I do appreciate the replies. It's nice to see that this little emotional outpouring of mine was met with validation. Here I was thinking that this was simply another instance in which I did not take the time to sit quietly in meditation, letting go of the negative feelings caused by the incident. Having been reared in a strongly rooted Sicilian culture, I had spent a great many years around folks who failed to think before they spoke, and who, as a result, quite frequently acted out based upon emotion. I realized quite some time ago that living life in this fashion is a very rudimentary way to go about life, one that inevitably leads to constant conflict and the straining and subsequent breaking down of relationships. I sought to rise beyond this. My problem nowadays is distraction; and there is an endless amount of it to go around these days. It's why I've found the timing of this Gathering quite serendipitous, as the coming months will see a great deal of change in my life, i.e. letting go of certain aspects of life, and putting certain unresolved pieces into place. I have said to myself time and again that it is fool hardy to commit myself to a project if I cannot do so in a manner that is genuine. This trip out to Salt Lake presents an opportunity to interact with others in an attempt to bring some semblance of order to chaos; and I am beginning to fully understand just what type of a commitment that takes, as the building of a model of this type goes completely outside of the bounds of the current structure of human society. All over the world, there are attempts at putting together self-sustaining communities; but this project is of a different nature entirely. In other words, I don't anticipate that most will understand the nature of that which is being done. That becomes a personal challenge, i.e. not letting one's family and friends in on it, knowing that they simply wouldn't understand.
Joey - thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate it. There's a lot more to this particular rant of mine, as it's very much based around attempts to help others see what they are incapable of seeing. But then, there are also a great many gaps in my knowledge, which is why I was not able to step forward and present a truly iron-clad defense. This will change.
I do know Gurren Lagann, but have not watched the series. Ghost in the Shell is the other that people speak of at great length. The one that I found to be riveting was Jyu-Oh-Sei (Planet of the Beast King). Avatar was also a fantastically well-done series; though the follow up series leaves much to be desired. And the movie I've heard tell was HORRIBLE.
But again, thanks for the feedback. I'll look forward to further conversation in Salt Lake.
Daniel -
If you think things are bad now, just wait a few more years until "Generation I" (meant as "I"nternet, but "I" as "ME" also works) has to start running things, with no skills other than "touch here."
I think that it's easy to see all of this going in the direction of 'Idiocracy' (the film). In truth, it's not too far off. When I see what Donald Trump is doing, I cannot help but think that the age of President Camacho is near at hand
But then, I happen to be of the opinion that little Miss Hillary will be the next one selected; after the CIA/whomever is done trying to nail her on Benghazi. Either that, or Barry will be given a third term. Or, perhaps like Ron Paul before him, Bernie Sanders will continue to gain the momentum to swing things in his favor. The latter of these three is all over the place right now, and every 'poser in a parka' is chanting his name. There are signs with his name all over Minnesota. In Trump's case, the fact that everything that he is doing and saying is being scripted is so blatantly obvious that it's like having one's nose twisted with a wrench, ala Moe Howard. Trump has one job to do right now: to be as absolutely outrageous as possible, to insult everyone, and to serve up the biggest political distraction we've seen in some time. His behavior is so over the top that it's become ridiculous. He's being paid a lot of money to act like a complete jackass, and he KNOWS it. You would think that this of all things would enable the people to see that what they are watching is a scripted television program, no different than your average episode of 'The Big Bang Theory'. You would think that the public would finally begin to question the validity of this entire power structure, to begin perhaps seeing it for what it is. But that's not what is happening. The people are aghast at his behavior, but they just can't take the next logical step in the thinking process, i.e. it's FAKE, ALL of it. You are being hoodwinked, bamboozled, run amuck. The fact that folks are not getting it by now leads me to the very same conclusion: The 'system' itself is to broken and distorted to be fixed from the inside out. Something new needs to be built; something outside the bounds of the system.
Having said this, it's not the average Joe the Plumber who concerns me here; it's the flood of know-it-all's being churned out en masse from the world of Academia; and believe me, I've spent a good part of the last three years of my life around this. One of the main reasons why I am leaving the city is because I have had enough of listening to 20-year-olds run their mouths about 'the nature of society'. To my mind, it is THEY who will go on to lead "Generation I" straight into a synthetic future. They are completely consumed by their egos; thinking that the education they just worked so had to attain actually gave them a good bead on things. MAN is it ever easy to stoke the human ego. And yet, I feel for them, because I SEE the good in people. I SEE the conflict. Unbeknownst to them, their entire eduction is pushing them in a direction whereby they will be used as useful idiots in a wide-reaching agenda that they will never accept as being real.
Understand that Nature is a heck of a lot more powerful than the media will admit... humanity is rapidly becoming "evil," in the sense that evil things are those opposed to the growth of consciousness, which is the prime directive of Natural law. And when Nature decides to "run its course," well, I think you can see why the Antiquatis Sanctuary project is important--it's the 21st century version of Noah's Ark.
