... -the-money
AGENDA behind the Black Projects
This is a short list of what this rogue civilization or program wants to achieve:
1. Control and rule by secrecy of the United States and ultimately the world.
2. Control and rule of the Solar System and beyond. This includes the terraforming of planets including moons, for example of Jupiter and Saturn. As well as the established bases on the moon and Mars, the Command and Control center in Phobos and the emergence of Solar Warden, the interstellar space fleet already fully operational. This includes non-terrestrial officers and fleet-to-fleet transfers of equipment and troops. (see Gary McKinnon Camelot interview for more on this).
3. The creation of a "Master Race" or Humanity 2.0 that will then go on to rule planets and travel the stars. This involves, nanotech, bioluminescence, robotic implants and a host of other technologies… all aimed at creating the Ultimate “superman”.
4. The domination over other space faring civilizations or at the very least the capability to be a "force to be reckoned with" regardless of the level of development of friend or foe whether encountered ‘out there’ or visiting our Earth. Including those that inhabit inner Earth or races that simply live hidden in undersea and underground bases within the Earth and inter / intra dimensionally.
5. The re-terraforming of the Earth and eventual reduction of the population of surface Earth down to around 500 million. (see Georgia Guidestones and Iron Mountain Report for more info on this...)
6. The use and acquisition of technology to maintain their edge and power in all the above.
This covers the most basic parameters of the raison d'être or MO (modus operandi) for the creation and maintenance of the Secret Space Program.
Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr 2
- Djchrismac
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The article from Kerry's Blog below gives a lot of reasons why we probably won't see any official disclosure...
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Syrus Magistus
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
I'm calling up all the love and defiance inside of me and letting it race across the ether rather than containing it within my body-shell. It's sort of law-of-attraction-style energy, and it feels 'ionic' in nature. It's complicated to put back into words, because it's something I just have running in the background and I can't always remember how I came to create it, because it's the end-result of a patchwork project. I'm slipping into a 'righteous' mental state, and feeling those background sensations, like you'd get if you would go back in time and stand up to that bully who was pulling on that kid's hair and just kick his ass, and you did.Djchrismac wrote:
Have you tried talking to certain friends, work colleagues or similar about such subjects? The majority are so closed minded about what's really happening in the world that i'm known as "Conspiracy Chris" despite having lots of science and evidence to back up my claims of a UFO conspiracy. It goes so much deeper but most folks I know have a really hard time even dealing with UFO's and ET life existing never mind the truth about how much they are lied to.
I'd love to know more about this as I get a high pitched ringing in my head every now and again, it actually happened tonight, and it feels different to the tinitis ringing you can get after a night clubbing.
I've had a similar experience, just before sleeping, several times I have found myself back in the living room on the couch and felt like i'm there and looking around, but every time I realise this and think "cool i'm out of body" I struggle to stay in the next room and snap back to my body.
What are you doing to re-tune it? I'm going to try purifying my diet so it will be interesting to see if this happens for me too...
Anyway, I re-tuned my pineal's frequency output by adjusting my mental state to something more coherent and feeling it with my whole body, because if you get in touch with those fleeting tingling sensations you get (the ones which aren't a sign of nerve damage), like the ones which give you goosebumps when you're enthralled. Those are an extension of your mind, and they're connected to your auric field. I'm imagining a kind of golden-white field with maybe a fiery red hue, like molten gold. That is to say, doing this calls to mind that kind of energy if I choose to interpret it along the lines of color. I'm basically combining all the different ways I could possibly feel at my best at once when I'm at my absolute limits for what I could conceivably do given all I am and maybe could ever be. I'm throwing together a bunch of meditation-style techniques I originally crafted for the Maharishi peace-work.
The ringing tone happens on its own, but you need to purify your body enough so that you start to feel that cracking sensation in the geometric center of your brain, sort of at the base of all the grey stuff on top and to the fore of your lower brain. It feels and sounds just like the spirit weapon Naruto conjures in that video, only more intensely focused into a single point, with the whirring happening around my head like a spiral galaxy or a flying saucer with a Searl Effect Generator type of propulsion system. The other thing I'm doing is ordering cocktails from and taking a little every day. It de-calcifies the pineal and clears your arteries of plaque, as well as mineralizing your bones and teeth. It contains vitamin K2, which is clears the body of Halide contamination and mobilizes other minerals to do their jobs more effectively.
