Daniel - Looking for reading material
I've been reading your posts ever since the creation of this forum, and I find them extremely fascinating. The amount of information that you have stored away in that head of yours is almost beyond comprehension. I wish you had a download button! Every time you write, I’m on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait until you publish new papers.
One of the reasons I’m writing other than to say, fantastic job! Is that all this stuff is relatively new to me and with the amount of information out there, it’s very hard to figure out what is true and what isn't. In the world of the internet you have truth, lies and everything in between. I was hoping that maybe you could suggest a list of books (or authors) and sources that I could start with?
My areas of interest is the universe both from a historical standpoint, but also the physics behind it i.e. how it works. I’m just now looking into the reciprocal system by Dewey Larson. I’m also looking into ancient geometry and hyper dimensional physics trying to understand how all of this fits together.
My other interest is spiritual growth. This may sound naive or childish, but I’m scared of death at the idea of going into 4D- nor do I really want to stay in 3D. So much so that I've been recently evaluating everything in my life and realizing that many of my past choices in life have been somewhat selfishly motivated, but as I look within, I realize that many of the decisions I made were for things I don’t really care about. Namely, money, career, a nice looking car. Hell, I even have the new Iphone 5, because I had to have it! Basically all the things that I've been conditioned to want in thinking that it would make me happy. The truth is I really have no desire for any of these things other than the money that my family needs to survive in today’s world. I’m already making drastic choices in the desire to change these things becoming a Naturopathic Doctor. I just really want to help people, young and old. Both physically and mentally. I have two visions that I hold in my head. A wellness center that considers all modalities with the main goal of truly fixing the problem (not masking the symptoms as most pharmaceuticals do) and creating a healthy patient. The other being, a new school system to help educate children in a new way of thinking. I see our world as broken, and I want to fix it. And in doing so, I realize that I have to look inward and really fix myself.
At any rate, like most of us, I’m looking for the truth and any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much,
p.s. Any other comments are welcomed! If you have a suggestion, please don't hesitate, comment away.
I've been reading your posts ever since the creation of this forum, and I find them extremely fascinating. The amount of information that you have stored away in that head of yours is almost beyond comprehension. I wish you had a download button! Every time you write, I’m on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait until you publish new papers.
One of the reasons I’m writing other than to say, fantastic job! Is that all this stuff is relatively new to me and with the amount of information out there, it’s very hard to figure out what is true and what isn't. In the world of the internet you have truth, lies and everything in between. I was hoping that maybe you could suggest a list of books (or authors) and sources that I could start with?
My areas of interest is the universe both from a historical standpoint, but also the physics behind it i.e. how it works. I’m just now looking into the reciprocal system by Dewey Larson. I’m also looking into ancient geometry and hyper dimensional physics trying to understand how all of this fits together.
My other interest is spiritual growth. This may sound naive or childish, but I’m scared of death at the idea of going into 4D- nor do I really want to stay in 3D. So much so that I've been recently evaluating everything in my life and realizing that many of my past choices in life have been somewhat selfishly motivated, but as I look within, I realize that many of the decisions I made were for things I don’t really care about. Namely, money, career, a nice looking car. Hell, I even have the new Iphone 5, because I had to have it! Basically all the things that I've been conditioned to want in thinking that it would make me happy. The truth is I really have no desire for any of these things other than the money that my family needs to survive in today’s world. I’m already making drastic choices in the desire to change these things becoming a Naturopathic Doctor. I just really want to help people, young and old. Both physically and mentally. I have two visions that I hold in my head. A wellness center that considers all modalities with the main goal of truly fixing the problem (not masking the symptoms as most pharmaceuticals do) and creating a healthy patient. The other being, a new school system to help educate children in a new way of thinking. I see our world as broken, and I want to fix it. And in doing so, I realize that I have to look inward and really fix myself.
At any rate, like most of us, I’m looking for the truth and any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much,
p.s. Any other comments are welcomed! If you have a suggestion, please don't hesitate, comment away.
- Djchrismac
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Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
Many of us feel the same way which is how we found our paths crossing on this website/forum. To be honest there is so much to take in and filter that it is hard to recommend anywhere to start but I would suggest reading through this forum thoroughly as some of the topics discussed here will lead you on some amazing information tangents and suggested reading.
