There is a theme in these boards that Daniel and others have put forth that I enjoy. And that is that some movies and tv shows practically disclose, or at least hint at truths, technologies, etc. that the typical muggle wouldn't know. I think its a rich topic, and I've enjoyed looking into many of the programs mentioned here (I've always had a huge appetite for science fiction!)
Over the past couple of months, I've piled through the popular LOST series, and found it to be choc full of tantalizing tidbits of esoteric hints/truths: parallel realities and timelines, the power of thoughts to manifest, electromagnetism as a fundamental force in the universe, walk-ins, etc, ect.!
The series is very well done, imo, and I'm posting to recommend it, as well as see who else may already have an opinion on the series.
Also, the executive producer is J.J.Abrams,(Star Trek reboot, Star Wars reboot, and more) He seems to be a Gene Rodenberry of the current times.
Does anybody have any insights to his, or the show's other co-creators' careers? Do the members of this forum generally think someone like that is working to 'awaken' the general populace, or are they some sort of agent of control - distorting these topics, and conditioning people to dismiss something like reincarnation as a fanciful, fictional?
Over the past couple of months, I've piled through the popular LOST series, and found it to be choc full of tantalizing tidbits of esoteric hints/truths: parallel realities and timelines, the power of thoughts to manifest, electromagnetism as a fundamental force in the universe, walk-ins, etc, ect.!
The series is very well done, imo, and I'm posting to recommend it, as well as see who else may already have an opinion on the series.
Also, the executive producer is J.J.Abrams,(Star Trek reboot, Star Wars reboot, and more) He seems to be a Gene Rodenberry of the current times.
Does anybody have any insights to his, or the show's other co-creators' careers? Do the members of this forum generally think someone like that is working to 'awaken' the general populace, or are they some sort of agent of control - distorting these topics, and conditioning people to dismiss something like reincarnation as a fanciful, fictional?
Hello Sambience , and welcome to the forum.
The opening scene of Into Darkness is a sort of hidden disclosure in a way ...
I loved Lost. loved Fringe ... he's awesome.
I totally think that J.J. Abrahms is working to 'awaken' the general populace.Sambience wrote: Does anybody have any insights to his, or the show's other co-creators' careers? Do the members of this forum generally think someone like that is working to 'awaken' the general populace, or are they some sort of agent of control - distorting these topics, and conditioning people to dismiss something like reincarnation as a fanciful, fictional?
The opening scene of Into Darkness is a sort of hidden disclosure in a way ...
I loved Lost. loved Fringe ... he's awesome.
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
lost ...hm
Better read some books
Matthew 7:7
New Living Translation
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
ps I was hooked on fringe ,but,because I was so bored with my life at that point in time .i wouldnt count on the info in fringe.pure entertainment
Better read some books
Matthew 7:7
New Living Translation
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
ps I was hooked on fringe ,but,because I was so bored with my life at that point in time .i wouldnt count on the info in fringe.pure entertainment
- Adept
- Posts:467
- Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm
I have never watched LOST but I've heard that it was/is a significant series.
I watched 2 of the 4 sessions of Bases 18.
Miles Johnson interviewed a man who claimed to have been contaminated by the black goo (aka sentient nano oil) in the sewers of London. He had a connection with the Illuminati and black ops people and he was having some meaningful discussions with one of these black ops guys about that TV series.
Here's the link to the video
The guy spoke of a UFO experience and his connections with the military. Here's a transcript of the relevant part:
AM: I started that job when I was 19
Basically you work in a facility which is an alternative to staying in a hotel.
MJ: Was that alternative to staying in a hotel at Earls Court?
AM: No. It's staying in central London; it was above a casino.
MJ: An accommodation block.
AM: Exactly
MJ: In other words, it was a paid for
AM: Yeah, they pay the same amount as if they were staying in an expensive hotel and they get taken to different parts of London every day by a different person
They also get taken to dance classes and self development workshops and things as well.
MJ: Is there a name for this?
AM: It's called Immersion Training.
MJ: You applied for this job or you were selected for this job?
AM: I was hired by a family member who started it up.
He had the idea.
MJ: Are you able to talk about that?
AM: Not really. Not too much.
MJ: Can you tell us what you can say about it?
In order to build the background.
AM: Very elite clients - billionaires, military people, doctors, surgeons, very high up, very elite clients
MJ: And for what purpose? Protection? Dealing with ETs?
AM: It isn't specifically related to these things.
