thanks for the quick reply, and for the final comment, but especially with that in mind i would like to assign you to be my psychologist

i hope it is appropriate...
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and tell you something that happened to me just last week. not for the first time, but for the first time i was clear enough, or had enough information, to be serious about it. i also have the feeling i am protected enough to go ahead with it, even though it can definitely be dangerous, but i think it is the law of one which is in charge here more than any kind of race. i did not share this as directly as i plan to do now since it happened to me for the first time when i had no information at all nor was i ready for it at all.
i will also make due diligence and say that it occurs much clearer when i am on drugs and surrounded by people on drugs, it's like the psi frequency is enhanced and it is easier for me to pick up on it. the drugs are mostly weed (thc) or MDMA and mostly both (even though it happened with only THC multiple times, which is considered a lesser drug), but i also had the same effects before with LSD and DMT. the scene is nature trance parties, where most people use the same kind of drugs in their own favorite mixture. it also happens a lot when i am not on any drug, yet it is like it is hard to keep the frequency there, but i am learning it on the fly. it manifests with multiple synchronicities during each day.
i have been trying to write the coming paragraph for the third time now. it is really hard to explain in words what i want you to understand. so i will now try to just get to the point and hope you will follow through.
i was in a party and got into my lucid state where everything is just fully synchronized. i could not enjoy it. it did not seem magical as it usually does. instead i had the intense feeling i was telling you about, that our bio energy is being hijacked. however, i personally felt in control. i had enough energy to stay lucid. so i kept asking questions in my head, which were instantly manifested into reality, as usual when i am in this state. it felt like the whole event, which included around a thousand people, was orchestrated to my tune. everywhere i went it was like everyone was looking at me. i felt very much alone. like i was the only one who can see the truth, and i am the outcast. i went to my tent, and then i started getting the intense feeling that we are actually in the matrix.
everything synchronized with that from there on. it was like i was having a telepathic conversation with some entity, and i was convinced that we have to fight for our freedom, yet i felt very alone in this understanding because i did not have anyone with which i can share what i can see, feel and understand. not anyone than it can make any sense with.
i am hoping i am able to make some sense here, and that you can understand. i know that it is a consciousness and vibrational evolution, and even though i can find a lot of info online, i feel very much alone in it. i am glad that i can share with people that can see things along similar lines.
i did feel like Neo in the matrix, and that made me panic, because i haven't met any one like Morpheus yet. knowing you exist helps. i also understand that i am probably not special in a Neo kind of way, but i really feel there is a possibility to gather a group of people who are more conscious to these things and really create a better reality.
i will appreciate any input you can have here, and of course i will answer any questions or gladly take this offline.
thank you for being.