daniel wrote:
You guys are too much... particularly since I'm sitting here with my glasses on, my pen in hand and notebook on the table, reading these posts. And BTW, since I don't speak "dolphin," I actually call the Nokk contact, Thor!
Hahaha I KNEW it!!
daniel wrote:Second, just LOOK at legends regarding "dragons"... EVERYBODY hates them, as they are always on the rampage and need to be pacified with treasure--just like the Nobles of government, except we call them "taxes" these days. And they're still hording gold in their caves!
That's usually the case although as Ilkka says about Skyrim, the same applies to Game of Thrones which is very popular these days. one of the main characters, arguably THE main character Daenerys Targaryen is also "Dragon Born" and is preparing to re-take the Kingdom of Westeross with her three newly hatched Dragons, all very nasty!
Check out the title too:
Daenerys Stormborm of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
I'm sure there is a message hidden in the show... the Dragons are returning to re-claim their old kingdom perhaps!
daniel wrote:Remember that rapport does not need artificial borders, it does not need artificial "value" (money), it does not need people to run the lives of other people. The original "agenda" of Enki and the LMs was very simple--the ancient Greeks of Arcadia talked a lot about it in their discourses: it's all about the evolution of consciousness--helping man become all that he can be. That's what you should look for.
Speaking of rapport, artificial money and Enki I really enjoyed Michael Tellinger's lecture at the Breakthrough Energy Conference last night as it covers all of those points. I'm pretty sure he'd feel at home here at Conscious Hugs!:
Michael Tellinger : Ancient technology and the Ubuntu movement
maeghan wrote:I've been coming here everyday lately; but have been frequently visiting since this time last year. I can't completely wrap my head around some of the concepts that Daniel and you guys speak of. If I tried harder, I know I could but I don't think it's necessary for my path. The past two years of my life have ben spent researching and learning.
Sounds just like me this time last year! I've read and learned a great deal of material now but still have a lot that needs to sink in as I await my brain re-wiring, it does get easier though but I feel your pain, not easy un-learning what we have learned!
maeghan wrote:I used to visit some sites almost everyday looking for news and now I don't. This past year has been spent mostly fixing broken thoughts and healing. Life has not been easy on me but I guess one must pay their dues to sing the blues. That's where I'm at ... I need to start letting the stream of consciousness flow freely so I can finish my album.
I did that briefly too, looked elsewhere to see what's going on to try and figure things out, until you realize you have all the answers and it's time to get your own house in order before we can work together to fix bigger things. Keep going with the flow and you'll get there.

Funnily enough i'm a DJ/Producer too, so that's us got three on the forums now?! Haha! If you ever need any help or advice just let me know, same goes for you Lozion.
maeghan wrote:Anywho, I'm curious if I'm the only one here that feels this sense of something big, something is about to happen. I used to think Neal Keenan was the answer; my intuition is now telling me no. Actually I think I always knew. The White Dragons ... come on. I think this 'something big' or 'event' might be a more natural progression but I'm not sure.
I'm curious to hear what you guys hear think. I respect the members of this community; I've been a member since the beginning of conscioushugs' forum, I'm just quiet. Cheers ~ maeghan
I felt that way for some time too, I felt I could sense a big change coming, whether it will be along the lines of a solar shutdown or earth expansion event, something to do with ISON/Enki/Enlil, a solar flare/emp blowing the power grid, a blue-beam deception... who knows?! I decided to stop trying to figure out that part, keep going with the flow of my life and learn as much as I can so that if/when whatever-it-is does happen i'm well prepared to deal with it.
daniel wrote:To use an analogy, think of a timeline as a valley between mountain ranges.
Great analogy, i've been trekking up the mountain for some time and can hear the noise behind me, still only about half way there though!