The Uncommitted Investigator

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The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by daniel » Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:23 pm

The Uncommitted Investigator (Click for PDF)
Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth.
—Dewey Larson
Larson's quote nicely sums up the current world situation, regardless of the field of study, whether it be science, mathematics, religion, politics or the Great Pumpkin.

One of the first questions people ask me after they find out what I know is, “why did you wait 30 years to say something?” Well, I didn't! For decades I tried to get people to listen, but no one would. I was insulted, attacked and ridiculed for daring to say that what people were taught in schools is flat-out wrong. Eventually, one concludes that it isn't worth the effort to try. So I stopped trying to get the information out and focused on understanding the things that I encountered during the Phoenix project, but as an “uncommitted investigator.”

Dewey Larson, one of my all-time favorite researchers and fellow “uncommitted investigator,” said this in a presentation to a class of chemical engineers, back in 1968:
Larson, Dewey B., Around Unexpected Corners, 1968 wrote:About twenty years ago Dr. James B. Conant, at that time president of Harvard University, gave a talk to a group of chemists and chemical executives in which he expressed serious concern over the effect on scientific progress that was likely to result from the virtual disappearance of what he called the “uncommitted investigators,” a term which he applied to those individuals who carry on scientific research work on their own initiative, without support from or direction by the established research agencies. As Dr. Conant put it, these individuals “could investigate what they pleased when they pleased, or break off research at any point. They were as free as the wind because they had no program except the ever-changing one in their own minds.”

The reason for his concern, Dr. Conant explained, was that although the great majority of new discoveries in the scientific field are made by professional scientists working under the auspices of universities or research laboratories, the really revolutionary ideas, those that actually change the course of scientific progress, have come mainly from the free-wheeling activities of these uncommitted investigators, and if such individuals are no longer active, there is no assurance that these much-needed ideas will continue to materialize. In Dr. Conant’s own words: “The revolutionary advances in theoretical science were made very largely by amateurs… Few will deny that it is relatively easy in science to fill in the details of a new area, once the frontier has been crossed. The crucial event is turning the unexpected corner. This is not given to most of us to do. If you want advances in the basic theories of chemistry and physics in the future comparable to those of the last two centuries, then it would seem essential that there continue to be people in a position to turn unexpected corners. By definition, the unexpected corner cannot be turned by any operation that is planned.”
During my own research, I turned more than a few “unexpected corners” that pointed out, quite clearly, the things we are taught are “bits of truth,” but almost always lead to dead ends. It is as though human knowledge has been guided into these dead ends and strong walls erected to keep people from thinking outside the box. True research, having been taken over by corporations, became a tool for profit—not a tool for understanding. It is only the few, uncommitted investigators working in back rooms, basements and garages, that have obtained new knowledge and tried to make it public—usually to be bought out by corporations, silenced under “national security,” or ridiculed into obscurity.

The research I put forth is not secret, it is just the “common factor” to a lot of other research done by dozens of other uncommitted investigators over the last 200 years. The references I give can be found in most public libraries.

Take a dose of Larson, Maxwell, Steinmetz, Keely and Tesla, mix with some medieval Christianity, Vedic epics and Hermes Trismegistus, shake well (shaken, not stirred), and season with a good dose of Sumerian mythology and Celtic folklore. What you get from that concoction is the knowledge that was forbidden by the gods—the “secret science” that contradicts everything you know!

It takes the mind a while to unlearn everything it has been programmed to believe by those powers that be. My papers directly contradict everything you've been taught as “truth.” For example:
  • The substance of the universe is not matter, but motion, a abstract ratio of change that we call space/time.
  • Faster-than-light speeds are commonplace; the rule, not the exception, which is a slap in the face to Einstein.
  • Astronomers have everything backwards; stars begin their life as red giants and end it as blue giants exploding in a supernovae. Galaxies form from globular clusters, to irregulars, to spirals, to giant sphericals and also explode, producing quasars.
  • The geological dating system is based on a false premise; things are much younger than stated by geologists. Correlations are missed because of this, such as the
  • Biblical appearance of Adam and Eve coinciding with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon man.
  • Anthropology became the study of how to hide the true origins of homo sapiens. Fact is, mankind may have more in common with Godzilla than with the Neanderthals.
  • Religion is not what you think… it's the code of enslavement, not enlightenment.
So when you read my papers and start screaming, “That's wrong! I was taught that…,” remember that I've heard it all before. I was taught it all before! And I use to believe it! Then I found none of what I was taught came close to explain the things I saw and worked with, forcing me to accept that everything I knew was wrong. It took a lot of time and effort to work around all those built-in biases—and they put up quite a fight—but once I was able to steer myself clear and take a clean look at what now seems obvious, a much simpler view of the universe emerged—one that opens the doors to some amazing possibilities.

