conventional scientific constants are always changing

Time, timelines, the 3D temporal landscape... research into the physics involved, how to understand it and make use of it to improve the quality of our lives, and all the life on Earth.


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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by infinity » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:14 am

Gadhai wrote:He/she always gives us that choice, to accept or reject. However we are finite and he/she is infinite, so we kinda need him/her more than he/she needs us!
According to tons of empirical Near Death Experience evidence, there is no gender where there is no physicality. Since you keep referring to he or she or he/she it seems that you're not using real or literal information as part of your discussion in a literal topic. This topic is not philosophical or religious. It is scientific and about the application of that understanding. But if you insist that we indulge, actually, we weren't "given" a choice. We always had it. If you have the ability to converse with trees or even rocks (yes, they do have consciousness and they can "talk"), you would realize that choice is never given or taken from anything or anyone, not even from those that people would say is "inanimate" or "dead". It always was and is and will be for anything in existence. And we don't have to choose to accept or reject either. We can choose something else. It is ironic that you use philosophical material that is not duality based in order to make dualistic statements. In any case, please don't turn this thread from a scientific discussion into a religious one. And by religious, i mean dogma and repetition of what religious leaders say. You don't know what they're talking about so don't repeat it - you first have to understand it to earn that right. There's a difference between introspection, questions, or perspective one the one hand (which is welcome) and prescription or preaching on the other hand (which is not welcome).
Gadhai wrote:By putting ourselves in the most extreme negative position, we attract the positive. The infinite then descends to meet the finite, i.e. Through humility.
I see, so if we don't accept what you say or what someone else says is the truth, then we are condemned as not being humble? I.e. prideful? Thats one point. I find it funny how religious people across any religion behave exactly the same. "See it my way or you are bad or you're in trouble in some way!" - intimidation and manipulation disguised as divine attitudes and sincere intentions. The ultimate form of deception and perversion. Its interesting how Jesus called such people poisonous vipers whose father is the father of lies. But lets not get into scriptures here.

Another point on why your analogy and logic is ridiculous, is that any spiritual master is humble, and even "God" is humble (we judge ourselves after physicality, not "God"), then no one good is ever positive because everyone must always be negative (humble). In fact the only ones not negative (humble) would be those that aren't humble (i.e. positive) and since positive and negative attracts according to your analogy, that means I'll attract arrogant people and arrogant spirits with evil intentions - by your very own explanation! Thats the second point.

According to tons of empirical psychic experience, education, and evidence of the taught principles - you can't be more wrong on the analogy. Negative positions are associated with low frequencies and attracts negative non-physical entities which feeds on that 'flavor' of negative energy - based on fear and its fellow emotions. One of the most basic and foundational principles taught in psychic defense (necessary preparation for any psychic activity) is to raise one's attunement to what most call the extreme positive, in order to REPEL negative elements. Whether we use the analogy wrongly (as i just demonstrated) or rightly (as I just demonstrated), the "truth" is that things work different to what you are saying they do.

I wonder if you are humble enough to consider this feedback?
Gadhai wrote: Here are some more absolutes for your contemplation and rejection... ;D
By definition anima must be scripted.
The script is humor based.
Comedy is the fabric of all existence.
Of course we will reject it. By your definition of truth, we cannot accept it unless it comes directly from the one Supreme Absolute Truth. Thats a fancy word for "God". If you expect us to just accept whatever you say, you imply that you see yourself as "God". How very humble of you....

On the second statement, well if anima is scripted as you insist it is, then it is scripted by free will choice. So there's no point in saying its "scripted" as we still have complete choice and control over all of it if we want to.

If the script as you say is humor based and comedy is the fabric of all existence, then you are saying that suffering children dying from aids or hunger or both in Africa is funny. Or bankers that tell good people to go play soldier against the greedy banker's enemies and get themselves killed and leave their own families fatherless is funny. You think life is funny? Just remember you will be judged by your words. Perhaps in the next life you will find out just how funny life can be if this is humor to you.

