The timeline wars have ended

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The timeline wars have ended

Post by soldierhugsmember » Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:39 pm

I was listening to this 20/21 August 2013 show

Here's the transcript of the relevant section
AB: There is an incident about 10 days ago that I haven't spoke about privately or publicly, other than to very, very few people.
There was a series of consciousness first strike events that happened.
I say the term 'first strike' because it has a military tendency in it.
You've heard me describe how one person in time travel does one thing.
Somebody comes and erases it and somebody comes and erases that and so on and so forth.
Ten days ago, there was a massive event worldwide where there was over 250,000 separate timeline incursions spread all over the world
Everything got altered back to roughly the way it was.
What they were trying to do was eliminate whistleblowers that were coming up in the future timelines that they were seeing 3, 5 or 7 days ahead of time
Then there was a massive counter to it
And then there were these inter-dimensional unity conscious weapons that were used to try and spark unity consciousness on a global scale
And then those devices were countered
What actually happened was a massive paradox stalemate.
And that's why so many people in the last 10 days have felt so awkward
Another paradox has been added to them
This is actually forcefully awakening even the most sleeping people right now.
Everything they do to make it change; it makes it worse
Earth has begun her expressions on the galactics that are out there - both good and bad.
Get out of our solar system or she's going to make you get out forcefully
We are not going to be in quarantine any more at all.

CH: Is that applying to the ETs that are here to help us as well?

AB: Everything. This must unfold naturally.
Only those with the soul family relations to be a part of this scenario are the final resolution of karma going to be here
All others that are waiting for their karma to be resolved after we resolve our karma - that are those races that are 3 to 5 years away from extinction
They are now being told by Earth consciousness, "Get out! And don't come back."
The next timeline incursions done by any of those - Earth will instantly ask for Prime Creator to begin erasures of all those societies
Being told to all those societies.
They cannot interfere any more.
This must unfold naturally
The event that you guys started 10 days ago is now resulted in the last set of actions that are going to be done
There are no more chances for those beings that are going to use time travel technology or time line [inaudible] or time line incursions to alter us

CH: So the planet has literally called an end to the timeline wars?

AB: Correct. And it's said that the next species that uses it, Prime Creator will come in and erase their species.

CH: Is there a time deadline for them to withdraw?

AB: A lot have already withdrawn.
The ones that are not withdrawing are shutting down defensive weapon systems that were put in to keep a large volume of the reptoids out
For those out there that don't understand the reptoids - the reptoids were heavily defeated in our solar system.
There's about 35 thousand of their planetships that are massive wreckages that are outside of our solar system so it's not like they can really make it here and reinvest in this world
And they have a massive beach head invasion by a series of other species that are related to the Silver Legion
So not only do they have a backdoor war, they have a war inside their own society right now because many of the species of the reptoids have been demonised for stuff that they never did wrong.
So there's a massive own-species war going on as well as there being a massive beach head invasion into their part of the galaxy
What minor amounts of vessels that are left here have been hiding for a long time
Those are the more hard core zealot one that are looking to recreate their own system somewhere else
If they actually tried to reach out here and do something - with the amount of high energy beings that are here on Earth, I have no doubt they will be dealt with in .... complete erasure

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Re: The timeline wars have ended

Post by daniel » Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:12 pm

Been listening to this as I'm working...

"Unity consciousness" ... is that making a Borg collective out of humanity? (Actually, it sounds like a ripoff of Ra's "social memory complex.")

The guy knows his stuff concerning the corporate structure of the world, where the New World Order is just a "holding company" for the Corporate Countries and their "departments," the States and Provinces, etc., but most of this other stuff just sounds like the same old "Here to Serve Man" savior line.

As Larson would say, the rest is "entertaining."
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: The timeline wars have ended

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:54 am

I have done a transcript on the corporation part. I didn't post it as I didn't expect anyone to be interested in that

