Djchrismac wrote:I'd love to know more about your past life regression, it's something i've wanted to do for some time now so any advice you can give me would be appreciated. Were both of them completely different lives and how long ago were they, did you get an indication? What sort of things have you carried through into this incarnation?
EDIT: Sorry this is so long, but it should be worth the read... I promise!
I found my hypnotherapist off of the website for 'The Newton Institute' which you can google to find their webpage. Dr. Newton set up The Newton Institute to train other hypnotherapists in his 'Life Between Lives' (LBL) regression technique. There are hypnotherapists all over the United States and across the globe now practicing his techniques. I saw the only therapist in OH which was about an hour and a half drive for me, so not too bad. The like you to do at least two past life sessions prior to going into an LBL session because it helps get you acclimated to the state of consciousness and how you perceive information. Some people are more auditory, some are more visual, and others are more kinesthetic (where you just get a 'knowing'). I'm sort of a mixture between visual and kinesthetic. I would sort of see scenes in my head sort of in a fast forward sequence. When I would then have a question about what just happened, most of the time that's where the 'knowing' would just pop into my head to explain the answer to whatever question I had.
They hypnotherapist said that if you have an intention to see a past life that pertains to a particular issue most of the time that is the life you will review. She said that on rare occasions your guide will show you a different past life if it is important. She said most of the time it is the intention of the client that determines the life you review though. I really had one objective other than to experience what a past life review was like, and that was to review any past lives that had influenced me developing a neurological condition in this life. Since I knew I had two sessions scheduled I was also interested in seeing my most previous lifetime because that would perhaps give me the best opportunity to find physical evidence that would validate what I saw in trance. I didn't know what lifetime to review first, so I just threw it up to my guide to determine the order and settled in for the ride.
The hypnotherapist put me into a light state of hypnosis and brought me back to some sort of a life event during my teenage years, then another event even sooner when I was about 8. After that she brought me back into the womb and then into a void. She had me imagine a tunnel which I would travel into and then descend down onto the Earth. As I was floating down I saw the panhandle of Florida. The first thing she has you do is to plant your feet on the ground and look down. She said it is very grounding and helps you to get oriented in the past life scene. She then has you describe what you are wearing. I saw brown shoes, khaki pants, and a short sleeve button up shirt. I was on a walking path in a park with a small lake and trees nearby. I was going for a walk. Behind me were the buildings of a town either the outskirts of a city or a town. When she asked me my name I got Harold, which is not a name I would pick for myself. She asked where I was the first thing that popped into my head was Tallahassee (or nearby). When she asked what year it was I got 1974. I was born in 1979 in this life by the way, which she said is fairly quick to come back, but not uncommon. When she asked what I did for a job I saw a drafting board with a picture of the space shuttle. I believe I was a defense contractor working on the space program. The timing would have been right since the shuttle work would have been going on at that time.
She asked me if I had anyone important in my life and I got nothing, felt alone. I saw a red brick ranch house, craftsman style. I suddenly felt very lonely, socially awkward. I believe I had some social anxiety issues in that lifetime. This makes sense because I had these issues growing up in this lifetime too. I've overcome them since college so it was interesting for me to feel these feelings again. I had almost forgotten what it was like. When she asked me to go to a significant event in my life I suddenly saw myself in a dark alley with a black and white striped awning over a window on the building to my left. I believe it was an Italian restaurant. Suddenly I heard gun shots in the distance. I moved forward to investigate and down the street to the left I saw a white car parked in the road kind of crooked and the drivers door was open. A woman was crouched down screaming in terror. I had difficulty progressing because I believe part of me was trying to block it. The hypnotherapist later told me this is not uncommon as death is not a pleasant experience and we don't want to go through it again. I am pretty sure I was going to help the woman and suddenly I saw myself lying on the ground, shot in the left chest, lung area. Here's where it gets really interesting. In this lifetime, I had lung surgery on my left lung to correct a birth defect when I was 12 years old. I now have a scar on that side of my body. The fact that I saw myself getting shot in that area for my most recent past life sent chills down my spine. In a way it was cool to have that validation.