I've discovered that in addition to the tone, which happens when I'm asleep because the mind defaults to a stable wavelength, so while I'm awake it's choppy (since most people are inconsistent in their waking consciousness due to compartmentalization and subconscious alter-switching, but I've de-compartmentalized my psyche, so things are pretty shredded in there as all my different sides reconcile their differences and settle on a single way of thinking, feeling, and behaving, that creates coherence in my consciousness and information field, which intensifies in its speed and structure until you get that crystalline ringing which is almost too much to bear. Except I've never felt better and stronger than when I shifted the pitch what once. I felt like my consciousness was actively re-molding the world outside to be more suitable to a higher ethos in line with its overlaid configuration. I was barely conscious at the time, because it rarely activates except in sleep as I said.
I have never felt more confident that I could stand up to the darkness and inconsistency of our world and tear down the monsters once after the other. But it's deeper than that, and more of a shared feeling of community and life, like I was channeling the will of all living things that struggle, all people I'd ever known or could have known who weren't in my position of advantage, but if they had been they would have wanted to. In other words, it's a primitive sort of prototype of a social memory complex, not just a more idealized version of myself. Even my waking consciousness is almost one of these. My mind and my heart have grown to contain the complete or almost the complete set of experiences and wishes of a lot more people, almost everyone that I can manage to see eye-to-eye with. I'm doing the most with what I have, after all, and I've been given some pretty neat (if conventional) advantages which make me the creative equivalent of a polymath. I don't even really identify with my given name anymore (nor any name), and I may be one of those so-called wanderers, though I think contemplating past lives too much is pointless. What counts is how much you do with the here and now, and there are some people who just need to go down hard. Like those MK-Ultra bastards who use trauma-based mind control on children on a civilization-wide scale, or any number of other atrocities which are vulnerable to Maharishi damage.
And yes, I *have* tried telling people- everybody I came into contact with- anyone who will listen! And I'm getting rather good at it too. That is to say, if I ever really apply myself, nobody questions anything I say. They want to know more. Then again, I spend most of my time in Los Angeles, and the people here are all feeding on the energy of the UVG-120 node. I could probably obliterate the world views of any ordinary person, assuming they didn't run away from me first. Then again, I've never tried to. It isn't that I'm special. I'm a relatively ordinary guy. But my knowledge base and wisdom are just a lot *bigger* than most because I've lived more and been exposed to more, even though I'm just twenty. It's difficult to explain unless I take the time, so I try to distill my identify so it's vague and mystical- more or a reflection of who I'm choosing to be than who other people think I am from looking at my life. I'm not special, I just ended up with more puzzle pieces than others, and I've always been precocious, and I had a father who was like you guys. We talked about everything. But I'm totally on my own now, and things have gotten pretty interesting for me since then, to say the least.
The only people who accuse me of conspiracy talk are people who don't pay attention very well, or who don't know me. My trick is I always know what to say next in response to anything, because people like to rely on scripts to interact with others. I just tell them not every conspiracy is a theory, and I source credible stuff on every subject which they can't disprove. Then if they go on to use disinformation tactics and fallacy arguments, I call them on it and if that doesn't work, I call them a moron and walk away. Because I know much of this stuff is all too real, and a few of them even come to me with stories of their own if they're grown-up enough. They might speak of synchronicity and the mysterious with awe and perhaps a certain amount of fear, but I see they respect those powers if I corner some of them. The only surefire way to do it is to be crazy-prepared, the way David Wilcock is, but even then you need to learn their language and call them on their shit sometimes. I'm focusing more on my personal projects now. I like people, but they begin to be like everyone who isn't Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day after some time, you know? George Carlin again had this to say on the topic:
I ran into problems of disbelief and denial more early on in my journey, but I've always been a scientist myself, so I know how to talk to skeptics on their own level. Skepticism is about questioning everything fairly and evenly, but when I catch people doing it out of fear and subservience to a belief system rather than a healthy sense of realism, I know what to say now. Then again, I usually don't say anything these days. I hardly even try to sell myself to people or question their beliefs. I just ghost through reality and nobody's the wiser. I'm a little sick of people in general, even though I do care about them. I just don't feel that connected to anyone. I'm the only one of my friends who isn't substance-dependent or complacent, but I have very little energy to deal with others in a city like this, where half the people you run into might be energy vampires, or even Illuminati.
