Avatar, The Unseelie Court, and random musings
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:33 am
Well now, it's about time that I've moseyed on over here
Glad to finally be a part of this forum.
I have certain questions concerning a few different topics:
First, I have been reminded on at least three separate occasions this past week that I should be going back and re-watching 'Avatar', for a variety of reasons. I must admit that the finale of this film left a rather bitter taste in my mouth. We see the Na'vi (the 'ascended beings', the guardians of nature) and their Earth allies having successfully defended Eywa against the 'locusts' that represent the humans of planet Earth (undoubtedly, the comparisons, at least on the surface, to the entire 'Manifest Destiny' agenda became immediately apparent). There is a statement made at the end of this film from Jake Sully, (more a 'musing', rather), in which Sully states that the humans are to be 'sent back' to their 'poisoned planet'. These words by Sully struck a chord deep, deep inside; and it was, unfortunately, a 'diminished fourth'.
I realized, after watching the film, just how deeply this disturbed me. Looking back, I am now reminded of 'Solar Warden' and the secret space program. This is what some have referred to as as the 'breakaway civilization'. A contact of mine has informed me of the fact that this 'breakaway civilization' is already following through on plans to 'seed' another world outside of this Solar System. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing that I have yet heard which both troubles and angers me more than this. Is this to be the fate of humanity: A 'cabal' of highly intelligent yet deeply misguided individuals spreading their own unique 'vision' of humanity throughout the cosmos; freely moving from planet to planet, raping natural resources, and destroying other races? Is this to be the way that we are to be remembered (and reviled)?
I am told that 'Avatar' is a film perhaps sanctioned by 'the good guys' to show what will come to pass if we do not take a stand NOW to fix this mess. Unfortunately, it seems to be having the opposite effect on the members of the mass populace whom are still plugged into the Matrix; not the least of which are the hoards of 'green Nazis' being duped into 'sustainability' and 'land use management' under Agenda 21 and ICLEI (which is perhaps the most deceptive and yet clever of ALL of the fascist policies of this 'cabal'). If I had a nickel for every time that someone has said to me that the "future looks bleak", the "world is overpopulated", and that all of our current actions will "not fix the problems", I'd have a rather hefty sum of Federal Reserve Notes to use as fires starter
I do not need to travel to a distant planet to see beauty, to experience spell-binding bio-diversity, and to feel real magic. Nay, I have all of that right here underneath my feet, on this breathtakingly beautiful, spinning sphere called Planet Earth. I have ZERO tolerance for anyone who would DARE to give up on this planet. There is magic in the wind, there is harmony in the flow of the water, there is peace in the stillness of a moon-lit night. This is not meant to be enjoyed by a select few; it is meant to be enjoyed by all. But we have forgotten. We have foolishly and selfishly (and by design) abandoned the Great Spirit of Earth. And She is not at all pleased with us. But I would hope that She can see through this to those of us who understand the deception, and want to assist Her in the healing process AS ONE.
We as a species currently now find ourselves standing at a crossroads diverging in the wood: One path leads us towards a limitless future of perhaps reconnecting with the 'oneness' of the creation force. The other leads to the 'illusion' of oneness. Our choices now will reverberate in the annals of time.
As a second bit of musing: I took a particular interest, Daniel, in your response to a question in which you stated that, "...the Cabal has pissed off more than just humanity... and you never want to upset the Unseelie Court." This is a subject that I have always taken a particular interest in; albeit one upon which I have only scratched the surface. There is no doubt that the Universe around us (and within us) is teeming with life. Of all these forms of life, the tales of the 'Fae' have always captured a special place within my imagination as well as my 'soul' (the film 'Photographing Faeries' is particularly intriguing).
Are there any particular texts which you recommend one peruse to learn more of them (I would imagine the ancient texts of the Celts of Ireland and Scotland would be a good starting point)? Of course, the ultimate answer lies deep inside. I have always held fast to the fact that if one is to communicate with such beings, one must quiet the mind and be open to their invitation; as was a man whom I once met who owned a small faerie shop and told my best friend and I the story of how he communicates with the faeries living in the back room of his shop. In the case of my best friend, he told her that the faeries told him that she was giving off 'good vibes'; which is something that I myself remind her of on an almost daily basis (her positive, loving attitude is pure magic, and extraordinarily unique. You'd feel it right away). I do not believe that he was pulling a fast one, and needless to say we were both VERY intrigued. What is the role of the Unseelie Court in such affairs (or the Seelie Court, for that matter)?
