Delusional Insects & Morgellons
- Djchrismac
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I spent some time re-reading this website at the weekend and thought I would pass on the link so others can have a look. It's a fascinating and horrific journey not too dissimilar to what many of us have experienced, but fortunately without a Morgellons infestation to deal with.
Along the way, the author goes through a familiar process of discovery, past new age disinfo, finds the law of one, sees the links to big pharma, the Rockafellers/Morgans/Rothschilds and co. and slowly things come together. It's also an account which has a happy ending and finishes with lots of great information and resources on healing, EM frequencies, rife machines and much more, which could be of interest to RS2 researchers:
Along the way, the author goes through a familiar process of discovery, past new age disinfo, finds the law of one, sees the links to big pharma, the Rockafellers/Morgans/Rothschilds and co. and slowly things come together. It's also an account which has a happy ending and finishes with lots of great information and resources on healing, EM frequencies, rife machines and much more, which could be of interest to RS2 researchers:
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Cognitor
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Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
Incredibly detailed site, cheers for sharing. Once you get past the back story, it really starts to get going in 'The answers' section and I am sure is good introduction to anyone not familiar (ie. mum and dad!) with what's happening as it is pretty concise and doesn't drift off into speculation and keeps to bullet points and brief descriptions. Although the Infowars videos could be replaced with something less controlled in my opinion!
The Food page with its nutritional analysis is interesting as there is a massive decrease in nutrients in the last 40 years.
I was listening to a Mauro Biglino interview with Gerald Clarke the same day I read the food page. He's fascinating to listen to and in ther interview he said we are no doubt ALREADY eating GMO food and have been for thousands of years, when our 'gods' fiddled with us they also fiddled with our food (or modified their food for us). Which makes sense as all the types of grains always fascinated me, it would make sense they were spliced and new things created.Then I remembered a book I started reading but never finished called 'Grain Brain' which puts a case for the fact that carbs are killing the brain and can 'lead to a “toxic brain,” which can then develop into neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, and others.' ... erlmutter/
So these bugs and nano-tech have been part of the chemtrail recipe we've been dealing with, why haven't more people come down with this? Or is it just lying dormant? I get the point in the nano-tech but why the bio engineered bugs? Other than to send people insane and want to die? Unless that's it? I shudder to think of the possibilities of the nano-tech, highly disturbing.
Only on 'The Present' area, I keep reading bits daily.
The Food page with its nutritional analysis is interesting as there is a massive decrease in nutrients in the last 40 years.
I was listening to a Mauro Biglino interview with Gerald Clarke the same day I read the food page. He's fascinating to listen to and in ther interview he said we are no doubt ALREADY eating GMO food and have been for thousands of years, when our 'gods' fiddled with us they also fiddled with our food (or modified their food for us). Which makes sense as all the types of grains always fascinated me, it would make sense they were spliced and new things created.Then I remembered a book I started reading but never finished called 'Grain Brain' which puts a case for the fact that carbs are killing the brain and can 'lead to a “toxic brain,” which can then develop into neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, and others.' ... erlmutter/
So these bugs and nano-tech have been part of the chemtrail recipe we've been dealing with, why haven't more people come down with this? Or is it just lying dormant? I get the point in the nano-tech but why the bio engineered bugs? Other than to send people insane and want to die? Unless that's it? I shudder to think of the possibilities of the nano-tech, highly disturbing.
Only on 'The Present' area, I keep reading bits daily.
- Djchrismac
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Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
Thanks, an excellent summary, I agree with the infowars statement but hey most of us went through DW to get here!trippingthelight wrote: ↑Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:18 pmIncredibly detailed site, cheers for sharing. Once you get past the back story, it really starts to get going in 'The answers' section and I am sure is good introduction to anyone not familiar (ie. mum and dad!) with what's happening as it is pretty concise and doesn't drift off into speculation and keeps to bullet points and brief descriptions. Although the Infowars videos could be replaced with something less controlled in my opinion!

Sounds good, please send on the link to the Mauro and Gerald interview, two researchers who's work that is spot on, that I have very much enjoyed.trippingthelight wrote:The Food page with its nutritional analysis is interesting as there is a massive decrease in nutrients in the last 40 years.
I was listening to a Mauro Biglino interview with Gerald Clarke the same day I read the food page. He's fascinating to listen to and in ther interview he said we are no doubt ALREADY eating GMO food and have been for thousands of years, when our 'gods' fiddled with us they also fiddled with our food (or modified their food for us). Which makes sense as all the types of grains always fascinated me, it would make sense they were spliced and new things created.Then I remembered a book I started reading but never finished called 'Grain Brain' which puts a case for the fact that carbs are killing the brain and can 'lead to a “toxic brain,” which can then develop into neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, and others.' ... erlmutter/
As a reciprocal favour in return, i'm currently thoroughly enjoying Anatoly Fomenko's "History: Fiction or Science" which you can download in PDF format at ... ence_1.pdf. It's an absolutely fascinating read so far, more to come from me on this later... turns out --daniel was right, History is a whole lot shorter than we have been led to believe!
Personally I go to an amazing Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) chiropracter, take vitamin D and Kelp supplements a few times a week, exercise and eat fairly well (still room for improvement) and take colloidal silver if feeling run down. So far i've only been to the regular doctor once in about 2 years for a recent eye infection, not bad going. So keeping away from big pharma will definitely be beneficial, I guess those with a low immune system will be more susceptible.trippingthelight wrote:So these bugs and nano-tech have been part of the chemtrail recipe we've been dealing with, why haven't more people come down with this? Or is it just lying dormant? I get the point in the nano-tech but why the bio engineered bugs? Other than to send people insane and want to die? Unless that's it? I shudder to think of the possibilities of the nano-tech, highly disturbing.
Only on 'The Present' area, I keep reading bits daily.
From the blog I also got the impression that it is dormant in all of us but various circumstances can lead to it developing.
The nano-tech seems to be multi-purpose, as are many of the tech we see employed around the matrix globe. I think it is a side-effect of the nanoparticles used in the daily geoengineering of the planet, apply the right frequency and life is born.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Cognitor
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- Joined:Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:38 pm
Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
DW makes me laugh, I got here completely by accident and then heard of David Wilcock. I watched some of his old stuff and enjoyed it but it's all a bit cringe worthy now and it sure is "The David Wilcock show".Djchrismac wrote:but hey most of us went through DW to get here!
There were two Mauro Biglino interviews that are worth listening to, the first one is with Gerald Clarke, the second with Jim Marrs. They do have different content so both are worth listening to.