I saw a real UFO at least once. It flew right over my house in Silverlake and hovered around the Center bank in central LA several years ago. It was one of those black triangles with the four orange lights underneath. It was totally silent- probably one of those military crafts, but it showed up right as I was editing together a loop track on GarageBand titled Aesir, about the greys that live on an asteroid or something like that I heard about from Wilcock once. My friends were there at the time, and I wouldn't have even seen it if they hadn't pointed it out.
"Shinobi Alliance no Jutsu!"
- Syrus Magistus
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
Sounds graphic.Djchrismac wrote:The article from Kerry's Blog below gives a lot of reasons why we probably won't see any official disclosure... ... -the-money
AGENDA behind the Black Projects
This is a short list of what this rogue civilization or program wants to achieve:
1. Control and rule by secrecy of the United States and ultimately the world.
2. Control and rule of the Solar System and beyond. This includes the terraforming of planets including moons, for example of Jupiter and Saturn. As well as the established bases on the moon and Mars, the Command and Control center in Phobos and the emergence of Solar Warden, the interstellar space fleet already fully operational. This includes non-terrestrial officers and fleet-to-fleet transfers of equipment and troops. (see Gary McKinnon Camelot interview for more on this).
3. The creation of a "Master Race" or Humanity 2.0 that will then go on to rule planets and travel the stars. This involves, nanotech, bioluminescence, robotic implants and a host of other technologies… all aimed at creating the Ultimate “superman”.
4. The domination over other space faring civilizations or at the very least the capability to be a "force to be reckoned with" regardless of the level of development of friend or foe whether encountered ‘out there’ or visiting our Earth. Including those that inhabit inner Earth or races that simply live hidden in undersea and underground bases within the Earth and inter / intra dimensionally.
5. The re-terraforming of the Earth and eventual reduction of the population of surface Earth down to around 500 million. (see Georgia Guidestones and Iron Mountain Report for more info on this...)
6. The use and acquisition of technology to maintain their edge and power in all the above.
This covers the most basic parameters of the raison d'être or MO (modus operandi) for the creation and maintenance of the Secret Space Program.
Whoever these guys are, I'm sure they're gonna be real disappointed. And if Daniel's right, they're lurking right now.
I just got a real vivid image in my head…

"Shinobi Alliance no Jutsu!"
Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
No, it is not true. It was with a 44-magnum, Ruger single-six. Real greys, not the ones made for TV autopsies, have a distributed internal organ system, much like plants. A shotgun does not usually do much. Come to think of it, neither did a .44 hollow point. Though David was quite amused at the story. I am not familiar with your urbanese, but I have a natural right to defend myself and my property from anything that threatens it, whether it was born on Earth or not.Syrus Magistus wrote:While we're on the subject of Disclosure, Daniel, is it true that you shot a grey extraterrestrial with a shotgun?? Because that's Gangsta.
Quickie regarding the Pineal... decalcifying will only remove the dried oatmeal stuck to the switch. You will still need a source of natural fluorine in your body to reset it to the "off" position.
Regarding disclosure, et al... we all have brains of similar capacity. There is nothing stopping you from figuring out all this "stuff" for yourself, healing, anti-gravity, free energy... it is part of NATURE, and governments cannot hide what is going on right in the very atomic structure in the air you are now breathing.
Something else you should consider are the laws of Karma. Disability, sickness and injury are often a necessary part of an INDIVIDUAL'S CHOICE to balance karma. If you use technology to interfere with that pre-incarnative choice, then you are actually doing HARM, not good.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
- Syrus Magistus
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
Well in 'urbanese', it means you're kind of a badass. Not a bad thing. Knowing when and how to take down a home invader a quintessential to American life, isn't it?daniel wrote:No, it is not true. It was with a 44-magnum, Ruger single-six. Real greys, not the ones made for TV autopsies, have a distributed internal organ system, much like plants. A shotgun does not usually do much. Come to think of it, neither did a .44 hollow point. Though David was quite amused at the story. I am not familiar with your urbanese, but I have a natural right to defend myself and my property from anything that threatens it, whether it was born on Earth or not.
