Happy New Years!

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Re: Happy New Years!

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:19 am

daniel, someone told me that the planet is straightening along its axis but at a very slow rate; that this started back in Feb 2013. I've seen some comments on how the sun is not appearing at its usual place in say, people's conservatories etc. Do you agree that this is happening?

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Re: Happy New Years!

Post by PHIon » Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:19 pm

daniel wrote:Happy Solistice-adjusted-for-Julian/Gregorian-screwup! :)
And to you, sir, and everybody here...
daniel wrote:
soldierhugsmember wrote:As the planet expands, it continues spiralling but drops back a little further away from the sun. We should thus see that the time to do a complete circle (we all this a year) will be slightly longer.
That's already happened, if you've been looking. The winter solstice occurred about 2 weeks ahead of time. Heck, even an "old school" scientist I know commented on it, noticing that the sun set later on Dec 21st than it did two weeks prior. A longer year would explain that.

And if you notice, governments keep changing "daylight savings time" around, to try to hide it.
Amazing. I have been paying close attention to your comments on how, due your sextant measurements, the stars have shifted slightly and how the sun is not setting the way the calendar insists it should. Yet no other site that I know of is willing to mentions this. Seems like this natural occurrence must be one of the reasons for the climate changes in addition to geoengineering, so the changes can always be blamed on nature instead of unnatural interference. Since our larger orbit is not being mentioned as a factor, we will probably be blamed for driving all the SUVs that the commercials herded us to buy.

I keep thinking about what incredible ways our consciousnesses are being affected by these natural changes. If we are moving farther away from the sun, does this mean we are growing up and also moving farther away from needing to be parented? I wonder what would happen if everyone suddenly found out that the year is longer? Would people take it in stride as something fascinating that is happening to us and adapt or would the fact that we hadn't been told sooner be foremost on people's minds? Which way would it go? Hopefully, the way mature adults handle things who think for themselves.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle

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