I heard about Anatoly Fomenko from Cara St Louis, who is fascinating to listen to, she talks a lot about hidden history and also the Fae, she also works with (Sylvia?) from the 'newearth' ... 0Zhu5p-0cQ' channel, who has documented that history literally has pushed on a 1000 years. It's been a while since I watched this video ( and her accent is sometimes hard to follow but the information is incredibly interesting and closely ties to the Anatoly Formenko work in that history could be have been compressed and a lot closer than they make us believe. Isn't that book in Multiple volumes? There is so much to read it's crazy, I have a stack of 2nd hand books to go through and loads of PDFs and only a few hours a day to read! Ha and then even when I do tell people what I found out, they couldn't give two hoots! I'm like 'But, But it's ALL WRONG'. I laugh sometimes I can see my self chasing people down the street shouting "......But, it was The Elves, they're real!!!". I mean Giants are literally mentioned in the bible and 99.9% of the people sat in Church will outright deny that they existed/exist, they refer them to the bible and they will say, well it didn't actually men Giants, it meant something else. I am feeling like a Penguin lost in the desert.
I find it hard to eliminate any nasties from my diet, I eat well but everything seems to be contaminated with SOMETHING! I don't have much sugar and recently stopped coffee. As time is always against me I often have to turn to tins of things like Chick peas or Mackerel, so good food in bad packaging! But I do have lots of spices and try to have turmeric daily. It's not often I'm ill and really only ever go to Doctors for hayfever medication as I suffer badly every year but last year was the first time I didn't as I discovered local honey and I believe that reduced it a lot.Djchrismac wrote:take vitamin D and Kelp supplements a few times a week, exercise and eat fairly well
Having kids is hard though as it has been carved in stone now that Kids love sweets, of course they do its loaded with insane amounts of sugar and mind altering excitotoxins, but it's OK to give them to young growing brains 'because they like it'.
I think I will get Vitamin D, today's bright sunny morning has quickly turned into a grey sky, lots of trails this morning.
- Djchrismac
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Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
It certainly is a show, still doing a good job of distracting many who don't see that RS2 & daniel are the source of his really good info.trippingthelight wrote: ↑Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:52 amDW makes me laugh, I got here completely by accident and then heard of David Wilcock. I watched some of his old stuff and enjoyed it but it's all a bit cringe worthy now and it sure is "The David Wilcock show".
Thanks, will have a listen when I get the chance, been busy checking out the site you sent, cheers for that, just what I was looking for to add to my current research.trippingthelight wrote: ↑Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:52 amThere were two Mauro Biglino interviews that are worth listening to, the first one is with Gerald Clarke, the second with Jim Marrs. They do have different content so both are worth listening to.

I didn't realise Cara was involved with it, interesting as she was doing lots of research with Harald Kautz-Vella who seems to have dropped off the radar a bit. Aye Sylvia is a bit hard to follow but she's also quite funny, her frustration at "quackademia" and all of the lies of history really shows and strikes a chord.
It is a lengthy tome and like you I only have so many hours in the day but i'm making more time for reading, as I have a lot to digest just now and a reading list no doubt as long as yours! A lot has fallen into place recently and as a result more corroborating evidence keeps landing in front of me.
Are you sure that Penguins don't belong in the forest and you've just been led to believe the opposite?

There is a post or two on the AQ fora I think, that give some great nutrition advice, keep meaning to look for them, here you go, login and find this topic "Share my Wellness Knowledge" in the Wellness centre. There is also a post from Billy in the General R&D forum about creating a nutrition guide:trippingthelight wrote: ↑Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:52 amI find it hard to eliminate any nasties from my diet, I eat well but everything seems to be contaminated with SOMETHING! I don't have much sugar and recently stopped coffee. As time is always against me I often have to turn to tins of things like Chick peas or Mackerel, so good food in bad packaging! But I do have lots of spices and try to have turmeric daily. It's not often I'm ill and really only ever go to Doctors for hayfever medication as I suffer badly every year but last year was the first time I didn't as I discovered local honey and I believe that reduced it a lot.
Having kids is hard though as it has been carved in stone now that Kids love sweets, of course they do its loaded with insane amounts of sugar and mind altering excitotoxins, but it's OK to give them to young growing brains 'because they like it'.
I think I will get Vitamin D, today's bright sunny morning has quickly turned into a grey sky, lots of trails this morning. ... ion#p14723
This is from, set up by LoneBear a while back:
Plants, Food, Gardening and Agriculture:
Nutrition Data--Know What You Eat!
Eat Right For/4 Your Type (blood type, that is)
Gardening by the Moon
With my Advanced Biostructural Correction chiropracter working wonders and my spine feeling like new after every visit to encourage it to self correct again I can honestly say that I have finally found a cure to years of aches and pains. ABC also has an end point which is good, unlike some 'classic' techniques plus I can no longer crick my neck, I can breathe better and genuinely feel brand new with a straight posture. Add to this the oral health benefits off a simple switch to using an electric toothbrush (and getting rid of two pesky wisdom teeth!) and I now want to improve my nutrition more so it would be good if Billy or others can get a helpful guide together or can share their current advice and eating habits. I think info like this is dotted around at present.
Yeah good move with the vitamin D, with the cloud shield and chemtrail haze overhead almost constantly as they try to extend winter a bit longer during their increasingly difficult yearly battle against global burning, you need to replace that lack of sunlight somehow.
Just be careful when you are in the sun, as Robocop 2*1 hinted at back in 1990, socially engineering our minds even back then to hint that the future would be quite different "ever since we lost the ozone layer"...*2
RoboCop 2 - Sunblock 5000 commercial HD

*1 Robocop is set from November 2043 to February 2044, plus or minus one month.
*2 I'm of the firm opinion that climate collapse already happened either in the 1980's or in the decade prior:
In support of this, check out the end of a childhood favourite movie of mine, Convoy (1978), a film slightly tarnished after watching it again recently and seeing this in very end scene: natural Water Vapor Cycle collapsed a long time ago (late 70s and 80s were most likely the actual tipping point). Satellite imagery going back to the very first ones available (1960s) show the development of the Water Vapor Generation Grid was already in progress. ... asgow.html
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Cognitor
- Posts:64
- Joined:Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:38 pm
Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
nice pics of the penguins!
Cheers for the plants and food links, I will have a good look through, I always grow things each year so those will be handy.
Just to follow on with the hidden history subject............
