daniel MIA.

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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by deepfsh » Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:52 pm

Aaron wrote:BTW, don't know how many here know that Conscioushugs does have a FB page.
Now that was a real mystery.
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by Aaron » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:55 pm

Now that was a real mystery.
Haha, not sure if that was a "poke" or not, but aside from the agreed upon disdain for FB; there is a reason the page exists... and it has nothing to do with acquiescence.

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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by deepfsh » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:42 pm

Aaron wrote:Haha, not sure if that was a "poke" or not,
No, I meant what I said, I really didn't know there was also a FB page.

BTW, I just saw an interview from the Nineties with the actor who played Avon, the IT expert, in Blake's 7 in the Seventies. And I remembered from the scene they showed that he went to prison because he stole "5M credits" from the "Federation". It dawned on me that they (BBC) were thinking about virtual currencies already back then - few decades later and we have crypto currencies.

Besides, as Bill Still said in one of his videos, "in 1999, Prof. Milton Friedman was able to predict that cryptos would be traded anonymously over the Internet". You can watch the short clip and Friedman's statements about the Internet and the government.
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by Lozion » Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:55 pm

Have a safe trip and try not to get too down when you see the state of the sky...
Back home safe & sound. Coffee, sun and clear blue sky, ahem except for:
IMG_0003.jpg (906.05KiB)Viewed 23805 times

Yes Daniel has had to re-write the fourth paper in the Anthropology series due to the results of Bruce's RS2 research on the size of stars and galaxies problem and I have another update for you all...
Great news. Looking forward to it.
I was speaking to Aaron the other day and have agreed to moderate the forum here and help run the Conscious Hugs site while he works on the Sanctuary Project and this should also free up some of Daniel's time for him to finish the next paper and focus more on RS research.
I'm also assisting Bruce with the Antiquatis re-design so hopefully things will pick up again in the coming months as these changes happen. In a Universe of Motion, where all things are defined by explicit relations between space and time, things don't stay the same for long! It's great to be able to help keep my favourite website and forum going and don't worry I don't plan on any major changes or anything, just to keep things running along smoothly as they were before and to get the blog going again. :)
More great news, the community is building, holla at me if help is needed.
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by Lozion » Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:58 pm

Aaron wrote:FYI all members, daniel is not MIA. But rather he is busy researching and writing the next paper, amongst other things.

Yes Chris will be assisting with admin as well as content for both the CH Blog and Forum. He was kind enough to do this per my request because of time constraints and attention that I need to devote to the realization of the Sanctuary Project referenced at the Antiquatis.org site and forums.

Moving beyond academics into application, this is necessary in order to bring this to life.
Txs Aaron for the update, amazing news. Following this closely and already thinking about futur plans...
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by deepfsh » Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:25 pm

Lozion wrote:Back home safe & sound.

Nice to hear that. Are you from Quebec? My former classmate returned from there recently.
Lozion wrote:Coffee, sun and clear blue sky, ahem except for:
To me it seems an ordinary contrail.

BTW, maybe you'll be interested to see what the logo of Canada's Emergency Response Team looks like. [1] I'm really wondering who are they protecting - the pirates or...
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by Lozion » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:43 pm

deepfsh wrote:Nice to hear that. Are you from Quebec? My former classmate returned from there recently.
Thank you and yes I am Quebecois my dear friend of an unknown European origin...
deepfsh wrote:To me it seems an ordinary contrail.
I'll let Chris intervene on that one. ;)
deepfsh wrote:BTW, maybe you'll be interested to see what the logo of Canada's Emergency Response Team looks like. [1] I'm really wondering who are they protecting - the pirates or...
Yup. I flew in Haiti about a week after the 2010 earthquake and met some of those guys at the Canadian embassy. A traumatized (the embassy was hit pretty bad by the EQ) non military staff revealed to me that a team was deployed in Port-au-Prince on a seek&destroy mission to terminate the prison population, common criminals and political prisoners alike...

