A sad departure

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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:17 am

infinity wrote: But why are we speculating when I suspect someone here already knows the reason why?
Because we already probably know the answer, it's just deep inside our consciousness. We can't just be told all the time, we need to be able to figure things out for ourselves.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:26 am

Hypothesizing the reasons will be more of a speculation than an "answer". I haven't had much luck myself "finding" the answer out for myself, perhaps due to my own preconceived ideas interfering, or perhaps due to the access to that information being denied, specifically at the source I've been looking at.

Ever remote viewed someone and got a nice fat kick in the face, back into your body because your prying eyes weren't welcome? Not a very pleasant experience. The numbness I experienced in my pineal glad area (it felt like it was right between the eyes) after the shock of that "kickback" made me rethink this type of approach. I gathered that was a "gentle" way of saying "mind your own business" - I certainly don't want to know what its like when they feel like they need to do more to get the point across.

I'm hoping someone else might have found an approach that's feasible. I have considered doing the akashic record thing but I have a feeling it doesn't work like we think - and with access comes certain.... strings attached. Not sure I want those.

Its an interesting topic to me because the focus is less on "what's out there" and more about "what's all around us and right at our feet/in front of our eyes". If we don't have much business in certain "regions" of our own planet, much less so "out there" besides our planet.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:43 am

I"ve never remote viewed or attempted to, at least consciously.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:10 pm

maeghan wrote:You know, this kind of makes me realize that ... yes, snowden is just an act. Hmmm ... if this is the case (cause i can't know for sure) then why would they create this character and stir up all the controoversy about the NSA? Where are they herding the sleepwalking masses?
Lozion wrote:I would say any measures that furthers the NWO plans is game. Snowden, in this case, serves to discredit the "evil west" and engineer approval to a new & improved system. One that is controlled by the same hidden hands.

Classic problem-reaction-solution scenario.

Edit: I just want to add this is a possible explanation. I dont have any insider info about Snowden, I'm only saying the elites are very good at turning any situation to their advantage...
In regard with what I and MrGreen wrote about the Snowden case (potentially) appearing in movies years before it actually happened, and with the above quotes, it's interesting to hear that Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt said for CBS that "Snowden was helpful in alerting everybody what the government was up to," while the director of Google Ideas Jared Cohen stated that "first it was Manning, then it was Snowden; the reality is we're going to keep seeing more and more of these individuals." [1] Really? Tell me about it ...
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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:15 pm

I'm seeing a lot of recursive thinking here, all in the same box.

The reasoning can't be "oh well its public so it has to be fake, and this is why it is fake".

There's no cure for suspicion, as the saying goes.

Basically, no matter what happens, or how, its not that hard to arrive at a conclusion (through suspicion), that its another ruse of the powers that be. Where will that get us?

Throw any example at me, and I will prove it. Give me an example scenario where things happen in the world in a way that cannot be interpreted as you are interpreting the theory about snowden (true as it may be or not - that is not the point).

If you CAN think of an example with such recursive thinking :)

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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:49 am

infinity wrote:I'm seeing a lot of recursive thinking here, all in the same box.

The reasoning can't be "oh well its public so it has to be fake, and this is why it is fake".

There's no cure for suspicion, as the saying goes.

Basically, no matter what happens, or how, its not that hard to arrive at a conclusion (through suspicion), that its another ruse of the powers that be. Where will that get us?

Throw any example at me, and I will prove it. Give me an example scenario where things happen in the world in a way that cannot be interpreted as you are interpreting the theory about snowden (true as it may be or not - that is not the point).

If you CAN think of an example with such recursive thinking :)
I question things but I persoanlly don't think everything is a conspiracy ... that everything is plotted out. From the information I have about Snowden and watching him in the recent video interview he did with a German tv station ... i think the guy is genuine.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:28 am

I was just watching the video 'A discourse on the heart sutra".[1]
infinity wrote:I'm seeing a lot of recursive thinking here,
For me, personally, it is just pattern recognition.
infinity wrote:all in the same box.
Because for me it is the same box - the TV box.
infinity wrote:The reasoning can't be "oh well its public so it has to be fake, and this is why it is fake".

