Facing up to what is actually happening

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Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by daniel » Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:49 pm

(Split from "David Wilcock's 'Insider' Corey Goode" topic)

I've listened to a number of speakers on the Goode/Wilcock situation and I am concerned about what they said--namely, that they have introduced so much garbage into UFO/ET research, nobody can tell the difference between real and fantasy. The article you linked above makes an important point, that if we DID have a "secret space program," it would be run by the same sinister forces that run the planet and all we'd be doing "out there" is pissing off the rest of the galaxy. If that were the case, the Vogons would have arrived by now to blow up the planet to make room for a hyperspace bypass.

The way things have become so distorted astounds me... my first paper on Geoengineering talked about the sun going dark and coming back in a flash, as a natural consequence of the change of magnetic ionization level of the sun. In just 6 years, have you SEEN what has happened to that concept? Not only is it a "great solar flash" now, but will wipe out the AI systems, trigger full disclosure on UFOs and the "Great Awakening" and active the spiritual light body for ascension--just to start. But they left out the most important point... it will clean your toilet bowl, as well.

This puts me in an uncomfortable position. Unlike all those lecturers with pseudo-insider info, I still have access to the scientific underground, friends in the military and other "friends in low places." All of these "people" voluntarily choose to work together--behind the scenes--to try to understand what is going on in this world. But what we've found says that if you are in to the New Age/Conspiracy theory stuff--99.5% of what you know is wrong. Sorry.

But what is "right" is NOT what anyone WANTS TO HEAR. So, is there any point to saying it?

Here are a series of memes I made up the other day, after listening to some recent Mark Passio lectures. Love his stuff and have a great deal of respect for the man. His tone has changed over the years, and this one lecture made me think of him as Commander Adama (Ed Olmos) from the BSG remake and in particular, the scene between him and President Roslin... the situation, the Cylons exterminated billions of humans, leaving some 50,000 survivors. Adama, being a military man, was going to charge right back into battle, with no chance of winning. Roslin tries to make him understand the situation--which, IMHO, is the situation going on with humanity and the NWO right now:
The War is Over. We Lost.
WarIsOver.jpg (38.2KiB)Viewed 74924 times
Quote is NOT from Mark Passio, but paraphrased from Adama on the series.

Nobody likes to lose, but if you realize what is going on, all the energy you expend towards a hopeless battle can be redirected into a new "underground" that might actually accomplish something.

Adama (Lorne Green), again, from the original Battlestar Galactica series, standing on a destroyed Caprica speaking with a few survivors who are demanding to "fight back" and makes a good point (paraphrased from original script):
We must fight back!
FightBack.jpg (48.31KiB)Viewed 74924 times
And can that be done??? Well... I have some "inside" information on that...
Operation Exodus
OperationExodus.jpg (11.14KiB)Viewed 74924 times
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by Djchrismac » Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am

daniel wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:49 pm
But what is "right" is NOT what anyone WANTS TO HEAR. So, is there any point to saying it?
Yes, absolutely. The day we stop speaking out about the truth and holding it up as a beacon to guide us through the darkness of disinormation is the day we might as well just give up, roll over and let the NWO shit on us from an even greater height.

I'll never stop being a thorn in the side of the mainstream and I will never stop trying to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to truth.

Maybe you underestimate just how many people are sick of the lies and moving away from them towards info like that held here and on AQ/RS2, the only places I know where you can easily discuss anything esoteric and agents don't spend every waking moment trying to deceive us.
daniel wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:49 pm
Here are a series of memes I made up the other day, after listening to some recent Mark Passio lectures. Love his stuff and have a great deal of respect for the man. His tone has changed over the years, and this one lecture made me think of him as Commander Adama (Ed Olmos) from the BSG remake and in particular, the scene between him and President Roslin... the situation, the Cylons exterminated billions of humans, leaving some 50,000 survivors. Adama, being a military man, was going to charge right back into battle, with no chance of winning. Roslin tries to make him understand the situation--which, IMHO, is the situation going on with humanity and the NWO right now:

Quote is NOT from Mark Passio, but paraphrased from Adama on the series.

