I really just want to open up a discussion; I'm not going to give anything away because
I think this was an amazing film
I also think that there's a part of the film that might possibly give a nod to Larson ... I could be wrong though.
Here's a clip from the film that, when I was watching it in the theatre, I burst out laughing. ... 1652758411
If you haven't seen it, if you've maybe sworn off all movies ... I suggest you give this one a chance.
I think this was an amazing film
I also think that there's a part of the film that might possibly give a nod to Larson ... I could be wrong though.
Here's a clip from the film that, when I was watching it in the theatre, I burst out laughing. ... 1652758411
If you haven't seen it, if you've maybe sworn off all movies ... I suggest you give this one a chance.
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
Re: Interstellar
I saw it last week-end and also thought It was pretty good, very Kubrickesque in the pace and esthetics.
Not sure what this clip is intended for, soft disclosure or what else, it doesn't fit in the narrative of the story. After all , these post-cataclysm folks do manage to get their tech to allow travel to another star system, so why not the Moon?
Also, Kip Thorne contributed to the project to make sure the plot could be based on (mainstream) "scienctific knowledge" so not sure about the Larson reference you make here. ... c_accuracy
Not sure what this clip is intended for, soft disclosure or what else, it doesn't fit in the narrative of the story. After all , these post-cataclysm folks do manage to get their tech to allow travel to another star system, so why not the Moon?
Also, Kip Thorne contributed to the project to make sure the plot could be based on (mainstream) "scienctific knowledge" so not sure about the Larson reference you make here. ... c_accuracy
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Interstellar
Spoiler alert!!!
the reference i was making was when MM entered the blackhole. It reminded me of entering the dream side of 3D where time is equivalent to the distance you go. Step forward, step backward.
Once again I'm reminding myself that I need to really sit down and wrap my head around Larson's Reciprocal System. It's not that I'm being lazy, I just know that I need to be clear-headed in order to teach myself something new.
Here's some interesting talking points on the film ...
• who were the people who put the wormhole there?
• what was Nolan getting at with putting the Apollo mission conspiracy in there? (I personally think that Kubrick was telling us something; at the same time I also don't think the missions were completely faked)
• was Nolan hinting at something regarding the corn? and the earth dying? hmmm ... bees ... Monsanto
the reference i was making was when MM entered the blackhole. It reminded me of entering the dream side of 3D where time is equivalent to the distance you go. Step forward, step backward.
Once again I'm reminding myself that I need to really sit down and wrap my head around Larson's Reciprocal System. It's not that I'm being lazy, I just know that I need to be clear-headed in order to teach myself something new.
Here's some interesting talking points on the film ...
• who were the people who put the wormhole there?
• what was Nolan getting at with putting the Apollo mission conspiracy in there? (I personally think that Kubrick was telling us something; at the same time I also don't think the missions were completely faked)
• was Nolan hinting at something regarding the corn? and the earth dying? hmmm ... bees ... Monsanto
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
- Evansville64
- Mage
- Posts:145
- Joined:Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:02 am
Re: Interstellar
This movie was based on real life.
-We are damaging the earth .We will one day destroy it like the movie portrayed.
-The NWO very likely has bases off the planet.
-In the movie, the villain was NASA.
-NASA lied in order to pull off the mission, and separate the crew from their families.
-The movie is non-fiction.
-We are damaging the earth .We will one day destroy it like the movie portrayed.
-The NWO very likely has bases off the planet.
-In the movie, the villain was NASA.
-NASA lied in order to pull off the mission, and separate the crew from their families.
-The movie is non-fiction.
Re: Interstellar
Yes I see what you mean, indeed that could fit within RS.
• who were the people who put the wormhole there? Right, unanswered question. We DO find out who the ghost is but not the Aliens.
• what was Nolan getting at with putting the Apollo mission conspiracy in there? Soft disclosure maybe.
• was Nolan hinting at something regarding the corn? and the earth dying? What is in store for us if geoengineering goes on?
• who were the people who put the wormhole there? Right, unanswered question. We DO find out who the ghost is but not the Aliens.
• what was Nolan getting at with putting the Apollo mission conspiracy in there? Soft disclosure maybe.
• was Nolan hinting at something regarding the corn? and the earth dying? What is in store for us if geoengineering goes on?
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Interstellar
Yay, that's what I thought.Lozion wrote:Yes I see what you mean, indeed that could fit within RS.
Maybe we don't find out who the 'aliens' were because they are 5D entities. There existence is beyond the ability of 3D understanding. Or maybe, they didn't make themselves known because of something like a prime directive. IDK ... I think one of the reasons why humanity (or at least myself) clings onto the belief of a God, gods, higher intelligence, source, cosmic consciousness, is that there's an entity greater than ourselves, who came before us, who inspires us to grow/evolve ... and also create.Lozion wrote: • who were the people who put the wormhole there? Right, unanswered question. We DO find out who the ghost is but not the Aliens.
From what I've gathered after watching documentaries, listening to Coast 2 Coast, Caravan to Midnight, and other shows, and reading various stuff is that ... artists, journalists, or insiders can't blatantly disclose things ... the filter (mixing fiction and non fiction) is needed to allow an individual to retain free will. I think comedians have the ability to say it bluntly but due to their job-title, the average person doesn't take the comedian seriously. ( perfect example maybe ... ) I have to mention Bill Hicks here too as an example.Lozion wrote: • what was Nolan getting at with putting the Apollo mission conspiracy in there? Soft disclosure maybe.
well right now we are being told that the negative effect we are having on our planet is resulting in climate change. Noland leaves it up to interpretation as to what exactly caused the death of the planet. (Or was it not that Earth was dying but just kicking human's off?) I can't help but think of the images of the scientists inspecting corn was it? in a lab ... hmmmm, monsanto :/Lozion wrote: • was Nolan hinting at something regarding the corn? and the earth dying? What is in store for us if geoengineering goes on?
This movie had a postive message and didn't portray humanity as a cancer; so IMHO ... it's a film with intentions that are beneficial for all of humanity. (Everywhere else I turn in this society I see people being portrayed as vile, bad, not trustworthy, ignorant, divided, and comatose. Political headlines are becoming ridiculous making statements/accusations ... ... e-is-fake/ ... the world is exponentially becoming more mad. Also, humanity moves beyond fighting amongst itself ... allowing us to evolve and enter a new era, a star trek era.

