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Post by maeghan » Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:23 am

Wow! I got all excited tonight/this morning making my rounds on the internet and I saw Lozion's name on Ken's blog.

Seems like some of us are collectively coming to the same conclusion of what's really going on in the world. Ken's most recent blog article is quite telling. Funny synchronicity here; I used my Delta miles about two years ago to subscribe to the magazine the economist for no real reason other than my choices really sucked. I skimmed through it a few times with different issues and found it to be something that was promoting a side of life that I wanted nothing to do with. (the bankers) ... funny, i was right in thinking that it was a bankers publication. :ugeek:

I shared the site too with an author I respect a good deal, Gerald Clark on facebook. Seems like his research goes right along with Ken's Annunaki article, especially when it comes to the 7 years of tribulation part.
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Post by maeghan » Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:47 am

I felt compelled to send Ken a thank you for what he does. I'm kind of hoping the comment doesn't get published because it's not everyone's business. I did take a screenshot to show to all of you :)
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 3.43.13 AM.png
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 3.43.13 AM.png (94.02KiB)Viewed 27136 times
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel

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Post by daniel » Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:38 am

Lozion wrote:daniel, would you agree with the following comment I've added to ken's article? I remember you writing something along those lines on Antiquatis and it is also Wes Penre's view.
4) The overarching aim of the already existing NWO but re-inforced post (pseudo) Savior arrival would be the recruiting of humans (see the transhumanist and supersoldier memes) to a cosmic crusade of sorts so the Elites can rebel and dethrone their Annuna masters.
So yes, to quote daniel from CH: "Beware of ETs bearing gifts." :-)
Yes, "murdering your parents" does seem to be a motif for the Annuna. It is also one of the concepts from psychology, where an unconscious drive for young men is to "murder the father and marry the mother," becoming the new head of the tribe.
Ken wrote:As long as the masses follow their lead and use their currency, we're in a cage. Who cares if humans or aliens built it....
Having been involved in construction most of my life, if you know who built something then you know how it was built--and when you know "how," then you also know its strengths and weaknesses. So you have a choice... be "warm and happy sitting in a pile of sh*t," or learn how to apply your strengths against the weaknesses of the cage--and escape the prison. (That, in essence, is what is actually behind the Antiquatis Sanctuary project.)

Though I have noticed how the motifs regarding ETs have changed. Take Aaron's favorite "V" series. In the original, a very small group of humans--not the military--exploited a weakness in V genetics and won the battle, chasing them off of Earth. In the remake, the reptilian visitors defeat the humans, turning them all into willing slaves, through "bliss" (symbolic of psychoactive drugs).

Reminds me a bit of the Tokyo Rose days... "Surrender boys, we know where you are and what you are doing." The lesson regarding the new ETs... "Resistance is futile."
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
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Post by Lozion » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:37 pm

maeghan wrote:I felt compelled to send Ken a thank you for what he does. I'm kind of hoping the comment doesn't get published because it's not everyone's business. I did take a screenshot to show to all of you :)
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 3.43.13 AM.png
Ken & I have been exchanging on a variety of subjects via email for a while so I'm sure he will read your comment even though the function is disabled.
I did invite him to participate on CH a few times but am not sure if he does. He may prefer to lurk while eating Galbi... ;)
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Post by maeghan » Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:04 pm

Lozion wrote:
maeghan wrote:I felt compelled to send Ken a thank you for what he does. I'm kind of hoping the comment doesn't get published because it's not everyone's business. I did take a screenshot to show to all of you :)
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 3.43.13 AM.png
Ken & I have been exchanging on a variety of subjects via email for a while so I'm sure he will read your comment even though the function is disabled.
I did invite him to participate on CH a few times but am not sure if he does. He may prefer to lurk while eating Galbi... ;)
Possibly; I don't underestimate the amount of time it could take to do the research for the blog articles he writes. He offers up some very valuable research and insight completely free.

I actually hope that it doesn't get published. Being a musician, I'd prefer my private business to be private.
"silence is the consent to slavery" ~ Daniel

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Post by Djchrismac » Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:49 pm

Great work Lozion, a thoroughly enjoyable exchange and I too was well chuffed when I saw you were the person who commented in his post!

I've also suspected that Ken may lurk here but then as Maeghan said also wondered if he had the time due to the work he puts into his blog. :)
daniel wrote:Though I have noticed how the motifs regarding ETs have changed. Take Aaron's favorite "V" series. In the original, a very small group of humans--not the military--exploited a weakness in V genetics and won the battle, chasing them off of Earth. In the remake, the reptilian visitors defeat the humans, turning them all into willing slaves, through "bliss" (symbolic of psychoactive drugs).

