I really enjoyed the following four part documentary on Youtube yesterday, especially when substituting the boat version of the Ark for the flying version and other elements of the bible and history with daniel's version of events:
Living Dinosaurs - CENSORED 1/4
Living Dinosaurs - CENSORED 2/4
Living Dinosaurs - CENSORED 3/4
Living Dinosaurs - CENSORED 4/4
Although one glaring omission was the fossilized human and dinosaur footprints from the Paluxy river bed in Texas.
This one was ok but went a bit "churchy" at the end for my liking:
Dinosaur didn't die 65 millions years ago, they are still alive today - Documentary FULL
Plenty to watch though and plenty of evidence to back up the daniel papers, think i'll give this one a shot next while waiting for part V of the Anthropology Series...
Extraordinary Evidence that Dinosaurs Lived with Man - Dr. Don Patton (The Record of the Rocks)
Speaking of part V, I've been helping daniel with a bit of Hollow Earth research and he's made some fascinating new connections, make sure you've read Etidorhpa and any other Hollow Earth books in preparation for it!