soldierhugsmember wrote:When I was young, one of my favourite TV shows was Time Tunnel. It always seemed a bit strange that the time travellers always arrived at some historic moment in time. They never travelled back to a time when they merely met peasants of no significance in a nondescript locality during a period when nothing ever happened.
Did you know that the Air Force contracted Irwin Allen to do that series, as a cover for the Montauk experiments? A big, secret underground base with a time vortex generator...
- The Time Tunnel
- TemporalVortexGenerator.jpg (21.97KiB)Viewed 23936 times
deepfsh wrote:What surprises me most is that David didn't mention Daniel in his acknowledgements section of the SFI, although he referenced Larson's theory, which he learned about from Daniel, if I'm correct. Not to mention the "thousands hours on the phone with him" etc.
Actually, David learned about the RS from Bruce, who had provided Carla with some RS explanations for
The Wanderer's Handbook and introduce her to the concept of "time/space" being the metaphysical sector of the Universe (the Cosmic sector). I had asked David to leave me out of his published material, as well as the other RS researchers and Antiquatis folks (he did ask if I wanted to be included, along with the websites I referred to).
And yes, I did spend thousands of hours talking with him... about every topic you can imagine, from advanced psionics to Space Vampires! (An old, Buck Rogers TV series episode that scared the crap out of David when he was young--and I happened to have a videotape of.)
IrieLion wrote:Isn't it interesting that people that talk about their past lives are always someone cool like Cleopatra, Caesar or I don't know... the Egyptian Sun god Ra. How come no one is ever a simple farmer, town drunk or blacksmith?
My great-grandfather was a barber, so you can tell the Noble line I am descended from!
deepfsh wrote:When Daniel mentioned that David looks more like Rasputin, I found a guy who wrote a very interesting article about this issue,
That is a VERY interesting article... I particularly like this quote:
When we understand that Rasputin was the reincarnation of Vlad III the Impaler (Dracula) the dark conspiracy connected to the royal satanic bloodlines and the House of Draco comes more sharply into focus. The New Age is part of a dark mind control conspiracy and is part of the drive to create the New World Order that intends to enslave us all after annihilating 90% of the current world's population.
Maybe that explains his connection with Drake (aka LORD Dracos, where LORD = Loyal Order of the Royal Dragon) and the Dragon Family (which, according to a Chinese friend, is the title used for the Royal family).
But David did almost get it right with being the reincarnation of Ra... he just forgot the -sputin part!
IrieLion wrote:I wasn't talking about the torsion field research
The ONLY other Russian research that I have actually seen from David is the work of Viktor Grebennikov and his insect wing powered flying platform.
AGREED 100%. Daniel you are presenting us with revolutionary information. ... You on the other hand seem very humble and it shows.
Thanks for that. Guess that makes me the reincarnation of
Underdog... humble and loveable!
I have no interest in being a public figure; the best I can do is to share what I have discovered on my Path to Kheb.