I would also start reading the RS papers on the RS2 website and PDF archive, although tricky to get your head round at first some of the forum posts have extra info to help you understand time/space. I think it is best for you to just trust your instincts and start learing about what you need to know just now and take it from there.
Personally I would recommend the Law of One book 1, Morris Jessup: The Case for the UFO (Varo/annotated edition), Etidorhpa and any of the RS books and papers. David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger and others all have good information online as well. I thought Tellinger was quite up to speed with things on his recent Secret Annunaki History C2CAM show! The following site also has a good grasp of the big picture and they mention Daniel and other important info - http://newtomorrow.us/.
Haha yeah you are right, it would be nice to download a "Daniel" app into our brain Matrix style but it's more fun finding these things out yourself, happy information adventuring, if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.
Many of us feel the same way which is how we found our paths crossing on this website/forum. To be honest there is so much to take in and filter that it is hard to recommend anywhere to start but I would suggest reading through this forum thoroughly as some of the topics discussed here will lead you on some amazing information tangents and suggested reading.
I would also start reading the RS papers on the RS2 website and PDF archive, although tricky to get your head round at first some of the forum posts have extra info to help you understand time/space. I think it is best for you to just trust your instincts and start learing about what you need to know just now and take it from there.
Personally I would recommend the Law of One book 1, Morris Jessup: The Case for the UFO (Varo/annotated edition), Etidorhpa and any of the RS books and papers. David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger and others all have good information online as well. I thought Tellinger was quite up to speed with things on his recent Secret Annunaki History C2CAM show! The following site also has a good grasp of the big picture and they mention Daniel and other important info - http://newtomorrow.us/.
Haha yeah you are right, it would be nice to download a "Daniel" app into our brain Matrix style but it's more fun finding these things out yourself, happy information adventuring, if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
The truth is you're already 6D, so stop worrying Its only your awareness that will expand from 3D only into 4D (presuming you mean 4th Density and not 4th Dimensional). Basically its just shaking off a few limitations. There's nothing to fear. The only thing that can create suffering for you in the kind of "transition" you are nervous about, are two things: unresolved emotions, and expectations. Deal with those two and become free from them, and you have no worries. I recommend www.near-death.com plenty of evidence there that you've got nothing to worry about. A tip: sincerely and genuinely working through things you did and thought and then truly forgiving yourself (look yourself in the eyes in the mirror) for it is the fastest way to get rid of the justification to fear/guilt/shame in the transition 3d to 4d and/or the afterlife.My other interest is spiritual growth. This may sound naive or childish, but I’m scared of death at the idea of going into 4D- nor do I really want to stay in 3D.
Lets be honest here. Conditioning isn't relevant. The fact is we would want certain things anyway because it looks fun, interesting, and DOES bring some joy into our lives. Desiring luxuries is not wrong. As long as our emotions and behaviour isn't DRIVEN by that desire. But then the issue is not selfishness or conditioning. The issue is that you haven't found the superior joys that you can give yourself and thus settle for the inferior joys that external things and/or other people can give you. The fact is you want joy and you're using the best way you know how to get it. There are better ways, but condemning the inferior ways is the best way to block yourself from finding the superior ways. Why? Because of the side-effect of any judgement: self-rejection. By ACCEPTING you want it and then drilling deeper to see WHY (not why its bad, but WHY its good), only then can you discover the deeper stuff. The "shadow". Then its much easier to CHANGE behavior, because the material stuff become meaningless symbols of the real (and legitimate) needs you have, and your "shadow" can help you discover the meaningful and liberating superior ways of getting what you need, without having to use material means to get it, or needing justifications on why one needs it.Basically all the things that I've been conditioned to want in thinking that it would make me happy. The truth is I really have no desire for any of these things other than the money that my family needs to survive in today’s world.
If it helps - Look up some of the neuroscience research done by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Focus on the science stuff. There's some "interpretation" things there too but you can choose to interpret the data your own way.A wellness center that considers all modalities with the main goal of truly fixing the problem (not masking the symptoms as most pharmaceuticals do) and creating a healthy patient.
