Jim Marrs wrote:Because of the crumbling economy, and because so many people are now waking up and realize that no matter whether they vote for a democrat or republican they seem to get the same socialist programs, they are now beginning to realize that there is a whole different paradigm than what is portrayed in the corporate mass media.
And so, the question is, why am I talking about The Fourth Reich at a UFO Congress? And I think the answer is because people who disregard the subject of UFOs and who just write that off as just total fantasy and lunacy; they will never, ever, be able to figure out what’s truly happening in the world because they’re tossing out a big piece of the puzzle. It’s all part of the same big mosaic and you have to put all these pieces together to figure out what’s going on.
Just as a “for instance”: I truly believe that one of the main reasons for our precipitous invasion of Iraq was to make a beeline for Baghdad, and use a mob scene as a cover, for a very concerted effort to loot the Iraqi National Museum. What were they after? They were after newly discovered artifacts, tablets, scrolls and such that were being found in the ancient Sumerian cities of Uruk and some of these other places by French and German archaeological teams -- interestingly enough, the two countries who were most opposed to our entry into Iraq.
And what was taken? Very possibly knowledge of ancient energy manipulation technology. And this gets into anti-gravity and a bunch of weird and exotic technologies that conventional science would laugh at. But then, when you really study the issue, you find that these technologies have been worked on since at least World War II and have been kept under very ultra-secret classification programs ever since, because this is our leading edge technology.
So, you can see how it all ties together; Ancient history, UFOs, secret societies, the world government. It’s all part of the same big ball of wax, and unless you back off and take that broad overview and study a wide variety of topics, you’re never going to figure out what’s going on.
Jim Marrs
He was a big figurehead for the truth-movement community. RIP. I really didn't know much about his work specifically, but when I saw him speak in Philadelphia a couple years ago with his Indiana Jones-esque, trailblazer hat on, it was pretty cool. I just wanted to share a quote of his that is pertinent to all of those that come from different facets of truth-seeking. Everyone has their own experiences, and pieces of the puzzle, but when it comes to exoteric events where facts and patterns can be formed across-the-board, like the JFK assassination conspiracy (he was the first to go wide-spread against the official story,) those facts need to bind us, like puzzle pieces coming together. What he emphasizes in this quote is that, if you don't believe in UFOs, you are out of the league. You have no clue. You don't qualify to know anything down that line of thinking. Because it just seems so basic. It's not algebra to believe in extraterrestrial intelligence! Even without the daniel papers. It just makes sense! It just makes me a little upset inside to think that some of these topics that are "conspiracy" are rebuked without question by the masses. More what's difficult for me is to accept is how -----------------D U M B-------------------- people can actually be, as far as mental capacity goes. Imaginative possibilites. It's insane! Even though I've been surrounded by idiocy most of my life, and I've partaken in quite a bit of it, I've always believed in change. And I have changed. Others.... NOT SO MUCH. Freakin'.... hell! I don't want to be mean to people, but there are so many that will argue against reasonable, probable concepts with sad, regurgitation of others' opinions. How the hell can it be the current year and people are resistant to UFOs as being physically real? How is this realm of study not interesting to people? I don't even think its possible to do this job and NOT explicitly say to muggles how pathetically low-life they are, if they challenge conspiratorial FACT that can be deduced, proven, and patternized as having cause. Not just a f*cking whim, "I'm going to blow up the twin towers today, bcz Allah." Morons!
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: Jim Marrs
Have you thought much yet about this social convention?
