Death sentence for --daniel

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Death sentence for --daniel

Post by daniel » Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:13 pm

Play to the tune of "Amazing Grace"...
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My test results are in and I have been diagnosed with Stage 4 (metastatic) prostate cancer, at a Gleason scale of 9 (really bad). There was no sign of this just a year ago. Under current conditions, I have been given "a few months" to live.

Conventional treatments may extend my life a couple years, but the cost would be high--I would basically become dysfunctional and unable to continue my research and writing. Untreated, I should recover some function for several months, which would give me the opportunity to document what I have found and get it out to the world--but that would be all, folks.

I have based my life on the Code of Chivalry: that of duty, honor and responsibility, having spent over a half century trying to find the hidden truths of the Universe. It is my duty, as a knight in shining granite charging in on a white brontosaurus, to continue to do so. I would rather die with honor fighting tyrannosaurs then rot away on a hospital bed, so I have canceled the proposed medical treatment plan.

I did some research and found an experimental treatment that was tested several decades ago with excellent results--50% tumor reduction in as little as 3 months, but curiously, no formal clinical trials were ever published. After lengthy discussions with my doctor, he agreed to put me on this treatment and monitor the results. I'll just have to wait it out, to see what happens. Here's hoping, but I am still going to prepare for the worst.

I am not an overly social person, but I do have great compassion for the human race. Mankind CAN amount to something, if the evil forces holding him back can be removed. Mankind cannot sit around, waiting to be enlightened/ascended by some external entity. He needs to bring that enlightenment to himself by understanding how the Universe works and what his place is in it, to demonstrate to the peaceful explorers of the Universe that, “Hey! Humanity something fantastic to offer!”

I have always wondered if my information and papers have helped the lives of other truth-seekers. If it has helped you, as a personal favor to me, please add me as a friend/share to let me know. I'd like to know if I made a difference.

In closing, I'll quote William Hartnell (the original Doctor Who) in his final message to his granddaughter, Susan: "One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."

Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by DSKlausler » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:39 am

You Sir, have made a significant difference in my life.

I know NO ONE to share, or even converse with on these truths you have provided (not that I actually search hard for such people), but just knowing matters much.

Thank you.
Anything is possible with the proper training.

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by tallpaul » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:39 pm

You've been important to me. (Simple, but heartfelt statement.) Much love and appreciation.

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by 67kevin » Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:11 am


I can't even tell you what an influence you have been to me. You dedicated your life to trying to help people see that there is another way to view the world. That we are only looking at half the picture. And even the way we view that is inside out, upside down and backwards. I wish you peace on this life and the next, and send you my deepest gratitude for everything.

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by Lozion » Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:56 am

"Life is hard on the day you go on
Cross this bridge and take it out of here
Know yourselves in terms of light years
Leaving your mark, taking it slow

Singing, singing a song for them to reap and reign
We were planting, planting a seed for them to grow one day
He was writing, writing, writing a spell and it’s still on we
Chanting, chanting out to space but they won’t catch me

Just like Daniel heading out of the lion’s den
When all of his bredrin they all left him for dead

A thousand degrees and it’s gonna get hotter
Who ever thought this battle would be a slaughter house
Where the people rather turn away than see
Happiness is lost, speechless in fear

We were ringing, ringing alarm for them and they awoke angry
Fighting, fighting revolutionary battle still gonna see
We were all flying high, on a super vibe
We were all soaring free the way life should be

Just like Daniel heading straight out of the lion’s den
When all of his bredrin they all left him for dead

He never did talk so people thought him a coward
But he would speak when the final hour drew near
Only three months left to go
Killing your thought, breaking bone

We were singing singing a song for them to rock this place
Chanting, chanting out to them who gonna rule one day
See them casting, casting their spell and it’s still on we
Sending, sending out to space, but they won’t catch me

Just like Daniel heading out of his lion’s den
When all of his bredrin they all left him for dead"

-Groundation. "Daniel"
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.

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Post by ManilAbnormie » Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:30 pm

Well i hate that this is my first post.
At least dozens of people have found great insight and revelation from your papers and your forum posts. And i'm still impressed that you're still optimistic about humanity after all the grit.