There's this british professor guy (Sir Ken Robinson I think) that talks on TED Talks on education reformation. I love watching all talks he does because he creates clear distinctions between what's wrong with our educational system and why (where it comes from, why it works the way it does, and why its ineffective) as well as creating a framework of what will be needed for a useful and working educational system (what "ingredients" must it have, what needs it must fulfill, of what nature it must be). Why I prefer his style of thoughts is that he doesn't do the conspiracy stuff - he focusses on the "where we are at" and "where we need to go" and "how to get there". Period.The other being, a new school system to help educate children in a new way of thinking. I see our world as broken, and I want to fix it. And in doing so, I realize that I have to look inward and really fix myself.
Hope this all helps
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
Thank you so much!!! I really do appreciate you taking the time to write. These are now officially on my list! Out of the list, David Wilcock is the one that I have looked into and has really become a driving force (and stepping stone) for me. He's a wealth of knowledge and the amount of information that he's gone over with all of the connecting of dots, is really amazing.Djchrismac wrote:Hi RLC,
Many of us feel the same way which is how we found our paths crossing on this website/forum. To be honest there is so much to take in and filter that it is hard to recommend anywhere to start but I would suggest reading through this forum thoroughly as some of the topics discussed here will lead you on some amazing information tangents and suggested reading.
I would also start reading the RS papers on the RS2 website and PDF archive, although tricky to get your head round at first some of the forum posts have extra info to help you understand time/space. I think it is best for you to just trust your instincts and start learing about what you need to know just now and take it from there.
Personally I would recommend the Law of One book 1, Morris Jessup: The Case for the UFO (Varo/annotated edition), Etidorhpa and any of the RS books and papers. David Wilcock, Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger and others all have good information online as well. I thought Tellinger was quite up to speed with things on his recent Secret Annunaki History C2CAM show! The following site also has a good grasp of the big picture and they mention Daniel and other important info - http://newtomorrow.us/.
Haha yeah you are right, it would be nice to download a "Daniel" app into our brain Matrix style but it's more fun finding these things out yourself, happy information adventuring, if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you again!
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
It does! Thank you so much! I especially like what you had to say about conditioning. I do think conditioning can have it's effect, because our society continuously bombards us with messages of "you have to have this in order to feel good." Which is to your point, we can't have our emotions and behaviors driven by that desire. This is when it becomes unhealthy.infinity wrote:
Hope this all helps
"By ACCEPTING you want it and then drilling deeper to see WHY (not why its bad, but WHY its good), only then can you discover the deeper stuff. The "shadow". Then its much easier to CHANGE behavior, because the material stuff become meaningless symbols of the real (and legitimate) needs you have, and your "shadow" can help you discover the meaningful and liberating superior ways of getting what you need, without having to use material means to get it, or needing justifications on why one needs it."
And this... This really has turned a bit of a light bulb on for me. I don't ask "why" enough, and I know it.
Thank you again!! This is the type of stuff I'm looking for. Much appreciated.
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
There is so much out there that is backward or half truths. I would stick to what Daniel post here. Some of the good stuff is Daniel's main posts. "Extra-dimensional & Extra-Terrestrial Entities" is a good start. Then "Geochronology" and "Time and Timelines"". And finish with Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HARRP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension". I think the "The Uncommitted Investigator" explains why it is important to investigate on your own. Don't worry about time as in maybe there is not enough time before something happens. Just do your best!
There is so much out there that is backward or half truths. I would stick to what Daniel post here. Some of the good stuff is Daniel's main posts. "Extra-dimensional & Extra-Terrestrial Entities" is a good start. Then "Geochronology" and "Time and Timelines"". And finish with Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HARRP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension". I think the "The Uncommitted Investigator" explains why it is important to investigate on your own. Don't worry about time as in maybe there is not enough time before something happens. Just do your best!
All that glitter is not GOLD!
