P1000 wrote:Daniel, do you know if history indicates if this off world Group has interacted with Humanity? Are the Native Americans Indians direct descendants and, does that mean they arent of Saurian descent?
I have not had any direct contact with ETs, only my fellow Terranians, so I don't know much about any specific ET race. They did have files on many, many ET races at Montauk, but I did not get much of a look at them--only the stuff I needed to do my job, which was just the other races in our solar system.
When considering "descendents," you have to have a wider perspective than much of the material presented on the Internet allows for. Life has two components, a corporeal body and an astral soul. BOTH have a line of ancestry.
ALL Cro-Magnon bodies are genetic hybrids, created by the SMs. The "paint job" and accessories don't matter... Oriental, Native American, Caucasian, Negro... we are all the same hybrid stock, just blended a little differently to optimize for the environment and specific needs of the SMs. So we all have some "saurian descent."
What we call the "soul" is a body in 3D time and has a different ancestry from the Cro-Magnon, spatial body. There are "soul groups" that have different origins; some are Terranian (evolved from Earth) and if Don Elkins (
The Law of One material) is correct, some 15 other groups that can be considered "ET souls" that have reincarnated into Cro-Magnon bodies, here.
So you've got 4 major races of Cro-Magnons, along with a good number of varieties, families, etc., mixing with 15 ET soul groups, a native population (Ra's Elder Race) and a mix of Wanderers from who-knows-where. It becomes a game of "mix and match" for descendents.
In general, souls from the same group tend to select bodies of the same race, primarily because of familiarity. Families and friends like to stay together. This results in cultures with specific principles and ethics. But it is not always the case, as souls tend to incarnate where they can learn the most. The Elder Race tend to just blend into all the Cro-Magnon bodies because Earth is their "soul group," and the Wanderer's don't really know anybody here, so they incarnate where they can fulfill their mission the best.
In answer to your question, all the races, including Native Americans, are of Saurian, corporeal descent. Pleiadean souls could be incarnate in any race; the indicator would not be the color of the skin, but the behavior and beliefs of the person.
In regards to the actual ET's known as the Pleiadians, the only Pleiadean material I am familiar with is the Billy Meier's stuff, and quite honestly, a lot of that looks faked to me. I've seen saucers in operation and they don't move like the ones on his videos.
Secondly, the Pleiades is an open star cluster, which means it is a globular cluster that was pulled into the disk of the galaxy, where there was a lot more material for stellar combustion. Remember--backwards astronomy--globular clusters are the YOUNGEST objects in the galaxy, so the stars in the Pleiades are 1
st generation stars--very young--and most likely don't even have planetary systems yet. Based on Reciprocal System astronomy, it is very unlikely that an advanced civilization has developed in the Pleiades star group. (This, however, does not preclude an advanced civilization in the direction of the Pleiades, that is part of the Milky Way or Sagittarius Dwarf).
Sorry I don't have a more definitive answer for you, but hopefully this information will allow you to see things a little differently, so you can draw your own conclusions.