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by Djchrismac » Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:49 pm

daniel wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:13 pm
My test results are in and I have been diagnosed with Stage 4 (metastatic) prostate cancer, at a Gleason scale of 9 (really bad). There was no sign of this just a year ago. Under current conditions, I have been given "a few months" to live.
Told they had terminal cancer and had as little as weeks to live, the miracle survivors' club have proved the doctors wrong
daniel wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:13 pm
Conventional treatments may extend my life a couple years, but the cost would be high--I would basically become dysfunctional and unable to continue my research and writing. Untreated, I should recover some function for several months, which would give me the opportunity to document what I have found and get it out to the world--but that would be all, folks.

I have based my life on the Code of Chivalry: that of duty, honor and responsibility, having spent over a half century trying to find the hidden truths of the Universe. It is my duty, as a knight in shining granite charging in on a white brontosaurus, to continue to do so. I would rather die with honor fighting tyrannosaurs then rot away on a hospital bed, so I have canceled the proposed medical treatment plan.

I did some research and found an experimental treatment that was tested several decades ago with excellent results--50% tumor reduction in as little as 3 months, but curiously, no formal clinical trials were ever published. After lengthy discussions with my doctor, he agreed to put me on this treatment and monitor the results. I'll just have to wait it out, to see what happens. Here's hoping, but I am still going to prepare for the worst.
Fingers and toes crossed that the experimental treatment works. Alternatively: little intervention - big results.
daniel wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:13 pm
I am not an overly social person, but I do have great compassion for the human race. Mankind CAN amount to something, if the evil forces holding him back can be removed. Mankind cannot sit around, waiting to be enlightened/ascended by some external entity. He needs to bring that enlightenment to himself by understanding how the Universe works and what his place is in it, to demonstrate to the peaceful explorers of the Universe that, “Hey! Humanity something fantastic to offer!”
Now that is what I call a mission brief. Wonderfully put, we have a lot of work to do.
daniel wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:13 pm
I have always wondered if my information and papers have helped the lives of other truth-seekers. If it has helped you, as a personal favor to me, please add me as a friend/share to let me know. I'd like to know if I made a difference.
It certainly has in more ways than one for more people than you could possibly imagine. I still hold hope that you will be with us for much longer than your modern medicine diagnosis but when the day does eventually come, you can be reassured that myself and many others here will continue to share your incredible and cutting edge research. Humanity needs it.

When we first started our group chats years ago, Aaron said to me in private very early on that you were a genius. He wasn't wrong. Your thirst for knowledge, intuition, logic and research skills are unsurpassed. You have taught me so much and I love nothing more than trying to figure out the universe with you using the Reciprocal System.

In closing I will say this:
"You should look for the death sentence," was the reply, "but it has been ordained instead that you are to be given a lengthened life. You should expect bodily destruction; but on the contrary, you will pass on in consciousness of earth and earthly concerns when we are gone. Your name will be known to all lands, and yet from this time you will be unknown. For the welfare of future humanity, you will be thrust to a height in our order that will annihilate you as a mortal being, and yet you will exist, suspended between life and death, and in that intermediate state will know that you exist. You have, as you confess, merited a severe punishment, but we can only punish in accordance with an unwritten law, that instructs the person punished, and elevates the human race in consequence. You stand alone among mortals in that you have openly attempted to give broadly to those who have not earned it, our most sacred property, a property that did not belong to you, property that you have only been permitted to handle, that has been handed from man to man from before the time of Solomon, and which belongs to no one man, and will continue to pass in this way from one to another, as a hallowed trust, until there are no men, as men now exist, to receive it. You will soon go into the shadows of darkness, and will learn many of the mysteries of life, the undeveloped mysteries that[Pg 49] are withheld from your fellows, but which you, who have been so presumptuous and anxious for knowledge, are destined to possess and solve. You will find secrets that man, as man is now constituted, can not yet discover, and yet which the future man must gain and be instructed in. As you have sowed, so shall you reap. You wished to become a distributor of knowledge; you shall now by bodily trial and mental suffering obtain unsought knowledge to distribute, and in time to come you will be commanded to make your discoveries known. As your pathway is surely laid out, so must you walk. It is ordained; to rebel is useless."