Fast forward a few months and a cholera outbreak spreads from St-Marc in the heartland of Haiti and hits the capital with 8000+ dead before the outbreak is finaly stopped. Journalists witnessed UN staff emptying the contents of the latrines of the UN camp of St-Marc into the St-Marc river, an affluent of the Artibonite river that runs north-south to the capital. The camp was populated at the time by UN Nepalese soldiers from where the strand of cholera originated. 1500 Haitians are in the process of sueing the United Nations Mission in Haiti.
Lozion wrote: For now getting a bit concerned with this Ebola outbreak...
Now you understand why.
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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by maeghan » Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:58 am

Hey, I've not been visiting as frequently because I'm busy working on my project. I have a tendency to get completely engaged in whatever it is that I am doing at the time, leaving no time for other interests. (I'm working on balancing this but it's really hard and I have quite a bit to do for my project/music.)

Reason why I am posting this: if I could choose my fellow neighbors it would be the members of this group because we believe in rapport and that homo-sapien-ethicus is the next evolutionary stage for homo-sapien. We are our own un-committed investigators and search for truth.

If something were to happen, how might we all find each other? Or am the only one with these thoughts? (This is why I wrote the initial paragraph.) I really wish I had time to really dig into Antiquatis.net, but if I start reading I won't stop and then my time escapes me. The time for me to set my music free is this year.

I look forward to reading Daniel's upcoming paper. I might go back and re-read all of his papers in anticipation. (Reading a book is easier for me balance my time with; if I am on the internet my ADHD runs wild and free.)

Whoever put the last D in ADHD must be a quare thinker because everyone knows "order out of chaos" :P

Also ... if there is any sound or music needs for the new site or anything relating to our community; please don't hesitate to message me. ;)
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel

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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by deepfsh » Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:33 pm

Lozion wrote:Thank you and yes I am Quebecois my dear friend

Great, so now I have three friends from three different francophone countries whom I can practice French with! 8-) But I believe you're the only one who I could also have some "serious/deeper" discussions with.
Lozion wrote:of an unknown European origin...
A geographical, social and economic overview, if you're interested [1][2][3][4]. Of course, also some ("internationally known") musicians - some of my favourite songs from the first year at university [5][6][7][8][9]. And, the Big River Man - ever heard about him in North America?
maeghan wrote:The time for me to set my music free is this year.
A quote comes to my mind - it applies to men, but you can change the gender: "I gotta do what a man's gotta do." (I think I wrote it correctly.)
maeghan wrote:I look forward to reading Daniel's upcoming paper. I might go back and re-read all of his papers in anticipation.
You can go here and download all his posts in a pdf file if you want.
maeghan wrote:Also ... if there is any sound or music needs for the new site or anything relating to our community; please don't hesitate to message me.
I forgot what kind of music are you dealing with. Is it electronic or...? I think you're a composer, if I'm not wrong.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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Re: daniel MIA.

Post by deepfsh » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:26 pm

Lozion wrote:Yup. I flew in Haiti about a week after the 2010 earthquake and met some of those guys at the Canadian embassy. A traumatized (the embassy was hit pretty bad by the EQ) non military staff revealed to me that a team was deployed in Port-au-Prince on a seek&destroy mission to terminate the prison population, common criminals and political prisoners alike...

Fast forward a few months and a cholera outbreak spreads from St-Marc in the heartland of Haiti and hits the capital with 8000+ dead before the outbreak is finaly stopped. Journalists witnessed UN staff emptying the contents of the latrines of the UN camp of St-Marc into the St-Marc river, an affluent of the Artibonite river that runs north-south to the capital. The camp was populated at the time by UN Nepalese soldiers from where the strand of cholera originated. 1500 Haitians are in the process of sueing the United Nations Mission in Haiti.
Lozion wrote:Lozion wrote: For now getting a bit concerned with this Ebola outbreak...
Now you understand why.
Oh boy, what a personal testimony. Yes, now I really understand why. This thing with camps and the cholera outbreak reminded me on the "overflow camps" in Torchwood: Miracle Day (2011), in which the gov. incinerated the sick people, who got a virus, in furnaces - like in WW2. I suggest you watch that season, if you haven't already.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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