My inroad into the understanding of this has come through herbalism. Through the study of the medicinal aspects of nature, and the works of the true healers of the ages, I have begun to see that there is much more driving life than the mere number and arrangement of molecular constituents. There is an essence that animates life itself. My interest in the ways of the little people, coupled with my studies into the different forms of energy production that have come through folks such as those in ISUS, Schauberger, Keely, Tesla, Moray, Pons and Fleischman, etc, has also opened my mind to the fact that, as you stated on your Facebook page, there are two very different forms of energy production going on in this world: One to serve the PUBLIC interest, and the other to serve PRIVATE interests. This is why I have stepped back from attempting to give medicines, because any fool can do this. There is much more going on here, i.e. to treat the body without treating the spirit and the soul that animate it is naive at best, incompetent at worst (odd how the woman with whom I studied herbalism, skillful as she may be, and having helped many people, scoffs at the very idea that there is anything more behind all of this. That's not a very practicable and profitable way of thinking, after all. Not going to rake in the dough speaking about antihydrogen hydroxide, the extraordinary intelligence present in nature, or, GASP, a different structure to the atom! Blasphemer! Off with MY head!).
Daniel - you had previously used the term 'terrarium' to describe what the earth is becoming due to man's agenda. There is a thought that has been nagging at me: It's easy to think that, based upon the current course of events, humanity may destroy itself, and in short order. However, when I listen to the words of someone such as Kurzweil, a different picture comes into view: Humanity is not being exterminated, it is being transformed. After all, in Kurzweil's own words, we are going to send nano robots out into space to 'wake up the Universe'. And when asked about whether or not he believed that God exists, he stated, "I would say, not yet." So humanity is going to 'wake up the Universe' and 'create God'. WOW. This is the ego gone WAY out of control. And yet, while they are busy creating God, might it truly be possible to terraform an entire planet in such a way that MAN thus governs nature's behavior? It's a bit of a different scenario than what you propose. Based upon this, I do see why the Sanctuary Project is important. It's why I'm heading out to Salt Lake - to offer what I may, simply and humbly.
what intelligent civilization would want to give superpowers to a virus? If that were to actually happen, humanity would go down the path of the Krell on Forbidden Planet--the entire race would be wiped out in a single night.
As time goes on, I will begin a study into the structure and dynamics of the psyche as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of the workings of the other aspects of existence that lie beyond the three dimensional framework to which I am accustomed. Having said this, your analogy reminds me of that which both yourself as well as Preston Nichols spoke in regards to the "Creature from the Id" that was summoned at Montauk through Duncan Cameron. A different concept here, and a different entity, I'm thinking, but perhaps the same 'general' idea, i.e. the ability to turn thoughts into reality. I wonder: In the case of the Krell, it seems that perhaps their egos, either collectively or individually, took physical form, "a monster (or monsters) from the Id"; creatures that to human eyes would appear to be hideous in nature. I wonder of the source of such entities, i.e. in the case of humanity, do they now exist, in some monstrous form or another, on some level of existence, or have they yet to be 'born' into existence physically? In the case of the Krell, if it was indeed "monsters from the Id" that destroyed them, then how were they (the Krell) destroyed? Where did their bodies go? Returning to the case of humanity, I would think that TPTB, knowing of this phenomenon, would be doing all that they can to ensure that they do not give life to this aspect of their egos; particularly if they have already gotten a feel for what can happen, ala Montauk. Again, this is not something that has an easy answer, and there is inevitably a great deal of foundational study that must be gathered on my part before I can truly gain an understanding of this phenomenon. Just throwing out ideas on electronic paper.
So if you run off and be by yourself, that "divide and conquer" has done it's job... you've been divided down to the smallest component, "one." That may sound like a bad thing, but consider that "one" is also "unity," and when you reach a unit boundary, you then have the option to flip over to the other side--for that "one" to work with "many ones" as an individual, rather than a drone in the collective.
That 'flipping over to the other side' is the embracing of the other aspects of myself that lie outside of the realm of which I am so accustomed. These past few years, I have given up meditation, given up the study of Kung Fu, and I know that it's only a matter of time before this all catches up with me. I can choose to embrace these aspects of existence, choose to study them and know them, or I can simply ignore them. The time for ignoring them is soon coming to an end. And I've worked hard to put the pieces in place as a means of arriving at this point. It is why I feel truly confident that I can come to this gathering and state that I am ready to contribute. In my own life experience, one KNOWS when one is ready. It's a feeling that you get, i.e. I'm entering into this with a sense of confidence. I was once told of the five 'P's - Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. I intend to give the best of me.
yes, I'll be there
Jedi mind tricks, eh?
Yes, I was wondering this, but I figured that I'd find out once I got to the library. By the by, that's one snazzy lookin' library you've got there in Salt Lake City.