The guy who did the 'No Forests on Earth' video last year has posted another video. It's 2 hours long and quite hard to follow as his native tongue is Russian, the narrative is text not spoken and screens change quite quickly, so I had to do lots of pausing.
The general gist is that 'ancient' history literally has been totally fabricated and most ancient monuments/places ie. Palmyra, Babylon, Pyramids etc are all fairly RECENT constructions, like 200 years ago. He shows tonnes of photos from the discoveries in the 1800's that appear to construction sites at these famous places, plus a strange video showing stonehenge being 'built'.
Speaking of Pyramids, were you aware that they have 8 sides? All four sides indent in 3ft in the centre. I watched Alan Green go into massive detail linking the Pyramids, Shakespeare and John Dee. I'll post his on a reply to another thread you have that's more relevant.
The video goes into lots of detail on various things including human energy harvesting, nanobots, converting ether energy into electricity and religious symbols being resonators for turning ether energy into electricity.
It also has a great soundtrack! featuring Aphex Twin, Archive and Tycho! ... _LieZEwx3Y
Yeah I remember Gerald Clarke talking about how just correcting posture can improve health in so many ways. My posture got a lot better when I started lifting weights, I even 'grew' about 2 inches as I was standing taller and had a stronger back, forcing better posture. Oh and stretching is amazing, I swear most back pains can be fixed with strengthening and stretching the back/hips/posterior chain but these most people will see the doctor and take the tablets as it's easier.
The Robocop clip is quite telling isn't it. I watched the movie Soylent Green the other day a society that has collapsed, natural food is only for the incredibly rich and a giant corporation supplies general population with artificial 'food' (think Monsanto), Society is on rations of the green 'Soylent Green' food substitute. I won't spoil it if you haven't watched it but there's nothing like good old recycling!
I have counted about 3 days (possibly) of sunshine this year, there has literally been cloud cover now for 12 weeks.
Cheers for the plants and food links, I will have a good look through, I always grow things each year so those will be handy.
Does this make a difference? Do you use fluoride toothpaste? I started making my own last year with bicarbonate of soda, coconut oil, xylotol and essential oils and 'touch wood' been OK.Add to this the oral health benefits off a simple switch to using an electric toothbrush
Just to follow on with the hidden history subject............
The guy who did the 'No Forests on Earth' video last year has posted another video. It's 2 hours long and quite hard to follow as his native tongue is Russian, the narrative is text not spoken and screens change quite quickly, so I had to do lots of pausing.
The general gist is that 'ancient' history literally has been totally fabricated and most ancient monuments/places ie. Palmyra, Babylon, Pyramids etc are all fairly RECENT constructions, like 200 years ago. He shows tonnes of photos from the discoveries in the 1800's that appear to construction sites at these famous places, plus a strange video showing stonehenge being 'built'.
Speaking of Pyramids, were you aware that they have 8 sides? All four sides indent in 3ft in the centre. I watched Alan Green go into massive detail linking the Pyramids, Shakespeare and John Dee. I'll post his on a reply to another thread you have that's more relevant.
The video goes into lots of detail on various things including human energy harvesting, nanobots, converting ether energy into electricity and religious symbols being resonators for turning ether energy into electricity.
It also has a great soundtrack! featuring Aphex Twin, Archive and Tycho! ... _LieZEwx3Y
I can breathe better and genuinely feel brand new with a straight posture.
Yeah I remember Gerald Clarke talking about how just correcting posture can improve health in so many ways. My posture got a lot better when I started lifting weights, I even 'grew' about 2 inches as I was standing taller and had a stronger back, forcing better posture. Oh and stretching is amazing, I swear most back pains can be fixed with strengthening and stretching the back/hips/posterior chain but these most people will see the doctor and take the tablets as it's easier.
The Robocop clip is quite telling isn't it. I watched the movie Soylent Green the other day a society that has collapsed, natural food is only for the incredibly rich and a giant corporation supplies general population with artificial 'food' (think Monsanto), Society is on rations of the green 'Soylent Green' food substitute. I won't spoil it if you haven't watched it but there's nothing like good old recycling!
I have counted about 3 days (possibly) of sunshine this year, there has literally been cloud cover now for 12 weeks.
Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
At around 16 minutes of the film there was mention of ancient russian language and they chose to show some stuff about "Az" or AN, because they seem to be so similar names. It said that "Az" was consciousness/inner voice, but I disagree it must've been the voice of God AN, maybe they (high priests) heard it telepathically or not. I just couldn't watch it after about 17 minutes since it was just too much same old history stuff. There were some good info on there, but also too much nonsense that I am not into.
Not to mention the self centered stuff and practically that Aryan race was the first one here for thousands of years or something like that. Nonsense.
Not to mention the self centered stuff and practically that Aryan race was the first one here for thousands of years or something like that. Nonsense.
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Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
Hey guys! I actually ploughed thru the 1st of Fomenko's tomes and made some notes to make it easier to find stuff. I'll post it here if it helps - as for the page numbers, I may have mixed up the pdf page with the actual page of the book. I got my copies of the 1st four volumes from scribd back in the days when u could download for free there. But I only looked thru the 1st one
Note that the writer claims that the Church went to a lot of trouble and expense to stretch history by roughly a thousand years.
This means that well known works would have to be allocated to a different time period.
Also people and events will have to be invented to fill the non-existent years of history.
Writer has illustrations of various miniatures which show famous ancient characters (eg Cicero) in medieval settings.
Instead of 500 years between fall of Troy and the founding of Rome, they happened at the same time - the Trojans founded Rome.
Troy was a medieval city.
The incident in the bible re:Sodom and Gomorrah was actually the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in (which destroyed Pompeii) pg 91
The journey of the Israelites through the wilderness, led by Moses took place in Europe pg 92
Ancient Phoenicia = Venice
Plato = Pleton who lived in XV century
Many prominent church leaders have historical doppelgangers.
Thucydides wrote his famous account of the Pelopponesian War
He was meant to have lived from 460 BC to 396 BC
His tome included his account of 3 eclipses.
Those eclipses date the war - couldn't have happened before XI Century AD.
So Thucydides' book dates back to XIII Century AD.
Another account of an ancient eclipse from Titus Livy.
Chronologers ascribe it to 190/188 BC.
Uh huh. It could only have happened 967 AD (yup AD again and not BC) pg 145
Pg 150 Many "ancient astronomical observations" may have been theoretically calculated by late mediaeval astronomers and then included into the "ancient" chronicles as "real observations"
Discrepancies explained by the ignorance of ancient observers.