In conclusion;

Don't say things you have no understanding of. You will literally be learning the understanding of them the hard way. Ironic that you talk about choice then talk cynically how everything's scripted, or how you talk about humility but act like you know "truth" which you define as being from "God" - and then you demonstrate how little humility you have. So ironic.

And for anyone that thinks I'm over the line by this rant - just remember, i was one of these people. i did the same things. I said "wise sayings" and tried making others feel inferior if they didn't accept it, but in such a way that I was seen as a person with wonderful intentions. I was poison. I was self-deluded. Perhaps if I give another one like this a wake-up call (even by shock treatment artillery), I may somehow make a little up for all the hurt I've caused by doing the same.

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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by infinity » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:32 am

Lozion wrote:
Dare I say, "absolutely!" :D
Then again, (not so) "paradoxically", africans are some of the best time-keepers in the world... :D
Its very interesting how africans perceive time differently. One of the core reasons is worldview. In western worldview, a person is relative and time is absolute. I.e. time waits for no man. In african worldview, a person is absolute and time is relative. I.e. only when 2 people are together does a meeting happen - not when the clock says the meeting starting time has arrived. So basically, the clock only says when the meeting DID start, not when it was INTENDED to start.

This thinking makes planning and logistics in africa a nightmare - unless it is taught that the numbers on the clock is pretty important when doing things in relationship with those that use that clock as a measurement to manage operations and resources.

After all, I can't tell my body its hungry when I say its hungry. It gets hungry 3 times a day whether I like it or not. If I don't gather enough food timely enough to feed myself, I will starve. If I starve because I wasn't timely, no amount of 'african timekeeping' is going to save my life. Call me a westerner (I live in South Africa and was born here by the way), but until I've learned the ability to stop the aging process and not need food to sustain myself (which does exist), I'm going to treat time like a precious commodity to be respected in my every day life. And through respecting it, I will be respecting another's limited time too.

The thinking of "stuff happens when it happens" doesn't make sense to me as a practical way of living. There's two sides of the coin. Neither absolutist (like my view of time) nor relativist (like african view of time) are "right". But different ways of thinking of it is useful for different things. Unfortunately my way of living means the one perspective is useful and the other not at all.

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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Lotus » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:56 am

infinity, how did you become aware of those inclinations in yourself?

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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Lozion » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:22 pm

LOL... love the "registered trademark" symbol on God!!! Now THERE's some "absolute truth!" Wish I had thought of that for my New World Religion paper.
Speaking of which, check out this screenshot I took last night while watching Spielberg's Lincoln flick:
vlcsnap-2013-11-21-00h24m10s215.png (212.16KiB)Viewed 29312 times
Talk about product placement for the God® brand! Just as Lincoln signs a note that will insure his amendment is passed by congress, as if the All Seeing Eye is responsable for the president's decision... :roll:
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Lozion » Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:57 pm

Its very interesting how africans perceive time differently. One of the core reasons is worldview. In western worldview, a person is relative and time is absolute. I.e. time waits for no man. In african worldview, a person is absolute and time is relative. I.e. only when 2 people are together does a meeting happen - not when the clock says the meeting starting time has arrived. So basically, the clock only says when the meeting DID start, not when it was INTENDED to start.

This thinking makes planning and logistics in africa a nightmare - unless it is taught that the numbers on the clock is pretty important when doing things in relationship with those that use that clock as a measurement to manage operations and resources.

After all, I can't tell my body its hungry when I say its hungry. It gets hungry 3 times a day whether I like it or not. If I don't gather enough food timely enough to feed myself, I will starve. If I starve because I wasn't timely, no amount of 'african timekeeping' is going to save my life. Call me a westerner (I live in South Africa and was born here by the way), but until I've learned the ability to stop the aging process and not need food to sustain myself (which does exist), I'm going to treat time like a precious commodity to be respected in my every day life. And through respecting it, I will be respecting another's limited time too.