It's not for everyone to see the picture this way. Consider that you're talking about a collective entity here, and maybe let that ease some of the sting of the majority of the energy of the collective not being focused where it's not, at a more complex level of consciousness. The collective is evolving through the backwardization. We're proof of that. There are more people open to esoteric and exoteric truth than ever due to our ability to obtain information in the way that we do than have been in the recent past. There are millions looking, and those who are earnest in their search will find what is being sought. Others won't, and that's ok. A great deal of damage can occur by attempting to pull someone from a simple to complex consciousness before they are ready, and to attempt to do so is unethical. Don't pity those who choose differently than you. Nor let it anger you. If anger is the stream you feel like engaging, find the thing in yourself that you are dissatisfied with and angry at. The rest is projection. Have a look at this book by Robert Johnson. It describes three levels of development that are applicable to the issue of your grievance.I really didn't know much about his work specifically, but when I saw him speak in Philadelphia a couple years ago with his Indiana Jones-esque, trailblazer hat on, it was pretty cool. I just wanted to share a quote of his that is pertinent to all of those that come from different facets of truth-seeking. Everyone has their own experiences, and pieces of the puzzle, but when it comes to exoteric events where facts and patterns can be formed across-the-board, like the JFK assassination conspiracy (he was the first to go wide-spread against the official story,) those facts need to bind us, like puzzle pieces coming together. What he emphasizes in this quote is that, if you don't believe in UFOs, you are out of the league. You have no clue. You don't qualify to know anything down that line of thinking. Because it just seems so basic. It's not algebra to believe in extraterrestrial intelligence! Even without the daniel papers. It just makes sense! It just makes me a little upset inside to think that some of these topics that are "conspiracy" are rebuked without question by the masses. More what's difficult for me is to accept is how -----------------D U M B-------------------- people can actually be, as far as mental capacity goes. Imaginative possibilites. It's insane! Even though I've been surrounded by idiocy most of my life, and I've partaken in quite a bit of it, I've always believed in change. And I have changed. Others.... NOT SO MUCH. Freakin'.... hell! I don't want to be mean to people, but there are so many that will argue against reasonable, probable concepts with sad, regurgitation of others' opinions. How the hell can it be the current year and people are resistant to UFOs as being physically real? How is this realm of study not interesting to people? I don't even think its possible to do this job and NOT explicitly say to muggles how pathetically low-life they are, if they challenge conspiratorial FACT that can be deduced, proven, and patternized as having cause. Not just a f*cking whim, "I'm going to blow up the twin towers today, bcz Allah." Morons!
https://www.amazon.com/Transformation-U ... 0062505432
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
Re: Jim Marrs
How old are you if I may ask? I am just about to turn 33 years. And from 25 to this day have changed quite a bit. Also I have noticed that the unspoken "urge", to kill all unpleasant and unworthy people, has been diminishing for the last few years. So I guess that you have some changing to do still regarding the loathing of all those dumb people that cause only harm to you and others alike, but I trust that they get whats coming to them, because of their personal Karma thats been "written". Although since most of them (bio energies) quite possibly end up being in the natural "recycling bin" we might get our compensation via nature from them.Andrew wrote: ↑Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:07 pmIt's insane! Even though I've been surrounded by idiocy most of my life, and I've partaken in quite a bit of it, I've always believed in change. And I have changed. Others.... NOT SO MUCH. Freakin'.... hell! I don't want to be mean to people, but there are so many that will argue against reasonable, probable concepts with sad, regurgitation of others' opinions.
Or just learn how to leech bioenergy directly from lower levels of human scum, if they have any left that is. Dont know what that would do to our spirit if we were to do that sort of thing to them muggles, but it might be possible if one would have sufficient amount of Shen in storage for commanding of Chi to leech from other lifeforms. That would be quite vampiric would it not.
Although I dont want to affect my karma too much so maybe just take a little taste from those idiots that pollute the air that we breath and harmony they disrupt with noise pollution with loudspeakers and loud motorised vehicles. It always upsets when there is such disturbance for more balanced lifestyle so there must be a cost for the people who produce such a disturbance.
Re: Jim Marrs
I like your whole post, Joey. It's easier for me now to get into the mindset of allowing consciousness to unfold naturally as opposed to trying to force changes on people before they are ready for them. I can easily remember others trying to get me to think differently before I was ready and I met them with instant resistance. A person's motive for wanting to change you matters as well because they may need you to change, for them, for their own ego. It can be a lonely business sometimes, this evolving stuff, and wanting others to come along on the journey may be an attempt to ease that loneliness.
I still can fall back into my Kryten "judgement mode" sometimes but it's something I can catch pretty quickly and snap out of.
Regarding the evolution of consciousness, it's people who knew just when to reach out to me and just what to say who really made a difference. They helped for the right reason. I was ready to hear something and I instantly grabbed onto a new truth. Nature knows what it's doing, and we are a part of Nature so we play an active role in this evolution process.