Hollow point, eh? As in the bullets banned under the Geneva convention for being too devastating for intentional use? That barely phased one, huh? What's it take to bring one of them down anyway? Come do think of it, how did that encounter actually end? I've always wondered about that.
David's insider in one interview, Dr. Pete Peterson, says that Halide molecules congeal cholesterol into arterial plaque. So the fluorine/chlorine in the water, and the bromine in the air (not to mention the aluminum, which even the Alchemists knew not to mess with) are basically there to give us heart disease and constrict pineal functions. But you're saying small quantities of fluorine in natural spring water or something along those lines is enough to re-trigger pineal psi functions. I'd like to know what you think the best and the most readily available source of such natural fluorine are, and if possible some of the research involving the positive chemical properties of fluorine on the body.daniel wrote:Quickie regarding the Pineal... decalcifying will only remove the dried oatmeal stuck to the switch. You will still need a source of natural fluorine in your body to reset it to the "off" position.
All my studies so far demonize fluoride across the board, but as I've said elsewhere I am in no way in the business of defending a belief system and if this works then that's all I care about. But like everybody else who ever got close to this material from the outside, I'm extremely weary of people who talk about these chemicals with authority without showing their work. I was a member of a generation of children in the 1990's who were poisoned with mercury vaccines and mercury-tainted high fructose and then given heavy combinations of tranquilizers and stimulants like risperdal, concerta (which is a meth-based compound), prozac (which is 90% fluorine), and ritalin (which is derived from Speed), (all at once to regulate the symptoms of mercury poisoning and other urban environmental problems.
The people who prescribed me these were considered the best of the best in their field, but I was later told by people who knew what they were talking about that I was lucky not to have suffered multiple organ failures in the five years I was on these. I am very sensitive to the legacy of programs like Mk-Ultra as a result, because at this point the people who are "Inside" know everything about the body and the mind, while those of us outside are making good decisions based on guts alone, and I was raised to use my brain, not my guts, to solve things. That said, I have devoted my entire being to destroying the assholes that did this to me and everybody I ever knew and cared about. But I can't afford to screw up again. I've already stood upon the precipice too many times. Even compared to people like you, I've had an interesting enough existence to set me apart from most of the rest of humanity. And I think if I can re-master psi functions fully, those lizard-bastards are french toast.
Right, David also says that our technology is written into the Source field, along with concepts such as socks and chairs. Pretty in line with old Greek notions of an archetypal plane, only contained in the very aether.daniel wrote:Regarding disclosure, et al... we all have brains of similar capacity. There is nothing stopping you from figuring out all this "stuff" for yourself, healing, anti-gravity, free energy... it is part of NATURE, and governments cannot hide what is going on right in the very atomic structure in the air you are now breathing.
That's been a pretty serious mindscrew for me too, because one of the initial premises I ran into studying ritual magic(k) was the idea that healing somebody against their will was Black magic(k) and not good. But I don't think you can assess things like pre-incarnative choices from this side of the veil, and I actually agree with the way judiciary law-makers view that sort of thing. That is to say, I think we need to separate church and state in this one regard, unless there's some solid was to demonstrate that the current system is really the best way. Until then, I am inclined to believe that treating the so-called laws of Karma this way is a form of mind control designed to keep the status quo intact.daniel wrote:Something else you should consider are the laws of Karma. Disability, sickness and injury are often a necessary part of an INDIVIDUAL'S CHOICE to balance karma. If you use technology to interfere with that pre-incarnative choice, then you are actually doing HARM, not good.
There has to be a better way for people to grow and evolve than to suffer and die in pathetic ways. Even Wilcock says there's a constant three-tier system of karma, that goes from spiritual (in dream), to mental (in outside people), to physical (personal injury, sickness) programmed into the karma system overseen by the higher self, but again we're dealing with supposition rather than actual data until proven otherwise. Now I can imagine David has some voluminous study somewhere by way of age-regression hypnosis or some reincarnation study in a foreign study to substantiate those realities across thousands of cases, but I haven't encountered one explicitly yet, at least not that I can remember, and even David himself no longer really talks about this area of metaphysics at all, which is probably something I miss the most about him and his work.