"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
Re: Interstellar
I saw Interstellar at the Imax with a group of super-nerds, PHDs, and rocket scientists. All were in the lobby debating the finer points of all the scientific flaws and misrepresentations in the movie of 'what we know' about cosmology...I walked up to a group that I work with and said, "if you'd ever read about the Reciprocal Theory by my Uncle Dewey (not really related,LOL) you would understand how spot on that movie was, and that you really only know about half of reality. Time and Space are just perceptual artifacts of this physical half of reality being separated from the totality. We spend all this money blasting into outerspace with penis ships, when it is much easier to travel innerspace in a vagina box." I got a good laugh anyway. Somebody muttered, go easy on the weed. Oh well. I have a PHD also, it's in metaphysics and it is self studied and self awarded and given the current state of higher education this is the way it has to be. 

Re: Interstellar
67kevin wrote:I saw Interstellar at the Imax with a group of super-nerds, PHDs, and rocket scientists. All were in the lobby debating the finer points of all the scientific flaws and misrepresentations in the movie of 'what we know' about cosmology...I walked up to a group that I work with and said, "if you'd ever read about the Reciprocal Theory by my Uncle Dewey (not really related,LOL) you would understand how spot on that movie was, and that you really only know about half of reality. Time and Space are just perceptual artifacts of this physical half of reality being separated from the totality. We spend all this money blasting into outerspace with penis ships, when it is much easier to travel innerspace in a vagina box." I got a good laugh anyway. Somebody muttered, go easy on the weed. Oh well. I have a PHD also, it's in metaphysics and it is self studied and self awarded and given the current state of higher education this is the way it has to be.
it's nice to see a confirmation

"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
- Muggle
- Posts:1
- Joined:Mon May 16, 2016 4:00 am
Re: Interstellar
I wrote a in depth essay on Interstellar and the role of science fiction and reciprocal systems-thinking in the evolution of culture if anyone is interested: ... d-fiction/