 2 things (which take up less than 1% of all the content) that has almost nothing to do with the material the interview covers, and found it so quickly. How did you do that? lol
From your response I can see you didn't really go through the interviews at all but looked for "warning signs" instead.
I see just as many warning signs in daniel's material, and I like discussing and debating the things I don't like about it (curiously people stay quiet or avoid it when I ask those questions, not sure why), yet I take it quite seriously, because its good material and it has substance. I could just as easily criticize daniel's papers as you seem to critisize ashanayah's, because the basis you seem to do it on are not based on the merit of the material, but rather superficial stuff: an e-mail by an offended person (from wingmakers), a banner pic on their website, and a single transcript paragraph out of over 5+ hours of interview. Really? I know you better than that djchrismac
Perhaps those buttons needs some pushing so you can get over it 
After viewing all 5+ hours of that interview though, I have to say that I feel like everything I've learned up to now about everything before that interview, seemed to just come together like a completed puzzle. To me, that includes the stuff i've read on Antiquatis, on Conscious Hugs, and material in other places I've found very useful. I've had so many synchronicities on a few levels before watching that interview (not just the material content, but many subtler things with it), that when I finished watching it, it felt like so many contradictory things I've learned before just came together perfectly like threads in a tapestry, all part of the picture. A GOOD picture. Not hope-porn, not fear porn. Just a picture that clarifies some sense to things. I'm not going to even go in with how much some of the stuff in the interview resonates with things i've learned on my own (no dogma or prescriptions from anyone else).
Reading up on some critics of her work so far, I'm seeing very little substance against the stuff she does or teaches (guess I have some more critic reading to do then?). The personal experiences of people having gone in depth with the material seems mostly (so far 90% of the people I've read that did go in depth with it) helped by it and what's interesting is that they talk quite well of her character (not just the content). And not in a flattering way, but in very specific, practical ways. I can't explain it, but despite some of the critics claiming to be physics fanatics and not understanding some of the stuff she talks about - i got every single bit she talked about in the interview, almost like it was a review of a course I already took and passed. Yet i've never heard of the majority of the stuff before.
I have never found one chunk of information that could bring so many different experiences I've had together with everything I've learned so far (which at times seemed to be contradictions due to the way I understand those things individually). And do it in a way that makes everything I've learned so far FIT together. Its a bit mind-blowing to me.
How can I speak well of something I've only just encountered and barely investigated? Well, I guess I can't according to conventional investigation methods. But a few months ago I didn't get ESP messages from people on these forums (and confirmed it with them via forum pm, risking looking like a fool in asking them if I was imagining it or not). A few months ago I could not in any way piece together the legitimacy of many things I've learned growing up in church and yet reconcile it with scientific and historic studies that are always criticizing it, while having substance of their own still. One such example is how the bible is written off like a piece of shit fiction, all the while I learned very practical and very useful psionics from it. A few months ago I didn't know what was the difference between the pursuit of real knowledge and raising consciousness. A few months ago I was only interested in a linear way of finding and analyzing information.
I've come to rely on more than flat logic. On more than distilled facts put in very purposeful specific contexts. So much information to go around, and I'm talking about credible information, and yet it has brought me nothing more but a better reference point. Why should I rely on such thinking to discern new material I encounter? Everytime I've done it in the past, it has hindered me - and when I investigated in depth despite my "better judgement" while using such thinking, I've found that I was wrong. And that the material is useful. The only stuff I've found practical, and useful, whether here, or by other sources I've come to trust (by their material, not by their "brand" or lack of "brand"), are the stuff that I can apply personally, in my every day life. Examples? The philosophy of a person. The tools a person uses to create / synthesize the materials they put out. The way they think and the way they show it. The personal experiences they've had. Its the stuff that was never in the head. Its the stuff that was always from the core of that person. The stuff that speaks not language, that writes not words, that paints not pictures. The stuff a person can't fake. That's the stuff that sticks. That changes you. A piece of the person that is always with you in every day life.