Real events were moved a long way into the past [pg 151]
They work out where the planets would be on a certain date and say, for example, on the day Julius Caesar was murdered, the planets were such and such.
Same with comets.
Writer looked for ancient horoscopes that have been carved in buildings and structures.
Don't trust any written in manuscripts.
pg 200 Bk of Revelations (Apocalypse) written in 1486
Gospels likely written in X1 - X11 C
An astronomical horoscope is encrypted in the Apocalypse and gives the possibility of dating it.
The date of the horoscope is 1 Oct 1486
This also corresponds with the expectations at that time; for Judgement Day was expected to fall in year 7000 since Adam = 1492 AD.
Apocalypse chronologically incorrectly placed in the Bible next to the Gospels when it was written much later.
The Gospels describe events of XI century.
Written several years before what the entire medieval Christian world perceived as the impending Judgment Day
This deep fear is reflected in the Apocalypse.
Apocalypse written in the time of the Ottoman=Ataman conquest ie the "Biblical Exodus" under Moses
Look at illustrations of the Apocalypse - Death as a rider shooting a musket! in the Lenin State Library.
Another illustration shows angels shooting a gun/cannon
pg 207
Medieval astronomy in Ezekiel
Book of Ezekiel had a horoscope but this is very vague and only indicates that it was medieval to late medieval text.
pg 217
Prophecy of Zechariah
Claim written between 520 - 518 BC (70 yrs after Ezekial)
Predicts advent of Jesus.
Has a passage about 30 pieces of silver.
It's actually written after the Crucifixion which occurred in XI century.
Book of Jeremiah has a description of a comet
Allegedly dated to 740 BC
Full of memories of Christ.
Probably written after XI century
Book of Daniel
Used to be dated to 534 - 607 BC
Now revised to 195 BC
Probably late medieval text.
Describes a comet
pg 269
Listed and analysed statistically all names in bible
Revealed duplicates persons and dynasties
Eg identical descriptions, list of names, religious formulae repeat themselves many times over in the bible
pg 273
Quote: 'In order to make the sequence of biblical "chapters" 1-218 chronologically correct, it is necessary to shuffle "chapters" 1-191 ie the Old Testament and "chapters 192-218 ie the New Testament in a certain specific manner - the books of the old Testament and the New Testament should be mixed and moved into each other the way the teeth of 2 combs do.'
Results indicate that most probably, books of Old and New Testaments were created at the same time within the same epoch.
later, scaligerian chronology moved them apart by many hundreds of years.
Try to reveal how many biographical texts actually describe the same person.
One actual character gave rise to several phantom reflections of himself.
pg 304
Illustrates duplicate Roman dynasties
Roughly 333 year shift
Julius Caesar didn't exist - he's the duplicate of Constantius Chlorus
Pg 308
Biblical kingdom of Israel = Western Roman Empire in III - VI C AD
Biblical kingdom of Judah = Eastern Roman Empire 306 -700 AD
1st period Roman episcopate 141 - 314 AD = 2nd period Roman episcopate 314 - 352 AD
A shift of 360 years
Roman Empire X-XIII AD = 3rd Roman Empire IV-VI AD
Roman-German Empire of X-XIII century (911 AD - start of Saxon dynasty)
= The Habsburg Empire (1273 AD to 1st year House of Austria)
Holy Roman Empire (X-XIII century AD)
=2nd Roman Empire (I century BC - III century AD)
A shift of 1053 years
Holy Roman Empire (911 - 1307 AD)
= Kingdom of Judah from the bible
Roman coronations of emperors of the Holy Roman Empire X-XIII century AD
=Kingdom of Israel started in 922 BC
Russian Horde Empire (1276 - 1600)
=Habsburg Empire (1273 -1600)
1st Byzantine Empire
=2nd Byzantine Empire
3rd Byzantine Empire
=2nd Byzantine Empire
pg 329
Rulers of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation of the X-XIII century and the Habsburgs of XIV - XVI century should not be thought to have major residence in Germany or Italy.
Dynasties are phantoms reflections of a later original.
Anglia (England) = Byzantine Empire
Last royal period of monarchs of Athens = last Byzantine emperors
Lacedemon kings = Greek despots of Mistras
Roman Empire I (according to Titus Livy)
=Roman Empire III
Highly correlated.
Statistically significant.
pg 363 has list of phantom "ancient" events which are phantom duplicates of reflections of the medieval originals
pg 366
List of 9 duplicate wars ending with war of XIII century AD (this probably is the original of the other 8 wars)
pg 373 summary
The entire part of the Scaligerian textbook before 900 or 1000 AD consists of phantom duplicates.
Their medieval originals are from 900 to 1600 AD,
Each event described in the Scaligerian textbook before 900 AD is a sum of several (mostly 2, 3,4) later medieval events)
pg 374
Scaligerian datings can only be relied on from beginning of the XVII century AD
History of XIV - XVI largely distorted
1. What was actual history like?
2. How and why did it give birth to Scaligerian textbook?
Actual history begins from around X-XI century AD
Earlier facts scanty.
All epochs before X century in Scaligerian textbook are phantom reflections of events in X-XVI century AD.
Biblical story (events in Old and New Testaments) fits between X century AD and XVI century AD
pg 376 Hypothesis
Initially dates recorded as certain verbal phrases which were later abbreviated.
Initial meanings of abbreviations then forgotten
later chronologists suggested that the letters not abbreviations of names but notations of numbers
Substituting letters for digits, get erroneous datings
X used to denoted the name of Christ
I used to denote Jesus.
Later X taken to mean ten.
I taken to mean one thousand.
EG the III century after Christ could be recorded briefly as X.III
(X is 1st letter of XPICTOC (Greek word for Christ)
X is one of the prevalent medieval anagrams for the name of Christ)
Later when chronologists suggested that X means ten, such an interpretation automatically adds a thousand years tot he initial date.
This hypothesis concurs well with the fact that medieval Italian designated centuries by hundreds:
trecento (or the 300s) - the XIV century
quattrocento (or the 400s) - the XV century
cinquecento (or the 500s) - the XVI century.
The names of centuries point directly at the beginning of the count from exactly the XI century AD because they ignore the currently accepted addition of an "extra millenium".
The medieval Italians appear to know nothing about this millenium.
There was a very simple reason - this "extra thousand years" has never existed.
The latin letter "I" - the first one in Iesus, the Greek spelling of Jesus - originally could be an abbreviated version thereof.
Thus the year 1300 might have originally be written I.300 ie year 300 since Jesus, written the Greek way.