Experiences do change us and I suspect that the experiences we are having are contributing to a fresh new way of looking a things. Nature can become quite insistent when we aren't getting the message.
Regarding RIP -- who wants to rest anyway?. What is it we want to do everyday? I'd say it's to get up and be creative, productive, social and helpful. Why would those desires change just because this spatial life is over and we're going to live another life in 3D time or in an ascended realm for that matter?
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle
-- directions to the grail castle
Re: Jim Marrs
A few things to consider..Ilkka wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:31 amAlthough since most of them (bio energies) quite possibly end up being in the natural "recycling bin" we might get our compensation via nature from them.
Or just learn how to leech bioenergy directly from lower levels of human scum, if they have any left that is. Dont know what that would do to our spirit if we were to do that sort of thing to them muggles, but it might be possible if one would have sufficient amount of Shen in storage for commanding of Chi to leech from other lifeforms. That would be quite vampiric would it not.
Although I dont want to affect my karma too much so maybe just take a little taste from those idiots that pollute the air that we breath and harmony they disrupt with noise pollution with loudspeakers and loud motorised vehicles.
1. Rule of Three (Law of Returns)
2. Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will.
3. The slippery slope that is topography of this field of thought is what led to the imbalanced, dis-harmonic situation that sees us living in a reality where people are polluting the environment with chemicals, noise, etc.
4. The underlying motivation for statements like this are focus on lack. Looking at others as consumers who deserve to have their energy taken, even if it's just a little off the top, or that we are owed some compensation is elitism and indicative of an active superiority complex. It reads, "I don't have enough energy so I'll take some of what these scum/muggles/idiots have because they're misusing what they have and I could make better use of it than they can." This is a competitive mindset, plain and simple. Not knocking, just pointing it out because I can look back and see the same patterns of thought and energy within my own life so it seemed a potentially beneficial thing to point out coming from experience.
In thinking about the conversation here, where transfer/use of energy is concerned, my mind moved to the idea of all the hype that's been put into so-called free energy devices. We know that it's not actually "free", but barring that, the general idea is that there is an unlimited store of energy for our use existing all around us that we need to tap into in order to make our lives easier. I've recently been reading a bit on and thinking about permaculture and sustainable living and have met some folks that have a permaculture setup that provides them with more power than they could ever think to need. The energy requirements of the environment are met and sustained within the environment. If we lived in an environment that was properly developed, all energy needs would be met in full with excess that can be capitalized as a resource for exchange.. money, goods, service, etc. The key difference in this and ideas of a machine that draws energy from (and deposits waste into) the temporal sector is the addition of the living component. Our current general consensus on the issue of lack and the subsequent attempts to create some technology that can make use of the this inanimate material won't be solved by the development of the technology in question. Suppose DW and friends are right and this or that Dragon family or Alliance or whatever kicks off the solution portion of the problem-reaction-solution model that is in place. Viola, "free energy". Then what? Excusing the fact that the waste from the machines is being dumped into a sector of our existence that is integral to that very existence, we would find ourselves flush with funds from not having to pay energy bills. What does the collective entity at its present stage of development do with all of this extra energy? It implodes. Where we could be focusing on things that we have worth feeling grateful for, instead humanity continues it's atomistic, externalized approach to development, focuses on lack, and pursues means to that end. It sees the fault everywhere outside. "If they would just.." supposes that they aren't already doing just what they are supposed to do as well as takes responsibility from self and places it on others who are obviously not prepared to deal with that responsibility.
Exactly!PHIon wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:42 pmRegarding the evolution of consciousness, it's people who knew just when to reach out to me and just what to say who really made a difference. They helped for the right reason. I was ready to hear something and I instantly grabbed onto a new truth. Nature knows what it's doing, and we are a part of Nature so we play an active role in this evolution process.
Experiences do change us and I suspect that the experiences we are having are contributing to a fresh new way of looking a things. Nature can become quite insistent when we aren't getting the message.