"Who has pronounced this sentence?" I asked.

"A judge, neither of heaven nor of earth."

"You speak in enigmas."

"No; I speak openly, and the truth. Our brotherhood is linked with the past, and clasps hands with the antediluvians; the flood scattered the races of earth, but did not disturb our secrets. The great love of wisdom has from generation to generation led selected members of our organization to depths of study that our open work does not touch upon, and behind our highest officers there stand, in the occult shades between the here and the hereafter, unknown and unseen agents who are initiated into secrets above and beyond those known to the ordinary craft. Those who are introduced into these inner recesses acquire superhuman conceptions, and do not give an open sign of fellowship; they need no talisman. They walk our streets possessed of powers unknown to men, they concern themselves as mortals in the affairs of men, and even their brethren of the initiated, open order are unaware of their exalted condition. The means by which they have been instructed, their several individualities as well, have been concealed, because publicity would destroy their value, and injure humanity's cause."

Silence followed these vague disclosures, and the carriage rolled on. I was mystified and alarmed, and yet I knew that, whatever might be the end of this nocturnal ride, I had invited it—yes, merited it—and I steeled myself to hear the sentence of my judges, in whose hands I was powerless. The persons on the seat opposite me continued their conversation in low tones, audible only to themselves. An individual by my side neither[Pg 50] moved nor spoke. There were four of us in the carriage, as I learned intuitively, although we were surrounded by utter darkness. At length I addressed the companion beside me, for the silence was unbearable. Friend or enemy though he might be, anything rather than this long silence. "How long shall we continue in this carriage?"
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by scott » Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:42 pm

Your work does reach people.

I posted years ago under pseudonym in a thread something along the lines of what is real.

I have looked at this fora frequently over the years and contemplated concepts that you ( and others ) have wrote on on these pages. I’ve taken your postulates and added them to my observations and experience to continue to discover what lives at or in the core of what i am.

At times I would feel like the work here while profound and inspiring, fractionally comes from a place a bit more scientific than I grasp. And while I have loosely come to some understanding of RS over the years, I take these concepts and mix them with my feeling based intuitive inner resonance . That said this work often points towards deeper truths than what is often handed out in new age theory. But I don’t throw all of that distorted infant out with the sage infused holy water...
So often their are pearls of genuine empowerment behind what’s postulated as the freshest newest empowering diaper powdering modality.

I still believe behind all the varied stories piled high like dung on a trail is the truth of what we are at the core.
Peering out from the deeper part of all(humm or many) lies a fragment of the energy, the awareness of the being that is experiencing itself. As we wade through the poo of life we hopefully learn the lessons of rapport of self and others lest we misstep in a sinking and awkward moment as it hopefully dawns on us there is something on our tread..

Yes mr Daniel you have influenced my awareness, my stepping towards greater rapport.

I Will add one more thing. Perhaps it is or speaks to my kinesthetic learning type and won’t make sense in this fora, nonetheless.

Years ago my family and I watched as my grandmother succumbed to cancer. In her last hours her breath became deep, rapid and connected and as she entered the final moments it increased exponentially. I saw this as horrible, as pain as she finally ceased her breath and relaxed into her transitioning.

A few years later I experienced conscious breathing as a idea and a modality. In my deepest experiences of this I recognized that she likely was acutely more connected to that deeper part of self in those moments...

From this I set out to become a student and ultimately became a bit of a teacher of a breathwork “school”. And while I have relatively few that have showed up for this ( I don’t think I fully resonate with the new age paradigm, however it is growing rapidly) nonetheless there are ,well significant implications for what your battle seemingly is. There is a relationship to where our Breath creates energy in body, where breath doesn’t flow and how things such as C are unlikely to exist where the “movement” is. Consider looking at Breath work at times it can transform .

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by Ian.C » Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:42 am

Daniel, Thank you for all your work and sharing your knowledge. You are the touchstone for me, in the vast landscape of the internet.

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Re: Death sentence for --daniel

Post by Lozion » Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:40 pm

Any news?
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.

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