Maybe I'm crazy for saying the things I do, reasoning like I do. But I've seen it work. Work magic. And then, understanding the magic. I've seen the fruit of it in people around me. Where I apply what I learn. The fruit is good. I cannot judge how a fool I am or whether I've gained some piece of wisdom. I can only judge the results.
Those results tell me, I have some sense in me, at least. And my sense is telling me, this woman has something useful to say.
There is a difference between scepticism and suspicion. The one brings wisdom, but takes work. The other, doesn't bring either.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and owe you an apology. Maybe I just find the mechanics of energetic configurations more interesting than I do geo-engineering. Perhaps its a question of preference. Yet, to me, it is also a question of principle. I cannot change what others do to the planet, but I can change myself. And I've seen it have more effect on my circumstances (which I thought I had no control over) than my interest had in what others were doing to control or dominate over others. Can anyone blame me for thinking the approach i prefer, to be a more practical approach to contributing to the human race's consciousness then? Perhaps if I was a military intelligence officer working for the U.S. I could've taken a different approach and brought my part better from there? Maybe I would be more accepted and more understood by those who share a goal of helping humanity? Deal with politics everyday, keep my head low, leak some info here and there.
Hmm. Don't think so no. All that drama and what has it done? What difference has all this drama made? All these things that are so visible to us? All the natural disasters, all the conspiracies. And look at us. We even created our own little faction, thinking we know better than everyone else. No one can deny it looking that way when reading these forums. Way before I even learned of any of these conspiracies, whether true or not, I learned of a war waged in the shadows carried on by people as if they are the unwitting vehicles for a machination so dark, that people ridicule even the thought of its existence. Tell me, have you ever tried helping someone escape from a dark occultic group that was asking to be helped? Their life in danger, their family in danger, and not even their dreams are safe? What monsters have you faced, because they can't get to the one you're helping, so they're coming for you in vengeance? Have you ever been so confused in a non-waking state that you had to literally piece together different time-marked memories, as if picking them from shelves, then match it with a compatible cognitive framework, as if picking one from a variety of boxes, in order to wake up a sane person (i.e. not waking up insane)? Have you ever walked up to a stranger and tell them exactly what was going on in their head and their heart that touched them in such a way that it changed their life? How about a guy twice your size in a bar who is of an ethnic group usually badly disposed against your own and might take offence by the sheer difference in culture and values, nevermind beliefs, and nevermind the nerve to walk over and tell him about a life-changing choice he's about to make, and how to make it. From a complete stranger.
Perhaps when you've experienced some of the things I've had, you wouldn't be so quick to write someone off so quick by the way they appear, or by the way others don't like them.
You might rediscover something you've always known but could never remember.
I didn't read transcripts, i watched the vids because the graphs show a lot of stuff u can't pick up in transcripts. I had a very different feeling going through this interview than you had.
I guess you missed the part where Kerry already knows about the wingmaker stuff and said that she found this Ashayana stuff very fresh. If she was "plagiarising" wingmaker materials, I doubt Kerry would have said anything close to that. But that topic is like 5 mins of the over 5+ hours of content - curious that you put so much focus on it lol. I find it amazing how you literally mention the only 2 things (which take up less than 1% of all the content) that has almost nothing to do with the material the interview covers, and found it so quickly. How did you do that? lol
From your response I can see you didn't really go through the interviews at all but looked for "warning signs" instead.
I see just as many warning signs in daniel's material, and I like discussing and debating the things I don't like about it (curiously people stay quiet or avoid it when I ask those questions, not sure why), yet I take it quite seriously, because its good material and it has substance. I could just as easily criticize daniel's papers as you seem to critisize ashanayah's, because the basis you seem to do it on are not based on the merit of the material, but rather superficial stuff: an e-mail by an offended person (from wingmakers), a banner pic on their website, and a single transcript paragraph out of over 5+ hours of interview. Really? I know you better than that djchrismac

After viewing all 5+ hours of that interview though, I have to say that I feel like everything I've learned up to now about everything before that interview, seemed to just come together like a completed puzzle. To me, that includes the stuff i've read on Antiquatis, on Conscious Hugs, and material in other places I've found very useful. I've had so many synchronicities on a few levels before watching that interview (not just the material content, but many subtler things with it), that when I finished watching it, it felt like so many contradictory things I've learned before just came together perfectly like threads in a tapestry, all part of the picture. A GOOD picture. Not hope-porn, not fear porn. Just a picture that clarifies some sense to things. I'm not going to even go in with how much some of the stuff in the interview resonates with things i've learned on my own (no dogma or prescriptions from anyone else).
