The Mind Has No Firewall

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The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by daniel » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:48 am

Blog post: The Mind Has No Firewall

Taking a look at the principles behind those that make choices for you... and making you think you have free will!
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by eyewar » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:26 pm

i am reading this now.. its hard to swallow for me Beyond Physics and Psychology, Introduction to Humaninistic Psychotronic

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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by AnAncientAwakening » Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:17 pm

Approaching this from the point of view of an individual who would choose to embrace the concepts of rapport, peace, compassion, and trust as means of advancing the evolution of the human race, how can this specific type of knowledge be applied in a way that would create an effect counter to that by which it is currently being employed, i.e. to manipulate and deceive as a means of reaching a predetermined end (a New World Order)? In essence: The Jedi vs. the Sith approach to this particular aspect of existence.
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by deepfsh » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:27 am

daniel wrote:Taking a look at the principles behind those that make choices for you... and making you think you have free will!
Well said. I recommend watching the documentary Programming the Nation.
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by daniel » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:05 pm

AnAncientAwakening wrote:Approaching this from the point of view of an individual who would choose to embrace the concepts of rapport, peace, compassion, and trust as means of advancing the evolution of the human race, how can this specific type of knowledge be applied in a way that would create an effect counter to that by which it is currently being employed, i.e. to manipulate and deceive as a means of reaching a predetermined end (a New World Order)? In essence: The Jedi vs. the Sith approach to this particular aspect of existence.
For rapport-based NLP, you just do it backwards... rivalry wants you to GIVE you a specific conclusion and once you have it, they "justify" your brilliant deduction with supporting evidence, so you will defend it to the death, attacking, spamming and trolling anyone who dares to disagree with you. (Seen that anywhere?)

Rapport "programming" prevents you from reaching a specific conclusion and you are forced to examine your own knowledge base to FIND a conclusion that fits the analysis.

Remember the brain is a huge pattern recognition system. And why does it do that? Because by recognizing patterns, it can predict what is going to happen next, prepare for it, and you stay alive. We call the patterns that work to keep you alive, experience. A sequence of events happened, I survived it and grew from it. This is analogous to the old saying, "if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger."

By understanding the predictive nature of pattern recognition, you can apply the SAME systems to the opposite effect--supplying a pattern that leads to a dead end, a place where the train of thought gets derailed. This is called an "open mind," because it is open-ended--you have to CREATE a prediction, since none is given to you to "find" by accident. Which means you have to consider alternatives and run "scenarios" in your head to see which would have the best solution, as that "path" might actually occur, since you just walked it.

When a person reaches that dead end, there are two possible consequences, which are based on your knowledge and experience:

First, which is how the bulk of the population responds, is panic. They have reached a point where they cannot predict any possible outcome, because they just do not have sufficient knowledge and experience to check for similar patterns that might provide a solution (one of the reasons for the dumbing-down of education). When a person panics, then will turn to others that HAVE solutions to save them. Sound familiar? You're exposed to it, constantly, by all the beneficent world leaders. As long as you remain afraid, you'll turn to them for solutions.

Second, a person responds with curiosity, asking themselves, "how the heck did I get here" and "hummm, I wonder where it leads?" Then they begin to draw on their knowledge and experience from other areas (called abstraction--the functions of the higher levels of the neocortex), to see if something comes close, then how it needs to be modified to fit as a potential "prediction" to this path.

If you notice, I put a great deal of time and effort in my papers to implement the second concept (one of the reasons why it takes me so long to write them). I take the reader on an information path that leads away from the pre-programmed conclusions that society and "education" have supplied, and leave you in the middle of nowhere. Then I provide you with the solution that *I* found--not you--which is usually based on a recognized pattern and prediction from the Reciprocal System of theory--a "natural consequence." Since it is MY solution, not YOURS, it provides you the opportunity to see if it makes sense, but does not force you into it. If the my pattern makes sense given your knowledge and experience, you may adopt a customized version of it into your own world view, and now you've got a bigger perspective than you had before. (You've moved in to an abstraction layer, a higher brain function, that can now be used elsewhere--it "takes the blinders off," which is why you see Alchemical muggles in the old paintings walking around with blindfolds on. Of course, that crown chakra gets quite a workout as well!)

This is why I get comments about my writing like "it melted my brain" or "like trying to take a drink of water from a fire hose." Those feelings arise as a consequence of your psyche expanding--and remember, the expansion of the Universe is a natural consequence of the RS, so an expanding psyche is good stuff! (See, I just did it to you again... path, dead-end, RS correlation.)

In order to make the Second consequence more likely, I employ humor. Humor makes things "safe" so people don't panic when taken outside their interior landscape, because if I don't take myself seriously, you don't have to either. BUT, you've been exposed to the concepts, and they don't go away... they linger in there and make you wonder, until curiosity takes hold and you go out exploring. That's when the "Ahhhhh!" comes in.
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by Ilkka » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:15 pm

This is very good advice to the people that are new to this sort of stuff. I know I can speak only from my personal experience, my brain has "melted" before (years ago) so many times that this information is "old news" to me, that I already knew and still I know it.