In medieval documents, especially those of the XIV -XVII century, with dates written in letters, the first letters believed today to symbolise "large numbers" turned out to be SEPARATED from the last ones recording tens or hundreds by DOTS.
various examples of dates given which start with I or J (to denotes Jesus) followed by a 3 digit number.
pg 380
They believe Jesus lived in the XI century and was known in the Scaligerian history as Pope Gregory Hildebrand (now known as Pope Gregory VII)
pgs 376 - 391
Examples of medieval prints, books, maps,miniatures showing this form of dating.
Of particular interest is a rare book with the names and sigils of Belgian goldsmiths and the dates.
These dates should run in sequence but there's a persistent inconsistency in the dates from the mid XVIII century, as if someone has been editing the dates.
Also the 1st date is out of sequence - starting at 642, then 607, 607, 607, 608, 615 etc
It could have been a mistake but since this is an official state document relating to currency, this is most unlikely.
One possible reason is that originally the figure '6' represented the number five while the figure '5' used to represent the number six.
Then the chronological order of dates is restored.
The old method of recording dates with the 1st letter "i" or "j" referring to a "year since Jesus" survived until the end of the XVIII century in many areas of W Europe.
Years were counted down from the XI century AD.
Later on, while editing book on history in the XVII - XVIII century, these old dates were eliminated and replaced by those customary to our age - using 1=one instead of the letters "I" or "J".
But in certain rare documents, the old dates have survived.
pg 392
How the shift of 330/360 years happened
Chronologists might have recorded dates at the end of the XV century by counting years from the moment of acession to the throne of the famous emperor Caesar Maximilian I (1493-1519)
So they might have used an abbreviated recording in their dates - MCL ie Maxim Caesar the HeLlenic.
So a dates such as Miximilian Caesar his third year would appear in chronicles as MCL.III
After a while, the original meaning of MCL was forgotten.
The Scaligerite chronologists proposed to regard them as figures.
Substituting figures for letters, they get the date of 1153.
Th e difference is 343 (1493 + 3 - 1153)
So chronologists automatically shifted tdocuments using abbreviations similar to MCL to record dates by about 330/360 years backwards.
What M, D, and C in Roman dates mean originally in the Middle Ages
Many Roman dates considered medieval or ancient begin with the letters D, M, C and so on.
Rather than numbers, Fomenko believes they are the 1st letters of words eg
D= Domini ie the Lord, Divine, or =Dom for reigning house or dynasty
M= Magnus ie great
C= caesar or king
Then the original meaning was forgotten.
The Scaligerite chronologists then attached numeric meanings to those letters.
Declared M always meant a thousand years; D - five hundred years; C - one hundred years etc
So comparatively close dates turned into very distant dates, forcing medieval events deep into the past.
Thus a date written as Anno Domini .... could have meant The ... Year of the Reigning House of (so and so)
Different medieval chroniclers could mean ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT Dynasties.
The major reigning Houses ascended to their thrones in the XIV century as well as in the XV and XVI centuries.
So converting dates in this way gives different dates with different reigning houses.
Anno D (Anno Domini or Anno D. M.) might mean The Year of (Ruling) House (so and so).
M. D. might mean The Year of the Great House (so and so).
M. C. might mean The Year of the Great King (so and so)
C. M. might mean The Year of King the Great (so and so)
D. could mean The Year of (reigning) House (so and so)
M might also mean Maria ie the mother of Jesus.
Until the XVIII century, there was chaos in medieval timekeeping.
Dates were written inconsistently.
Dating of books and manuscripts from XV - XVII century may need to be moved forwrd by at least 50 years.
'1' is something written as the latin 'I'
A date like I.552 would mean "the year 552 of Jesus"
The year of Jesus is the year of the supernova explosion (Star of Bethlehem) of circa 1053 AD
So I.552 should be 1605 (1053 + 552)
pg 398
Rome was supposed to have been founded in VIII century BC
All 3 Roman empires are duplicates of the medieval Holy Roman Empire of the X-XIII century and also the Habsburgs empire of XIV -XVI century.
So Italian Rome was founded at the end of the XIII century - beginning of XIV century AD
There are 2 Romes - the city in Italy, and Constantinople (Rome on on Bosporus)
In many chronicle (eg Titus Levy's "History"), years were counted from the foundation of the city
Scaligerites decided that Rome was the city in Italy and called Constantinople the New Rome.
They then allege that New Rome was founded on the Bosporus in 330 AD while old Rome was founded in 753 BC
BTW Constatinople was called the New Rome because it moved from Alexandria (there was no old Rome in Italy)
Roman history asserts that Rome was founded 3 times.
Scaligerian historians claim Rome was moved from Posporus back to Italy
Today we consider "the city" to mean Rome in Italy.
But medieval writers of the XII - XIV century AD considered Rome on Bosporus to be "the city"
So to count years from the foundation of "the city", it should be from the foundation of Constantinople
Result - great confusion.
So Rome on Bosporus (aka Constantinople aka Istambul) was founded 1st around X-XI century AD and not in 330 AD.
Italian Rome was founded about 330/360 years later (circa XIV century AD)
Duplicate people
pg 401
There were 3 Dionysius (265 AD, 540 AD, 1583-1652AD)
The 2 earlier ones were phantom reflections of the last.
Why is he of interest?
The 3rd Dionysius said that Christ was born about 550 years before him.
This tallies with Jesus being born in the XI century
pg 407
Major chronological shifts of 330-360, 1050 and 1800 years.
Found by researching repetition duplicates
Call this shifts dynastic
Look for examples of concurrence between astronomical and dynastic shifts
1. Star of Bethlehem was in 1054 AD but Scaligerites called this year zero.
Difference is 1053 years = one of the 3 main chronological shifts
2. Total eclipse at time of Crucifixion of Jesus.
Scaligerites claimed this was at 33 AD.
No, this was either a lunar eclipse (1075 AD) or solar eclipse (1086 AD)
So this tallies with shift of about 1050 years.
3. The Apocalypse.
Scaligerites date this to I-II century AD.
Astronomical dating gets us to 1486 AD
Gives shift of about 1300 - 1350 years.
Approx = 330-360 years + 100-1050 years
4. Jesus.
Scaligerites claimed he lived in I century AD.
Research shows he lived in XI century AD
Shift of 1053 years
5. Imp for shifts of 330-360, 1050 and 1800 years to conform to irregular events such as explosion of stars.
Dates of "ancient" explosions" appear to be obtained by shifting the dates of actual medieval explosions by about 333, 1053 or 1778 years backwards.