The research contained in my papers is not channeled, received telepathically, supplied by ExtraTerrestrials, ExtraDimensionals, angels, demons, gods or any other source outside of a lot of hard work and good, old-fashioned “know-how,” by a few dedicated, uncommitted investigators that want to figure out what is out there, not be handed a book on The Universe for Dummies by the next Vogon constructor ship that happen to pass by Earth, laying out a route for a hyperspace bypass.

This approach was a matter of choice by those involved, because we wanted to demonstrate, first hand, to those very ETs, EDs, angels, demons, gods, devils and whatever else is out there, that mankind has learned to think for himself, and is ready, willing and able to take his place in the Universe as a peaceful explorer that other worlds want as a good neighbor and friend.

I think we are all fed up with the violent, domineering agendas of the few reptilian wanna-be's that are out to control every aspect of our lives. It may be who THEY are, but it is not who WE are.

We are Mankind, the children of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Earth, unique in this galaxy. We have a place in the scheme of things, not as conquerors, not as slaves, but as fellow travelers on this Great Path that all life walks to understanding the mysteries of the Universe.

So Sayonara Saurians, Homo sapiens has had enough and is ascending without you, to stand as equals with those of the stars.

I started with a quote from Larson, and I'm going to finish with one, which is from the last paragraph in the book, Universe of Motion:
Larson, Dewey B., Universe of Motion, p. 438 wrote:The more complete understanding of physical existence opens the door to an exploration of existence as a whole, including those nonphysical areas that have hitherto had to be left to religion and related branches of thought. It is now evident that our familiar material world is not the whole of existence, as modem science would have us believe. It is only a part—perhaps a very small part—of a greater whole.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by Matts » Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:50 pm

Hi Daniel, thank you very much for your important work.
At the same time when your articles went out I have found an interesting homepage with a theory about the origins of the universe - as an electromagnetic plasma-process.

I'm not very educated in this stuff, but what I understood is that there are some points coinciding with your material: for example the quantum character of herzsprung-russel-diagramm or no need of black holes, dark matter etc. to explain the astronomical observations.

It's very sad, that all this is published only in german language until now, but I'm sure that the guys could communicate english as well.

For me it seems to be that the Hundred-Monkey-Effect just took place and all over the world we are just coming very close to the knowledge about our origins and the origins of the universe and how to use this for solving actual problems.

Good luck :D

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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by MINIMOOSE » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:38 am

nice, i've been looking for some german papers etc to swend to my friends back home :D
most of them are science students and very sensitive about 'unconventional' ideas..
i really like the uncommited investigator, should open more ears and minds of scientists, who really want to change paradigms

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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by infinity » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:37 pm

Interesting and provocative post.

You mention that astronomers etc. have it backwards. I was thinking about earth's history too - you know, how did the continents get torn apart, etc. and there's an interesting perspective/theory that the earth was a lot smaller and grew in mass/size - quite a lot - to the size it is today. Wondered if you also have any comment on that thought? :)

It just seems to make even more sense considering how the earth will be 'receiving' a lot more energy in the coming years - that energy is going somewhere, and doing something. Some of it might be 'crystallized' so to speak into physical matter and add more mass to the planet perhaps. This would be especially likely if the earth went through such growth in mass in the past in the same cycles.

As the cliche goes, history tends to repeat itself

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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by daniel » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:18 am

infinity wrote:You mention that astronomers etc. have it backwards. I was thinking about earth's history too - you know, how did the continents get torn apart, etc. and there's an interesting perspective/theory that the earth was a lot smaller and grew in mass/size - quite a lot - to the size it is today. Wondered if you also have any comment on that thought? :)
The Reciprocal System supports the "expanding planet" hypothesis, due to the nature of the cores of the planets having matter at FTL speeds (have a leg or two in 3D time). As the planets cool, those dimensions are pulled back into space (less time = more space), causing planets to expand, crack their crusts, and cause all sorts of geological changes like the shifting of continents.

I would recommend the paper: At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution

And also the research on expansion tectonics, for supporting, geologic evidence: Plate Expansion Tectonics

If you also check out some of the ancient maps, particularly Oronce Finé, you'll see some interesting features such as Antarctica extending upward almost to touching the Tropic of Capricorn, being due east of Africa instead of south, and the tip of South America a couple of miles from the Antarctic coast. This would certainly make sense, if the Earth was physically smaller.
Oronce Finé map
oronce-fine-map.jpg (1.03MiB)Viewed 78434 times
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by MrTwig » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:07 pm

daniel wrote: I would recommend the paper: At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution
Wow! Facinating paper. Very well written, I believe. Thanks! :D
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Re: The Uncommitted Investigator

Post by Djchrismac » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:50 pm

MrTwig wrote:
daniel wrote: I would recommend the paper: At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution
Wow! Facinating paper. Very well written, I believe. Thanks! :D
It's one of my favourites too, like going back to school for a proper astronomy lesson!
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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