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Re: Ascension

Post by maeghan » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:04 pm

Foxfire wrote:Maeghan, I'm a female who has been lurking here for months. Why don't I post? I feel I don't have anything to contribute. It seems I'm not one of the "cool kids.".
Awe, but this isn't the case at all. Everyone has something to contribute, but I understand that feeling. I sometimes feel the same way.

The last thing that I think any of us here would want you to consider us to be is the 'cool kids'. When I think of the cool kids I think of those too cool for school and that we definitely are not. We love school but we love schooling ourselves rather than relying on administrations to do so.
soldierhugsmember wrote:I don't see the point of a gender specific forum.
If people wish to have girly talk, there's plenty of forums for that.
I agree; it was just something i noticed (not that many girls on here) ... i consider myself to be gender neutral.
Lotus wrote: I do not believe it would be a forum of "girly talk" but a different environment with a different mood for discussing these topics. Some people are more at ease talking in the garage while others are more comfortable around the coffee table. Perhaps it should be based on mental gender rather than biological gender?
ooooh, after reading this the word came to me ... i think i am a eunach ... but then i looked it up ... ... another term for it would be neuter ... I just don't identify myself as a woman; but maybe that's because a woman's personality or role is really messed up in our world currently.
soldierhugsmember wrote:Rather than mental or biological gender, perhaps we are thinking of left vs right brain.
Ah-Ha! ... this is what I've thought of too. It definitely goes with the tests I went through when I was a young-in and the results being that I use both sides equally. It also goes with one thing I've been telling people ... balance is key. ;)
-OM- wrote:
soldierhugsmember wrote:I don't see the point of a gender specific forum.
If people wish to have girly talk, there's plenty of forums for that.
Wow, really?
"Girly" talk?! ok.

Most spiritual evolved women i know, don't prefer being called a "girl" when they are a woman.
Adding a "y" to it smacks of even more condescension. (besides the obvious implication of the forum being filled with posts of makeup tips, recipes, and whatever other 1950s thinking you have in your mind that a women's only forum about spiritual development and RS2 scientific research would involve.)

The lack of rebuttal of this post by other senior members is disconcerting too.
If women are lurking out of "fear", then this post shows exactly why.

Yes, Lonebear, Im convinced now that a woman's only forum would be fruitful.
Ahhh, yes ... I wasn't going to state it, you just did. It is kind of like a smack to the face. I do think that a woman's only forum could bear good fruit and could bear bad fruit. I guess there would be a risk in putting it out there.

It's funny cause I usually don't go by my real name on forums, but if I went by that name then it's possible that the field I want to work in would find me here and then come to an opinion of me. I would rather keep my spiritual self private from those who listen to my music because I don't want the people to identify my music with me as a person. (Good example is Trent Reznor, he keeps his private life private so his private life doesn't get in the way of the music.) If this were to happen then the listener might not hear something that would have jumped out at him or her.
Gopi wrote: In any case... forget external criteria of being knowledgeable or cool or having many experiences or any of that. None of that matters... but if you do develop honesty of soul, and improve upon it, you can get to the bottom of many discussions without fear. Please do not hesitate to ask... and if anyone attempts intimidation or holier-than-thou attitudes, do not hesitate to call them out on it! If the exchanges do not foster independence and questions... then it is hogwash. There is nothing to feel intimidated about.
Very well said; i only mentioned the gender thing in my post because it's a common occurrence for me. I tend to be interested in things that very few women are. Even in topics of philosophy, women usually don't participate in. I think it's the programming of social roles on gender that have caused women to not explore. Go into any toy store ... and you will see what I mean. ;)

Now, I've got some reading to do and maybe the reading I do will answer this question I have, or if Bruce, LoneBear, or Daniel want to add their input: Is it possible that some people are born with a consciousness that has either ascended or come close to it?
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Re: Ascension

Post by joeyv23 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:21 pm

I don't think it's been brought up before, but I have to ask because I'm dealing with a person that wants to shut off the matrix more than I ever thought I did, and is suicidal. I'm unable to come up with a good enough answer to convince her not to self terminate, and as part of knowing that we're creatures of free will, I don't know that any explanation I give is going to do anything at all. I feel like she's making me her lifeline and it's scaring me. Please if anyone has any insight they could lend on this, it is appreciated beyond what the english language can convey.
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Re: Ascension

Post by joeyv23 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:22 pm

Crisis averted... for now at least. I'm still curious as to what you ladies and gentlemen think about the issue. I know it's taboo in our society, but as it stands, this is what I'm being confronted with at present.
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Re: Ascension

Post by Djchrismac » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:42 am

Hey Joey, it's something i've luckily never had to deal with so i'm not sure I can give much advice...

However, I have a new found excitement in my life about things like the Hollow Earth, our true hidden origins, LM's, RS Theory and so much more that all I can really suggest is that you introduce your friend to some of the info from Daniel, Bruce, Larson and info on this forum and Antiquatis as a majority of it is mind blowing and may give her a renewed look on life in this matrix, which I agree is horrible.