Eg 'explosion' of 186 AD from actual explosion of 1230 AD
5. Thucydides described eclipses that were supposed to be in 431, 424 and 413 AD
They happened in the XI and XII century AD.
6. Titus Livy's eclipse was dated to 168 AD.
It was the eclipses of 955 AD or 1020 AD giving a shift of 1120 or 1188 years (close to 1050)
8. Ptolemy's Almagest was supposed to be written in 138-161 AD.
Instead it was the XV-XVI century AD.
Shift of about 1400 years.
So either shift of 1050 years
or sum of 1st and 2nd shift (350 + 1050 = 1400)
9. Zodiacs of Dendera
Supposed to be circa 30 BC
Astronomically dated to 1185 AD and 1168 AD
Shift of 1150-1200 years.
10. Horoscopes of Athribis
Scaligerites date to 52 and 5 AD.
Astronomically dated to 1230 and 1268 AD
Shift of 1200 years.
Historians of XIX - XX century embellished the Scaligerian history
Added many minor details, filled gaps and cracks.
People invented ancestors.
Marcus Aurelius (161-180) is a phamtom of Otto IV (1198-1218 AD)
pg 422.
Medieval cardinal Guglielmo Fieschi (died 1256?) lay in an "ancient" sarcophagus whose carvings include a Roman wedding
Parchment is a luxury.
Ancient scribes are very economical, writing only in consonants.
Paper on the other hand is much easier to produce.
Look at the works of Titus Livy. He uses a lot of words so there must have been paper by his lifetime.
pg 439
There was widespread venereal disease amongst the clegy which could have led to the celibacy edict
The Inquisition was needed to crush the orgiastic Christian cult (convents=brothels)
It would appear that until XVI century, pornographic artwork was common in bibles, churches and cathedrals.
Nuns and monks indulged in orgies.
Church suppressed the bacchic cult in 1649 but attributed this to ancient past.
Pg 452
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374), a prominent writer, travelled to Rome and complained that there were NO ancient antiquities.
From this, deduce that the erroneous history of Rome began not earlier than the 1st half of the XIV century.
pg 461 Athena is another name for the Virgin Mary.
Parthenon started as the temple of the Virgin Mary.
Note that the writer claims that the Church went to a lot of trouble and expense to stretch history by roughly a thousand years.
This means that well known works would have to be allocated to a different time period.
Also people and events will have to be invented to fill the non-existent years of history.
Writer has illustrations of various miniatures which show famous ancient characters (eg Cicero) in medieval settings.
Instead of 500 years between fall of Troy and the founding of Rome, they happened at the same time - the Trojans founded Rome.
Troy was a medieval city.
The incident in the bible re:Sodom and Gomorrah was actually the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in (which destroyed Pompeii) pg 91
The journey of the Israelites through the wilderness, led by Moses took place in Europe pg 92
Ancient Phoenicia = Venice
Plato = Pleton who lived in XV century
Many prominent church leaders have historical doppelgangers.
Thucydides wrote his famous account of the Pelopponesian War
He was meant to have lived from 460 BC to 396 BC
His tome included his account of 3 eclipses.
Those eclipses date the war - couldn't have happened before XI Century AD.
So Thucydides' book dates back to XIII Century AD.
Another account of an ancient eclipse from Titus Livy.
Chronologers ascribe it to 190/188 BC.
Uh huh. It could only have happened 967 AD (yup AD again and not BC) pg 145
Pg 150 Many "ancient astronomical observations" may have been theoretically calculated by late mediaeval astronomers and then included into the "ancient" chronicles as "real observations"
Discrepancies explained by the ignorance of ancient observers.
Real events were moved a long way into the past [pg 151]
They work out where the planets would be on a certain date and say, for example, on the day Julius Caesar was murdered, the planets were such and such.
Same with comets.
Writer looked for ancient horoscopes that have been carved in buildings and structures.
Don't trust any written in manuscripts.
pg 200 Bk of Revelations (Apocalypse) written in 1486
Gospels likely written in X1 - X11 C
An astronomical horoscope is encrypted in the Apocalypse and gives the possibility of dating it.
The date of the horoscope is 1 Oct 1486
This also corresponds with the expectations at that time; for Judgement Day was expected to fall in year 7000 since Adam = 1492 AD.
Apocalypse chronologically incorrectly placed in the Bible next to the Gospels when it was written much later.
The Gospels describe events of XI century.
Written several years before what the entire medieval Christian world perceived as the impending Judgment Day
This deep fear is reflected in the Apocalypse.
Apocalypse written in the time of the Ottoman=Ataman conquest ie the "Biblical Exodus" under Moses
Look at illustrations of the Apocalypse - Death as a rider shooting a musket! in the Lenin State Library.
Another illustration shows angels shooting a gun/cannon
pg 207
Medieval astronomy in Ezekiel
Book of Ezekiel had a horoscope but this is very vague and only indicates that it was medieval to late medieval text.
pg 217
Prophecy of Zechariah
Claim written between 520 - 518 BC (70 yrs after Ezekial)
Predicts advent of Jesus.
Has a passage about 30 pieces of silver.
It's actually written after the Crucifixion which occurred in XI century.
Book of Jeremiah has a description of a comet
Allegedly dated to 740 BC
Full of memories of Christ.
Probably written after XI century
Book of Daniel
Used to be dated to 534 - 607 BC
Now revised to 195 BC
Probably late medieval text.
Describes a comet
pg 269
Listed and analysed statistically all names in bible
Revealed duplicates persons and dynasties
Eg identical descriptions, list of names, religious formulae repeat themselves many times over in the bible
pg 273
Quote: 'In order to make the sequence of biblical "chapters" 1-218 chronologically correct, it is necessary to shuffle "chapters" 1-191 ie the Old Testament and "chapters 192-218 ie the New Testament in a certain specific manner - the books of the old Testament and the New Testament should be mixed and moved into each other the way the teeth of 2 combs do.'
Results indicate that most probably, books of Old and New Testaments were created at the same time within the same epoch.
later, scaligerian chronology moved them apart by many hundreds of years.
Try to reveal how many biographical texts actually describe the same person.