Once you go through the death scene the hypnotherapist has you sit down with your former self, as though you are talking to another person. Then you review what the lessons were in that life and how they pertain to the life you are living now. I got that the issues I had in that life had a lot to do with social anxiety and being alone, two things I overcame in this lifetime and no longer have. My former self was very proud of what I've done with my life this time around. It was very neat. Another interesting thing is that when I was about 5 years old in this life, I was very interested in air planes and the space shuttle. I had several books with just pictures of airplanes. It kind of makes sense if my most recent life I was an aerospace engineer. Interestingly enough I became an engineer in this life too, but I pursued the automotive route and worked for Chrysler for about 7 years.
For the next past life session I really set the intention that I wanted to see where this neurological condition came from. Just some background information here, in 2008 Chrysler was getting ready to declare bankruptcy. They ended up offering a buy out program to all their salaried workforce. I was living in St. Louis at the time working at the Dodge Ram assembly plant as a plant vehicle engineer, responsible for coordinating engineering changes with headquarters engineering in Detroit. I really wasn't happy as a plant vehicle engineer because I missed working in design and testing but a few years in the plant was supposed to be good for your career. We had just moved to St. Louis in 2007. I was torn because I really didn't like living in Detroit and my wife and I didn't want to raise a family there. When the buy out package came out, we didn't know what the future of the company would be and I didn't want to move back to Detroit if they closed the plant, so I opted to take the buy out. Besides, my wife had just found a job in the area and was actually making a little more than me anyway. It made sense to take the money and leave Chrysler.
I was unemployed for quite some time, 2 years, 1 month and 3 days to be exact. During the first year my wife and I got pregnant and we were expecting our first child. I got into a horrible depressed state during this time. I was ashamed of being unemployed while my pregnant wife got up at 6am to go to work every morning. I felt guilty for having left Chrysler. I missed identifying with my job which made me feel important. Everybody always wanted to know what it was like to work for one of the big automakers. I suddenly didn't have that anymore. I felt like I had nothing. To add to the stress now I was expecting my first child and felt overwhelmed. It was just over a year into my ordeal and 3 months before my daughter was born that I began to manifest neurological symptoms and I was diagnosed with Benign Fasculation Syndrome. I was terrified I had MS, Parkinson's, or ALS. The health anxiety sent me over the edge further. I was in a downward spiral. It wasn't until I discovered alternative medicine that I began to feel better. This brought me hope and further improved my health and attitude. I had a spiritual awakening and changed everything about how I used to handle fear, stress, worry and I've almost completely overcome my condition. I still wanted to know why though.
Another pertinent piece of information is that I grew up in a military family. My father was an officer in the Air Force. We moved around my whole life and my dad ended up retiring in Ohio after I left for college. I met my wife in college and she just happened to be going into the Air Force through ROTC. My brother also ended up going into the Air Force. The military was very much a part of my life. My wife got out when we got married, but she is still in the Reserves to this day. I had always thought of going into the military, but there was just this uneasy feeling I always had about it. I couldn't explain it. I loved the Air Force but I just had this weird reservation about it if that makes any sense.
So, this next past life was the one that really threw me for a loop... A couple actually. So she regressed me and did a very similar technique. When I emerged from the tunnel I planted my feet on the ground and I saw dark blue military boots with a gold edging along the top. The uniform pants were dark blue as well with a gold stripe running up the sides. My feet were on metal plate decking. When she asked me my name though, I couldn't get anything. It was unintelligible. Confused I was searching my mind for who I was. This is where I got one of those kinesthetic knowings and I felt like I was in command, so I just said I'm a captain or commander or something. Whatever I am, I am in charge of a small crew. The information kept coming though and suddenly I realized I was on a small ship, but it wasn't a sea going ship but a space going vessel! The next question the therapist asked was, where was I? Again, the information seemed to come through unintelligible at first, but then I saw the constellation Orion, and I knew I was somewhere in that star system. I looked very human. I was tall and masculine with dark hair and my skin was a pale grey. The humanoid look was so human in fact, you would probably just see me walking down the street, think my eyes were a little weird and that I needed to get some sun. I think they eyes were bigger and maybe a little further apart. My jaw was more pronounced and I had broad shoulders.
