Thanks a lot. I have since found daniel's post on this subject that I missed when he first entered it. Actually, I have been swirling the container only but now will find an appropriate stirrer as you suggest. Also per daniel's suggestion, I only drink out of a glass and not plastic cups. I need to search my area for natural artesian water sources.bruce wrote: If you're going to swirl, use a copper paddle, not iron, steel or aluminum--and particularly not plastic. Silver is better, but pricey. You can use wood, too.
Is one of the reasons for using copper and silver (gold?) that they repel magnetism? Diamagnetic? I have seen the videos online where a neodymium magnet is slowed down in free fall while passing through a copper pipe.
Also, thanks for your reevaluation book on So many fundamentals are beginning to get cleared up, but the section on calculus differentials is still eluding me more than I would like. Funny, calculus in school came fairly easily but I wish we were given more real life applications. It has been such a long time since I have looked at this subject and the recall is slow at best. The concept of projective geometry shadows in space is just starting to kick in. Amazing. Poco a poco.