Reading up on some critics of her work so far, I'm seeing very little substance against the stuff she does or teaches (guess I have some more critic reading to do then?). The personal experiences of people having gone in depth with the material seems mostly (so far 90% of the people I've read that did go in depth with it) helped by it and what's interesting is that they talk quite well of her character (not just the content). And not in a flattering way, but in very specific, practical ways. I can't explain it, but despite some of the critics claiming to be physics fanatics and not understanding some of the stuff she talks about - i got every single bit she talked about in the interview, almost like it was a review of a course I already took and passed. Yet i've never heard of the majority of the stuff before.
I have never found one chunk of information that could bring so many different experiences I've had together with everything I've learned so far (which at times seemed to be contradictions due to the way I understand those things individually). And do it in a way that makes everything I've learned so far FIT together. Its a bit mind-blowing to me.
How can I speak well of something I've only just encountered and barely investigated? Well, I guess I can't according to conventional investigation methods. But a few months ago I didn't get ESP messages from people on these forums (and confirmed it with them via forum pm, risking looking like a fool in asking them if I was imagining it or not). A few months ago I could not in any way piece together the legitimacy of many things I've learned growing up in church and yet reconcile it with scientific and historic studies that are always criticizing it, while having substance of their own still. One such example is how the bible is written off like a piece of shit fiction, all the while I learned very practical and very useful psionics from it. A few months ago I didn't know what was the difference between the pursuit of real knowledge and raising consciousness. A few months ago I was only interested in a linear way of finding and analyzing information.
I've come to rely on more than flat logic. On more than distilled facts put in very purposeful specific contexts. So much information to go around, and I'm talking about credible information, and yet it has brought me nothing more but a better reference point. Why should I rely on such thinking to discern new material I encounter? Everytime I've done it in the past, it has hindered me - and when I investigated in depth despite my "better judgement" while using such thinking, I've found that I was wrong. And that the material is useful. The only stuff I've found practical, and useful, whether here, or by other sources I've come to trust (by their material, not by their "brand" or lack of "brand"), are the stuff that I can apply personally, in my every day life. Examples? The philosophy of a person. The tools a person uses to create / synthesize the materials they put out. The way they think and the way they show it. The personal experiences they've had. Its the stuff that was never in the head. Its the stuff that was always from the core of that person. The stuff that speaks not language, that writes not words, that paints not pictures. The stuff a person can't fake. That's the stuff that sticks. That changes you. A piece of the person that is always with you in every day life.
Maybe I'm crazy for saying the things I do, reasoning like I do. But I've seen it work. Work magic. And then, understanding the magic. I've seen the fruit of it in people around me. Where I apply what I learn. The fruit is good. I cannot judge how a fool I am or whether I've gained some piece of wisdom. I can only judge the results.
Those results tell me, I have some sense in me, at least. And my sense is telling me, this woman has something useful to say.
There is a difference between scepticism and suspicion. The one brings wisdom, but takes work. The other, doesn't bring either.
Or maybe I'm wrong, and owe you an apology. Maybe I just find the mechanics of energetic configurations more interesting than I do geo-engineering. Perhaps its a question of preference. Yet, to me, it is also a question of principle. I cannot change what others do to the planet, but I can change myself. And I've seen it have more effect on my circumstances (which I thought I had no control over) than my interest had in what others were doing to control or dominate over others. Can anyone blame me for thinking the approach i prefer, to be a more practical approach to contributing to the human race's consciousness then? Perhaps if I was a military intelligence officer working for the U.S. I could've taken a different approach and brought my part better from there? Maybe I would be more accepted and more understood by those who share a goal of helping humanity? Deal with politics everyday, keep my head low, leak some info here and there.