It's a little bit fringe but it's actually purely self development.
So they pay for the week of residential experience.
MJ: Are you exposed to a different cultural thing like dancing?
Like you know how to dance properly.
You know how to eat properly.
AM: Yeah. Nutrition, fitness, dance
MJ: Keep your elbows off the table, eat the right food.
AM: Yeah. Self development
MJ: Sort of officer training?
AM: Yeah.
.... I was managing this experience for these people and I was living in the place, in the facility.
There was more than one - there was two; sometimes there's been 3
Someone very high up in the US military came to stay.
I was talking to him because I would talk to the clients in the evening when they get back in from their day's activities.
He started talking about the television program 'Lost' and it was maybe in its first season.
He was wondering like it was so mysterious, what's actually going on.
He asked me some of my opinions.
I gave my theories and my theories were quite advanced and he found me quite interesting.
We didn't talk about ETs or anything like that.
But then we kept contact by email and then when I had my experience, I was talking to him and I said to him, "I had an experience."
He asked me what it was pertaining to.
I said, "Oh well, it could have been extra terrestrial."
As soon as I said that, because he knew me before and he knew I was compos mentis, very rational, he knew I probably wasn't lying.
MJ: What relation has this got to do with the series 'Lost'?
You said there are certain things in the series 'Lost' which are designed to stimulate people in the population group to..
Caption: The LOST TV series
reaction to Concepts and Scenarios used as a Test
AM: My opinions on what was happening in the program were quite advanced.
I gave good theories because it's very supernatural
MJ: For somebody who hasn't seen 'Lost', can you give a quick synopsis...?
AM: There's an aeroplane crash above the ocean.
The plane splits in half.
Half the plane ends up on one half of the lost island and the other half ends up on the other half of the lost island.
The people begin living on the island because they can't get a rescue mission because they don't have transmissions and their mobiles aren't working.
They find all kinds of paranormal things happening on the island.
So it just build up more and more.
More and more paranormal activity happening on this island, the passengers of the passenger jet have ended up on
MJ: Apart from the fact that when a jet falls apart, it's unlikely a lot of people survive.
AM: Quite a few people survive in the program.
It's partly a belief like it's a miraculous island, where miracles happen.
So that's part of the explanation how they ended up surviving the crash in the first place.
At some point, they are not actually sure if they are still alive any way.
They are not sure they're in some sort of afterlife because the island is just so strange and they've had no contact with the real world.
One of them even jokes that he's not sure what time period it is.
They are not even sure if they have gone back in time
MJ: So your potential answers or solutions as to what happened in Lost was a key factor in that military guy?
AM: Making friends with me, yeah.
MJ: Do you feel that he searched you out to start with or it's happenstance?
AM: I think it was just happenstance.
MJ: Are you able to reveal what agency or what alphabet agency or department he was working for?
AM: Biometrics
In the US
Caption: Biometrics:- ET and NonHuman mapping and Tracking
MJ: The way you said biometrics implied to me that maybe it involved other beings.
AM: It probably does because at the end of the day, they're working with mapping
They're working with mapping identity, using biometrics which is way more advanced than just the finger print.
Obviously, I think they are connected with the ETs.
MJ: They're tracking ETs in the population?
I watched 2 of the 4 sessions of Bases 18.
Miles Johnson interviewed a man who claimed to have been contaminated by the black goo (aka sentient nano oil) in the sewers of London. He had a connection with the Illuminati and black ops people and he was having some meaningful discussions with one of these black ops guys about that TV series.
Here's the link to the video
The guy spoke of a UFO experience and his connections with the military. Here's a transcript of the relevant part:
AM: I started that job when I was 19
Basically you work in a facility which is an alternative to staying in a hotel.
MJ: Was that alternative to staying in a hotel at Earls Court?
AM: No. It's staying in central London; it was above a casino.
MJ: An accommodation block.
AM: Exactly
MJ: In other words, it was a paid for
AM: Yeah, they pay the same amount as if they were staying in an expensive hotel and they get taken to different parts of London every day by a different person
They also get taken to dance classes and self development workshops and things as well.
MJ: Is there a name for this?
AM: It's called Immersion Training.
MJ: You applied for this job or you were selected for this job?
AM: I was hired by a family member who started it up.
He had the idea.
MJ: Are you able to talk about that?
AM: Not really. Not too much.
MJ: Can you tell us what you can say about it?