I'm all for taking a rest, I just wonder about the convention where we are telling each other through subtext to eternally stagnate (one assumes) into oblivion. Progression is met with and is afforded its existence because of its inverse function, regression. Being still and rest is fine. Being peaceful while we do it, perfectly fine too. This may just be my personality nit-picking here, I'd be OK with the convention if it had something on the end like "Rest in peace... until you're ready, and then move swiftly". I get that this is a much bigger mouthful that RIP, but it more succinctly conveys the perspective being taken. As it is, being that so many people have gotten RIP treatment... I hope (know) they didn't listen.PHIon wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:42 pmRegarding RIP -- who wants to rest anyway?. What is it we want to do everyday? I'd say it's to get up and be creative, productive, social and helpful. Why would those desires change just because this spatial life is over and we're going to live another life in 3D time or in an ascended realm for that matter?
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
Re: Jim Marrs
I have not thought much about the conventional RIP usage, but I see the sore spot you touched on with its implications. RIP as though it is forever for the person. There are two alternative uses of RIP that are still valid for those that understand more about natural law. 1.) Rest in peace. Your work here is done. You had to suffer a lot here. You've earned your rest. 2.) May the sphere of rest revitalize you. The former is what I condoned for Jim. Whistleblowers, in any era, including the internet, have always faced backlash for their ethical choice to fight for the expansion of consciousness, for truth. And that backlash is hard for one to imagine in its entirety. It's worse than just feeling bad for a little while; it's a battle of attrition. And if it weren't for those real freedom fighters, we wouldn't have the luxury of learning about the truth of history. I'm 28, btw Ilkka. I remember when I was first coming into a glimpse of the grand conspiracy from an etheric standpoint, after watching the Secret and reading the Ra Material, my subconscious was rounding off against me, "you're a traitor." And all I could picture was authority coming to get me. The "shell" of mind control had been cracked at that point. Those were scary times. And basically having no one around you that could sense just how deep we are all being controlled. What Satan is.. Is he actually real? Why does everyone look different now? Were thoughts going through my head, that I'm pretty positive I can say, have gone through most of our brains in some way or another. It wasn't until I found whistleblowers, and anyone that could speak that they could see the Matrix, that I could go any further down the rabbit hole. If there wasn't anyone else fighting, putting the truth out there plainly, persevering ridicule, death-threats/"suggestions", gang-stalking, being socially ostracized and labeled a "nut," even being put on a watch-list, because they knew information that exposed the plot to enslave humanity physically, mentally, and spiritually, I would probably be dead or worse. It was not unethical for them to speak out even though they certainly reached ears that were "not ready for it."
The book you linked sounds interesting, but I find it amusing they describe Faust as "the master of true self," when it was Faust that had to summon Mephistopheles to conjure all of his wishes for him at the expense of his soul after death.
There's a difference between anger caused by jealousy/projection and righteous anger. There are so many depressed people in this world that don't even know that, fundamentally, depression is just anger turned inward. Anger has always been suppressed and made taboo, unless it goes through a deemed 'proper' government-sanctioned channel e.g. military, police, sports, liberal riots, anything in the media that doesn't fight government/yaldabaoth itself.
The book you linked sounds interesting, but I find it amusing they describe Faust as "the master of true self," when it was Faust that had to summon Mephistopheles to conjure all of his wishes for him at the expense of his soul after death.
I've wondered about the aspect of waste with free-energy machines as well in regards to the cosmic sector. I think nature has an answer to this with those that have an internalized approach to development. Wizard folk. Perhaps there is something akin to the dynamic that we breathe oxygen and breathe-out Co2, which plant-life breathes in and breathes out oxygen. Yeah, I plan on talking about what people would do with themselves if there were replicators and free-energy devices just freely given to us. Basically, I think people would kill themselves and each other. If there is no non-BS spiritual school. People want control. They want to feel powerful. If they don't become wizards and witches, they'll become transhuman. Totally willing and ready to be plugged in. For real this time, not just jacked-in to the illusion the Matrix gives.In thinking about the conversation here, where transfer/use of energy is concerned, my mind moved to the idea of all the hype that's been put into so-called free energy devices. We know that it's not actually "free", but barring that, the general idea is that there is an unlimited store of energy for our use existing all around us that we need to tap into in order to make our lives easier. I've recently been reading a bit on and thinking about permaculture and sustainable living and have met some folks that have a permaculture setup that provides them with more power than they could ever think to need. The energy requirements of the environment are met and sustained within the environment. If we lived in an environment that was properly developed, all energy needs would be met in full with excess that can be capitalized as a resource for exchange.. money, goods, service, etc. The key difference in this and ideas of a machine that draws energy from (and deposits waste into) the temporal sector is the addition of the living component. Our current general consensus on the issue of lack and the subsequent attempts to create some technology that can make use of the this inanimate material won't be solved by the development of the technology in question. Suppose DW and friends are right and this or that Dragon family or Alliance or whatever kicks off the solution portion of the problem-reaction-solution model that is in place. Viola, "free energy". Then what? Excusing the fact that the waste from the machines is being dumped into a sector of our existence that is integral to that very existence, we would find ourselves flush with funds from not having to pay energy bills. What does the collective entity at its present stage of development do with all of this extra energy? It implodes. Where we could be focusing on things that we have worth feeling grateful for, instead humanity continues it's atomistic, externalized approach to development, focuses on lack, and pursues means to that end. It sees the fault everywhere outside. "If they would just.." supposes that they aren't already doing just what they are supposed to do as well as takes responsibility from self and places it on others who are obviously not prepared to deal with that responsibility.
