Hello all, who drinks good water?

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Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by soldierhugsmember » Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:43 pm

I'd go easy on the black magic and the cursing.
Some people say it's not a good idea to send bad stuff out as it can be returned to sender with knobs on.


Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by lizard69 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:14 pm

ok i hear you

no bad stuff then

I will love the pilots for ever then ;-)

And their gorgeous planes .

No problem

Same thing .Different polarity



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Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by Evansville64 » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:55 am


I was also very pissed myself at the the chemtrals, more specifically sending great dissonance to the planes themselves, and I now firmly believe that I PLAYED A PART (likely collective) In many corporate aviation-ralated, pocket-hitting problems
http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/05/travel/am ... s-problem/
http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/Lates ... iasco-over
http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB1 ... 3461653662
http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/01/car ... lane-food/
Before one of these would happen (dozens) a casual comment form me in advance would predict these, in a humorous and in-your-face way, and I felt somewhat joyed by it all. I felt a sense of love, and red/blue-shifty felling, when "cursing" the planes.
It got people abit turned away of these highly corporate shortcut travel methods, not to mention spray methods .
There were often synchronicity driven comments-events like this, in the world of cruise ships, aswell.
Not to mention the LAC-MEGANTIC TRAIN ACCIDENT... that one, defiantly roughed me up abit. But hey, it got people to think about crude oil, and its mere state of obsolescence . MUCH LOVE - THANKS FOR SHARING

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Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by PHIon » Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:13 am

lizard69 wrote: I started seeing my pendulum moving ,and I wanted it to move more fast (clockwise>>>positive energy-chi )
I wonder about the assumption that a pendulum rotating clockwise is "positive" energy.

When looking at a plant growing from an above reference point, the rotation is CCW (left-handed) most of the time. Are we supposed to assume that plants are negative energy because they have a counter-clockwise spin?

I am always willing to learn, so if I am missing something I am open to a scientific explanation of pendulums with data but not a New Age website making claims on the truth.

As is the norm for me now, especially since beginning to study the Reciprocal System, I will take my cues from Nature.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle

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Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:31 am

I found "Letter to Robin" to be very useful when I was teaching myself how to use a pendulum. But I didn't go all the way in that I did not use the alphabet system as that smacks too much of an ouija board.

It's really a matter to setting up a system, laying down the ground rules and it's away you go.

However, not everyone can use a pendulum and you also need to be careful that dark entities don't hijack what you're doing. I now incorporate the 3 times test to ensure that my answers come from the Light. Simply state that you only wish to communicate with the Light and ask for confirmation that the answers are coming from the Light. Do this 3 times. If you don't get "Yes" each time, tell the bugger to buzz off.


Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by lizard69 » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:23 pm

Yes indeed
You programme the pendulum basically .
You say when you start using it for the very first time:
Show me a YES
Show me a NO
Show me a MAYBE

Show me positive energy
Show me negative energy

The movement on each command while programming it ,differs among people

Mine are by he book
left-righ >>No
up front/down front no
left /upper right maybe
left /down rigth dont want to answer

clockwise >>positive
anticlockwise >>negative

Then you also before asking permission ,ask dummy question like : My name is Christina (lets say you are a guy ) to see how it behaves

I use astrology before asking questions (wacth planetary hours,late degrees of asendant,moon ,aspects etc )

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Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:35 pm

Hey Evansville64, that's very interesting stuff you posted. Such imagination. I never thought of doing that. That cursing and visualising bad stuff on the planes do work. In a now defunct forum, someone said he thinks of himself as that giant monster at the end of Ghostbusters that was rampaging through NYC. He (as the monster) then grabs and munches up the plane. He claimed that it works for him.

I was in Northampton today and they had a helluva lot of chemtrails there. It's never that bad where I live. By the afternoon the sky was all white. But these guys are wasting their time as they can't prevent the energies reaching us.

I sent this article to a very gifted friend
http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2013/0 ... ton-light/
I asked if she can see the snowflakes - she talks to angels, fairies and can do a whole bunch of stuff so seeing these energies should be right up her street.
She replied that she has heard of these energies from a workshop she attended.
The guy running the workshop said that he had seen snowflakes of Light falling upon the Earth as part of the new energies arriving here but they never touched GMO crops.
I asked if she has seen them herself so she asked for permission to see them. She reported back that "around here they are not yet solid white. They are very beautiful large snow flakes falling gently downwards. They were sooooooooooo white and very lovely."
She lives in the Cheshire area in England.


Re: Hello all, who drinks good water?

Post by lizard69 » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:48 am

Hello Evansville64

At first when I read your post-reply in this thread I thought that you were beeing kinda of sarcastic and joking around :?

I had to read other posts f yours to get to see that you are into that stuff heheh :P

I really felt relieved when I realised that, cause nowdays ,ever since that incident or better said my heavy involvment ,I feel kinda alone!!(I shared my experience with my best 2 friends and thought that I lost it .My girlfriend also thinks that ..)
Meaning that there is now way back for me ,if you know what I mean .
Cant just turn my back now to the Sun .Not that I feel that I made a vow or anything .Its just that when I consiously started working with chi this summer ,I must had already been activated

You see around May this year I got a nice freckle style (or melasma) thing on my right cheeck(the only one I have on my entire body ).Τhe mark of the beast ;-)

Catch you later

Thanks for sharing your experience

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