In order to build the background.
AM: Very elite clients - billionaires, military people, doctors, surgeons, very high up, very elite clients
MJ: And for what purpose? Protection? Dealing with ETs?
AM: It isn't specifically related to these things.
It's a little bit fringe but it's actually purely self development.
So they pay for the week of residential experience.
MJ: Are you exposed to a different cultural thing like dancing?
Like you know how to dance properly.
You know how to eat properly.
AM: Yeah. Nutrition, fitness, dance
MJ: Keep your elbows off the table, eat the right food.
AM: Yeah. Self development
MJ: Sort of officer training?
AM: Yeah.
.... I was managing this experience for these people and I was living in the place, in the facility.
There was more than one - there was two; sometimes there's been 3
Someone very high up in the US military came to stay.
I was talking to him because I would talk to the clients in the evening when they get back in from their day's activities.
He started talking about the television program 'Lost' and it was maybe in its first season.
He was wondering like it was so mysterious, what's actually going on.
He asked me some of my opinions.
I gave my theories and my theories were quite advanced and he found me quite interesting.
We didn't talk about ETs or anything like that.
But then we kept contact by email and then when I had my experience, I was talking to him and I said to him, "I had an experience."
He asked me what it was pertaining to.
I said, "Oh well, it could have been extra terrestrial."
As soon as I said that, because he knew me before and he knew I was compos mentis, very rational, he knew I probably wasn't lying.
MJ: What relation has this got to do with the series 'Lost'?
You said there are certain things in the series 'Lost' which are designed to stimulate people in the population group to..
Caption: The LOST TV series
reaction to Concepts and Scenarios used as a Test
AM: My opinions on what was happening in the program were quite advanced.
I gave good theories because it's very supernatural
MJ: For somebody who hasn't seen 'Lost', can you give a quick synopsis...?
AM: There's an aeroplane crash above the ocean.
The plane splits in half.
Half the plane ends up on one half of the lost island and the other half ends up on the other half of the lost island.
The people begin living on the island because they can't get a rescue mission because they don't have transmissions and their mobiles aren't working.
They find all kinds of paranormal things happening on the island.
So it just build up more and more.
More and more paranormal activity happening on this island, the passengers of the passenger jet have ended up on
MJ: Apart from the fact that when a jet falls apart, it's unlikely a lot of people survive.
AM: Quite a few people survive in the program.
It's partly a belief like it's a miraculous island, where miracles happen.
So that's part of the explanation how they ended up surviving the crash in the first place.
At some point, they are not actually sure if they are still alive any way.
They are not sure they're in some sort of afterlife because the island is just so strange and they've had no contact with the real world.
One of them even jokes that he's not sure what time period it is.
They are not even sure if they have gone back in time
MJ: So your potential answers or solutions as to what happened in Lost was a key factor in that military guy?
AM: Making friends with me, yeah.
MJ: Do you feel that he searched you out to start with or it's happenstance?
AM: I think it was just happenstance.
MJ: Are you able to reveal what agency or what alphabet agency or department he was working for?
AM: Biometrics
In the US
Caption: Biometrics:- ET and NonHuman mapping and Tracking
MJ: The way you said biometrics implied to me that maybe it involved other beings.
AM: It probably does because at the end of the day, they're working with mapping
They're working with mapping identity, using biometrics which is way more advanced than just the finger print.
Obviously, I think they are connected with the ETs.
MJ: They're tracking ETs in the population?
- Adept
- Posts:467
- Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm
Now that I've gone back to look for the video links, I see that session 4 looks very interesting, though I have not watched it yet. Hey, I only have so many hours in a day to watch videos but Bruce might wish to see this one. (If so, some brief notes on the juicy bits would be much appreciated)
Somewhere in this forum or the other one, we had a discussion on soul catchers.
Session 4 of Bases 18 covers this topic
Published on Sep 28, 2012
In what is the most revealing and striking session, we discuss Soul Catchers and more. The concepts and terminaloly will be for the advanced researcher only. Once this is understood the seriousness, and the realities of what "Disclosure through Exposure" involves, and what Nazi Germany was doing in the camps in WW2. Control of the human lifedeath cycle. Here we expose just what could be going outside the human life cycle, and how the use of Soul Harvesting and other dreaful issues really mean, and the requirement for dumbing humanity down and using it for soul harvests.
What remains is the gathering of hard evidence to give Alistair's claims a remote chance of standing up to the light of day.