Hmm. Don't think so no. All that drama and what has it done? What difference has all this drama made? All these things that are so visible to us? All the natural disasters, all the conspiracies. And look at us. We even created our own little faction, thinking we know better than everyone else. No one can deny it looking that way when reading these forums. Way before I even learned of any of these conspiracies, whether true or not, I learned of a war waged in the shadows carried on by people as if they are the unwitting vehicles for a machination so dark, that people ridicule even the thought of its existence. Tell me, have you ever tried helping someone escape from a dark occultic group that was asking to be helped? Their life in danger, their family in danger, and not even their dreams are safe? What monsters have you faced, because they can't get to the one you're helping, so they're coming for you in vengeance? Have you ever been so confused in a non-waking state that you had to literally piece together different time-marked memories, as if picking them from shelves, then match it with a compatible cognitive framework, as if picking one from a variety of boxes, in order to wake up a sane person (i.e. not waking up insane)? Have you ever walked up to a stranger and tell them exactly what was going on in their head and their heart that touched them in such a way that it changed their life? How about a guy twice your size in a bar who is of an ethnic group usually badly disposed against your own and might take offence by the sheer difference in culture and values, nevermind beliefs, and nevermind the nerve to walk over and tell him about a life-changing choice he's about to make, and how to make it. From a complete stranger.
Perhaps when you've experienced some of the things I've had, you wouldn't be so quick to write someone off so quick by the way they appear, or by the way others don't like them.
You might rediscover something you've always known but could never remember.
- Djchrismac
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- Joined:Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:38 pm
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Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
I'm just going with the gut reaction I got mate and what jumped out to me at the start which was the things I mentioned. I didn't see the point in reading much more as it's the same old stuff i've read from channeled sources over the last 20 years, that's not to say it doesn't have any useful info and for you it does so but I just feel i've been there, done that with all the topics she covers, her dates seem all wrong, she seems to think Earth has 200 years left before the Sun dies and so on.infinity wrote:I guess you missed the part where Kerry already knows about the wingmaker stuff and said that she found this Ashayana stuff very fresh. If she was "plagiarising" wingmaker materials, I doubt Kerry would have said anything close to that. But that topic is like 5 mins of the over 5+ hours of content - curious that you put so much focus on it lol. I find it amazing how you literally mention the only 2 things (which take up less than 1% of all the content) that has almost nothing to do with the material the interview covers, and found it so quickly. How did you do that? lol
I got the warning signs immediately, I wasn't looking for them and my gut just said "whoah, you've got better things to be doing right now, been down this path!".infinity wrote:From your response I can see you didn't really go through the interviews at all but looked for "warning signs" instead.
It's always good to discuss the problem areas and material you don't agree with. Haha thanks man but i'm equally surprised that you are getting so much from this material as you are with me not trusting it.infinity wrote:I see just as many warning signs in daniel's material, and I like discussing and debating the things I don't like about it (curiously people stay quiet or avoid it when I ask those questions, not sure why), yet I take it quite seriously, because its good material and it has substance. I could just as easily criticize daniel's papers as you seem to critisize ashanayah's, because the basis you seem to do it on are not based on the merit of the material, but rather superficial stuff: an e-mail by an offended person (from wingmakers), a banner pic on their website, and a single transcript paragraph out of over 5+ hours of interview. Really? I know you better than that djchrismacPerhaps those buttons needs some pushing so you can get over it

We all learn different things at different times and I got a similar feeling as you, with the information tying together things you've learned from various sources, but for me it was William Bramley's the Gods of Eden which I saw bring together so many things I had learned after I read it. What surprises me is that you listened to 5+ hours of material from her!!