There's a difference between anger caused by jealousy/projection and righteous anger. There are so many depressed people in this world that don't even know that, fundamentally, depression is just anger turned inward. Anger has always been suppressed and made taboo, unless it goes through a deemed 'proper' government-sanctioned channel e.g. military, police, sports, liberal riots, anything in the media that doesn't fight government/yaldabaoth itself.
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.
Re: Jim Marrs
I don't believe in Wicca it is new religion anyways. My karmic belief is towards eastern type, like "you give one you receive one". Equal amounts goes for both ways, not 1 to 3 that doesn't make sense to atleast. I know I have quite much hate and rage towards other people who do intentional or unintetional disharmony towards me. I am though trying to get more balanced and all that.joeyv23 wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:22 pm1. Rule of Three (Law of Returns)
2. Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will.
3. The slippery slope that is topography of this field of thought is what led to the imbalanced, dis-harmonic situation that sees us living in a reality where people are polluting the environment with chemicals, noise, etc.
4. The underlying motivation for statements like this are focus on lack. Looking at others as consumers who deserve to have their energy taken, even if it's just a little off the top, or that we are owed some compensation is elitism and indicative of an active superiority complex. It reads, "I don't have enough energy so I'll take some of what these scum/muggles/idiots have because they're misusing what they have and I could make better use of it than they can." This is a competitive mindset, plain and simple. Not knocking, just pointing it out because I can look back and see the same patterns of thought and energy within my own life so it seemed a potentially beneficial thing to point out coming from experience.
Balancing things is more the way that I meant in regards my previous statement it just got out a bit rough on the edges the way I put it.
As for the "RIP" I think its more of a nice comforting words for those still living.
Re: Jim Marrs
I don't disagree. Can you see though that this "battle" lies within the realm of tier one / dualism?Andrew wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:02 pmWhistleblowers, in any era, including the internet, have always faced backlash for their ethical choice to fight for the expansion of consciousness, for truth. And that backlash is hard for one to imagine in its entirety. It's worse than just feeling bad for a little while; it's a battle of attrition. And if it weren't for those real freedom fighters, we wouldn't have the luxury of learning about the truth of history.
Speaking ones truth, wanting to share what has been discovered is a manifestation of agapé. What's unethical, as I said before is action based on the motivation to lift someone out of their so-thought blindness that they might see the light/truth because they are somehow less than they should be.If there wasn't anyone else fighting, putting the truth out there plainly, persevering ridicule, death-threats/"suggestions", gang-stalking, being socially ostracized and labeled a "nut," even being put on a watch-list, because they knew information that exposed the plot to enslave humanity physically, mentally, and spiritually, I would probably be dead or worse. It was not unethical for them to speak out even though they certainly reached ears that were "not ready for it."
It's covered in the book. But don't take my word for it!The book you linked sounds interesting, but I find it amusing they describe Faust as "the master of true self," when it was Faust that had to summon Mephistopheles to conjure all of his wishes for him at the expense of his soul after death.

Internalized approach alone is just as unbalanced as purely external. The key is integration of both, not shirking one for the other.I think nature has an answer to this with those that have an internalized approach to development. Wizard folk.