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
The problem I have with conditioning is that we subconsciously blame something else for what we do or how we think. Its a tricky grey area because on the one hand, conditioning has a real influence, on the other, we alone are responsible for our thoughts and actions (and whether we change it or not). "Conditioning" as a concept is loaded with anger, with sadness, with resentment, with judgement. Against others, against ourselves... and its seductive because it gives us a convenient excuse on why not to take responsibility to transform ourselves - because we can justify blaming "them" for "making us the way we are". We don't deal with these emotions. We incorporate them into ourselves as energy generators to drive and justify our rebellious nature. We corrupt ourselves.RLC wrote:It does! Thank you so much! I especially like what you had to say about conditioning. I do think conditioning can have it's effect, because our society continuously bombards us with messages of "you have to have this in order to feel good." Which is to your point, we can't have our emotions and behaviors driven by that desire. This is when it becomes unhealthy.infinity wrote: Hope this all helps
This is dangerous to our intellectual potential and our spiritual growth. We think we are aware of its effects and we make ourselves go all "rebel" and rant to other people about how we are all conditioned. But what really changes inside ourselves? We barely know its effects on us - because we ignore our reaction to our increased awareness to it. Did we just use "conditioning" as another excuse to avoid personal responsibility and deceive ourselves in thinking we are doing something useful about it by judging the "conditioners" and making others resentful of them too (by ranting about it to other people)? Did we just unconsciously become tools in the bad guys' hands that help spread anger, fear, and justification to blame others at the expense of taking personal responsibility and doing something useful?
I caught myself doing that. And I realized my heart was in the wrong place and I used my head (intellect) to actually reason myself out of personal responsibility. I'm back to square one.
Our use of language triggers neural networks in our brain connected to the related concepts. Simply using the word "conditioning" makes me all ramped up and think of the injustice and how i'm a victim and why its so wrong. Those neural networks of negative thoughts (and useless ones, take note) are just being strengthened in my brain and making it harder for me to "grow up".
But if I use the word "teacher" instead - i.e. I was "taught" that I can subscribe to someone else's idea of good/bad and happy/sad or succeed/fail and see the very real results in my life, or i can choose to find my own ideas of what works for me and uplifts others (which brings me great fulfilment, which is a rare and much sought after treasure - to find fulfilment that is). I like being "taught". I love learning. My word please give me more! What else is there to learn? How else can I find the wonders of my being and my divine nature, and how can I express and use it to uplift others too?
That shift in "gears" completely changed how my head works. My brain comes up with ideas, I get excited and filled with joy. I'm not stressed, angry, or bitter. I actually see it as an invaluable stepping stone, without which I couldn't have learned what I did, so fast, with so little pain (compared to many alternatives I can come up with). And the best of all? I can forgive those that wanted to control me because I can actually love them - they helped me learn some real incredible stuff.
I also learned that I can positively use that knowledge to empower others. I can 'condition' my kid through routine to learn discipline and character, yet also 'inform' him expressely on the 'why' of that routine - I can still teach him to think for himself, but I can use mechanics of 'conditioning' to prove that repeated application of universal laws will give consistent results that serve you - and avoids unnecessary pain and suffering. He can choose to accept it, or not to, because I also teach him to think for himself. But I used conditioning to make it easier to overcome a human's natural rebel and selfish nature and experience the superior joys of maturity.
It takes a baby to crush a flower where it took a god to create, as the proverb goes.
By learning to "transform" and "transmute" undesirable energies into desirable ones (e.g. negative control into positive guidance), we are literally learning to become more godlike - more of our true nature.
And language - the simple thing of words, the simple thing of concepts linked to those words - is one of the most powerful tools we can use to transform our thinking, change our circumstances through changing ourselves, and uplift others unto creating a boundless synergy of individual giftings.
We need to be wary yes, we need wisdom of course, but we also need wit. Wit is unfetterred intelligence. It does not like being put in boxes. It does not like being told what is truth - it wants to experience it. It likes to find ways around obstacles in its path and it finds great joy in overcoming the sneakiness of others. Wit is our weapon, because with it, we can sniff out what true, we can sever what is not - Inside ourselves, and through healthy relationship (e.g. rapport, not competition) with others too.
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
Will do! Thank you!MrTwig wrote:Hi RLC,
There is so much out there that is backward or half truths. I would stick to what Daniel post here. Some of the good stuff is Daniel's main posts. "Extra-dimensional & Extra-Terrestrial Entities" is a good start. Then "Geochronology" and "Time and Timelines"". And finish with Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HARRP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension". I think the "The Uncommitted Investigator" explains why it is important to investigate on your own. Don't worry about time as in maybe there is not enough time before something happens. Just do your best!
