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Ilkka - Adept

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Re: The Ruiner Blog
by Ilkka » Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:55 am
joeyv23 wrote:Edit to add: I just went back and see that "Her" is a reference to the planet, so disregard that^^ ... maybe.
Even in Neikung the Yin chi comes from the earth up, Yang chi opposing from up down. I did think of mother Earth as feminine has kind of always thought about that.
The image seems to be a network of solarsystems, much like nervous system in human body and brain. I dont think that there are such galaxies that are round or oval shaped etc.
- Mage

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by deepfsh » Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:46 pm
Ilkka wrote:The image seems to be a network of solar systems, much like nervous system in human body and brain.
Bruce's post was made in 2013. Things may have changed since then ...
Daniel wrote:most of the spacecraft sent out into the solar system were probably faked, as well, and what we are seeing for
“hi-res images” from these ships are nothing more than good computer graphics, modeled after images taken from Earth and orbit-based telescopes
So our world leaders [...] decided
to fake it and distort astronomical data to make the universe huge and unreachable by man in the foreseeable future.
Science is Fiction?
Maybe what we're seeing in that picture does not just
seem to be a nervous system, but it actually IS a picture of the nervous system, redesigned with a computer program.
And although "[t]he team published their results in the journal
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [UK]",
[1] these are some of the hits on the first page on Google:
Hmm ...

"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket
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by Lozion » Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:00 pm
More on the Wave from the Ruiner. He speaks of a choice to be made between a natural and artificial timeline. No Savior but an opportunity to elect to co-create a world in which our natural psionic abilities will flourish versus the transhumanist one the NWO work hard at.
I interpret this Wave as a manifestation from the Logos (Sophia) to sub (Sol) and sub-sub Logos (Earth) in order to rectify what the Gnostics refer to as the original Error that permitted the creation of the Demiurge, his Archons and their artificial worlds and to whom the SM (Anunna/Draco&Human cabal) probably answer to. It would make sense of the visions I had and spoke of on AQ. I do not have a more scientific or RS based comprehension of what this Wave could be, so I suppose it is a matter of Faith.. ... uency.htmlIn rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
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by Lozion » Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:30 pm
Lozion wrote: I suppose it is a matter of Faith..
Or wishful thinking

In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Ilkka - Adept

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by Ilkka » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:49 am
Lozion wrote:Lozion wrote: I suppose it is a matter of Faith..
Or wishful thinking

I think it is more of a wishful thinking to make oneself to feel better, hopeful of something. I mean it could be correct or then not. Pessimist never gets disappointed

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by joeyv23 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:49 am
#167 Corey/GoodETxSG wrote:That is a manipulated skype TXT between Shane (Shaynard) Bales aka The Ruiner & I. He had just admitted to being forced back on the Illuminati Payroll. I've been upfront about being pulled bk into the programs, not only that but I have been giving very detailed mission reports (The BA's don't pay actual $). Meanwhile Shane/Ruiner denies he ever said he was bk on the "Payroll" (All in a huge log file, but deny/deny). He tried to say he was in contact w/Blue Avians b4 claiming they don't exist (yep deny/deny). There R many TXT logs of him saying his job was 2 become moderator @ Avalon to have access. He goes into quite a bit of detail on the job he has done in gaining info & passing it to his parents.
A google search for Shane (Shaynard) Bales reveals some interesting things.

- rsz_googleshaneshaynardbales.png (171.9KiB)Viewed 33058 times ... nard+bales
The RuinerAugust 13, 2015 at 10:35 AM wrote:
This is Skype text between you and this writer:
[3:31:14 AM] AnonymousCommentor: Tell me about the dingo birds, please I'm beggin you
[3:31:42 AM] AnonymousCommentor: I need my fix man!!!
[3:32:20 AM | Edited 3:39:27 AM] AnonymousCommentor: :S
[3:59:52 AM | Edited 4:13:48 AM] AnonymousCommentor: PLEASE!!!!
[5:32:18 AM] Shaynard: Nope

[5:34:26 AM] AnonymousCommentor: but... but...
[5:36:36 AM] Shaynard: Just no
See how easily that can be faked

Just did this in 30 seconds.
Screenshots on the other hand.. contain metadata which can be referenced and verified.
The above between you and this writer is just as real as what that man has posted.
Any more question? Thanks
With respect,
By this logic, the linked exchange to refute that there was an exchange between the Ruiner and Corey Goode is fictional and didn't happen.

- hashtagbluealienstosavetheday.png (232.63KiB)Viewed 33053 times
We see you.
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
- Mage

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by Evansville64 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:06 am
Learning that Corey Goode is a hoax,
would ruin my day.
and perhaps the next 20 or 30 days .
The David Wilcook articles are getting more and more sketchy .
- Mage

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by joeyv23 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:20 am
Evansville64 wrote:Learning that Corey Goode is a hoax,
would ruin my day.
and perhaps the next 20 or 30 days .
The David Wilcook articles are getting more and more sketchy .
See Here"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
- Mage

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by deepfsh » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:50 am
joeyv23 wrote:A google search for Shane (Shaynard) Bales reveals some interesting things.
That surname reminds me on Drake
Bailey, whom David interviewed some time after the Financial Tyranny blog posts. Maybe the Fiction Department really has a list of names to use in their projects - so they can recognize each other more easily.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket
tymeflyz - Seeker

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by tymeflyz » Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:59 pm
as long as the pope is willing and inviting the ET group to be baptized into the church who am i to not believe -
Pope Francis Talks About Aliens; Says He Would Welcome Martians to Receive Baptism
Read more at ... EozRO1H.99
this prooooooves {lol} they are real and welcome. {at least at the Vatican }
and this - this - - i so love the... ET is a F§¶king jedi !!!
joey is right on target - All good.. You're forgiven.. light and love and all the shiny, sparkly, rainbow illusions your handlers tell you to distribute. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3's forever and ever!! #cosmicdislcosure #wesotrendy #donthtinkforyourselvesletusdoitforyou
seems truth is
sometimes relative, so we should therefore seek wisdom not necessarily truth, unless of course truth is on sale at the time!