The article appeared on Enerchi's site where the comments below were added: ... ng-to.html
To which I replied:[Update 1 - 13 September 2014]
This article was reposted on, and an interesting comment was left by one of the readers. I thought I’d share the comment and my response…
Commenter “Lozion”: Ken, just curious is this Apollyon (Abaddon) Horn refers to is another epithet for Antichrist? If yes, then I would theorize this being is the head of the Annunaki (sons of An), Enlil (otherwise known as YHWE and to the Gnostics, the Demiurge) trying to sell himself as the Messiah of our times. Hey, maybe we’ll finally get to meet the Big Enlilada!
My Response: I included Yahweh in the False God/ Yahweh/ Demiurge sandwich for the sake of the Christians, who are programmed to see him as the Big Kahuna. From the various versions of the Sumerian Anunnaki narrative I’ve encountered, though, he is below the actual Anunnaki godking and is aligned with the loyalist faction that believes the human slaves are to be kept barefoot and ignorant, and are not to [be] bred with. The rebels, on the other hand, gave us some degree of knowledge (perhaps in hope of winning us to their side), and fancy “monkey love.” This might explain why I’ve heard certain self-proclaimed “Satanists” complaining, “We tried to give you freedom, but you love being slaves. So we’re going to give you exactly what you want.”
Of the two supposed factions, I am sympathetic to the rebels because I despise the concept of “royalty” in any form, and also because they are simply more fun. But I would choose neither side. Humanity must find a middle path, and we must walk it ourselves.
To answer your question, though, Tom Horn does seem to label “Apollyon” as the “Antichrist.”
Feel free to add your input.According to Annunaki 'canon', the rebels were headed by An's older son and Enlil's half-brother Enki, who genetically engineered us (a triplicity of genes from their DNA, native Neanderthal and from IGIGI, who were slaves from a foreign conquered planet) with the help of Ninhursag. They were the ones who thought humans should be allowed to evolve on their own and tried to protect us to a degree against Enlil's wrath. The God/King you refer to would be An who left their sons to their schemes while busy with affairs far away...