When the Japanese tsunami/nuclear "accident" happened they had to recalculate the GPS because the land shifted few or several meters. It is interesting also to note that GPS satellites that are in high orbit are "locked" in place, so they move with the revolution of earth, much like moon has one face all along locked towards us.daniel wrote:though you can bet your bippy that the GPS in your cell phone will get screwed.
Imprisoned By TPTB Who Have Suppressed Energy And Propulsion
Re: Imprisoned By TPTB Who Have Suppressed Energy And Propul
How is this come along? Did I miss the changes yet? I thought it was fine just the way it was.daniel wrote: I've pulled out my "Colonization of Tiamat" paper and have started revamping it with Bruce's new "hollow planet" research. I should actually have some time to work on it for a bit, so I'm sure Chris and Aaron will let you known when it's out getting proofread.
All that glitter is not GOLD!