CH: The situation is America just represents a template that's currently being used worldwide, throughout the whole system.
To put very large populations under stress and in greater degrees of control
We wanted to describe the situation for everybody, just using the US as an example..........
We've been running for about 6 or 7 weeks
Still on the air........
We've arrived at a methodology of describing the system which I think is very interesting......
It goes like this:
The entire system on the planet is, behind the scenes, effectively one corporation.
Call it one organisation.
It's entirely co-owned, either at board level or through shareholder level .....
Co-ownership is the key.
On RemovingTheShackles, the blog that Dee runs ... (Dee who works with Heather) she's put up some really good articles about who runs the world.
Written by folks who have been investigating this for a long time, showing the degree and methodology of co-ownership of corporations.
And showing how it look when drawing it up as a diagram
There's hundreds of thousands of corporations on this planet
All the key corporations are actually co-owned.
If you can drill down further - and this is where it starts to get difficult - you'd probably find that it comes back to the groups of people we know about.
The 13 families.
But when you throw into the mix that governments are corporations, the law courts are corporations, every so-called government department... think of it as a department store.
It's still part of the corporation.
Everything in the landscape that you see, everything that is visible to you is part of this entity
There is nothing that isn't touched by it
The influence extends down through it in various fashions; always in secret, always perhaps through a secret society here or something that looks like a social support group there.
Sometimes it's just plain old bribery and corruption and blackmail to make up the rest of it.
Either way, it's .... an all pervasive control mechanism and it actually explains why the world looks like such a mess.

CH: When you understand that the United Nations isn't made up of sovereign governments.
It's made up of members who are corporations .......
It's an association of corporations, not sovereign governments
The sovereign government aspect is an illusion.
It's part of the deception.
So the entire system is hooked up essentially via the banking system
That's a sort of hub of control
When you extend that picture out .... and merge it with the system of nations..., you can see how the system is controllable from several central points.
You've got the banking system
You've got the UN and other organisations like the World Bank, the IMF and specific bank parts of the banking system like the BIS and the Federal Reserve
These are all control points in the system.
For instance, we discovered that every major bank in Australia is not only heavily co-owned through other banks that actually hook back up to the Federal Reserve, but that they are all individually in hock to the hilt through the UCC system to the Federal Reserve anyway.
People who have shareholdings in banks are living in fiction land.
Their shares aren't worth anything .... unless they sell them right now
If anything ever happens to those banks, the Federal Reserve will be clearly the only one that gets any benefit from whatever is left of a bank that might fall over.
So the entire system is a corporation
And it works by division
The Roman cult of divide and conquer is entirely the concept behind this.

Here's how it works:
The planet itself is divided into nations
When I say nations, think corporations
The corporation of that nation has departments
Think central services - all the departments inside your government
And works with other corporations who deal with smaller parts of that nation; called state governments or regional governments
If you drill down further, you're looking at some forms of local government who are again parts of the corporation, linked by co-ownership
At the surface level, they are linked by statute and social agreement.
But drill down to where the cash flow is going and you will find corporations.
The money's being fed back to places that really don't make sense.
But when you realise it's all part of the same thing and it's all funnelling out energy - think money - back to a central source for use to further dominate and control.
That's how the system actually works.
At a political and financial level, it's divided, using the methodology I just described.
But now think of the divisions that are actually forced upon us.
Divisions of religion, sexuality, race, sporting teams, political parties, you name it.
We have been divided up and set against one another from one end of this planet to the other
The corporate system does it through competition
The political system does it through apparent differences in dogma.
But when you understand that the political parties are corporations and again, they are controlled by other companies that are co-owned
You'd find that the key things that the political parties are doing in each country don't change when the political parties change power.
Agenda 21 which is coming down through the UN is being drilled down into all Western countries in particular.
And it's being drilled down through the political systems which are controlled
In this case, it's a trickle down effect through the UN system
And it's trickling down to community level right now.
That's the game that's being played.
Which is why conversations about reforming communities that are independent of the system to enable people to build up ... the size of communities in the areas they live in, to re-subsume the local governments, is definitely a movement that is taking place right now.
I'm sure it's making the other guys very, very nervous.
But what we're describing on that little radio show I'm talking about, is really a discussion that points out to people that they're really living in a giant corporation
And the corporation works by division and .... deception
The entire system is built to work one way and look another.
It's a trick.