Also, wizards we may be (or more accurately, working on becoming), but the club life isn't the goal either. We're different. That's fine. Stop trying to find a way to isolate one's self from the rest of the collective. We are all human. That's all there is to it.
Then they'll get to see where that path leads. It's their choice, so I personally don't see an issue. I suspect the path leads to a diminished population.. A micro island of sorts. I don't see why it's as big a deal as it's treated.People want control. They want to feel powerful. If they don't become wizards and witches, they'll become transhuman. Totally willing and ready to be plugged in. For real this time, not just jacked-in to the illusion the Matrix gives.
Anger is anger. Righteous anger is the experience of the emotion from a blue vMeme center. That it is "right"eous should be a clear indication of where the expression sits with relationship to development through tier one to two.There's a difference between anger caused by jealousy/projection and righteous anger.
Elation is depression's inverse. The inverse of anger is probably calm.There are so many depressed people in this world that don't even know that, fundamentally, depression is just anger turned inward.
I don't mean to suggest perpetuation of this suppression. Anger has its place and its purpose. It serves as an indicator for things that are out of alignment inside. Seeing things in the external world and being angry at them is literal projection of the internal world. Claims of internal focus being the path worth treading and then contradictory expression of this by looking primarily at the external world for the cause of the the anger is.. well contradictory.Anger has always been suppressed and made taboo, unless it goes through a deemed 'proper' government-sanctioned channel e.g. military, police, sports, liberal riots, anything in the media that doesn't fight government/yaldabaoth itself.
I didn't share that to hopefully engender belief in a religion. Also, a things merit should be based not on how old or young it is. The tenets presented are valid and applicable to the point at hand. I can attest from experience that the law of returns, as described, is valid for our experience. The wiccan rede is nothing more than an ethical starting point.
I don't know the basis for the rule of three as applied in Wicca. I first heard about it from the show Charmed and looking towards the basis for it, the law of returns, is what I meant to get at.Equal amounts goes for both ways, not 1 to 3 that doesn't make sense to atleast
An aside, SpaceMan and I are headed out of tech services areas for the weekend so I probably won't be back to continue the conversation from my end for a few days. Hopefully something I've shared so far might help with a different orientation to things being discussed.
Y'all have a good weekend now, y'hear? ^_^
"Living is not necessary, but navigation is." --Pompey
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
"Navigation is necessary in order to live." --Me
Re: Jim Marrs
It's taken me a while to internalize what the source of the conflict is here, in hope that I can convey the level of sacrifice whistleblowers/researchers have made to expand the level of consciousness of everyone who pursuits it. Eventually, the truth will be real-ized (not just internally, but externally.)
The animal may work in perfect harmony with natural law instincts, but instincts are just what are necessary to survive physically. When people intermingle and their values "collide," that's the Tier One battle I think you're referring to. But I think the "battle" still happens at Tier 2 in a different way that daniel calls "cooperation."
Emphasis is put on space training without reciprocal appreciation of time training (energy clearing/amalgamation exercises.) Feminine processes.
It most certainly does lie within the battle of polarity. But you have to have Tier 1 to have Tier 2. It is the foundation that supports higher growth. If Tier 2 is derived from the unity of the other tiers, then cannot exist without them. Therefore, to dismiss the values of the vmemes below tier 2 as reactionary, and therefore imply they are undesirable, will only lead to the destruction of consciousness; the faculty of actually having values outside the immediate demands of the base, animal creature. The NWO planned and fought to corral people into base, creature thinking again so that they would be slaves, again, and forever.joeyv23 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:02 pmI don't disagree. Can you see though that this "battle" lies within the realm of tier one / dualism?Andrew wrote: ↑Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:02 pmWhistleblowers, in any era, including the internet, have always faced backlash for their ethical choice to fight for the expansion of consciousness, for truth. And that backlash is hard for one to imagine in its entirety. It's worse than just feeling bad for a little while; it's a battle of attrition. And if it weren't for those real freedom fighters, we wouldn't have the luxury of learning about the truth of history.
The animal may work in perfect harmony with natural law instincts, but instincts are just what are necessary to survive physically. When people intermingle and their values "collide," that's the Tier One battle I think you're referring to. But I think the "battle" still happens at Tier 2 in a different way that daniel calls "cooperation."