Nobody likes to lose, but if you realize what is going on, all the energy you expend towards a hopeless battle can be redirected into a new "underground" that might actually accomplish something.

Adama (Lorne Green), again, from the original Battlestar Galactica series, standing on a destroyed Caprica speaking with a few survivors who are demanding to "fight back" and makes a good point (paraphrased from original script):

And can that be done??? Well... I have some "inside" information on that...
The original Battlestar Galactica is an all time favourite and watching it is some of my earliest memories so this hits home. Are you also hinting that it may be time to stop my blog and focus elsewhere? I'm all for fighting back and don't mind playing the long game to do so. I would hope that this can be done but the cynic in me also suspects that these memes may be a test to see if new agers will jump on the RS2 spaceship bandwagon when marketed towards salvtation/escape... we've been sold so much false hope that I find it hard to get excited about anything like this now, it usually ends up in disappointment.

If, on the other hand, you are serious and this relates to current RS2 research.... :geek:
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by Ilkka » Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:45 pm

Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
I would hope that this can be done but the cynic in me also suspects that these memes may be a test to see if new agers will jump on the RS2 spaceship bandwagon when marketed towards salvtation/escape... we've been sold so much false hope that I find it hard to get excited about anything like this now, it usually ends up in disappointment.
Usually people get disappointed when it is themselves that they need to change and that requires time and effort. As in people are lazy and want someone else to do the work for them.

Maybe the fight needs a break for some time or new strategy.

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by daniel » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm

Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
Yes, absolutely. The day we stop speaking out about the truth and holding it up as a beacon to guide us through the darkness of disinormation is the day we might as well just give up, roll over and let the NWO shit on us from an even greater height.
As you get older, you no longer have the abundance of bioenergy to spread in a hundred different directions and eventually have to decide on where to focus what you have left--what is important enough to put the remainder of your life into.

I'm sure you have heard the saying, "do not cast your pearls before swine?" (Jesus, Sermon on the Mount). You've seen the "Great Awakening map" that is the current New Age/green vMeme worldview--Disney could make a parallel film to Tomorrowland with this: Fantasyland. And you have to remember that the green vMeme is Tier 1--rivalry, NOT rapport, so they will vehemently defend their right to live in Fantasyland, regardless of any information received.

That is what I heard in Mark Passio's voice in his recent lectures that reminded me of Adama... frustration. As another old saying goes, "either shit, or get off the toilet!" And if you've ever been to a public toilet, they are usually all occupied with people sitting there, texting and watching vids on the smartphones.

Then one must consider "truth" is subjective to begin with. My "truth" changes all the time as I learn more about life, the Universe and everything. In this universe, the only constant is change.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
I'll never stop being a thorn in the side of the mainstream and I will never stop trying to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to truth.
The mainstream has been desensitized to pain, so a thorn has no effect. The latter is a worthy pursuit.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
Maybe you underestimate just how many people are sick of the lies and moving away from them towards info like that held here and on AQ/RS2, the only places I know where you can easily discuss anything esoteric and agents don't spend every waking moment trying to deceive us.
OK, so 20 people out of 8 billion, of which 4 post regularly. How did I underestimate that??? :)
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
The original Battlestar Galactica is an all time favourite and watching it is some of my earliest memories so this hits home.
The original series, like the SciFi preceding it, had a message of hope for humanity.