Anyway, when she asked what happened next I saw we got caught off guard and were disabled. I believe we were a small intelligence gathering vessel looking for weapons capability. We were at war with another race and I believe they were reptilian. We were boarded and captured. Next I saw myself strapped to a table with electro shock torture being done to me. There was also some sort of a visual device that flashed light patterns in my eyes. I believe it was for interrogation and information extraction. I got the impression that I put up a fight but eventually talked, particularly after they executed members of my crew in front of me. It was very traumatic to witness... I saw myself sitting in a small steel cell and I think I was there for quite some time. The next significant event I saw was me getting released in a prisoner exchange. I saw I had a wife and a son. I was badly injured, broken, and depressed though. My fellow military officers felt ashamed of me because they thought I should have died in battle. I think my own son joined the military in my footsteps and even felt the same way. I felt guilty, ashamed, and overwhelmed. Sound familiar? I saw myself in a bar drinking and suppressing my pain. I pushed my friends and family away. I saw myself dying in bed with my wife at my side.
In my life review where I was to sit down with my former self, I saw him sitting back in that small cold steel prison cell. His elbows were resting on his knees and his head was hanging down looking at the ground. When I sat beside him he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. In that moment when we locked eyes I suddenly felt overwhelmed with all the pain and horrible emotions he had experienced. It was so strong and so intense I actually lurched forward in my hypnosis chair and began crying uncontrollably. It was SO horrible... The information started to come through as a knowing that he was so proud of how I have overcome these problems in this lifetime. He told me I was a much better father, a much better husband, and much better at being in touch with who I am. The pain had turned into beaming unconditional love.
When I awoke from hypnosis the hypnotherapist told me that she was clairvoyant, but for the first time ever in a session she had actually seen my face change or morph during a session. She said in that moment when I lurched forward in the chair and started crying I looked completely different. The facial features she described coincided with things I saw in my session and did not tell her out loud. It was pretty cool. My body though was tingling from my fingertips to my toes. I truly felt as though I had just been electrified from being strapped to that table. As I reflected back on the experience, I realized that all the emotions I had felt in that life due to the trauma were the exact same emotions I was feeling in this life, just for different reasons. As fantastic as the story sounds of being in a war as a military commander in a humanoid Orion race and all the horrible crap I went through. Strip all that away and you have emotional events and how you deal with them. This lifetime I chose a different path and had a spiritual awakening. That was the lesson buried in the unemployment and the birth of my first daughter. It also explained the strong military presence in my vibration if you will. It all fit together so perfectly that I have no idea how I could have possibly made it all up. I certainly wouldn't have imagined being another alien race. The hypnotherapist did tell me that she has had several 'hybrid souls' come through. That's the term Michael Newton uses for souls who have incarnated on other worlds before coming to Earth.
Anyway, after going through that experience I decided to wait to do an LBL session. I really wanted to integrate the experience. It's weird too because every now and again I'll get a strange 'flash back' type feeling from one of the two past lives. For example, I work on a military base now as a civilian. I was in one of the public restrooms one morning and there were quite a few people in there, a few in military uniform, lots of commotion. Suddenly I had a flashback type feeling of being on a military transport ship (space vessel) heading on a mission somewhere. It was the weirdest feeling. It came out of nowhere. I think it might have been from early in my career in the Orion life. Very strange.
At first I would get kind of emotional even just telling my story of the past life review. It's been getting easier and easier each time and as time progresses. I think I've integrated it very well now and feel like I'll be ready to try an LBL session soon. I think I might ask for that as my fathers day gift since its like $350 or so.

Anyway, yes I know that all sounds like a crazy story above, but its what I experienced. I have no proof to offer anyone, but then again I'm not concerned with seeking validation from anyone either. I know it was an experience meant for me. I don't mind sharing it with others as I think telling the story helps me to integrate it further. Sorry for the long post. I hope this makes some sense or doesn't sound too insane.