Same here which is why I post here and on AQ, other sources have come close but the info on RS by Larson, Bruce, Gopi and co. along with Daniel's papers have brought together everything I had learned so far and since i've been learning about it, mystery after mystery from my life has been solved, or at least an answer has been provided that is more satisfactory than any others. We've both had entirely different experiences in our lives so far and i'm not slating you for viewing the material from Anna, just saying that it's not for me.infinity wrote:I have never found one chunk of information that could bring so many different experiences I've had together with everything I've learned so far (which at times seemed to be contradictions due to the way I understand those things individually). And do it in a way that makes everything I've learned so far FIT together. Its a bit mind-blowing to me.
I would argue that suspicion urges caution and will bring wisdom, but perhaps sooner than if you had not been suspicious.infinity wrote:There is a difference between scepticism and suspicion. The one brings wisdom, but takes work. The other, doesn't bring either.
No apology necessary, it's not always about right and wrong. I will say that I don't particularly find geoengineering interesting, I hate it, I want it to stop, but compared to the things that Anna/Ashayana talks about, which involve you going through her for information, at least I can validate geoengineering every day, take photo's, research it in detail and try to show people that it's happening. I don't enjoy it but it's the best I can do in my current situation but i'm finding that I can't change what others think or even get them to look at the sky and open their eyes so i've changed my tactics... now i keep recording the evidence and I am trying to improve myself in many ways as always but instead of getting angry at what i'm seeing i've taken a lighter approach and now joke about it more, it helps the topic sink in a bit more for people and get over the initial hurdle of "is this happening? It looks like it is... who's doing this... why would they do this..... ok i've seen enough, it's happening!"infinity wrote:Or maybe I'm wrong, and owe you an apology. Maybe I just find the mechanics of energetic configurations more interesting than I do geo-engineering. Perhaps its a question of preference. Yet, to me, it is also a question of principle. I cannot change what others do to the planet, but I can change myself. And I've seen it have more effect on my circumstances (which I thought I had no control over) than my interest had in what others were doing to control or dominate over others. Can anyone blame me for thinking the approach i prefer, to be a more practical approach to contributing to the human race's consciousness then? Perhaps if I was a military intelligence officer working for the U.S. I could've taken a different approach and brought my part better from there? Maybe I would be more accepted and more understood by those who share a goal of helping humanity?
I feel that sources of info like that of the Azurite Press of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order are a distraction from other more important information... and as an example, similar to "The Silver Legion" the geoengineering seems to be brushed aside to focus on ascension and other things. If i'm wrong and you can find Anna talking about chemtrails then please provide me with a link.
That's very true and the important point is that i've not experienced some of the things you have, and we've both experienced a lot of crazy things from what i've gathered on the forums. The way you see it now i'm writing off Anna and her info but to me, i'm just giving a friendly heads up that what may seem very true to you now and tie together a great many things has possibly been engineered that way to sucker you in and from where I stand I would just urge caution that's all.infinity wrote:Perhaps when you've experienced some of the things I've had, you wouldn't be so quick to write someone off so quick by the way they appear, or by the way others don't like them.
You might rediscover something you've always known but could never remember.

Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
As always, I appreciate how you think and just saying things how it is and how you look at it. I'm very glad you gave your input (which I value) and I'm very glad you responded on what I was making of your input.
Perhaps one of the things I could ask is whether you've ever experienced a type of occurrence where, by simply looking at something, you feel changed somehow. As if something inside clicked together, and some kind of flow thats there, perhaps overwhelming in a sense. And after seeing that thing, you can never forget it. Its a very strange experience. Nothing like deja vu and nothing like a sense of dependency on any thing or any one for it. Its perhaps a lot like a kind of synchronicity. Almost like a key that unlocked something inside you that you didn't even know was there, and suddenly there's a leap in how you look at everything.
I'm not talking about e.g. discovering fractals and then seeing ratios in everything, or some world view that gives answers to a lot of things that never made sense before. I'm talking about a type of shift that takes place where you literally feel like you've woken up in a sense. As if a lot of things from before seems like a dream. As if so much comes into focus in such a short span and its almost like the way you think just falls off like some kind of old skin. As if everything was a foundation, a preparation, and came together in a single picture, every thing with its place, its role, alive in a sense. Every perspective, every concept, every sense. Nothing feels the same, nothing looks the same.