But getting back on point, I think what we're dealing with is something I call the Prometheus Budget, referring to the idea that the same amount of latent potential or energy was granted to humans as to each individual animal Prometheus' brother created, so our brains and thumbs are supposed to make up for the fact that we don't have claws or fangs or fur or tails in the evolutionary sense (unless that's actually a result of genetic tampering to make us less threatening, but even then…). I look at it as the biological equivalent of energy valence. If you use energy in one place, you need to introduce more in order to work on another area, unless you're happy with everything sitting stranded in that valence of energy. It seems to me like if you foster an environment where people don't have to suffer for their evolution, regardless of whatever voodoo goes on behind the veil of pre-incarnation, the cosmic processing system doing all it can to pull insights and what RA called "experiential data" will be fine with a bump up the evolutionary ladder so long as we EARN it.
In other words, if people like me create the conditions for other people to no longer need to go through intense misery to grow, then there's no infringement. I've just taken the game to a higher level, as has happened countless times before. We have already eliminated countless things with used to kill people in the past. I mean, how many people die of invasive surgery or childbirth or from bacterial infections? It's no longer a problem for most of humanity, because we have evolved that far technologically and scientifically. Our infrastructure is better, so you won't ever be able to gain the experience of having to walk all over the world because you don't have a car, since those advances are ubiquitous. You can still choose to incarnate in an impoverished area, or in the middle of nowhere, but it's not seen as an infringement for the majority of people to live halfway civilized lives because we've all suffered enough from preventable sicknesses and injuries that now we've EARNED better. We have an OSHA so workers don't have to injure themselves working in unsafe factories anymore. We also have child labor laws for a similar reason. See where I'm going here?
Why do we need to be artificially suppressed from achieving our true potential as a culture? What's holding us back in the practical sense from having these things and what's the metaphysical 'lesson' we're not getting which I can go out in the world and start beating people over the head with? And yes, I supposed I could create most of these technologies in my garage or something, individually, but the trouble is from what I've researched that a lot of them produce easily-identifiable signatures of some kind which case men in black to show up and confiscate everything. I'm not interested unless they can be produced faster and more widely than they can be shut down. THAT would be pretty fun to watch.
"Shinobi Alliance no Jutsu!"
Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
I just have to say that this also affects in ones karma if you are thinking as negatively as they "assholes" are. So peaceful methods and positive thinking is the best way to defeat these bad guys. Trust me I know ways of karma by experience and to trust my intuition/higherself also. I go where im needed the most and do not think/expect of anything in return from these "endevours", universe will pay up it to me in one way or another. I can't explain it any better but its just how everything works, just need to have "eyes" to see past the distractions and other illusions to witness the "magic" behind the scenes. Only way to get smarter is to play against smarter opponents(this is quote from movie "Revolver" that is very good explaining ego and how it works and so on)That said, I have devoted my entire being to destroying the assholes that did this to me and everybody I ever knew and cared about
- Syrus Magistus
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
It's difficult for me to imagine going "all-in" with regard to your approach. I've tried to for years. Certainly I make use of about as much of that attitude as I think is appropriate, but I can't reconcile these feelings in my soul completely because it's like I'm denying realities which are in front of me every day. I am not like Jesus, and I never *could* be someone like that. It isn't about my ego, or balancing any books; it's about finding the strength to protect something most precious. You're probably right about a lot of the things you're saying, it's just that I can't as a person accept that reality as it is. I feel the need to fix things, so I won't be stopping the so-called wheel of karma at the bottom by forgiving atrocity and letting everything heal the slow way, because in my opinion that does a disservice to people who think they can get away with continuing to hurt others.
You may not realize it (probably because it's difficult for me to convey two feelings at once without sounding conflicted), but from what you've said we're similar. If my tone is belligerent, it's because I'm a poor communicator and that's all. Our methods are the same, and our ideals are the same.The only difference is that I am branching out because I'm tired of waiting.