"You look pissed, Ben. Believe me, you've got every right to be. But hey, will ya'... will you just let me explain? This is television, that's all it is. It's nothing to do with people, it's about ratings. For fifty years we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear. For Christ's sake Ben, don't you understand? Americans love television. They ween their kids on it. Listen, they love game shows, they love wrestling, they love sports, and violence. So what do we do? We give 'em what they want. We're number one Ben, that's all that counts. Believe me, I've been in the business thirty years." [2]
infinity wrote:There's no cure for suspicion, as the saying goes.
"We can not absolutely know that all these exact adaptations are the result of preconcert. But when we see a lot of framed timbers, different portions of which we know have been gotten out at different times and places and by different workmen - Stephen, Franklin, Roger, and James, for instance - and when we see these timbers joined together, and see they exactly make the frame of a house or a mill, all the tenons and mortices exactly fitting, and all the lengths and proportions of the different pieces exactly adapted to their respective places, and not a piece too many or too few - not omitting even scaffolding - or, if a single piece be lacking, we can see the place in the frame exactly fitted and prepared to yet bring such piece in - in such a case, we find it impossible not to believe that Stephen and Franklin and Roger and James all understood one another from the beginning, and all worked upon a common plan or draft drawn up before the first lick was struck."[2]
infinity wrote:Basically, no matter what happens, or how, its not that hard to arrive at a conclusion (through suspicion), that its another ruse of the powers that be. Where will that get us?
According to me, it depends on the situation - also, I am aware that any kind of power is still exercised in the current 'competitive' system, so anything that happens (be it locally/regionally/planetary), it is decided on a 'hierarchical' basis - whoever is on top has much more influence than those below them. I would agree with J. Maxwell that TPTB are just gangs in war with each other. But, as Leo Zagami recently said in an interview:"You need to have a dialogue, even if there is a war at the end. You need to be a bit diplomatic." (If I sum up the rest of his thoughts, he wants to satisfy all the factions involved in that particular case.) [3]
infinity wrote:Throw any example at me, and I will prove it. Give me an example scenario where things happen in the world in a way that cannot be interpreted as you are interpreting the theory about snowden

If you CAN think of an example with such recursive thinking :)
Maybe I can provide three examples which I wanted to write about sooner or later, and I would be glad if you or any one else can prove, as you said, or express their opinion about the following statements made by David Wilcock:

1.) "Directly after Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime show ended, the power shut down for 34 minutes - for a mysterious, unknown reason that is being called an 'abnormality in the power system.' This may have been a counter-strike against the Cabal, and its media control, by the Alliance - striking them in their wallet, and showing that their time is up. [...] Of course, we can't know for sure if this was a genuine move by the Alliance, some sort of Divine Intervention of "bad karma" for the Cabal, or simply an accident. However, the connections and the timing are certainly interesting enough for me to write about them. Last year, the Cabal humiliated the world with their blatant display of occult ceremonies at the Super Bowl, the Grammys and the Olympics. This year, the Cabal was humiliated in their biggest show of the year - using exactly the same method they likely attacked India with the year before, as punishment for the billion-dollar Nielsen lawsuit."

Although, in the end, it is interesting to note that the ad on the Mercedes Benz magazine was "eerily correct" [4][5] As for Madonna is concerned, it is interesting to read this short article - Zagami told this also in a TV interview.

2.) "I can't guarantee that every single thing on this list was caused by China or her allies, but I got direct insider confirmation on many of them - and the others fit an overall pattern, straining the idea of 'coincidence' way past the breaking point. The Stuxnet virus, I was told, was designed by ETs and is much more sophisticated than we can do on our own. The word STUXNET re-arranges to US NEXT with only one extra T. The events that unfolded proved this 'prophecy' was correct."

As for the The Event series is concerned, I think it was one of the commentators who posted a link to an interesting Disclosure-related event, which was featured in the Stargate SG-1 episode Covenant (S8E8).

3.) "An increasingly-desperate Cabal of international bankers may have come out of the "cosmic closet" at the 2012 Olympics. [...] What we are seeing in the Olympic ceremonies may be this group's final attempt to present their symbolism, worldwide, before everything comes unraveled - and is exposed."
maeghan wrote:Maybe i have nothing to contribute, maybe that's why my posts seem to just get overlooked .. move along, nothing to see here ... :?
I read your story soon after you published the link to it, and I hope you won't lose your interest in participating to the discussions on this forum.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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Re: A sad departure

Post by infinity » Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:11 pm

Thanks for taking the challenge deepfsh,

But I have trouble understanding the examples you mention in the light of the challenge itself.

1) This example does not point to any accomplishment that can be attributed to the cabal "losing". Snowden, was a scenario that seemed to have accomplished a real goal. How are a few symbolic oopsies that happened which could be explained or excused in a number of ways, in any way an accomplishment toward a cabal-free world? Is this is not an example of a scenario that can be easily downplayed as either insignificant, or, to actually support conspiracy theorists with their sensationalist focus on all the dramatic symbols, netting in all the conspiracy theorists attention and energy into the very same topic that they want the rest of the world to be focussing on - accomplishing the same goal: reinforcing focus, attention, and energy on their symbols, their activity, their agenda. It all just reinforces it - and now, even the "Alternative media" is nicely tuned into the exact stuff they WANT everyone's attention to be on while they keep playing the flute and we keep following the tune. So, how exactly have you answered the challenge with this example, when it seems to actually reinforce my point?

2) What does this have to do with a scenario that can't be easily interpreted or concluded as a cabal-orchestrated thing?

3) This just sheds more and more attention on the cabal. I just explained how that helps them, so I don't see how this scenario answers the challenge?

Regarding your comment on pattern recognition - how do you know the difference between being stuck in a way of thinking and simply doing more pattern recognition? I recognize the value in having awareness of what goes on in the world, but there's a difference between simply sharing news or historic events, and actually drawing the same conclusions from ALL of them.

