That plane is very far away and the trail behind it very long for a normal contrail. I've seen a lot of chemtrails like this either doing a whole day shift or mixed in with other chemtrails and they are still spraying something, I think they have different aerosols for different jobs and suspect these ones cause a lot of the stratospheric haze that gives the "total white out" effect we see almost every day.Lozion wrote:I'll let Chris intervene on that one.deepfsh wrote:To me it seems an ordinary contrail.![]()
You can see on my photo's and video's that they release the lingering chemtrail streaks at certain locations (usually always between me and the sun) by remote or pre-programmed computer control and these then spread out and form together with others (or help create more haze), are subsequently manpulated by HAARP and form a cloud shield overhead.
I've also caught them always blocking the sunsrise or sunset with a big wall of clouds and haze, caught and built up by HAARP which catches the clouds as they move past which you can see on my time-lapses and in the cloud ripple/standing wave patterns that are visible. I'd hardly believe it myself if I hadn't been constantly on the lookout for it and the time-lapses in particular are real eye openers...
I saw you had the article on Millennium Greetings from the NWO in your substantial collection that you kindly shared with us and I actually blogged this fairly recently!

No worries we all have busy spells. Thanks I think we would all make great neighbours too! And if you read up on the Sanctuary project from recent posts you should be pleasantly surprised...maeghan wrote:Hey, I've not been visiting as frequently because I'm busy working on my project. I have a tendency to get completely engaged in whatever it is that I am doing at the time, leaving no time for other interests. (I'm working on balancing this but it's really hard and I have quite a bit to do for my project/music.)
Reason why I am posting this: if I could choose my fellow neighbors it would be the members of this group because we believe in rapport and that homo-sapien-ethicus is the next evolutionary stage for homo-sapien. We are our own un-committed investigators and search for truth.
If something were to happen, how might we all find each other? Or am the only one with these thoughts? (This is why I wrote the initial paragraph.) I really wish I had time to really dig into, but if I start reading I won't stop and then my time escapes me. The time for me to set my music free is this year.

Looking forward to hearing your music, i've got a few of my things from recent years online in case anyone is interested, i'm actually not a big fan of my own work, just can't quite get the music in my head out as i would like: ... ng-park-ep
I've not been dj'ing or made a tune in a while though, too much web work!
Always a good idea, i still do it too.maeghan wrote:I look forward to reading Daniel's upcoming paper. I might go back and re-read all of his papers in anticipation.
I've got a few good posts planned as Daniel and Aaron will both be busy for the next wee while, watch this space...Lozion wrote:Txs Aaron for the update, amazing news. Following this closely and already thinking about future plans...