One actual character gave rise to several phantom reflections of himself.
pg 304
Illustrates duplicate Roman dynasties
Roughly 333 year shift
Julius Caesar didn't exist - he's the duplicate of Constantius Chlorus
Pg 308
Biblical kingdom of Israel = Western Roman Empire in III - VI C AD
Biblical kingdom of Judah = Eastern Roman Empire 306 -700 AD
1st period Roman episcopate 141 - 314 AD = 2nd period Roman episcopate 314 - 352 AD
A shift of 360 years
Roman Empire X-XIII AD = 3rd Roman Empire IV-VI AD
Roman-German Empire of X-XIII century (911 AD - start of Saxon dynasty)
= The Habsburg Empire (1273 AD to 1st year House of Austria)
Holy Roman Empire (X-XIII century AD)
=2nd Roman Empire (I century BC - III century AD)
A shift of 1053 years
Holy Roman Empire (911 - 1307 AD)
= Kingdom of Judah from the bible
Roman coronations of emperors of the Holy Roman Empire X-XIII century AD
=Kingdom of Israel started in 922 BC
Russian Horde Empire (1276 - 1600)
=Habsburg Empire (1273 -1600)
1st Byzantine Empire
=2nd Byzantine Empire
3rd Byzantine Empire
=2nd Byzantine Empire
pg 329
Rulers of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation of the X-XIII century and the Habsburgs of XIV - XVI century should not be thought to have major residence in Germany or Italy.
Dynasties are phantoms reflections of a later original.
Anglia (England) = Byzantine Empire
Last royal period of monarchs of Athens = last Byzantine emperors
Lacedemon kings = Greek despots of Mistras
Roman Empire I (according to Titus Livy)
=Roman Empire III
Highly correlated.
Statistically significant.
pg 363 has list of phantom "ancient" events which are phantom duplicates of reflections of the medieval originals
pg 366
List of 9 duplicate wars ending with war of XIII century AD (this probably is the original of the other 8 wars)
pg 373 summary
The entire part of the Scaligerian textbook before 900 or 1000 AD consists of phantom duplicates.
Their medieval originals are from 900 to 1600 AD,
Each event described in the Scaligerian textbook before 900 AD is a sum of several (mostly 2, 3,4) later medieval events)
pg 374
Scaligerian datings can only be relied on from beginning of the XVII century AD
History of XIV - XVI largely distorted
1. What was actual history like?
2. How and why did it give birth to Scaligerian textbook?
Actual history begins from around X-XI century AD
Earlier facts scanty.
All epochs before X century in Scaligerian textbook are phantom reflections of events in X-XVI century AD.
Biblical story (events in Old and New Testaments) fits between X century AD and XVI century AD
pg 376 Hypothesis
Initially dates recorded as certain verbal phrases which were later abbreviated.
Initial meanings of abbreviations then forgotten
later chronologists suggested that the letters not abbreviations of names but notations of numbers
Substituting letters for digits, get erroneous datings
X used to denoted the name of Christ
I used to denote Jesus.
Later X taken to mean ten.
I taken to mean one thousand.
EG the III century after Christ could be recorded briefly as X.III
(X is 1st letter of XPICTOC (Greek word for Christ)
X is one of the prevalent medieval anagrams for the name of Christ)
Later when chronologists suggested that X means ten, such an interpretation automatically adds a thousand years tot he initial date.
This hypothesis concurs well with the fact that medieval Italian designated centuries by hundreds:
trecento (or the 300s) - the XIV century
quattrocento (or the 400s) - the XV century
cinquecento (or the 500s) - the XVI century.
The names of centuries point directly at the beginning of the count from exactly the XI century AD because they ignore the currently accepted addition of an "extra millenium".
The medieval Italians appear to know nothing about this millenium.
There was a very simple reason - this "extra thousand years" has never existed.
The latin letter "I" - the first one in Iesus, the Greek spelling of Jesus - originally could be an abbreviated version thereof.
Thus the year 1300 might have originally be written I.300 ie year 300 since Jesus, written the Greek way.
In medieval documents, especially those of the XIV -XVII century, with dates written in letters, the first letters believed today to symbolise "large numbers" turned out to be SEPARATED from the last ones recording tens or hundreds by DOTS.
various examples of dates given which start with I or J (to denotes Jesus) followed by a 3 digit number.
pg 380
They believe Jesus lived in the XI century and was known in the Scaligerian history as Pope Gregory Hildebrand (now known as Pope Gregory VII)
pgs 376 - 391
Examples of medieval prints, books, maps,miniatures showing this form of dating.
Of particular interest is a rare book with the names and sigils of Belgian goldsmiths and the dates.
These dates should run in sequence but there's a persistent inconsistency in the dates from the mid XVIII century, as if someone has been editing the dates.
Also the 1st date is out of sequence - starting at 642, then 607, 607, 607, 608, 615 etc
It could have been a mistake but since this is an official state document relating to currency, this is most unlikely.
One possible reason is that originally the figure '6' represented the number five while the figure '5' used to represent the number six.
Then the chronological order of dates is restored.
The old method of recording dates with the 1st letter "i" or "j" referring to a "year since Jesus" survived until the end of the XVIII century in many areas of W Europe.
Years were counted down from the XI century AD.
Later on, while editing book on history in the XVII - XVIII century, these old dates were eliminated and replaced by those customary to our age - using 1=one instead of the letters "I" or "J".
But in certain rare documents, the old dates have survived.
pg 392
How the shift of 330/360 years happened
Chronologists might have recorded dates at the end of the XV century by counting years from the moment of acession to the throne of the famous emperor Caesar Maximilian I (1493-1519)
So they might have used an abbreviated recording in their dates - MCL ie Maxim Caesar the HeLlenic.
So a dates such as Miximilian Caesar his third year would appear in chronicles as MCL.III
After a while, the original meaning of MCL was forgotten.
The Scaligerite chronologists proposed to regard them as figures.
Substituting figures for letters, they get the date of 1153.
Th e difference is 343 (1493 + 3 - 1153)
So chronologists automatically shifted tdocuments using abbreviations similar to MCL to record dates by about 330/360 years backwards.
What M, D, and C in Roman dates mean originally in the Middle Ages
Many Roman dates considered medieval or ancient begin with the letters D, M, C and so on.
Rather than numbers, Fomenko believes they are the 1st letters of words eg
D= Domini ie the Lord, Divine, or =Dom for reigning house or dynasty
M= Magnus ie great
C= caesar or king
Then the original meaning was forgotten.
The Scaligerite chronologists then attached numeric meanings to those letters.
Declared M always meant a thousand years; D - five hundred years; C - one hundred years etc
So comparatively close dates turned into very distant dates, forcing medieval events deep into the past.