I actually ordered it recently, but haven't read it yet.Speaking ones truth, wanting to share what has been discovered is a manifestation of agapé. What's unethical, as I said before is action based on the motivation to lift someone out of their so-thought blindness that they might see the light/truth because they are somehow less than they should be.If there wasn't anyone else fighting, putting the truth out there plainly, persevering ridicule, death-threats/"suggestions", gang-stalking, being socially ostracized and labeled a "nut," even being put on a watch-list, because they knew information that exposed the plot to enslave humanity physically, mentally, and spiritually, I would probably be dead or worse. It was not unethical for them to speak out even though they certainly reached ears that were "not ready for it."
It's covered in the book. But don't take my word for it!The book you linked sounds interesting, but I find it amusing they describe Faust as "the master of true self," when it was Faust that had to summon Mephistopheles to conjure all of his wishes for him at the expense of his soul after death.
Got to start somewhere. Since only 3D spatial reasoning has been enforced through indoctrination/"schooling", and probably the killing/death of every previous wizard back through the ages to learn from, best to look to the reciprocal of their enforcement, 3D time reasoning, to find balance. You have to start somewhere.Internalized approach alone is just as unbalanced as purely external. The key is integration of both, not shirking one for the other.I think nature has an answer to this with those that have an internalized approach to development. Wizard folk.
Also, wizards we may be (or more accurately, working on becoming), but the club life isn't the goal either. We're different. That's fine. Stop trying to find a way to isolate one's self from the rest of the collective. We are all human. That's all there is to it.
Bleak. What's the point of being a wizard if you can't save people and make the world better? Being a "Gray" jedi, which was been a popular saying, means being able to choose between the dualistic forces. Not being a stoic. That kind of apathy towards other people's choices reminds me of this Star Wars: Rebels episode (cartoon.) Well worth the time to absorb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omI3HNA7Bv4Then they'll get to see where that path leads. It's their choice, so I personally don't see an issue. I suspect the path leads to a diminished population.. A micro island of sorts. I don't see why it's as big a deal as it's treated.People want control. They want to feel powerful. If they don't become wizards and witches, they'll become transhuman. Totally willing and ready to be plugged in. For real this time, not just jacked-in to the illusion the Matrix gives.
Anger can occur in any vmeme, not just Blue. But in different forms. Those in Beige (the survival vmeme) will outright attack you physically exactly how an animal does. The vmemes rise "above" that "attack" in different ways. Hell, I think the ultimate Blue attack is excommunication. Red would attack physically, but will go to greater distances outside the beige, immediate territoriality.Anger is anger. Righteous anger is the experience of the emotion from a blue vMeme center. That it is "right"eous should be a clear indication of where the expression sits with relationship to development through tier one to two.There's a difference between anger caused by jealousy/projection and righteous anger.
On the energetic spectrum, anger is a step above depression, and its the only stage of negativity that alchemizes or has the power to transmute that negative energy into an energy of force.Elation is depression's inverse. The inverse of anger is probably calm.There are so many depressed people in this world that don't even know that, fundamentally, depression is just anger turned inward.
Values (internal) are derived from experiences with the external. Remember, the universe of motion generates existence. Values are not "set upon our shoulders," per se. Modern science suggests we are living in a framework of matter, like in a box, when in actuality we are a product of both constituents of the universe. Space and time.I don't mean to suggest perpetuation of this suppression. Anger has its place and its purpose. It serves as an indicator for things that are out of alignment inside. Seeing things in the external world and being angry at them is literal projection of the internal world. Claims of internal focus being the path worth treading and then contradictory expression of this by looking primarily at the external world for the cause of the the anger is.. well contradictory.Anger has always been suppressed and made taboo, unless it goes through a deemed 'proper' government-sanctioned channel e.g. military, police, sports, liberal riots, anything in the media that doesn't fight government/yaldabaoth itself.
Emphasis is put on space training without reciprocal appreciation of time training (energy clearing/amalgamation exercises.) Feminine processes.
It is almost a matter of principle that in any difficult unsolved problem the right method of attack has not been found; failure to solve important problems is rarely due to inadequacy in the handling of technical details.