I'd say "wake up and smell the coffee!"tribs4u2 wrote:Everybody can afford the Coffee! ... And What Do You Say to that Daniel?

Basic economic principles work by supply and demand. The second people get their 5 billion and run out to buy their $60,000 Lexus, they will find the dealer has raised the price to 60 billion dollars and they still can't afford it, which he will need to do to continue to make a profit to afford the $3,000,000 bag of groceries at the store and fill up his gas tank at $200,000 a gallon. And we'll get the new, $100,000 postage stamps, and that 1-cent piece of candy now costs $500. What has that accomplished?
I don't know a banker in their right mind that would accept worthless money in payment of the debt owed to them. If I were them, I'd demand payment in legal money, gold or silver. And with gold running at $100 million an ounce, can you buy enough to pay off that mortgage?
All that handout will do is create massive INFLATION, to an unheard of scale. It will render the monetary system totally useless. In my opinion, it would be easier to save the time and effort to print all that useless money, and just declare "rocks" as the new, global currency. Has about the same effect.
I just see no point in inflating prices 50,000 times higher than they are now--and you still won't be able to buy what you need.
I recommend you read Irwin Schiff's comic book on the topic, How and Economy Grows, and Why It Doesn't. Then you will understand how the government is fleecing you, and how this is just a bigger fleece than the one already being perpetrated.