Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by DickPile » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:10 pm

Thanks for the answer. Looking forward to the spring.
Truth is pure beautiful simplicity

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by Ian MacLeod » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:54 pm

it appears the crust of the Earth did a very tiny counterclockwise rotation about Portland, Oregon. I find that a bit humorous, as that was Dewey Larson's home town--guess he is finally trying to get "twisted science" straightened out!
It fits well with some of my own observations. I live in Central Oregon, and i have occasional appointments at the V.S. hospital there (one coming up Feb 1st), plus one of my wife's old buddies lives there, and we visit whenever we can. Especially where the V.A. is concerned, a lot of Portlanders seem to think the world revolves around Portland! Hell, maybe they're right after all... The V.A. keeps trying to do things like have me come in three days a week for a clinic I don't need. (That's about a 300 mile round trip over Mt. Hood!) My refusals have gotten me labeled an "uncooperative patient" among other things. *grin* God forbid a patient should understand his own condition and treatment!

My dreams have gotten VERY vivid lately, but I'm also up and down all night, and starting to walk into things in the day time. An hour or two at a time is a lousy way to sleep. Some of those dreams, though... I wake up sometimes feeling as though I need to get back to a place I just left where some dear friends live and our visit got cut short. Either that, or there's another dreamscape that's seriously strange! I can't call it a nightmare, quite, but if that's coming solely out of my own subconscious, hooo! I've got problems..! Or at least a few screws loose...


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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by aurora » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:51 pm

Ian, I posted a YouTube under "The day of changes has already happened" with you in mind. Did you see it?

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by Ian MacLeod » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:42 pm

NO I didn't! I'll go take a look, and thanks!


Thought I'd let you know - YouTube search shows nothing under that title.

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by Ian MacLeod » Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:49 am

Something else I'm running across a lot lately: there are maps of the changed Earth showing loss of most of the West coast and a lot of the Great plains to water. It looks to me in those as though the Pacific Ring of Fire might have gone off, triggering both the entire set of West coast fault lines AND the the Yellowstone super-volcano. Or maybe the super-volcano triggered things the other way 'round. It's about due to go off isn't it> Have any of you precogs seen anything about this?


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Secret Agent Man
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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by Secret Agent Man » Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:25 pm

Ian MacLeod wrote:Something else I'm running across a lot lately: there are maps of the changed Earth showing loss of most of the West coast and a lot of the Great plains to water. It looks to me in those as though the Pacific Ring of Fire might have gone off, triggering both the entire set of West coast fault lines AND the the Yellowstone super-volcano. Or maybe the super-volcano triggered things the other way 'round. It's about due to go off isn't it> Have any of you precogs seen anything about this?

The former military remote viewers at the Farsight Institute saw coastal cities around the world dramatically affected by some sort of major earth changes or catostrophic event back in 2008 (target date was June 2013). Study details are here: ... Page1.html

The remote viewers seemed to tell a similar story that the catastrophy was meteor impact related. Because in Feb of this year we had the close call with the meteor exploding over Russia, they now believe that statistically we may have dodged the bullet (since events like this only happen about once per 100 years, it is statistically unlikely that another would happen between now and June). This is nothing conclusive, but it is interesting to speculate. Previous remote viewing experiments conducted by the same group have indicated that when predicting the future it is only a sea of possibilities and it is not until an event is witnessed that the wave function of possibilities collapses into one particular outcome. The potential future of a map with coastal cities under water may indeed no longer be our most probable outcome. We'll just have to wait and see. Just be careful how much energy and attention you give to the doomsday stuff. We're all cocreaters here!

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Physical Changes of the Sun and Earth

Post by Ian MacLeod » Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:25 pm

"We'll just have to wait and see. Just be careful how much energy and attention you give to the doomsday stuff. We're all cocreaters here!"

Aye, and there's the rub! I tend to focus on what can go wrong in order to know what to prepare for - IF I'm able to prepare for ANY of it! I'm in Central Oregon, about in the middle of that potential new inland sea. There's no way I can see that we could get out of the way of it if that turns out to be the actual scenario, so I need to work on setting that aside. *sigh* That's not easy. I've been so busy trying to track down everything that the bad guys been setting up against us, it's hard to change the focus. I need to gt up into the mountains for a while!


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