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Happy New Years!
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:40 am
by joeyv23
I just wanted to drop a quick line to wish you all a Happy New year! It kinda feels cliche to say it, knowing what I know about the world we live in, but I genuinely mean it. I wish all of you happiness in this strange chaos that we call life on Earth. The only way I can think to combat (wrong word.. can't think of a better one right now) the duality program/demiurge we live with is to have fun, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. I am glad to have been able to connect with you gals n guys this year, even if it was only recently that I really got into posting. I hope to continue this into 2014, keeping you all as close as virtually possible, working together to try to root out truth and insights of and to our existence. Be safe and again, have fun!!
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:23 am
by Djchrismac
joeyv23 wrote:I just wanted to drop a quick line to wish you all a Happy New year! It kinda feels cliche to say it, knowing what I know about the world we live in, but I genuinely mean it. I wish all of you happiness in this strange chaos that we call life on Earth. The only way I can think to combat (wrong word.. can't think of a better one right now) the duality program/demiurge we live with is to have fun, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. I am glad to have been able to connect with you gals n guys this year, even if it was only recently that I really got into posting. I hope to continue this into 2014, keeping you all as close as virtually possible, working together to try to root out truth and insights of and to our existence. Be safe and again, have fun!!
Hey Joey, cheers mate and the same to you! I hope everyone has a good Hogmanay. Likewise i'm glad I have everyone here to talk about all the many fascinating subjects and topics we discuss, it has changed my life. Hopefully for 2014 others will begin waking en masse and see all the madness around them so we can do something about it together.
And a huge extra special thanks to Aaron, Daniel and Bruce for the information they share with us here and on Antiquatis/RS2. I can't thank you enough for providing us with this melting pot of ideas, knowledge and truth while bending our minds inside out with RS Theory.
SlĂ inte mhath!
Here's some classic Hogmanay comedy for you from Scotland:
Still Game - The Party (Hogmanay Special)
Still Game - Hootenanny (Hogmanay Special)
All the best everyone!
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:32 pm
by daniel
Happy Going-past-an-arbitrary-point-in-the-Earths-orbit!
Actually, the new year is supposed to begin on the winter solstice (northern hemisphere), to mark the start of a new cycle of the sun. It was only because of errors in the calendar that accumulated over the centuries that it is a week later now.
So I guess it should actually be, Happy Solistice-adjusted-for-Julian/Gregorian-screwup!
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:56 pm
by Lozion
daniel wrote:Happy Going-past-an-arbitrary-point-in-the-Earths-orbit!
Actually, the new year is supposed to begin on the winter solstice (northern hemisphere), to mark the start of a new cycle of the sun. It was only because of errors in the calendar that accumulated over the centuries that it is a week later now.
So I guess it should actually be, Happy Solistice-adjusted-for-Julian/Gregorian-screwup!
Happy New cycle, may 2014 be lesser then 2015 and better then 2013
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:12 am
by joeyv23
daniel wrote:Happy Going-past-an-arbitrary-point-in-the-Earths-orbit!
Actually, the new year is supposed to begin on the winter solstice (northern hemisphere), to mark the start of a new cycle of the sun. It was only because of errors in the calendar that accumulated over the centuries that it is a week later now.
So I guess it should actually be, Happy Solistice-adjusted-for-Julian/Gregorian-screwup!
Think we'll ever get around to going back to and recognizing the natural cycle?
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:50 pm
by soldierhugsmember
Clif High goes for Dr Bhat's theory that the sun's whizzing through space like a comet, dragging the planets in this solar system behind it in a vortex. He also maintains that the planet is physically expanding
As the planet expands, it continues spiralling but drops back a little further away from the sun. We should thus see that the time to do a complete circle (we call this a year) will be slightly longer.
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:16 pm
by daniel
soldierhugsmember wrote:Clif High goes for Dr Bhat's theory that the sun's whizzing through space like a comet, dragging the planets in this solar system behind it in a vortex. He also maintains that the planet is physically expanding
Actually, that depends on what you use as a reference point of measurement. There is very little relative movement between the stars of the "stellar neighborhood," which has a structure much like atoms in a hot block of metal. But if you were to use Larson's natural reference system, then the sun would be flying orthogonal to the ecliptic plane at near the speed of light. It's all a matter of perspective.
soldierhugsmember wrote:As the planet expands, it continues spiralling but drops back a little further away from the sun. We should thus see that the time to do a complete circle (we all this a year) will be slightly longer.
That's already happened, if you've been looking. The winter solstice occurred about 2 weeks ahead of time. Heck, even an "old school" scientist I know commented on it, noticing that the sun set later on Dec 21st than it did two weeks prior. A longer year would explain that.
And if you notice, governments keep changing "daylight savings time" around, to try to hide it.
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:48 pm
by MrTwig
daniel wrote:And if you notice, governments keep changing "daylight savings time" around, to try to hide it.
I knew something was up! Nothing has felt right about the Earth's day. Are we rotating faster too? I remember the changes that effected the airports awhile ago. They had to readjust for landing strips. If we are about to expand again it would explain all the activity with the volcanoes and earth quakes. The heating up of the earth or global warming could be the Earth's interior going toward its next step on planetary evolution.
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:10 am
by Ilkka
For weather changes its still dark and relatively warm in the area where I live. No snow, every bit that came down melted before christmas and been like it since. First January ever(for me) without snow and no wonder that I sleep alot since no sun light either just darkness. Just checked weather forecast and it still says plus 1-3 degrees Celsius to this area and wind from the south (as in warm air from the south) for the next week. I hope this continues till early spring cuz last year summer started very late, so much snow. Also in our news it said that they found out that some crocus flowers started to show from the ground as it were spring already.
So Happy New Year, in very dark atmosphere. Not that I would be depressed or anything(maybe a little), but absence of light usually does that.
Re: Happy New Years!
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:17 am
by soldierhugsmember
The Earth expanding also explains the sink holes appearing all over the world.