I've noticed all the "remakes" are nothing more than "bumbling idiots in space." Heck, in the remake of BSG, I was usually cheering for the Cylons! And the remakes are also plagued with the feminist gynocentric viewpoint, which is a huge topic on its own.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
Are you also hinting that it may be time to stop my blog and focus elsewhere? I'm all for fighting back and don't mind playing the long game to do so.
I'm not hinting at anything... I am saying that people need to choose whether to make a life complaining about things they cannot change, or do something positive for those 50,000 people that survived the NWO Holocaust that want to become peaceful explorers of the Universe.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
I would hope that this can be done but the cynic in me also suspects that these memes may be a test to see if new agers will jump on the RS2 spaceship bandwagon when marketed towards salvtation/escape... we've been sold so much false hope that I find it hard to get excited about anything like this now, it usually ends up in disappointment.
"This is the Game of Rassilon; to lose is to win and he who wins shall lose."
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:08 am
If, on the other hand, you are serious and this relates to current RS2 research.... :geek:
When it comes to research, I'm always serious.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by MrTwig » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:12 pm

daniel wrote:
Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:49 pm
(Split from "David Wilcock's 'Insider' Corey Goode" topic)

I've listened to a number of speakers on the Goode/Wilcock situation and I am concerned about what they said--namely, that they have introduced so much garbage into UFO/ET research, nobody can tell the difference between real and fantasy. The article you linked above makes an important point, that if we DID have a "secret space program," it would be run by the same sinister forces that run the planet and all we'd be doing "out there" is pissing off the rest of the galaxy. If that were the case, the Vogons would have arrived by now to blow up the planet to make room for a hyperspace bypass.

The way things have become so distorted astounds me... my first paper on Geoengineering talked about the sun going dark and coming back in a flash, as a natural consequence of the change of magnetic ionization level of the sun. In just 6 years, have you SEEN what has happened to that concept? Not only is it a "great solar flash" now, but will wipe out the AI systems, trigger full disclosure on UFOs and the "Great Awakening" and active the spiritual light body for ascension--just to start. But they left out the most important point... it will clean your toilet bowl, as well.

This puts me in an uncomfortable position. Unlike all those lecturers with pseudo-insider info, I still have access to the scientific underground, friends in the military and other "friends in low places." All of these "people" voluntarily choose to work together--behind the scenes--to try to understand what is going on in this world. But what we've found says that if you are in to the New Age/Conspiracy theory stuff--99.5% of what you know is wrong. Sorry.

But what is "right" is NOT what anyone WANTS TO HEAR. So, is there any point to saying it?

Here are a series of memes I made up the other day, after listening to some recent Mark Passio lectures. Love his stuff and have a great deal of respect for the man. His tone has changed over the years, and this one lecture made me think of him as Commander Adama (Ed Olmos) from the BSG remake and in particular, the scene between him and President Roslin... the situation, the Cylons exterminated billions of humans, leaving some 50,000 survivors. Adama, being a military man, was going to charge right back into battle, with no chance of winning. Roslin tries to make him understand the situation--which, IMHO, is the situation going on with humanity and the NWO right now:
Quote is NOT from Mark Passio, but paraphrased from Adama on the series.

Nobody likes to lose, but if you realize what is going on, all the energy you expend towards a hopeless battle can be redirected into a new "underground" that might actually accomplish something.

Adama (Lorne Green), again, from the original Battlestar Galactica series, standing on a destroyed Caprica speaking with a few survivors who are demanding to "fight back" and makes a good point (paraphrased from original script):
And can that be done??? Well... I have some "inside" information on that...
I am listening. Is there anything I can do? Although I'm kind of stuck here. Everything you said makes sense. Thanks for the fish!
All that glitter is not GOLD!

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by Djchrismac » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 pm

Ilkka wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:45 pm
Maybe the fight needs a break for some time or new strategy.
Yeah i've kind of been drifting that way naturally.
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
As you get older, you no longer have the abundance of bioenergy to spread in a hundred different directions and eventually have to decide on where to focus what you have left--what is important enough to put the remainder of your life into.

I'm sure you have heard the saying, "do not cast your pearls before swine?" (Jesus, Sermon on the Mount). You've seen the "Great Awakening map" that is the current New Age/green vMeme worldview--Disney could make a parallel film to Tomorrowland with this: Fantasyland. And you have to remember that the green vMeme is Tier 1--rivalry, NOT rapport, so they will vehemently defend their right to live in Fantasyland, regardless of any information received.

