I have noticed that in my last link above the maps look different than in the pdf.
Apparently, those maps can be found in three different versions.
Here is a higher resolution of it. It looks like a mix of old radar imagery and a computer made graph.
Here is
another version of the same maps, probably the best one but incomplete. On the very right bottom it says
Divai-Inselkette instead of
Dival-Inselkette and there are more spelling differences like
Maotiden-Insel* instead of
Mroßden-Insel. The names in this version make slightly more sense, so the pdf is simply a bad OCR version. Look at the right top, something is written there but in the pdf the writing itself was made into landmass...
Anyway, it still smells of forgery. Here's a
video of a Russian Journalist showing the map and other material taken from the Orion documents. Among them is the obvious fake one that I commented on in my previous post. And if that one is a definite and recent fake, I bet
everything in those three Orion folders is a recent fake.
Though there is one detail on the map that is worth pointing out. Under the name "Kartar-Insel" it says
Island of the creators. This may be a reference to
real history. On our real world map, Qatar and Dubai are not far away from each other and may have been even closer to each other prior to the expansion events. So calling Kartar/Qatar the island of the creators is quite fitting! Probably an inside-joke of TPTB.
*The first result on a Google search gave me a book where the Maeotians were mentioned in the same sentence as the Sauromatae. That Sauro- prefix piqued my interest for a second. From Wikipedia:
The Greek name Sarmatai sometimes appears as "Sauromatai", which is almost certainly no more than a variant of the same name. Nevertheless, historians often regarded these as two separate peoples, while archaeologists habitually use the term 'Sauromatian' to identify the earliest phase of Sarmatian culture. Any idea that the name derives from the word lizard (sauros), linking to the Sarmatians' use of reptile-like scale armour and dragon standards, is almost certainly unfounded.
The idea of using a reptile-like scale armor may be unfounded but what about the idea that some of them had actual reptile skins or were following orders of those that had them?
(This is completely unrelated to the rest of my post and merely an fyi).