Reminds me a bit of the Tokyo Rose days... "Surrender boys, we know where you are and what you are doing." The lesson regarding the new ETs... "Resistance is futile."
This got me inspired to see if I could find out a bit more about their forthcoming plans, they do like to hide things in plain sight after all, as Ken's latest post highlights with the financial crash predictions.

Coincidentally after watching a Clifford Carnicom presentation I noticed Laura Eisenhower (Granddaughter of Ike), I wasn't aware who she was or that she had appeared on the scene until I watched the video below, and so decided to investigate further:

Laura Eisenhower at Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails 2012

At first she seems to talk sense and has an interesting theory that the galactic core light isn't being allowed to reach us through the sun (the geoengineering link) to help us evolve/ascend, and that we're being kept in a kind of time-loop which we need to break free from. It all sounded a bit familiar though...

Then some things got my attention when I checked her website:
( - alarm bells anyone? ;)

-They also told me that no one could really hear me or integrate me
fully, as most were distracted. I needed to come here to Earth to be
physically understood. They also saw me being endlessly attacked my
whole life. They saw that I was from much higher realms, and so I would
feel totally alien here. I could take on the energetic torment of life
and heal it through my being, but if I wanted, I could disappear into
the wilderness and be among the fairies, so that I never have to see
another human again.
Along with appearing to be very nice and genuine she the shows up on websites like but at the same time teaches about folklore, alchemy, reclaiming the feminine and so on with a lot of links to religion, mythology and more, lots of topics covered in the daniel papers and elsewhere; alternative three, Montauk and loads of others, all tied together into an interesting narrative.

So here's the digging after alarm bells naturally went off, lots to choose from:
Divine Union and Spiritual Oneness will free us from the wheel of necessity (zodiac), protect us from global threats, restore the tree of life, and bring us to the Golden Age on Earth.
Ah but of course:

For inquiries and to reserve your session, please email laura.magdalene
[ @ ]
Consultations are over-the-phone. Times are US Pacific.

Suggested Payment: Session costs are based on sliding scale, from
$75-175 for 1 hour. Time may vary depending on one's needs.

Sessions are conducted over the phone, unless special arrangements are
made. Limited spaces available per week, so book early for best times.

And then I found this, very revealing, apparently her most recent info from this year and a mix of all sorts of stuff that's all "good alien" vs "bad NWO", the new good east vs bad west, given away by links to lots of untrustworthy sources such as Billy Meier, the Phoenix papers and even stating that Pleiadians are waiting to save us from the NWO and will! Classic blue beam propaganda:

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Disclosure
March 30, 2014
As presented at the 22nd WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON UFOs AND RELATED PHENOMENA; Extraterrestrials and World Politics
(the Italian equivalent of the Citizen's Disclosure Hearings).
Republic of San Marino.

Hmmm... that's an interesting choice for the world symposium:
"San Marino has the smallest population of all the members of the Council of Europe."
"San Marino claims to be the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world"
"the Grand and General Council approves the budget and elects the Captains Regent, the State Congress (composed of ten Secretaries with executive power), the Council of Twelve"
"San Marino is the third smallest country in Europe, with only Vatican City and Monaco being smaller."
"San Marino is a predominantly Catholic state[1] — over 97% of the population profess the Catholic faith."
"Motto: Libertas (Liberty)" - Libertas was associated with the pileus, commonly worn by the freed slave (emphasis added)

"The country's economy mainly relies on finance, industry, services and tourism. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP (per capita), with a figure comparable to the most developed European regions. San Marino is considered to have a highly stable economy, with one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, no national debt and a budget surplus."

"The government of San Marino made United States President Abraham Lincoln an honorary citizen. He wrote in reply, saying that the republic proved that "government founded on republican principles is capable of being so administered as to be secure and enduring."

"Other key industries are banking, electronics, and ceramics."

San Marino definitely deserves some further investigation, anyway back to the one "on a mission": ... losure.pdf

Here are some excerpts:
No one is addressing our concerns and our children currently have no real future, but to live in an enslaved society.
An Ex M-16 operative whistleblower states that the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary ecocide and
genocide. He states that the Pleiadian fleet is here to liberate humanity and will be successful.
Positive Intervention
Contactee Alex Collier claims that the intervention of the beings from Sirians A is due to mistakes made by those from Sirius B in terms of technology transfers and other forms of assistance given to humanity:

He says ~ “My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be beneficial and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized Sirius B system were originally from Sirius A.

The main activity that can be attributed to those extraterrestrials from Sirius A is to assist in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet.

They are the original builders of our grid, the architecture on which our planet was based. So therefore they are useful in discerning the sacred geometry and discerning the physical laws of our home world.