If you can offer evidence to people when you are describing this to them in the form of eg the articles on Dee's website about what the world actually looks like
But also when you point the structure out to people, it highlights why we have wars.
They are actually not wars between sovereign nations.
The Iraqi war wasn't a war to save the rest of the world against a madman with weapons of mass destruction
It was a hostile corporate takeover for the purposes of continuing to put people of this planet in a state of fear and division (which is what terrorism is all about)
It was also a matter of pulling a country that wasn't in the Federal Reserve system into line and making them have a central bank
It was about stealing and controlling their resources
It was ..... in part about acquiring some ancient technological artifacts that were being held in Iraq.
That was part of the mix of what was going on over there.
One of the things about the way the system is actually worked, is that if you're looking at a major event, expect it to have multiple purposes
There's never just one purpose going on.
There's always an underlying generation of cashflow because wars are very profitable
So anything you look at, when you start to get into the scenario I've been describing, anything you look at suddenly start to come into focus.
"Ah! That's why it's happening. That's what is really going on here."
Now we've got an election coming up in this country. [Australia]
Differences between the political parties here are so minor.
They're not changing any of the major things that are going on like supposedly shifting the system so we can prevent the fake global warming that's being presented.
None of them are actually stepping up and saying, "Hey! It's a fake scenario!"
They are just stepping up and giving different methodologies for doing the same thing.
We already have a carbon tax in this country, of sorts.
The people are unhappy about it so they're going to actually repaint it a different colour and roll it out again.
It's just a game.
So the corporation operating by deception and division.
And we using that as the mechanism for discussing this particular problem.
.... It's really useful when you start to discuss with people, to cut across everything that can be thrown up against it.
Why are there always war? Wars are very profitable.
..... Don't look at the war.
Look at the contracts awarded after it's done.
And look at how the control of resources in the country where it took place, have shifted
Look for political shifts in that country; the advantage to corporation.
Then you'd really understand what's going on.
... The religious aspect of it is just an excuse.
The weapons of mass destruction aspect of it is just an excuse.
It's clearly outed in the Iraq conflict
So at this stage, I'll leave you with that particular line of thinking.
It seems to be working very well on this radio show
Again, I think it starts to cut across a lot of programming because when you start to look at it, it will make sense.
The evidence for the existence of the corporations is everywhere
If you want to find your country's entry in the website in the United States, just go .... search their database for the corporation
You'll find they are all in there.
There's hundreds of them.

.... There's an alliance supposedly formed to create a new financial system with 120 countries in it
This is the thing that Neil Keenan and his group were putting out there
Well, 120 corporations whose co-owners have decided that it's good to play this little game of distraction is probably a better description of what is going on with that particular little group
So I leave you with that thought.

Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm

Re: The timeline wars have ended

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:05 am

Re: unity consciousness

What I took from that is that that is another way of saying when we get to the 'no time' level of consciousness.
A friend experienced that recently and was trying to describe it to me. This was what she told me:

I know we are heading for enlightenment. For me, that is seeing clearly, instead of being limited to life in the physical reality, which is an illusion. Seeing beyond the illusion, outside it is perhaps one way to describe it.
For an instant, I was outside time. I KNEW that something knows every event in my life and everyone else's now. When one is in the now and outside time in a very still place, all that was is will be is there at the same time. To exist in linear time as we do, all we need to know is what is happening now and what to do now. To make it clearer to me, I was shown or saw that with my own life, there is a pre-decided outcome already. To get from here to there, it is important to take the necessary steps now in my present, even if I do not know where they will lead me, or why I should take them. This is where my guides and inner knowing can help me. Those parts do know the pathway already, because outside time all exists simultaneously. I have done several things lately without knowing, if they were wise decisions or thoroughly misguided. I am given just enough information and encouragment for me to take the plunge and take a risk or two. It is all about trusting life and being willing to move, in spite of not knowing the end result required. Sounds mad, perhaps, but it works. Wish I could put it in clearer terms. I know exactly what I mean, but how to describe it with language is another thing altogether.

Well, that was all as clear as mud to me. I replied, saying that the best explanation of being in the Now and this 'no time' concept which I have seen is in the second book of the Visions from Venus trilogy. It's called "Reconstructing Reality: Visions From Venus Book 2" at:
If you're interested, it's in chapter 2, from page 25.
If you click "Reconstructing Reality: Visions From Venus Book 2", you'll be able to read the book.

Basically, what the book was saying is that a being in the higher dimensions can access its manifestation in 3D in all time periods. The rest of the book is about some of the various lives that it experienced in 3D.

Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm

Re: The timeline wars have ended

Post by soldierhugsmember » Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:59 am

daniel wrote:....The guy knows his stuff concerning the corporate structure of the world, where the New World Order is just a "holding company" for the Corporate Countries and their "departments," the States and Provinces, etc., but most of this other stuff just sounds like the same old "Here to Serve Man" savior line.....
You might find this of interest:
I sent Ben an e-mail with a long excerpt from an article. His reply follows.
My e-mail to Ben:

Just read an article that, it seems, simply explains how Japan was taken over by the US Corp. after WWII. Here are the highlights…would you please share if you believe this to be accurate? Given your knowledge of Japan, I would really appreciate your input.

