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Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:40 pm
by Space_Ace
Here's some very valid questions and concerns for all to address. It talks about prosperity packages, mass arrests, ascension, etc.
1. Since the elites somehow prevented their mass arrests(was much talk months ago), won't they simply re-steal all that money floating around? Taxes alone would siphorn at least a third of that! Paying off debts would simply be throwing away good money with the bad.
2. If the ascension 2012 theory pans out, what will be the point when our spiritual awareness understands that money is the root of all evil and we don't need it and can move to a resource based economy, such as the "Venus Project" Google this.
3. Can those prosperity funds be used to stop this war in Gaza that the elites(which should have been arrested months ago) started? Some of us are concerned if the war isn't stopped, it will escalate till it eventually involves the whole world, known as ww3.
4. There is the problem that if each person gets a large amount(rumors as high as $10m!) this will cause hyperinflation. $10k may be a more reasonable amount, but this will mostly help those in developing countries. Here, you can't even get a car, let alone a house for $10k.
5. The next problem is 90% of people, including my family are still deep asleep. They do not believe in any of this stuff and consider any "get rich quick" schemes to be a scam. How will people know that someone handing you a $10k check isn't trying to scam you or steal your identity?
6. How will news of this go mainstream when the elites somehow prevented their arrests which should have happened months ago? There was talk of mass arrests all over the net, yet the elites remain in power. People simply no longer believe anything will happen and that the elites are just too powerful to be stopped or removed.
7. If things are "moving and shaking", what will happen if no proof surfaces this year? People simply losing all hope? There are very high expectations that something "big" will happen by 12/21/12. Even the Mayans and other ancient societies set forth prophencies of a golden age to come in about a month from now!
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:33 am
by breaking the silence
Here is the reply I gave this morning on this topic:
hello my friend. there are a few points I would like to make. Arrests have been on going for a while- hence my reference to the new jewelry fad that has taken over Washington and wall street. One of the main reasons that it has taken this long to get the new system up and running is because they are making absolutely sure that the cabal will not be able to steal the money or interfere with the new system. Sure, they could of pushed the RV through 4 months ago, but it wouldn't of helped anyone if the money disappeared the moment it landed into accounts! As I continually remind people- this is a GLOBAL event and requires everything to be absolutely perfectly timed. as for the PPs, people might be receiving extremely large packages, but they will be given the responsibility to divide up that money and share it with 20 or even 2000 other people. Trust me, the people who've been chosen to roll out the massive PPs have been picked because of their background and the fact that they are trustworthy to handle the division of these ginormous funds.
here's the thing: As I've said, once the new system goes live- EVERYTHING will roll out immediately. With those huge changes will be disclosure of the truth of why the changes were made and the history of what the cabal has done. at that point people will have the ability to decide for themselves- if someone steadfastly refuses to believe the truth, then that is their choice.
- one final note. The people I deal with, the people way high up in power that are pushing these changes, are working from a financial/economic/political perspective, not an ascension perspective. i mean, I'm sure that some of them are enlightened about the coming changes, but on the surface anyway, they are not working from that perspective. Money may not be important next year, but for this moment in time, it is, and that is the perspective they are working with.
I hope this answers at least a few of your questions.
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:35 am
by admin
Thanks for the input D! Big hugs...
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:01 pm
by Arise
Dear, dear Aaron ... and your key associates like BTS ... and your "Connections" ...
I am so moved by the work you have done to develop your site and open this Forum, Aaron. It has a far more reliable, balanced tone to most of the forums and blogs out there following the "issues", "challenges" & "changes". Can see you are positioning, readying, for the coming weeks. Well ... you have been doing that all along, however this is an important development.
Being so in the dark "Downunder" and in isolation myself ... just reaching intuitively in all I do ... and trying to make sense of the info-disinfo out there with the little knowledge and skills I've developed and not developed in which to make sense of it all, posts such as the above are indeed a cup of cold water in a desert of madness.
Seriously ... thanks.
From "Arise Australia 2012" - to be "Arise Australia with the World".
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:50 am
by admin
Indeed you are correct in that we are transitioning and have been for a long time. I feel that with the release of daniel's papers and the interest and interaction of people thus far in them, it simply illustrates what we are witnessing at this moment of space time; the 'awakening"...
Nearly everything that we have learned and been taught through the "establishment" our entire lives in completely wrong. To me, it is quite refreshing, inspirational, and accompanied by a sense of peace to know that things are not what they seem and in fact I don't really worry so much about them anymore.
As more "uncommitted investigators" join this fold of communication and sharing, I think we will indeed see a very hastened ascension and awareness ushered into our observational viewpoints extremely quickly, as we cast aside the "controllers" who have and would taint the results away from the truth.
We are shedding the "cloak and dagger" in masses, letting the fears go as we realize our true power and that we have nothing to fear, and ultimately discovering for the very first time in our awareness that life is eternal and not the finite limited spectrum of one human experience.
To borrow from the Movie "Gladiator", "What we do in Life Echoes in Eternity"... Perhaps this should be re-written now with our current understanding of time to, "What we do in Time Echoes in Eternity"...
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:28 am
by Secret Agent Man
Space_Ace wrote:2. If the ascension 2012 theory pans out, what will be the point when our spiritual awareness understands that money is the root of all evil and we don't need it and can move to a resource based economy, such as the "Venus Project" Google this.
I have just a quick comment regarding your comment on money being 'the root of all evil'... Please consider the perspective if you will, that money is simply a thing and that your perception of it determines its polarity. For example, the principle of money is that it is a common denomination of exchange which aids in the bartering for services or goods. It is how it is used and percieved that determines its positive or negative polarity. Even then it is really the polarity of the individual or individuals using it, and not necessarily the object itself (money). I offer this perspective because I noticed myself that in gaining awareness of this view has greatly enhanced my experience in this physical world, which is currently very reliant on money. It is easy to understand how and observer might reach the conclusion that money is the root of all evil when so many today prioritize money above their fellow man, but it is not the presence of money that causes this problem. It is the priority that those individuals asign material things and status (ego) over love. Thanks.
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:33 am
by Arise
Message received Aaron ...and thanks ...
Re: Seven good questions and concerns for all.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:10 pm
by Ian MacLeod
Just for accuracy, I thought I'd add that the correct quote is that, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." That changes things a bit! For most of us I think, having enough money to acquire the things we need in order to have a decent life is about as far as it goes. The "elites" on the other hand use it for POWER and CONTROL over other lives, and unfortunately, little shows control to a 3D, sociopathic mind more than being able to hand out death. Personally, I see the people who end up helping spread all that money around as handing out the keys to dreams! Almost everyone has a dream, and almost everyone starts out working toward it, only to realize that the System is set up so you're lucky to get from day to day. If that day-to-day getting by was taken care of and suddenly all those dreams were within reach, no roadblocks of thieves with a twisted Law on their side helping them to make things difficult for everyone - what kind of world would that be? What was your life like when you still believed in that dream? I think when things finally get rolling that a lot of us are going to be teenagers again - just with a bit more wisdom to guide that reaching! I also think it'll turn out that the money was never the problem - it was the greedy bastards in the way all along, grabbing for all the Power, as they saw it, and apparently still do.