Question for Daniel: Dec. 21st, the sun, and the earth

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Question for Daniel: Dec. 21st, the sun, and the earth

Post by Heavenlit » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:27 pm
Just wondering if you have seen this video, it links with a lot of what Daniel has been saying----
It is a video with a Mayan explaining what he and his people are doing right now to prepare for the energy that is coming at the solstice.

Sorry I know I didn't put a lot of info.
Basically this guy claims that he found out that scientists want to use the energy to create anti-matter using particle acceleration---and that the mayans had planned to use the pyramids to harness and trap the superconscious energy when it arrived but since many of the pyramids have been destroyed they were going around making new structures and using people to create pyramid like resonance in various areas around Mexico.
He says that the peak will last 8 minutes and that is when people will be exposed to the conscious energy, but that if we don't use it we lose it--just like you said about psionic abilities..

What I found interesting is that he said that there will be a prolonged night on the 22nd, and that it will not be a real night, but is more like an eclipse that is not an eclipse but is related to energy..

Reminded me a lot of what you are saying in your paper.

Btw, we are all anxiously awaiting your anthropology paper around here.

Anyways check out the video if you have time otherwise let me know what you think based on the description.


Joined:Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:47 am

Re: Question for Daniel: Dec. 21st, the sun, and the earth

Post by tribs4u2 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:28 am

:) The time of 21st december chosen by the Mayans is for their king who was going to an Island in the south America Ocean to watch a total Eclipse of the Sun! This is going to happen and can only be seen from this Island - nowhere else on Earth on the date! Sorry I do not have more details but I think I think that a BBC film crew will be going there on this date. I could not watch all of the documentry. Please people check this and let us know how much is correct!The Sun was of utmost importance to the mayans!

Thank you

Joined:Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:47 am

Re: Question for Daniel: Dec. 21st, the sun, and the earth

Post by tribs4u2 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:05 am

Listen - I have just looked at the video ofthe following link:

It is FULL of good info about these dates 21 - 23 December 2012. It reminds me that there is going to be Energy sent from the centre of our Galaxy which will last for 8 minutes and will occur midnight 21st - midday 23 Dec. Also ALL the planets of our Solar Sytem will be in alignment and each one will cause an Eclipse.

Thank you

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