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
Wow. Very insightful and well written! That may take some time to digest. I may have to read it a few more times Though, I understand what you are saying and agree. I think conditioning can be tricky, and I do agree that you need to take responsibility for your actions, all of them. I can look back and see that every decision that I made has lead me up to this point, but there was a time I didn't even realize there was a problem. I find In today's society, you are overwhelmed, distracted and entertained with corporate/government messaging, million dollar movies, video games that can last months, work, music, school and probably a myriad of other things that I'm forgetting. All to divert your attention so that you don't realize there is something bigger going on. It wasn't until recent that I seen the magic show for what it is, an illusion. Though, I don't blame anyone, but myself for not seeing what was right out in the open. That was my fault, and truthfully I'm not even really upset at myself about it. I just want to fix it. Someone use to tell me "so what, now what." Meaning that you can sit here and bitch blaming everyone except yourself, but does that really make the situation any better? It doesn't, it just wastes time. There's nothing wrong with recognizing that you are upset, but the real question we should ask is now what? What am I going to do about it? And I think the answer in this situation is to educate myself. I just only wish I would have started earlier.infinity wrote:
The problem I have with conditioning is that we subconsciously blame something else for what we do or how we think. Its a tricky grey area because on the one hand, conditioning has a real influence, on the other, we alone are responsible for our thoughts and actions (and whether we change it or not). "Conditioning" as a concept is loaded with anger, with sadness, with resentment, with judgement. Against others, against ourselves... and its seductive because it gives us a convenient excuse on why not to take responsibility to transform ourselves - because we can justify blaming "them" for "making us the way we are". We don't deal with these emotions. We incorporate them into ourselves as energy generators to drive and justify our rebellious nature. We corrupt ourselves....
Thank you so much... I really do appreciate you taking the time to write these amazing posts!
Re: Daniel - Looking for reading material
A lot of things in society might be illusion but we didn't come to this planet while being ignorant of the plots going on here. We came here to either learn through USING the "rules" of the illusions to see WHY something doesn't work for us or to better get to know who we really are at our core. Or we came here to overcome these illusions - and the struggle is what makes us mature - like how a larvae needs to struggle out of the cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly. If you cut open the cocoon and don't let it struggle out by itself, the colors are dull and it doesn't have the strength to fly. It dies. Thats because the struggle was DESIGNED as part of the transformation process. Its a requirement to open the blood circulation necessary for it to survive and function in its transformed form.
We can't learn true courage without being afraid. We can't learn true forgiveness without being hurt. We can't learn true love without being manipulated or rejected.
You are driven to educate yourself - but what triggered it? It was your discovery of the illusion stuff. The illusion helped give you direction, purpose, and a goal. You transformed its effect on you from one of enslavement to one of empowerment. That is an expression of your divine nature. It is proof that nothing can stop you from growing into your ultimate potential. Now the illusion serves you by the drive it helped create for you, and you need no longer serve the illusion. Congratulations, you have just ascended.
There are many more lying ahead. Many more victories, discoveries, and joys. There is nothing wrong with the timing you have. Time is not relevant. Purpose is the only thing relevant. What one person accomplishes in a year, another accomplishes in a week. Its not a matter of performance, its a matter of purpose. Its a matter of design. There are reasons for the timing. Not bad reasons, good ones. Because its about the purpose of the timing - and it is not always in our conscious control.
We can't learn true courage without being afraid. We can't learn true forgiveness without being hurt. We can't learn true love without being manipulated or rejected.
You are driven to educate yourself - but what triggered it? It was your discovery of the illusion stuff. The illusion helped give you direction, purpose, and a goal. You transformed its effect on you from one of enslavement to one of empowerment. That is an expression of your divine nature. It is proof that nothing can stop you from growing into your ultimate potential. Now the illusion serves you by the drive it helped create for you, and you need no longer serve the illusion. Congratulations, you have just ascended.
There are many more lying ahead. Many more victories, discoveries, and joys. There is nothing wrong with the timing you have. Time is not relevant. Purpose is the only thing relevant. What one person accomplishes in a year, another accomplishes in a week. Its not a matter of performance, its a matter of purpose. Its a matter of design. There are reasons for the timing. Not bad reasons, good ones. Because its about the purpose of the timing - and it is not always in our conscious control.