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Re: A sad departure

Post by maeghan » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:27 am

deepfsh wrote:
maeghan wrote:Maybe i have nothing to contribute, maybe that's why my posts seem to just get overlooked .. move along, nothing to see here ... :?
I read your story soon after you published the link to it, and I hope you won't lose your interest in participating to the discussions on this forum.
I'm going nowhere, the forum seemed to me to be somewhat stagnate and just not the same with a member that is now banned.

I needed to write that ... didn't want to write it but it's helped me tremendously. I don't understand why my parents are the way they are. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I am the person that I am coming from the family I come from. Maybe I was born into the wrong family, maybe I have something important to do.
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Re: A sad departure

Post by deepfsh » Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:59 pm

infinity wrote:Thanks for taking the challenge deepfsh,
I felt you were challenging me, but we're not in a court room, and I don't like challenges.[1]

In a world of power grab there are and always will be conspiracies, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the people somewhere in the back room pulling the strings are always the same. I would agree that the heart of the problem is the competitive nature of the system itself. As an example, I'll give you just one of many interesting quotes from the series Torchwood - Miracle Day (2011): [2][3]
Stewart: I've sent agents all over the world, following the paper trail, the backroom deals, the holding companies within holding companies. That's when I came face-to-face with the true face of evil.

Jack: The system itself.

S: Precisely.

S: Someone is playing the system right across planet Earth with infinite grace. Beyond any one person's sight. Now I'm sorry Captain. But Phicorp isn't controlling this. Profiting, yes. But this is part of a much larger design. Way beyond any of us.

J: But how can you be part of it and not know what's going on?

S: Let me give you an example. These warehouses full of drugs. No doubt you'd love to uncover an incriminating memo, dated before Miracle Day, signed by me, authorizing the stockpiling of painkillers. The truth is, a pattern like that began, say, maybe five years ago. When the system dramatically increased the production at random factories around the world. Based on market share projections.

J: So that means everyone's to blame. Everyone and no one.

S: Whoever's behind this, they don't show themselves. Not to me, not to you. But to play the system like this — the markets, the politics, the industry — they had to be planning this for a very long time. I wish I knew who they were.

Some other links that might be of interest: [4][5][6][7]
infinity wrote:But I have trouble understanding the examples you mention in the light of the challenge itself.
I believe you. Read the first answer in this post.
infinity wrote:1) This example does not point to any accomplishment that can be attributed to the cabal "losing".
I agree.
infinity wrote:How are a few symbolic oopsies that happened which could be explained or excused in a number of ways, in any way an accomplishment toward a cabal-free world?
I don't know, that's why I asked for a second opinion.
infinity wrote:Snowden, was a scenario that seemed to have accomplished a real goal.
Yes, it did. Apart from being a star,[8][9] - also looking quite calm, confident, and good at speaking in public -, he obviously became the "Rector of the University of Glasgow, and serves on the Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors".[10] Some even call him "Putin's useful idiot" etc.[11][12][13] I remember that when I watched some of Gen. Alexander's public appearances after Snowden's Revelations, he didn't look too much concerned over this - but maybe he just received a good PR lesson from his staff. On the other hand, several investigative journalists and whistleblowers made more or less successful reports about this topic several years or even decades before certain news companies decided to massively publicize Snowden.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]
infinity wrote:netting in all the conspiracy theorists attention and energy into the very same topic that they want the rest of the world to be focussing on - accomplishing the same goal: reinforcing focus, attention, and energy on their symbols, their activity, their agenda. It all just reinforces it - and now, even the "Alternative media" is nicely tuned into the exact stuff they WANT everyone's attention to be on while they keep playing the flute and we keep following the tune
(I would say some are theorists, while others are analysts. And none of them is perfect.) I agree, there are so many other things to do in life. I think somebody is just promoting their own philosophy (with all the collateral damage) and that's it. You can either pay attention to it or not. As a man at the meeting in the Vatican said:"It's not personal, it's only business, you should know that."[22]
infinity wrote:how do you know the difference between being stuck in a way of thinking and simply doing more pattern recognition?
If you're stuck, it simply means you're not flexible enough. For me, pattern recognition is something that comes spontaneously - by looking and actually seeing something -, it hits my long-term memory, and "stimulates a thoughtful exploration of what know, and the origins of what believe know about the most perplexing questions facing mankind".[23]

infinity wrote:I recognize the value in having awareness of what goes on in the world, but there's a difference between simply sharing news or historic events, and actually drawing the same conclusions from ALL of them.

One of Maxwell's quotes comes to my mind:"Your brain works like a parachute - it doesn't work if it ain't open." I try to use my brains and evolve my spirit as best as I will myself to do it.

maeghan wrote:the forum seemed to me to be somewhat stagnate

I agree. I haven't been much active lately. I was only reading the posts and bookmarking links, some of which I presented in my last posts.

maeghan wrote:and just not the same with a member that is now banned

Yeah, it's much better now.

maeghan wrote:Sometimes I wonder how it is that I am the person that I am coming from the family I come from.

As a local saying goes:"Better than a finger in your eye."

maeghan wrote:Maybe I was born into the wrong family, maybe I have something important to do.

Or maybe you should just live your life and do your best at taking responsibility for actions and decisions you make. Otherwise, you can always call Batman. ;)
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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