daniel wrote:Syrus Magistus wrote:I have another question: David Wilcock insists that all of the local ETs are human-form, and that the Source Field has human DNA generated by these galaxies periodically as a form of local cosmic self-expression. Daniel, why do you say ETs were reptilian/nonhumans?
First hand experience. Remember that David only reports on the experiences of others; he was never involved with any of the black projects directly.
So what if they're extra-dimensional entities, like the ones people who take DMT-derived compounds encounter? That Phoenix III chair supposedly opened portals anywhere the psychic wanted them to go, and the rules of what can exist in Time-Space have to be different. How do you know they weren't thought-form entities with a physical component or something equally exotic? Admittedly, I haven't combed through everything you've posted to the forums (or the Montauk series itself), but I've read all your PDFs so far and I've familiarized myself with the Law of One and everything else that looks credible on the subject and I just want to make sure A = A here. Something I've learned is probably false, and I'm fine with that, but I can't rip out another UFO seat for myself and replicate the project (not that I'd want to!), so I'm stuck with what's already been done by people other than yourself who were most likely lacking in common sense if they decided it was a good idea to let something with such horrendous consequences go on for decades on end without any responsible oversight.
What's your opinion of his insider, Henry Deacon/Arthur Neumann? He was on a panel at a Time Travel conference that went on right down the block from where I live a couple weeks ago. Your old boss, Preston Nichols, was also in attendance. I bought tickets but had to cancel for school-related reasons (which disappointed me greatly), but I got to listen to everyone talk on pay-per-view. From what I understand, Neumann is the other main 'Insider' who gave David the idea that local ETs are all humans of different colors and sizes, but with extremely similar prototypical characteristics. He was at the Zurich conference also, and spoke a little bit there. Have you looked into that guy at all?
daniel wrote:Syrus Magistus wrote:Rather than just reptilian-lineage humans like Wilcock's research asserts. Surely he's made the point to you a lot in your endless phone conversations (because I know what kind of a man David is),
What is left on the world now are the reptilian-lineage humans. The actual saurians left when they lost the war to the LMs back in the 13th century. But some do come by and visit the black project sites as consultants; they had them at Montauk in the underground sections and they are still spotted occasionally at various military bases.
That lines up with what DW's sources say, but he describes them as very tall humans wearing red and gold outfits with blonde hair and white skin, with tiny circles on their masked faces which you can only see if you look closely, like the scales on a lizard's belly. They don't want you to look into their eyes and they never sit down at meetings. Allegedly, they are extremely psychic and may even occupy underground city-bases around the world. David's concept of a Source Field updating life into less feral shapes as it goes up the ladder seemed logical to me, but what do I really know about evolution and biology? Everything I know could be wrong two times over. Conventional science speculates that evolution produces the best predators after enough time, but you'd think they'd lose things like hard scales and sharp teeth or claws and tails after awhile, unless they're gaming the system through ET eugenics or something.
daniel wrote:I've not spoken directly with David for some time; not for lack of trying. I do email him frequently, but he seldom answers. I guess he's too busy with the Cabal/gold stuff, or chasing bears in Canada. I have been concerned; he is not the same man he was, prior to getting involved with that Drake guy and this "gold" stuff. (And having spent thousands of hours talking with him over the last decade, I know him VERY well.)
I remember the Drake fiasco well. if memory serves, this site, as Soldierhugs, played host to much of Drake's material before it became your playground. Listening to David was a lot like revisiting the conversations my father and I used to have late at night for years before he passed, so I have a personal connection to him too which is more than casual, even though he and I have never exchanged a single word. Many circumstances in my life have mirrored his rather eerily. Apparently David's life was threatened pretty severely as a result of his Financial Tyranny investigation. I've never heard him cry before, but he did live on the air, somewhat, before being assured by some mysterious insider with a Dublin accent that he'd be watched out for so long as he remained honest and faithful, or something to that accord. I had never felt so angry on another's behalf.
daniel wrote:Syrus Magistus wrote:and you also assert that we on Earth are hybridized genetic experiments, rather than thoughtfully-adjusted genetic stock that were gently imported here from all over by 6D management or something of the sort.
Yes, I do. Though you could consider Enki and Ninkhursag's genetic work to be rather "thoughtfully-adjusted" since they did put a lot of thought and effort into creating Cro-Magnon man.
The Enki/EA track is one I am familiar with from my early independent studies. It was part of my acquaintance with the Annunaki story. He's credited with giving us our Pineal/Tree of Life abilities and was that snake in the garden fouling up the Annunaki's plans for a slave race, because of his great compassion for them. But my sources were mostly New Age, so I took them with the appropriate amount of sodium-chloride and moved on. I guess I'll have to go back and read Book I of the Law of One series on its own and then adjust all my comfortable assumptions about Earth history. Still, I'd give gold to hear your thoughts on the Source Field model with regard to all this. Exactly how much to we actually have going for us, as David paints a very rosy picture of the universe at large, with only seven of the sixty-some ET groups visiting Earth being considered "negative", and with different-colored humans cropping up on every solar system, which are apparently bumper-to-bumper with every other solar system, counted in the millions in Law of One terms just for our level of intelligent spacial entities, again with technologies like gravity shielding and free energy encoded in the galactic mind for all to use.
I already think that we're all indeed sharing one Mind, because that 'listen-to-the-random-thoughts' trick really works for assessing what other people are thinking in real time, so we probably ARE all thinking with the same field of cosmic intelligence. And if it really has such a strong positive bias, those reptilians are as a severe disadvantage when you factor in all the things like free will principle and ethics-driven metaphysics. Then again, it's probably time for me to re-assess what i think I know in the area. I'm still confident that if they're a psycho-spiritually reactive field of etheric energy connecting everything, that we can channel ad infinitum, a properly psi-activated human can just keep through out exponentially more coherent levels of damage against these negative 'elites', who have a built-in limit to their source of power and their potential overall. No technique is perfect, and if there's any weakness to be exploited, any loophole, then their asses are ours.
daniel wrote:I only support the Law of One, Book I. I consider the remainder of that work to contain distortions due to the instrument's use of psychoactive substances.
How would psychoactive substances distort the remainder of the work in and of themselves? As I understand it, those kinds of drugs re-tune the transceiver wavelength of the mind to pick up different aspects of reality. They just expand on what you've already got to work with. However, I must admit my understanding of this concept is limited, and I've yet to find a sophisticated enough study on the subject to shed my ignorance completely. I'll just go through Book I at my next convenience and knock down anything not in it to a lower level of probability in my future assessments. I've never used LSD in my life, and I'm not interested either, so I'll take your word for this.
daniel wrote:I support the conclusions of David, or others, that the evidence and natural consequences are in harmony with. I prefer to trust information, rather than supposition. And there is a great deal of misinformation and disinformation out there--on purpose--to keep people hugging trees, rather than looking at the evidence--because the evidence is not always warm and fuzzy. You need to have discernment, and that includes the papers and posts that I write... I do my best to express my understanding of things, but language has its limits, and if people engaged in communication do not have the same premises, then odds are misunderstanding is inevitable.
Well, when all you have is a hammer…
daniel wrote:For example, if I told you that "1 + 1 = 10", would you believe me?
Heh. My father once told me that there's areas of math which do work like that, so sure. I'll buy that… if you can show me your work.