I've had many smaller versions of this experience before, when someone explained a new concept to me, or when some series of synchronicities completes. But I'm quite surprised myself, because yes, I see all the warning signs. Long fancy names, seemingly channeled material, all sorts of dates involved, money charged for material, heavy categorization and labelling of all sorts of ETs and other things. Its all there. All the signs. And yet, I find it fascinating that it triggered something profound in me. I find it fascinating that I did not react to it as I would expect to.
I believe it has something to do with the way I think of information and knowledge. The way I experience it.
Perhaps one of the things I could ask is whether you've ever experienced a type of occurrence where, by simply looking at something, you feel changed somehow. As if something inside clicked together, and some kind of flow thats there, perhaps overwhelming in a sense. And after seeing that thing, you can never forget it. Its a very strange experience. Nothing like deja vu and nothing like a sense of dependency on any thing or any one for it. Its perhaps a lot like a kind of synchronicity. Almost like a key that unlocked something inside you that you didn't even know was there, and suddenly there's a leap in how you look at everything.
I'm not talking about e.g. discovering fractals and then seeing ratios in everything, or some world view that gives answers to a lot of things that never made sense before. I'm talking about a type of shift that takes place where you literally feel like you've woken up in a sense. As if a lot of things from before seems like a dream. As if so much comes into focus in such a short span and its almost like the way you think just falls off like some kind of old skin. As if everything was a foundation, a preparation, and came together in a single picture, every thing with its place, its role, alive in a sense. Every perspective, every concept, every sense. Nothing feels the same, nothing looks the same.
I've had many smaller versions of this experience before, when someone explained a new concept to me, or when some series of synchronicities completes. But I'm quite surprised myself, because yes, I see all the warning signs. Long fancy names, seemingly channeled material, all sorts of dates involved, money charged for material, heavy categorization and labelling of all sorts of ETs and other things. Its all there. All the signs. And yet, I find it fascinating that it triggered something profound in me. I find it fascinating that I did not react to it as I would expect to.
I believe it has something to do with the way I think of information and knowledge. The way I experience it.
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
Some references link her to the Montauk Project.
Daniel, I know there was a lot of compartementalization, but does what they say here ring a bell? ... en_27b.htm
ASHAYANA DEANE (Anna Hayes) Her filtering is very high for several reasons, including that she is not comfortable with her channelling contacts, some of whom are negative, and that she was subjected to mind control debriefing as part of the Montauk project. She injects a lot of drama into what she channels.
Taking a shot in the dark here
Daniel, I know there was a lot of compartementalization, but does what they say here ring a bell? ... en_27b.htm
ASHAYANA DEANE (Anna Hayes) Her filtering is very high for several reasons, including that she is not comfortable with her channelling contacts, some of whom are negative, and that she was subjected to mind control debriefing as part of the Montauk project. She injects a lot of drama into what she channels.
Taking a shot in the dark here

Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
I would really appreciate input from everyone else as well. Even if you just say you don't know what to make of it.
Also, I'm going through the wingmakers material. Interesting so far, and I can understand why you feel like its more legit djchrismac. But in the end i guess it depends how we use what that determines whether its any good to us as individuals.
Still, would like as much input as possible from ppl.
Also, I'm going through the wingmakers material. Interesting so far, and I can understand why you feel like its more legit djchrismac. But in the end i guess it depends how we use what that determines whether its any good to us as individuals.
Still, would like as much input as possible from ppl.
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
The Azurite Press material has been discussed here and commented by Aaron and daniel. I suggest you do a search?
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
You're right,
and what's your take on the wingmakers material?
and what's your take on the wingmakers material?
Re: Omnomnom - Food for thought
Not too familiar with wingmakers, have any good links?infinity wrote:You're right,
and what's your take on the wingmakers material?
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.