I don't know about the rest of you but after watching the sun closely every day for some time now it has become apparent from all the time-lapse videos i've been taking that blocking the sunrise and sunset is high on the agenda of the NWO geoengineers, with Montgomery Burns possibly calling the shots!:
15 April 2014 - HAARP Cloud Ripples Time-lapse
15 April 2014 - HAARP EM Clouds Time-lapse
15 April 2014 - HAARP Cloud Sunset Time-lapse
19 April 2014 - Multiple Chemtrails Time-lapse
19 April 2014 - Chem-haze Cloud Shield Time-lapse
19 April 2014 - HAARP Cloud Shield Creation Time-lapse
19 April 2014 - HAARP Frozen Sky Time-lapse
19 April 2014 - HAARP Cloud Wall Time-lapse
29 April 2014 - Chemtrail & Haze Sunset Shield Time-lapse
11 May 2014 - Chemtrails & HAARP Clouds Time-lapse
13 May 2014 - Chemtrail & Haze Sunset Time-lapse
16 May 2014 - HAARP Cloud Shield Sunset Time-lapse
18 May 2014 - Chemtrail & HAARP Cloud Sunrise Time-lapse
21 May 2014 - HAARP Cloud Sunset Time-lapse
23 May 2014 - HAARP Cloud Sunset Time-lapse
25 May 2014 - HAARP Cloud Sun Shield Time-lapse

I'm quite lucky in that I am in a top floor flat, 1000ft above sea level on the hill to the south of Glasgow and the clyde valley, with a view out 3 windows facing east, south and west so I can follow the sun all day and use the time-lapses to show hours of action in minutes. I use the Android App - Droid Time-lapse Pro (there's also a free option but you get more settings for a few pounds) and usually set the capture rate from 1-2 frames per second for short videos of a few hours long, to catch chemtrails and HAARP ripples in more detail, or 2 to 4 frames per second if i'm shooting for longer periods like 6 hours or more.
I was wondering if anyone else would like to take some time-lapses of the sunrise and sunset where they are, so we can compare what we're seeing as i've even seen arctic pictures of the sunset with the same wall of haze blocking it and signs of HAARP manipulated clouds, either the twisting and rotating sausage ones, the ripples of EM frequencies that leave patterns or the saucer shaped smooth clouds which remain static while other clouds move past.
If anyone wants some tips just send me a message but i'm convinced that sunrise and sunset blocking is happening and it would be great to get a feel for what's going on elsewhere around the world.