So in the end the mind does have a "firewall". I do tend to laugh at every adverts I sometimes see, also be like giving a "finger" at em, like the old way of repelling/warding off the evil spirits or something I can't accurately recall at this instant. I think that the what one should do is just ignore them adverts, mute the telly when they come and speak some non-sense on it to amuse yourself if you won't have better things to do that is. There is also a way to make yourself impervious to their influence, might be quite easy to some harder to others. One way to take a first step is to ponder "Do I really need this thing/object(which is being advertised)?". I used this question many times when I was in store buying groceries, mainly regarding candies and chocolate. I would be like "do I really need this bag of candies?" then some few moments later, got the answer from conscious or some other aspect that I really didnt need it after all, then I just left it and went to buy ONLY the stuff I really needed.

It is quite good to question oneself to really see the point of all things that one is about to do or has done already. Like they say "Question everything" and soon one is a one big question mark(figuratively speaking of course).

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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by Lozion » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:21 pm

You see, thats the good thing with consciousness expansion. Once you understand & recognize the mechanisms, you cannot go back. It doesnt work anymore. Ultimately, this is what the NWO fears most and will be their undoing.
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by Aaron » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:53 am

Thats a great reply above daniel. Very good explanation. Much of what you wrote above might also make for a great blog post.

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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by daniel » Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:30 am

Aaron wrote:Thats a great reply above daniel. Very good explanation. Much of what you wrote above might also make for a great blog post.
I'll take that as a "hint?"
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Re: The Mind Has No Firewall

Post by AnAncientAwakening » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:56 pm

In order to make the Second consequence more likely, I employ humor. Humor makes things "safe" so people don't panic when taken outside their interior landscape, because if I don't take myself seriously, you don't have to either. BUT, you've been exposed to the concepts, and they don't go away... they linger in there and make you wonder, until curiosity takes hold and you go out exploring. That's when the "Ahhhhh!" comes in.

It's the main reason why, over the course of the past two years, I've learned to be silent on such matters in my interactions with folks, instead choosing to immerse myself in a world of study so that I can more deeply understand many of the things that I am curious about, i.e. my own personal University degree. I've become quite adept at 'faking it', but have spent a great deal of time attempting to change this mindset and to accept the fact that I live in a world of 'split' paradigms, i.e. everyone thinks they've got it all figured out. That leads to a world of divided people, and creates much conflict (the rivalry aspect of things). Meanwhile, the powers that be laugh at the whole thing. This is the way that it has been from the beginning, and acceptance must come before change can be enacted. Daniel - it's similar to what you said in a different post: "Those who know, say nothing."

Each day when they wake, there are predetermined sets of parameters put in place for people, a 'reality' box in which they move about, from one moment to the next. When something comes along that does not 'fit' into the preset world of their own personal Truman Show, (whether that something be an idea or an actual physical phenomenon), they hit a 'bump'; perhaps like the one you hit at Montauk (wonder if there is a correlation there?). Immediately, a sort of defense mechanism kicks in, i.e. their mind cannot process the information being given, and confusion and frustration set in. Or, in the case of an 'expert', the defense mechanism is one that allows their inner arrogance and dogma to shine forth in all its brilliance, as you are challenging their 'facts' (better known as 'theories'); those that the wonderful worlds of science and academia have implanted so deeply into their thick skulls. Funny how they scoff at the ideas religious or spiritual dogma, when theirs is the most profoundly arrogant of all the dogmas!

HOWEVER, this idea of adding 'humor' into the process is a rather brilliant stroke. Humor is something that I have touted most of my life. Given the choice, I will always choose a pie in the face from Curly or the witty banter of Lonestar and his companion Mog :-) However, being humorous with those few with whom I am close is far different from my usual state, which is that of quiet and reserved.

People desire happiness; whatever the cost may be to attain that happiness. To most, ignorance is bliss. Yet understanding better everyday how powerful have the mind control mechanisms been, I am beginning to see, little by little, what it will take to flip to the other side. It takes a subtle approach, planting the seed of a heretofore unknown (or unaccepted) idea, one that the person may or may not water, thus allowing that seed to bloom in full, or simply remain unopened within the GMO-filled garden of their mind. In essence, not hitting them with a hammer, i.e. intervention, LM's, living nature (and the laws we have so woefully misunderstood), and so on and so forth. Everything is wrong, but you can't tell them that. As Larson stated (when referring to epicircles),

Big fleas have little fleas,
Upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so, ad infinitum.

It's hard not to see it all in the same way that Schauberger did in 'Living Water': Depravity; and that was him talking of this back in the 40's. How much further we've gone in the wrong direction since that time.

But with humor, you are presented with a buffer, a safe way to approach such topics, i.e. it's kind like hitting them with one of these


or one of these


rather than one of these


(the latter of which we seem to be employing unabatedly these days).

It's food for thought, and it has given me another 'tool' for the toolbox; albeit a FUN tool :-)
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