You're welcome, i'm looking forward to the day I have a garden and can grow things myself, in the meantime, time for me to grow...trippingthelight wrote: ↑Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:19 amnice pics of the penguins!
Cheers for the plants and food links, I will have a good look through, I always grow things each year so those will be handy.
Yes absolutely, although I tend to shy away from a lot of tech these days this is one thing I wish I had listened to my dentist's advice on sooner, it's easier on the gums and I have a few friends who also brushed too hard with a normal toothbrush and had the same problem.trippingthelight wrote:Does this make a difference? Do you use fluoride toothpaste? I started making my own last year with bicarbonate of soda, coconut oil, xylotol and essential oils and 'touch wood' been OK.Add to this the oral health benefits off a simple switch to using an electric toothbrush
This is a gentle and more thorough clean. I'd recommend going with an Oral B or similar, not a sonic one, just a rotating/vibrating brush head and don't spend more than £25-£35 on it, as if you do you're just paying for more features and vibrating modes which are not required, or worse a "smart" toothbrush with an app which is just getting ridiculous.
I'm still not sure about that Flat Earth/Forest video, I have too many doubts about it, mainly due to the fact he's a flat earth fanatic. I remain open-minded about the silicon life preceding carbon life idea, with the possibility that some mesa's could be the old trunks of large silicone trees but believe that a majority of mountain ranges are a result of earth expansion and catastrophe.trippingthelight wrote:Just to follow on with the hidden history subject............
The guy who did the 'No Forests on Earth' video last year has posted another video. It's 2 hours long and quite hard to follow as his native tongue is Russian, the narrative is text not spoken and screens change quite quickly, so I had to do lots of pausing.
The general gist is that 'ancient' history literally has been totally fabricated and most ancient monuments/places ie. Palmyra, Babylon, Pyramids etc are all fairly RECENT constructions, like 200 years ago. He shows tonnes of photos from the discoveries in the 1800's that appear to construction sites at these famous places, plus a strange video showing stonehenge being 'built'.
As the daniel papers say, they are hiding history in the past for sure.
Thanks for the link, will have a look at the video at the next opportunity and let you know what I think, sounds interesting and links into a lot of topics i've been researching.trippingthelight wrote:Speaking of Pyramids, were you aware that they have 8 sides? All four sides indent in 3ft in the centre. I watched Alan Green go into massive detail linking the Pyramids, Shakespeare and John Dee. I'll post his on a reply to another thread you have that's more relevant.
The video goes into lots of detail on various things including human energy harvesting, nanobots, converting ether energy into electricity and religious symbols being resonators for turning ether energy into electricity.
It also has a great soundtrack! featuring Aphex Twin, Archive and Tycho! ... _LieZEwx3Y
My chiro recommended Pilates for strengthening your core, over Yoga which can put a strain on the lower back with some moves. Going to give it a shot as a friend was saying at the weekend that he's done it for a while and the benefits are great. I feel I need it to go with the ABC corrections, as when you unwind tight muscles they want to revert back to the bad posture they have held for so long and Pilates will help strengthen and encourage the proper posture again.trippingthelight wrote:I can breathe better and genuinely feel brand new with a straight posture.
Yeah I remember Gerald Clarke talking about how just correcting posture can improve health in so many ways. My posture got a lot better when I started lifting weights, I even 'grew' about 2 inches as I was standing taller and had a stronger back, forcing better posture. Oh and stretching is amazing, I swear most back pains can be fixed with strengthening and stretching the back/hips/posterior chain but these most people will see the doctor and take the tablets as it's easier.
If you would like some links sent with info on ABC, along with a good PDF I found showing how best to sit, stand and sleep, then PM me your email address and i'll send it on. Something i've noticed recently, is that almost all public seating is purposely designed to encourage a bad forward posture! Car seats, airport seats, plane seats, sofas, you name it. Your knees should be below your hips so your back curves naturally and you don't need a back rest. The only seat I sat in recently that wasn't bad was a bench in a chinese takeaway which had a slight angle downwards. Standing or even squatting like many do in the far east is much better for you than any western seating.
Towels are a favourite tool of my chiro, good for rolling to place under your neck instead of a pillow if sleeping on your back, or layering up if you sleep on your side, or to give you a forward slant when sitting down.

Throw out any arch support insoles in your trainers too (or watch your ABC chiro do it for you!), the foot and spine likes a flat surface to stand on, or a slight forward angle, depending on what state your back is in.
It certainly is, the more I re-watch some old classics the more I see clues hidden in them, especially in a lot of sci-fi. I've not heard of or seen Soylent Green, will add it to the "to watch" list, cheers.trippingthelight wrote:The Robocop clip is quite telling isn't it. I watched the movie Soylent Green the other day a society that has collapsed, natural food is only for the incredibly rich and a giant corporation supplies general population with artificial 'food' (think Monsanto), Society is on rations of the green 'Soylent Green' food substitute. I won't spoil it if you haven't watched it but there's nothing like good old recycling!
I have counted about 3 days (possibly) of sunshine this year, there has literally been cloud cover now for 12 weeks.
A friend recently made a funny comment on recycling, relating to council bins that are for food waste, saying their is a distinct heirarchy in his house for food... his children, then wife, then him and the dog next, then the compost heap. He doesn't need a food waste bin!

We're getting a bit more sunshine now as they let it through to kick-start spring, apparently this May will be a heatwave in Scotland, funny how their long range forecasts can be so precise... but even manufactured weather can be tricky to get right.
I used to be of the opinion that Hurricane Erin was sent off course to allow 9/11 to happen as it did, until WW101's video showed that they actually tried to make the Hurricane happen in conjunction with the event, but they missed with their heterodyne waves and sent it off course inadvertently.
Then it hits you, of course they wanted this to happen, it would have been so much easier to cover up if a Hurricane had battered New York and caused even more destruction at the time. Probably why they whisked away all the evidence so quickly in the days after it happened.
Thanks, it's good to have a summary for people to get the gist of the book, as it's a large one i'm still working my way through. Still no substitute for reading it but worthwhile to have at a glance, cheers.soldierhugsmember wrote: ↑Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:13 pmHey guys! I actually ploughed thru the 1st of Fomenko's tomes and made some notes to make it easier to find stuff. I'll post it here if it helps - as for the page numbers, I may have mixed up the pdf page with the actual page of the book. I got my copies of the 1st four volumes from scribd back in the days when u could download for free there. But I only looked thru the 1st one
I haven't, I only found out about it recently after reading about it on the website, sounds like it worked a treat though.soldierhugsmember wrote: ↑Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:45 pmYo Djchrismac, have you ever tried that Spooky2 device?
Thanks for posting the archive link daniel, i'll add the PDF to the antiquatis library once I get reconnected to it following a PC upgrade.daniel wrote: ↑Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:57 amThey are still available on