THANK YOU pgolde! You have no idea what a relief that is... if it turned out that I was a "wanderer," here to "save mankind," and I would probably jump in front of a bus!
Those are not power lines, BTW, they are a rotary crop irrigator on the ranch across the street. It was taken from the front porch.
The 5 "window" are actually reflections from a pile of biodiffusers sitting on my flatbed trailer, which is part of the leach field of a sewer system I was installing, off to the right. BTW, they use biodiffuers on Sci-Fi all the time, because they look so "cool" and alien, with all the ridges and vents. I just saw them in use on some show where they were suspended animation capsules... if only those actors knew that they were just climbing into a sewer line!
Djchrismac wrote:So did Bruce take this photo falling over?
Nope; just took it "portrait" with the camera turned sideways, to get the whole trail in. When I loaded it onto the computer, the image was sideways and I just rotated it in the wrong direction. (My camera is 14 years old; it doesn't figure out which way is up like the fancy new ones do.)
I can sleep peacefully again. I like simple solutions to complex problems. Now, if you could figure out what that roaring noise was, coming from the sky later that day...!