The US Corp could be seen as a huge company like General Motors. Following WWII US Corp was the only company left with the capacity to make things and it had the working capital and energy to do what it wanted. US Corp went out into the world and started to acquire other businesses. First was Japan Corp which US Corp had beaten into a pulp during the war. US Corp decided that it was in its own best interest to build Japan Corp back up, but it needed to make sure that it never again could threaten US Corp the way it did in WWII.

Japan Corp used its own currency called the YEN and US Corp obviously used the Dollar. So to make this all work, US Corp had to make sure that the workers at Japan Corp didn’t feel like the last of their country was being taken from them. To keep them vested in the viability of their own country, it was very important to let them keep their own currency and their own political structure, albeit greatly modified under the surface.

We allowed Japan Corp to keep their figurehead CEO (the Emperor) and we installed a new board of directors (Democratic institutions). We linked the Bank of Japan to US Corp’s bank (The Federal Reserve) through a new institution called the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

If we were to compare this to General Motors, this would be like GM buying another company and bringing it under the umbrella of the GM brand. So in this case Japan is like Pontiac and they are given free rein to run their subsidiary the way they see fit, SO LONG as they abide by the parent companies rules.

This setup worked wonderfully and within a decade Japan Corp was back on its feet and was supplying cheap labor and products for US Corp and with every single barrel of oil, Japan Corp bought on the international market, it further linked them with our monetary system.

To keep the Japanese citizens from feeling that it was the US Corp in charge of everything, we came up with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Of course, these institutions were funded initially by the United States, Great Britain, and as such they were just pseudo US institutions. But it worked and the Japanese subsidiary of US Corp gladly bought oil and products from the United States in its own currency (the Yen) but it was linked via the IMF to the US Dollar.

For you see, US Corp linked everything that the industrial world needed to the US Dollar. All gold/oil/silver/food/etc were priced first in US Dollars and depending upon the relative “strength” of your currency to the US Dollar, this would dictate how much of your currency it would take to purchase a barrel of oil or an ounce of gold.

Libyan End Game: Hopes Of The Rothschild’s Federal Reserve: Backstabbing Of The Middle East Arabs –> IN ORDER TO GET OUT OF THE KISSINGER T-BILL DEBT

This gave US Corp a huge advantage in the world, as we produced almost everything anyways. We had most of the world’s oil supply and a very large portion of the food supply. We were the largest producer of the big complex things the world needed to rebuild. We allowed the smaller subsidiaries to produce the little stuff we needed or wanted. Japan Corp was great at the later, supplying us with small radios and other cool electronic gadgets.

US Corp built a company with dozens and dozens of subsidiaries, each one of them bringing something to the table either large or small. And as the world re-built, other countries wanted to get in on the good times and they voluntarily sold themselves to US Corp. Other countries were very reluctant to join our big happy company. Those countries fell into two groups.

Either they were affiliated with Russia Corp or they wanted to stay neutral. But in a world that was moving fast towards globalization it became apparent that each country would have to choose a side lest they be shut out of the global market. For remember, that the only way to gain access to US Corp’s vast array of markets and supplies, is to be a part of the IMF/World Bank. It was the only way to convert your currency to other currencies (like the US Dollar to buy OIL!!).

I will end this history lesson there, as I could get sucked in for hours explaining how US Corp and Russia Corp went to economic(and sometimes real) war with each other and how Russia Corp tried to have it both ways, by linking themselves partially to the IMF to gain access to US Corps vast supplies and labor.

I will leave that to YOU to go out and study on your own, as it is a story to rival any fictional book you have ever read. The important thing to take away here, is that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are institutions that were created by the United States and Great Britain. It is a global system that allows countries using different currencies to exchange their goods and services with each other almost seamlessly.

Remember also that the system was setup INITIALLY to allow US Corp to control the world’s most important supplies. Things like FOOD, OIL, COMMODITIES (gold,silver,etc) and the rest. At the time this system was created it was the United States that was supplying the lion’s share of these items. But as the decades have come and gone, these items have increasingly come from other parts of the world.

And a good portion of these countries are ones that were FORCED into our system either out of necessity or by direct manipulation of their country by forces outside their borders(meaning the US and the IMF).. ... -possible/
Thanks as always!

Ben’s reply:


That seems to be about right. Of course talking about it like a business leaves out all the murder, brainwashing and other nasty stuff that took place to enforce this privately owned cartel on the world. It is also fascist in that it considers “business to be government” and ignores the people and nature.

The US corp went bankrupt and is coming under new Chinese management. If you do not want the US to be owned by China, you need to declare the bankruptcy of the US corp and then stop using the foreign owned debt bill known as the US dollar and start issuing American government currency.

Benjamin Fulford ... ent-255894

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