That is what I heard in Mark Passio's voice in his recent lectures that reminded me of Adama... frustration. As another old saying goes, "either shit, or get off the toilet!" And if you've ever been to a public toilet, they are usually all occupied with people sitting there, texting and watching vids on the smartphones.

Then one must consider "truth" is subjective to begin with. My "truth" changes all the time as I learn more about life, the Universe and everything. In this universe, the only constant is change.
I've been reigning in my hobbies and activites for some time and lead a fairly low maintenance existence now, less distractions and commitments = more time to read, research and explore the ancient landscape i'm so lucky to have grown up in.

It's funny you mentioned the defense of Imaginationland, I stuck on a Richplanet show earlier and it highlighted the fervent shouting of green-memies in comments.

I'm always building and re-organising my truth logically and to fit with the rest, like all of us here are doing daily. I definitely share the frustration of Adama these days...

I know, as you say Truth is a peculiar concept, but for me it involves a rigorous cross referencing system with existing knowledge and my intuition. It's why I ended up here and why my truth has more regular updates than Filezilla. :)
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
The mainstream has been desensitized to pain, so a thorn has no effect. The latter is a worthy pursuit.
True, that pain would just end up reflected back at me, better to keep to the grey areas and in the shadows while sifting.
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
OK, so 20 people out of 8 billion, of which 4 post regularly. How did I underestimate that??? :)
22 online as of now and the most users ever online was 129 on Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:46 pm... that's a decent increase on your underestimated projection for a start! :D
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
"This is the Game of Rassilon; to lose is to win and he who wins shall lose."
"Why not? After all, that's how it all started..."
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
When it comes to research, I'm always serious.
I'm all ears, if it's not temporal fission then maybe Photon 2.0 is going to irradiate the way forward...? ;) :D
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by daniel » Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:04 pm

Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 pm
...why my truth has more regular updates than Filezilla.
ROTFL... Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 pm
22 online as of now and the most users ever online was 129 on Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:46 pm... that's a decent increase on your underestimated projection for a start! :D
Most of those are "bots" indexing the site and looking to hack email addresses. 'Tis the season to be spamming...
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 pm
daniel wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:12 pm
"This is the Game of Rassilon; to lose is to win and he who wins shall lose."
"Why not? After all, that's how it all started..."
Unfortunately, no Type 40s laying around to borrow... we would have to build one from scratch. And curiously enough, the way a TARDIS works is exactly how to get past the gravitational limit. Once that outer plasmic shell seals... you're in your own coordinate dimensions.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 pm
I'm all ears, if it's not temporal fission then maybe Photon 2.0 is going to irradiate the way forward...? ;) :D
Might want to read the Scientific Underground post on the Skasis Paradigm. Quick summary of motion in RS2... translation gives location, rotation gives structure and vibration communicates information. This is all that is necessary to construct a universe.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by daniel » Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:24 pm

MrTwig wrote:
Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:12 pm
I am listening. Is there anything I can do? Although I'm kind of stuck here. Everything you said makes sense. Thanks for the fish!
Chris had made a really "goode" point... if I provide a "way out" through RS2, it will be instantly flooded with blue chicken cultists, telephone sanitizers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, public relations executives and management consultants. They will consume resources and produce nothing in return--the fate of many an inspired project (like LBs Sanctuary Project).

If you want to help, give me a way to attract the thinkers and do-ers, so the necessary tools can be designed and constructed without the need of a really clean telephone.

Here in America, there aren't a whole lot of intelligent people that have trade skills. The system of education has created a great divide between the thinkers and workers, filling the void with web designers. Thinkers don't work and workers don't think. Quite a change from what I grew up with and the days of the Scientific Underground, prior to advanced technology that has removed the need to combine thinking and working. Thinkers get 3D printers to do the work, Workers jobs are handed out by computer.