Evidence from the sewers, of different life forms, and the hard data on this sentient fluid.
Somewhere in this forum or the other one, we had a discussion on soul catchers.
Session 4 of Bases 18 covers this topic
Published on Sep 28, 2012
In what is the most revealing and striking session, we discuss Soul Catchers and more. The concepts and terminaloly will be for the advanced researcher only. Once this is understood the seriousness, and the realities of what "Disclosure through Exposure" involves, and what Nazi Germany was doing in the camps in WW2. Control of the human lifedeath cycle. Here we expose just what could be going outside the human life cycle, and how the use of Soul Harvesting and other dreaful issues really mean, and the requirement for dumbing humanity down and using it for soul harvests.
What remains is the gathering of hard evidence to give Alistair's claims a remote chance of standing up to the light of day.
Evidence from the sewers, of different life forms, and the hard data on this sentient fluid.
Wow, thank you SoldierHugs member 
Lost was literally the first time I turned on the tv since I was about 17. TV was utter trash and to this day, it mostly still is. I do enjoy watching Revolution ... it's quite intriguing. It's almost as if JJ Abrahms company, Bad Robot, is telling us what might be in store for us if TPTB get their way. I don't think that they will get their way.
Anywho, thanks for the youtube video links. I'm watching them after I finish this post.
Watching Lost was a kind of experience I can't explain, it was a good one. It was exciting and it seemed as if the episodes were encoded with with messages, good messages. It's hard to explain.
Fringe didn't quite do that, it was science fiction. I lost interest with it though and didn't even finish the series.
Ok, time to go watch some videos and hopefully get some sleep. This is going to be an awesome year.

Lost was literally the first time I turned on the tv since I was about 17. TV was utter trash and to this day, it mostly still is. I do enjoy watching Revolution ... it's quite intriguing. It's almost as if JJ Abrahms company, Bad Robot, is telling us what might be in store for us if TPTB get their way. I don't think that they will get their way.
Anywho, thanks for the youtube video links. I'm watching them after I finish this post.
Watching Lost was a kind of experience I can't explain, it was a good one. It was exciting and it seemed as if the episodes were encoded with with messages, good messages. It's hard to explain.
Fringe didn't quite do that, it was science fiction. I lost interest with it though and didn't even finish the series.
Ok, time to go watch some videos and hopefully get some sleep. This is going to be an awesome year.
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel
- Adept
- Posts:467
- Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm
I've done the transcripts to sessions 1 and 2 if anyone's interested.
I was doing them for someone who wanted to know more about the black goo stuff
I was doing them for someone who wanted to know more about the black goo stuff
I totally agree Maeghan! I also found the opening to 'Into Darkness' quite interesting. It seemed designed to acknowle that some of the film's viewers would be well versed in esoteric theories, speculations, truths etc.maeghan wrote:Watching Lost was a kind of experience I can't explain, it was a good one. It was exciting and it seemed as if the episodes were encoded with with messages, good messages. It's hard to explain.
Soldierhugsmember, thank you so much for sharing those finds. I look forward to viewing the complete video when I'm able, but even just the part you transcribed, was fascinating - especially the passage where the military figure started to say that LOST was indeed meant to wake people up! Wow!
Well thanks you guys and Lizard69 for your comments. It gives a good feeling of 'connectedness' to be in touch with others who've shared similar thought processes on this topic.
Oh, one other thing, I brought up LOST in particular because my 'reading' of it is that the island serves as a analogy of the earth. And if you watch it through to the end you find that there are these two brothers, one more on the 'good' side, and one who is 'darker', and they both have supernatural qualities, and both arrived at the island on a ship from across the great expanse, and they both manipulate these various societies - you can see where I'm going with this - its not a direct parallel, but to me seemed informed somewhat by the Enlil/Enki history...
Alister in the youtube links that Soldierhugsmember provided ,mentions at some point LOST (talked about his advanced ideas to a millitary guy ...)
Soldierhugsmember what do you make of this guy ?
Grandma witch ,other relative MI6 ,running this club for the ELITE (immersion if i recall well) .
Is he delusional -paranoid or maybe ...I dont know
Have you reached at some conclusion with his case ?
Soldierhugsmember what do you make of this guy ?
Grandma witch ,other relative MI6 ,running this club for the ELITE (immersion if i recall well) .
Is he delusional -paranoid or maybe ...I dont know
Have you reached at some conclusion with his case ?