More questions and comments to come. My curiosity is unquenchable when it comes to all of this, for in truth, THIS is where I need to be spending the majority of my energy. To hell with these 'oligarchs' and their nutty 'agendas'. We must pay attention, pay very careful attention, and stay with them; but must not let it consume us, for there are far more important issues which concern us, issues which are Cosmic in scope. As one fellow Patriot so succinctly put it, "Someone left open the gate to the funny farm, and the inmates are masquerading as our leaders."

I have certain questions concerning a few different topics:
First, I have been reminded on at least three separate occasions this past week that I should be going back and re-watching 'Avatar', for a variety of reasons. I must admit that the finale of this film left a rather bitter taste in my mouth. We see the Na'vi (the 'ascended beings', the guardians of nature) and their Earth allies having successfully defended Eywa against the 'locusts' that represent the humans of planet Earth (undoubtedly, the comparisons, at least on the surface, to the entire 'Manifest Destiny' agenda became immediately apparent). There is a statement made at the end of this film from Jake Sully, (more a 'musing', rather), in which Sully states that the humans are to be 'sent back' to their 'poisoned planet'. These words by Sully struck a chord deep, deep inside; and it was, unfortunately, a 'diminished fourth'.
I realized, after watching the film, just how deeply this disturbed me. Looking back, I am now reminded of 'Solar Warden' and the secret space program. This is what some have referred to as as the 'breakaway civilization'. A contact of mine has informed me of the fact that this 'breakaway civilization' is already following through on plans to 'seed' another world outside of this Solar System. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing that I have yet heard which both troubles and angers me more than this. Is this to be the fate of humanity: A 'cabal' of highly intelligent yet deeply misguided individuals spreading their own unique 'vision' of humanity throughout the cosmos; freely moving from planet to planet, raping natural resources, and destroying other races? Is this to be the way that we are to be remembered (and reviled)?
I am told that 'Avatar' is a film perhaps sanctioned by 'the good guys' to show what will come to pass if we do not take a stand NOW to fix this mess. Unfortunately, it seems to be having the opposite effect on the members of the mass populace whom are still plugged into the Matrix; not the least of which are the hoards of 'green Nazis' being duped into 'sustainability' and 'land use management' under Agenda 21 and ICLEI (which is perhaps the most deceptive and yet clever of ALL of the fascist policies of this 'cabal'). If I had a nickel for every time that someone has said to me that the "future looks bleak", the "world is overpopulated", and that all of our current actions will "not fix the problems", I'd have a rather hefty sum of Federal Reserve Notes to use as fires starter

We as a species currently now find ourselves standing at a crossroads diverging in the wood: One path leads us towards a limitless future of perhaps reconnecting with the 'oneness' of the creation force. The other leads to the 'illusion' of oneness. Our choices now will reverberate in the annals of time.
As a second bit of musing: I took a particular interest, Daniel, in your response to a question in which you stated that, "...the Cabal has pissed off more than just humanity... and you never want to upset the Unseelie Court." This is a subject that I have always taken a particular interest in; albeit one upon which I have only scratched the surface. There is no doubt that the Universe around us (and within us) is teeming with life. Of all these forms of life, the tales of the 'Fae' have always captured a special place within my imagination as well as my 'soul' (the film 'Photographing Faeries' is particularly intriguing).
Are there any particular texts which you recommend one peruse to learn more of them (I would imagine the ancient texts of the Celts of Ireland and Scotland would be a good starting point)? Of course, the ultimate answer lies deep inside. I have always held fast to the fact that if one is to communicate with such beings, one must quiet the mind and be open to their invitation; as was a man whom I once met who owned a small faerie shop and told my best friend and I the story of how he communicates with the faeries living in the back room of his shop. In the case of my best friend, he told her that the faeries told him that she was giving off 'good vibes'; which is something that I myself remind her of on an almost daily basis (her positive, loving attitude is pure magic, and extraordinarily unique. You'd feel it right away). I do not believe that he was pulling a fast one, and needless to say we were both VERY intrigued. What is the role of the Unseelie Court in such affairs (or the Seelie Court, for that matter)?
More questions and comments to come. My curiosity is unquenchable when it comes to all of this, for in truth, THIS is where I need to be spending the majority of my energy. To hell with these 'oligarchs' and their nutty 'agendas'. We must pay attention, pay very careful attention, and stay with them; but must not let it consume us, for there are far more important issues which concern us, issues which are Cosmic in scope. As one fellow Patriot so succinctly put it, "Someone left open the gate to the funny farm, and the inmates are masquerading as our leaders."