It shouldn't matter how smart those opponents are. There are still rules which we all must follow, and if this is supposed to be a school then it's pretty pathetic. Maybe it's because I'm still young and I remember what *actual* school was like. Maybe it's because I really *do* think there's something to this whole "holographic-fractal" view of reality, and I can't accept what I see. Maybe it's because I'm too good at analyzing the cosmic level of it and I see through the bullshit, or perhaps I'm just not zen enough to grasp the wisdom of letting psychopaths run wild. Wise teachers have said that there's no such thing as a bad pupil, only bad teachers.
But if none of that turns out to be true and we're just stuck in a reality that doesn't make sense, then there still need to be people around who can lay the smack-down and *force* that reality to be coherent. I've become weary of anything sophisticated that resembles mind control that isn't adequately explained to me (or others), so if this new age mentality turns out to be another way to keep ordinary people to the sidelines, that needs to be taken into consideration along with any other contingencies. After all, I don't believe in gods. This is a cosmos comprised of people, not deities. I think we have to acknowledge that at some level. And if you're forgive the tone, I'd like you to look underneath the surface of things, if not what's under the underneath.
You may not realize it (probably because it's difficult for me to convey two feelings at once without sounding conflicted), but from what you've said we're similar. If my tone is belligerent, it's because I'm a poor communicator and that's all. Our methods are the same, and our ideals are the same.The only difference is that I am branching out because I'm tired of waiting.
It shouldn't matter how smart those opponents are. There are still rules which we all must follow, and if this is supposed to be a school then it's pretty pathetic. Maybe it's because I'm still young and I remember what *actual* school was like. Maybe it's because I really *do* think there's something to this whole "holographic-fractal" view of reality, and I can't accept what I see. Maybe it's because I'm too good at analyzing the cosmic level of it and I see through the bullshit, or perhaps I'm just not zen enough to grasp the wisdom of letting psychopaths run wild. Wise teachers have said that there's no such thing as a bad pupil, only bad teachers.
But if none of that turns out to be true and we're just stuck in a reality that doesn't make sense, then there still need to be people around who can lay the smack-down and *force* that reality to be coherent. I've become weary of anything sophisticated that resembles mind control that isn't adequately explained to me (or others), so if this new age mentality turns out to be another way to keep ordinary people to the sidelines, that needs to be taken into consideration along with any other contingencies. After all, I don't believe in gods. This is a cosmos comprised of people, not deities. I think we have to acknowledge that at some level. And if you're forgive the tone, I'd like you to look underneath the surface of things, if not what's under the underneath.
"Shinobi Alliance no Jutsu!"
- Djchrismac
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Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
Yo guys, I just wanted to chip in and say I know exactly where you are both coming from. I understand the frustration and anger too but also the need to stay positive about everything, even the bad guys.
While doing some light reading I came across the following from David Wilcock in one of his Coast to Coast interview transcripts:
In relation to this topic it's interesting to note that David was sure official Disclosure was going to happen back in 2009... still no sign of it yet!
While doing some light reading I came across the following from David Wilcock in one of his Coast to Coast interview transcripts: ... nt-updatesLOVE YOUR ENEMIES... AND SET BOUNDARIES
In our own case, once the pineal glands we were outfitted with by sixth density beings some 75,000 years ago finally go 'online,' as so many of us are just now starting to experience, our abilities will soon become vastly greater than anything the negatives can counteract.
The real key to this 'positive magic' is that you do not fear or hate those who would attack you.
Instead, you see the Oneness of all. Recognize they are you -- there's only one of us here. Love and accept them for who they are. Be kind to them. At the same time, make a very clear boundary that you do not and will not accept what they are offering you. Tell them to go and leave you in peace.
That is the real art of how business gets done in the higher realms when you are attacked by shadow entities. They will literally run screaming when this approach is utilized. True compassion and sympathy for them sears them like throwing holy water on a vampire.
In relation to this topic it's interesting to note that David was sure official Disclosure was going to happen back in 2009... still no sign of it yet!