No one "out there" is going to help... mankind has to learn to stand and walk on his own. Only then will he get somewhere. The question is... does mankind remember he has legs to stand on?
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by Kent » Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:24 am

daniel wrote:
Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:04 pm

Might want to read the Scientific Underground post on the Skasis Paradigm. Quick summary of motion in RS2... translation gives location, rotation gives structure and vibration communicates information. This is all that is necessary to construct a universe.
Where can this post be found? I have searched the CH forum and realize that you're referencing another site. Also attempted a search through google, but that only turned up mostly Dr. Who sites. And I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never seen a single episode of the show (any season). Although I am familiar with it's overall impact based upon the relatively large number of people I know who reference it. Any suggestions as to where someone might begin (season/episode) if they're looking for an entry point into the franchise?

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Re: Facing up to what is actually happening

Post by daniel » Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:55 am

Kent wrote:
Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:24 am
Where can this post be found? I have searched the CH forum and realize that you're referencing another site. Also attempted a search through google, but that only turned up mostly Dr. Who sites.
It is on the RS2 forum (https://reciprocal.systems/phpBB3/), but is restricted to RS2 researchers and blocked from search engines. If you have an account there you can PM Bruce (bperet) for access.
Kent wrote:
Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:24 am
And I'm almost ashamed to admit that I've never seen a single episode of the show (any season). Although I am familiar with it's overall impact based upon the relatively large number of people I know who reference it. Any suggestions as to where someone might begin (season/episode) if they're looking for an entry point into the franchise?
I grew up with the original Dr. Who series, which here in America was a cult classic, so I would naturally recommend the old series over the new one. By today's standards, you would find the 1st Doctor, William Hartnell, very boring (made in 1963) as the series was conceived as an educational tool for history, not a Sci-Fi fantasy. But the first episode, "An Unearthly Child" (4 parts) does introduce all the concepts of the series including his ship, the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space)--bigger on the inside than the outside, the fact that the Doctor is a renegade that ran away from his own people with his granddaughter, Susan, and why the TARDIS always looks like a Police Box (a stuck "chameleon" circuit). Unfortunately, many of the episodes of the first 2 doctors were lost and/or destroyed by the BBC, though attempts have been made to reconstruct them.

Most people start with the 4th Doctor, Tom Baker, where the episodes are faster paced and in color. Personally, I like the 2nd and 3rd Doctors the best.

#2 is Pat Troughton, who was notorious for not following the script because he would get so "in" to the character. During an interview, one of his companions on the show kept missing their lines, so she asked, "if you keep changing the lines, how do I know when to say mine?" Pat's reply, "It's very simple my dear. When I stop talking, you start." Pat Troughton was know to be quite the clown, introducing the catch line, "Now when I say run, run. RUN!!!"

#3 is John Pertwee, the "mad scientist" doctor with all the gadgets, including a flying car. Some very interesting episodes, as the focus was on plot and character development--not special effects (as you can tell from the cardboard cut-out props). The Doctor's nemesis, The Master (Roger Delgado) made his debut here--and did a superb job expressing himself the ultimate villain, that cold, logical person out for his own interests alone. Pertwee also coined the phrase, "Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow," which has been repeatedly used in later shows. I find it humorous because neutrons are uncharged--no polarity--the ultimate technobabble.

Though I was excited when they restarted the series again, I rapidly lost interest in it because the scripts were not good... it was all about special effects, things blowing up and people running. And they made the characters insane, then female. (Got to wonder if there is a message there... :D ) They completely destroyed the role of The Master... watch Delgado at work in a Pertwee episode like "The Mind of Evil," to see what villainy is about. There is no comparison to the new stuff.

To get the gist of the series, you may want to watch the first 4-parter, "An Unearthly Child" and definitely "The Daleks" from the Hartnell series, as the Daleks are a major character in the series. Then perhaps skip ahead to #4, Tom Baker.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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