Thus a date written as Anno Domini .... could have meant The ... Year of the Reigning House of (so and so)
Different medieval chroniclers could mean ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT Dynasties.
The major reigning Houses ascended to their thrones in the XIV century as well as in the XV and XVI centuries.
So converting dates in this way gives different dates with different reigning houses.
Anno D (Anno Domini or Anno D. M.) might mean The Year of (Ruling) House (so and so).
M. D. might mean The Year of the Great House (so and so).
M. C. might mean The Year of the Great King (so and so)
C. M. might mean The Year of King the Great (so and so)
D. could mean The Year of (reigning) House (so and so)
M might also mean Maria ie the mother of Jesus.
Until the XVIII century, there was chaos in medieval timekeeping.
Dates were written inconsistently.
Dating of books and manuscripts from XV - XVII century may need to be moved forwrd by at least 50 years.
'1' is something written as the latin 'I'
A date like I.552 would mean "the year 552 of Jesus"
The year of Jesus is the year of the supernova explosion (Star of Bethlehem) of circa 1053 AD
So I.552 should be 1605 (1053 + 552)
pg 398
Rome was supposed to have been founded in VIII century BC
All 3 Roman empires are duplicates of the medieval Holy Roman Empire of the X-XIII century and also the Habsburgs empire of XIV -XVI century.
So Italian Rome was founded at the end of the XIII century - beginning of XIV century AD
There are 2 Romes - the city in Italy, and Constantinople (Rome on on Bosporus)
In many chronicle (eg Titus Levy's "History"), years were counted from the foundation of the city
Scaligerites decided that Rome was the city in Italy and called Constantinople the New Rome.
They then allege that New Rome was founded on the Bosporus in 330 AD while old Rome was founded in 753 BC
BTW Constatinople was called the New Rome because it moved from Alexandria (there was no old Rome in Italy)
Roman history asserts that Rome was founded 3 times.
Scaligerian historians claim Rome was moved from Posporus back to Italy
Today we consider "the city" to mean Rome in Italy.
But medieval writers of the XII - XIV century AD considered Rome on Bosporus to be "the city"
So to count years from the foundation of "the city", it should be from the foundation of Constantinople
Result - great confusion.
So Rome on Bosporus (aka Constantinople aka Istambul) was founded 1st around X-XI century AD and not in 330 AD.
Italian Rome was founded about 330/360 years later (circa XIV century AD)
Duplicate people
pg 401
There were 3 Dionysius (265 AD, 540 AD, 1583-1652AD)
The 2 earlier ones were phantom reflections of the last.
Why is he of interest?
The 3rd Dionysius said that Christ was born about 550 years before him.
This tallies with Jesus being born in the XI century
pg 407
Major chronological shifts of 330-360, 1050 and 1800 years.
Found by researching repetition duplicates
Call this shifts dynastic
Look for examples of concurrence between astronomical and dynastic shifts
1. Star of Bethlehem was in 1054 AD but Scaligerites called this year zero.
Difference is 1053 years = one of the 3 main chronological shifts
2. Total eclipse at time of Crucifixion of Jesus.
Scaligerites claimed this was at 33 AD.
No, this was either a lunar eclipse (1075 AD) or solar eclipse (1086 AD)
So this tallies with shift of about 1050 years.
3. The Apocalypse.
Scaligerites date this to I-II century AD.
Astronomical dating gets us to 1486 AD
Gives shift of about 1300 - 1350 years.
Approx = 330-360 years + 100-1050 years
4. Jesus.
Scaligerites claimed he lived in I century AD.
Research shows he lived in XI century AD
Shift of 1053 years
5. Imp for shifts of 330-360, 1050 and 1800 years to conform to irregular events such as explosion of stars.
Dates of "ancient" explosions" appear to be obtained by shifting the dates of actual medieval explosions by about 333, 1053 or 1778 years backwards.
Eg 'explosion' of 186 AD from actual explosion of 1230 AD
5. Thucydides described eclipses that were supposed to be in 431, 424 and 413 AD
They happened in the XI and XII century AD.
6. Titus Livy's eclipse was dated to 168 AD.
It was the eclipses of 955 AD or 1020 AD giving a shift of 1120 or 1188 years (close to 1050)
8. Ptolemy's Almagest was supposed to be written in 138-161 AD.
Instead it was the XV-XVI century AD.
Shift of about 1400 years.
So either shift of 1050 years
or sum of 1st and 2nd shift (350 + 1050 = 1400)
9. Zodiacs of Dendera
Supposed to be circa 30 BC
Astronomically dated to 1185 AD and 1168 AD
Shift of 1150-1200 years.
10. Horoscopes of Athribis
Scaligerites date to 52 and 5 AD.
Astronomically dated to 1230 and 1268 AD
Shift of 1200 years.
Historians of XIX - XX century embellished the Scaligerian history
Added many minor details, filled gaps and cracks.
People invented ancestors.
Marcus Aurelius (161-180) is a phamtom of Otto IV (1198-1218 AD)
pg 422.
Medieval cardinal Guglielmo Fieschi (died 1256?) lay in an "ancient" sarcophagus whose carvings include a Roman wedding

Parchment is a luxury.
Ancient scribes are very economical, writing only in consonants.
Paper on the other hand is much easier to produce.
Look at the works of Titus Livy. He uses a lot of words so there must have been paper by his lifetime.
pg 439
There was widespread venereal disease amongst the clegy which could have led to the celibacy edict
The Inquisition was needed to crush the orgiastic Christian cult (convents=brothels)
It would appear that until XVI century, pornographic artwork was common in bibles, churches and cathedrals.
Nuns and monks indulged in orgies.
Church suppressed the bacchic cult in 1649 but attributed this to ancient past.
Pg 452
Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374), a prominent writer, travelled to Rome and complained that there were NO ancient antiquities.
From this, deduce that the erroneous history of Rome began not earlier than the 1st half of the XIV century.
pg 461 Athena is another name for the Virgin Mary.
Parthenon started as the temple of the Virgin Mary.
- Adept
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- Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:32 pm
Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
Yo Djchrismac, have you ever tried that Spooky2 device?
Re: Delusional Insects & Morgellons
You should always use the "real" page numbers, not PDF pages, since some people have hardcopies of the books.soldierhugsmember wrote: ↑Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:13 pmI'll post it here if it helps - as for the page numbers, I may have mixed up the pdf page with the actual page of the book.
They are still available on wrote: ↑Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:13 pmI got my copies of the 1st four volumes from scribd back in the days when u could download for free there. But I only looked thru the 1st one
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
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