The thinking of "stuff happens when it happens" doesn't make sense to me as a practical way of living. There's two sides of the coin. Neither absolutist (like my view of time) nor relativist (like african view of time) are "right". But different ways of thinking of it is useful for different things. Unfortunately my way of living means the one perspective is useful and the other not at all.

Very well said, I think you've nailed it by using the terms absolute & relative. By saying westerner, I take it you are a white South African? I did say "blackman's time" because I believe the perception of time is not geographic dependent but genetic dependent in the sense that different races beat to a different bio-rhythm. Yes, logistics are nightmarish on the continent and it think its because the Absolutist approach to time is a foreign concept that does not sit well with the bio-rythm. Trying to find a middle-ground is the challenge indeed. For example, my client is of course late but I had to expect that, dont I? So, I either get angry and generate negative chi or do other stuff I had planned for after and when the client comes, well, thats when the meeting starts. True, being north american sometimes I lose it and want to take the 1st plane out but after experiencing Relativistic Time, when I find myself in Absolutist Time's world, the opposite happens and I think no, the Clock is not my Overlord!

Edit: I just remembered reading something about the mInd control mechanisms used in the West not being very effective on black people, maybe because of that different bio-rhythm...
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Gadhai » Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:13 pm

Through an authorized lineage of descending knowledge, the absolute truth is revealed to be personal. The energetic i.e. the possessor of energy is male and the energy is female.
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Gadhai » Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:36 pm

The positive in this case means that which is unlimitedly great. By taking the most humble position, saying I am lowest of the low; we can attract that positive thing.

The joke only becomes apparent when we take to the process of positive and progressive immortality. Being then situated as it were in the lifeboat, we can begin saving our fellow drowning souls...but not before.
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Gadhai » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:28 pm

Dewey B Larson's Recriprocal System and it's RS2 progressions don't conflict with my points.

The Absolute Truth is all-inclusive.
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Gadhai » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:41 pm

So back to the original topic...

Where does 4D and beyond fit in to RS2?
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Re: conventional scientific constants are always changing

Post by Ilkka » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:41 am

infinity wrote:And for anyone that thinks I'm over the line by this rant - just remember, i was one of these people. i did the same things. I said "wise sayings" and tried making others feel inferior if they didn't accept it, but in such a way that I was seen as a person with wonderful intentions. I was poison. I was self-deluded. Perhaps if I give another one like this a wake-up call (even by shock treatment artillery), I may somehow make a little up for all the hurt I've caused by doing the same.
I feel exactly the same, since I was one of those people too. But you "ranted" about it first :D /applause to you mate.

I too had wonderful intetions, however my friends and family members they didnt listen and thought I would join into some cult or something and lost my mind. However its been a process to come back from that "high" I was in. For me this "episode" lasted about 3 years. And no longer I feel that way I once did. This whole year and little bit of last year has been like "downhill" for me regarding this matter. Or if you will its been "uphill" since almost everything grows upwards. Well plants tend to first grow downwards to get good roots and then upwards even more, just look at trees for instance. However on some point they grow little more roots and then the rest. But simple analogy that I could think of now.

Maybe this thing is needed to everyone to go through since its process of growth aswell, as my previous analogy indicated. Although I'm 29 years old maybe slow learner or quick, depends on the scales and rivalry :D. I still tend to be quite competitive when it comes to interesting subjects. I was interested about this DiscGolf as a hobby several years back and we went in to throw discs with my buddies, first it was kinda practise and goofing off and few years went and then it go more serious competition and I never liked to count my throws in that game, because never took it so seriously as my friends began to take it. "The Game got serious" :D. One day I just said to them that I've had it that they had to deal with it so I wouldn't be there with them to compete with each other. Also there was sometimes money involved, not much but some. I immediately said no of course, because my body is not built for good throws, I got too short arms compared to my friends physical builds. Got too exited to tell story about me and stuff.

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