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
Yea I think we are very different you and I since im not adding gasoline into the fire, but water(symbolicly of course), not to say that you have some destructive thoughts of those "bad guys" but still there shouldnt be none. No negative thoughts any longer, if so you are giving them more power over you. Can you see it really? As so you sound like my little brother he hates the leaders of this country and its laws also. Nevertheless you and I, we all have choice to do what ever we do in the limits of some universal laws of course.Syrus Magistus wrote:It's difficult for me to imagine going "all-in" with regard to your approach. I've tried to for years. Certainly I make use of about as much of that attitude as I think is appropriate, but I can't reconcile these feelings in my soul completely because it's like I'm denying realities which are in front of me every day. I am not like Jesus, and I never *could* be someone like that. It isn't about my ego, or balancing any books; it's about finding the strength to protect something most precious. You're probably right about a lot of the things you're saying, it's just that I can't as a person accept that reality as it is. I feel the need to fix things, so I won't be stopping the so-called wheel of karma at the bottom by forgiving atrocity and letting everything heal the slow way, because in my opinion that does a disservice to people who think they can get away with continuing to hurt others.
You may not realize it (probably because it's difficult for me to convey two feelings at once without sounding conflicted), but from what you've said we're similar. If my tone is belligerent, it's because I'm a poor communicator and that's all. Our methods are the same, and our ideals are the same.The only difference is that I am branching out because I'm tired of waiting.
It shouldn't matter how smart those opponents are. There are still rules which we all must follow, and if this is supposed to be a school then it's pretty pathetic. Maybe it's because I'm still young and I remember what *actual* school was like. Maybe it's because I really *do* think there's something to this whole "holographic-fractal" view of reality, and I can't accept what I see. Maybe it's because I'm too good at analyzing the cosmic level of it and I see through the bullshit, or perhaps I'm just not zen enough to grasp the wisdom of letting psychopaths run wild. Wise teachers have said that there's no such thing as a bad pupil, only bad teachers.
But if none of that turns out to be true and we're just stuck in a reality that doesn't make sense, then there still need to be people around who can lay the smack-down and *force* that reality to be coherent. I've become weary of anything sophisticated that resembles mind control that isn't adequately explained to me (or others), so if this new age mentality turns out to be another way to keep ordinary people to the sidelines, that needs to be taken into consideration along with any other contingencies. After all, I don't believe in gods. This is a cosmos comprised of people, not deities. I think we have to acknowledge that at some level. And if you're forgive the tone, I'd like you to look underneath the surface of things, if not what's under the underneath.
I really do understand why it is so hard to make a choice, you need to think of everyone else also not just yourself(unless reader of this post is selfish person). I think very differently and take as much of different things and factors into consideration as I can of almost everything and anything I do on daily basis. Its easy to make decisions if you have raised the bar so high that "hard" becomes "easy".
I know alot of things and been thinking of alot of things on my own, so I'm more thinker than doer, and I think my doings are somewhere in the (relatively) near future as I'm currently unemployed and dont even need work in this country since them bosses are users like in (almost) every country. I've come to the knowing that there is a time for everything to be happen, only variations are the people that makes their everyday decisions and contributions to the world and universe. If you believe thoughts can affect others then you should take an advantage of this knowledge and think alike either positive or negative, so easy decision, unless you are afraid to "lose your face" in front of your family members or other people, which is ego's area and then "the wheel have come to a full circle again".
Its been about a year since Ive learnt not to trust my feelings from the body(exept the necessary functions like hunger and so on). I dont use my feelings to navigate and do things anymore and sometimes when I'm in the store buying groceries I'm sort of "teasing" myself that I would be nice to buy a chocolate bar, but then again no thanks

Also I'm thinking about the tiniest insides of everything that interests me. Dont mean to hurt your feelings dont take this message like that, but think it differently almost like you wouldve written it for yourself and in a sense you are me and I am you, depends on the scale of things. Think big and small, think inside and outside.
Re: Citzens Hearing of Disclosure at National Press Club Apr
Sending love and compassion to those entities? Try that with a crocodile, or a hungry shark.
With certain predatory entities, even a stare down will drain you dry after a few cycles.
In those realms, if unwanted attention has been attracted, and you do not have the skills to Navigate, you are simply food.
With certain predatory entities, even a stare down will drain you dry after a few cycles.
In those realms, if unwanted attention has been attracted, and you do not have the skills to Navigate, you are simply food.