But i'm not letting the bad folks win, i'm hanging around to see what happens as one thing for sure is that whatever does happen is going to be very interesting and i'll be prepared to deal with it armed with knowledge and understanding about how the universe of motion works, who's telling the truth and who isn't while maybe trying to hitch a lift on an LM ship to hear stories about the past and then visit Agartha to drink some tea.... well if you don't dream big why dream at all!! :)

All the best mate, I hope you are able to help your friend.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
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Re: Ascension

Post by joeyv23 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:04 am

Thanks bud, that's a really good idea! I've mentioned them to her, but she never got around to looking into it.... so I just printed out all the papers and I'm gonna give them to her when i see her again :) Right now I'm quite possibly the only thing keeping her here because she sees that I genuinely care. Hopefully there's something in there that'll pique her interest because I reaaaalllly don't wanna be the only reason she's here. That's a lot of pressure lol :?
Djchrismac wrote: well if you don't dream big why dream at all!! :)
I love that :) Reminds me of a table that a few friends and myself spent a couple of months scratching out the letters on top (we didn't have any power tools, so boredom and the point of a knife got the job done) that said "Dream Big, Live Bigger"
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me

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Re: Ascension

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:46 am

joeyv23 wrote:I don't think it's been brought up before, but I have to ask because I'm dealing with a person that wants to shut off the matrix more than I ever thought I did, and is suicidal. I'm unable to come up with a good enough answer to convince her not to self terminate, and as part of knowing that we're creatures of free will, I don't know that any explanation I give is going to do anything at all. I feel like she's making me her lifeline and it's scaring me. Please if anyone has any insight they could lend on this, it is appreciated beyond what the english language can convey.
Joey, I can let you have a protection prayer that you can give her which may help her. PM me if you're interested.

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Re: Ascension

Post by joeyv23 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:42 am

soldierhugsmember wrote: Joey, I can let you have a protection prayer that you can give her which may help her. PM me if you're interested.
She won't go for it. She's not a praying type :? She told me that her intention was to release her consciousness to nothingness, and that she would do it, because she chose to. I had absolutely nothing for that.

If you have something that I could try for her, by all means shoot it my way. But she's strong and has walls like I've never experienced before. I'm willing to try, just don't know how effective it'll be. I can create the "it's gonna work/is working/has been done" reality on my end, but I'm fairly certain she has a barrier up to any kind of positive intentions coming her way. She prides herself on her morbidity... says she finds clarity in the dark. We're friends because of how polar opposite we are in perspective..or at least we were, she's the one that helped me realize the need for balance. I saw that she was unbalanced in a dark place and it made me realize I was unbalanced on the other end of the spectrum.

She's talking to me today, so far so good. I just hate not knowing what to say to ease her frustration. It's a shared frustration.. I'm tired of this reality too, but not tired enough to forfeit any shen I've built up that will help me through this leg of the journey (assuming that's how it works) Sure there are moments of laughter, beauty, and joy, but for the most part, I see lots of people walking around, dead from the neck up, with no interest in why they're here. Just drone, drone, drone. Ugh... I know it's in my chart that patience is one of my biggest tests, but holy shite, I've been teaching myself patience by practicing it for years, and I know there are many others who have done the same for much much longer... when is it enough??
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me

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Re: Ascension

Post by T11 » Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:49 pm

Nice conversation, everybody. I just wanted to add a little something re: the gender thing. I do believe females are more heavily targeted by all the programming because they're in a particularly vulnerable spot. The trap of how we experience time and how it affects our feelings and actions is key to all this. Apparently our short lifespans as humans is an unnatural, artificially induced phenomenon. Our ticking biological clocks are out of sync with our buried memories of being infinite multidimensional beings. This creates an unconscious painful yearning to be infinite and limitless while knowing most of us will die by our 80s, having passed our "prime" many decades before that. It creates an pannicked sense of urgency to pack all of our "living" into a short period of time, which is totally unnatural for multidimensional beings and creates massive emotional disturbances and causes societal and social damage because we constantly feel forced to do things we're not adequately prepared for on an emotional, spiritual and practical level. Women feel this pressure especially since they have a particularly strong instinct to create and nurture life in the form of childbirth and rearing and know they only have a certain amount of time to do this under these (unbeknowst to them, artificially constructed) conditions. This can make women emotionally bound to the limitations offered by this 3D illusion and less inclined to seek out the infinite, limitless and esoteric. Now I'm in no way saying females are somehow inherently incapable of grasping and pursuing such things, I'm just saying this is something that could account for "why there are so few girls here."

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Re: Ascension

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:33 pm

joey, respect her free will choice. Let her be. We are here to experience 3D life - good, bad and downright ugly. Disengage.

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Re: Ascension

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:37 pm

A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, “Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.” The biker pulled over and said, “Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want.”

The Lord said, “Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for Me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind.”

The biker thought about it for a long time Finally he said, “Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand our wives. I want to know how she feels inside, what she’s thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing’s wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy.”

The Lord replied, “You want two lanes or four on that bridge?.”

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