tymeflyz wrote: ↑Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:55 am
Daniel I would appreciate you thoughts & expertise on the following;
Suspicious0bservers Earth Catastrophe Cycle | SOLAR MICRONOVA
I had not even heard of "micronovas" until this, so I'll analyze with respect to the Reciprocal System...
First, their time scales are wrong, as we already know. Carbon dating is a very unreliable method, as the amount of C
14 constantly changes in the atmosphere. It is only useful for a few thousand years--not 12000+ years.
You have to understand that in the Reciprocal System, stars don't work the way you've been told... there are two types, stars that form from matter condensing in
space (A component, which start out as red giants, then heat and condense to the main sequence) and stars that form from matter condensing in
time (B component, which start out as "black holes," then cool and expand to the main sequence). Simply put, a "B" star is an inside-out "A" star, so its density gradient is backwards--the highest density is on the outside, with a soft, chewy center of light gasses, kind of like a Tootsie-pop.
Recurrent nova are a "natural consequence" of the Reciprocal System for "B component" stars. Here is Dewey Larson's comments on the nova, from his
1959 book,
The Structure of the Physical Universe, chapter 35, "Stellar Evolution":
Dewey B. Larson wrote:Ultimately, however, the continued expansion in the interior of the white dwarf star eliminates the empty time between the atoms in this region and the thermal forces begin to build up a gas pressure. When this pressure is high enough the compressed gas breaks through the overlying material in the manner of a gas bubble forcing its way through a liquid, and the hot material makes its appearance at the surface of the star, increasing the luminosity by a factor which may be as high as 50,000. Within a short time the relatively small amount of ejected material cools by radiation and the star gradually returns to its original status. In this condition it is rather inconspicuous and the first observed events of this kind were thought to involve the formation of entirely new stars, as a result of which the inappropriate term nova has been applied to this phenomenon.
From the foregoing description it is apparent that the nova explosion is another periodic event. As soon as one gas bubble is ejected, the compressive and thermal forces in the interior begin working toward development of a successor. Since the gravitational forces within the star are gradually expanding it toward the gravitational normal represented by the main sequence (that is, they are drawing the constituent atoms closer together in time), the additional expansion required to cause the nova explosion is correspondingly reduced as the star grows older and this reduces the time interval between explosions. The first event of this kind may not occur for millions of years after the original formation of the white dwarf star, but as the star approaches closer to the main sequence the time interval decreases, and some novae have repeated in less than 100 years. Furthermore, there is a special kind of variable star which has all of the earmarks of a small scale nova. This stellar class, of which U Geminorum is the type star, follows the nova pattern in miniature with a very much shorter period, ranging from about a year downward. The U Geminorum stars are reported to be slightly under-luminous for their spectral type; that is, they are somewhat below the main sequence on the H-R diagram, which is just where they belong if they are nearing the end of the white dwarf stage. The long period novae lie still farther down on the H-R diagram and are reported to have densities in the neighborhood of 100 times the solar density. From this it would appear that such stars as Sirius B are still in the early white dwarf stage and have a long way to go before they reach the nova phase.
The gas pressure builds up because the B star has that hard shell... it needs enough pressure to rupture the shell and escape, then the gas burns (flare) and bits get flung off (debris cloud).
The micro-nova would just be a dwarf star that is approaching the main sequence, where it's running out of gas and can't "burp" as loudly as when it was a baby. I would also suspect that a cometary impact, such as we see frequently happening on our sun, might trigger a micro-nova, knocking out some gas early on before the main burp is ready.
Since our sun is an "A component" star, it doesn't do that... we're just stuck with solar flares. The "B component" in our solar system are the planets... and when they "burp," they cause an expansion event and pole shift.
It only took conventional astronomers 60 years to "discover" what the Reciprocal System predicted... and they STILL don't understand how it works! Give 'em another 60 years, I guess!