They can help us in constructing the new grid, and in constructing a new system that is appropriate for our next challenges. So we would say that the Sirians are excellent allies in the strategic design work that lies ahead. “
..."the new grid" that screams to me the global smart grid Elana Freeland discusses in her book and others like Sofia Smallstorm, WW101 talking about the Transhumanism agenda and our EM prison.

You should read the last few chapters of the above pdf in particular, a good insight into what may lie in store, beware the Nordics!
"Good News!
ET’s are among us. Valiant Thor and other Beings from the planet Venus in another dimensional plane..."

"They still remain stationed around the world in Mother Ships. They wanted to assist us in our spiritual development and helps us with our challenges, but the Shadow Government didn’t want this. A movie is coming out and books written by Frank Stranges tell a lot about these beings and their visit to our government."

"Alternative 4 is about connecting with the Organic Timeline and the divine birthright of our incredible human potential as a unified force who is working with the higher dimensional races of the Cosmos. To do this, we have to overcome the agendas that seek to conquer and divide all of us. During the window period of 2012-2017, called a Stellar Activation Cycle, we have a profound opportunity to achieve this."
You get the idea! It's a bit like getting the script of V before it's released.

Just think how much "bliss" people will have when they are fully matrix-connected by VR and haptic suit to the global smart grid bringing entertainment and distraction 24/7...


I found this to be quite an accurate glimpse of this potential future:

Technology is only going to get more immersive and consume a bigger percentage of our attention.

Take Ready Player One, a book by Ernest Cline. This work of fiction describes a near future where our over populated and environmentally damaged planet sees society flee their daily struggles to interact in a massively multiplayer world.

Read more: ... 1zmil.html
It's coming...
In “Ready Player One,” Cline imagines a lonely teenager who rents an apartment, staying inside to play virtual games clothed in a haptic suit, running on a circular treadmill, lost in a brilliant artificial world far away from this one. Now, Apple is making it real. ... ic-future/
Can't have people seeing "reality" can we?

Not the path for me thanks, i'll stick to the hills, real human contact and nature. :)

Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Post by RLC » Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:56 pm

@Dj - Great stuff! And to your point about good aliens vs. bad aliens vs. NWO, etc. etc. I'm thoroughly convinced most of it is a Psyop. It's just a way to get good people to do nothing. If your one of these people on the fence (not you in particular, but in general) and you think that the Nordics (or pleiadians, or arcturians, or fairies, or even leprechauns) are here to save us! Then you are less likely to take action yourself, because a part of you is externalizing your power to anyone of these benevolent races, who according to many, are going to ride in on a horse (or should I say spaceship) to save the day.

That's not to say there isn't benevolent or malevolent beings. I have no doubt they exist. I just don't know if there's actual benevolent beings interacting with people or a government on behalf of saving human kind. I'm sure there was at one time, but now they probably liken us to a crazy old bipolar uncle who no one wants to hang out with, because you don't quite know what's going to happen next. At this point, I think they are concerned we don't blow each other up, but short of that they don't intervene. Besides, as Daniel has said before (I believe) we need to take responsibility for our own actions.

Though, I have hope. I do believe people are changing regardless if the truth is difficult to determine. There's so much disinformation out there that's hard to say what's true and what's not, but if you are a genuine truth seeker, your open minded and you will keep changing puzzle pieces in and out until it fits. So I am of the opinion that sooner or later all lines of truth will converge to one truth, with different perspectives. That said, the good news in all of this is simply that people are starting to become open to different truths. Truths that were at one time, difficult to consider or even grasp. Inversely, it's getting more and more difficult for the NWO to continue to sell their lies. People recognize the patterns and see the truth quicker and quicker. Look at the gulf of tonkin and how long it took for us to know the truth. Then look at the Ukraine issue and see how quickly they are uncovering the truth. The internet in a lot of ways, is acting much like the SETI program you download to use networked computers as a collective super computer to analyze data. Instead of computers, it's people.

So as I said, I am hopeful... :) Even though at times, it looks grim.

Btw, great thread and great responses Lozion. And, I appreciate you answering my question on page 1.

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Joined:Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:32 am
Location:Changes all the time..


Post by Lozion » Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:45 pm

Djchrismac wrote:Great work Lozion, a thoroughly enjoyable exchange and I too was well chuffed when I saw you were the person who commented in his post!

I've also suspected that Ken may lurk here but then as Maeghan said also wondered if he had the time due to the work he puts into his blog. :)
daniel wrote:Though I have noticed how the motifs regarding ETs have changed. Take Aaron's favorite "V" series. In the original, a very small group of humans--not the military--exploited a weakness in V genetics and won the battle, chasing them off of Earth. In the remake, the reptilian visitors defeat the humans, turning them all into willing slaves, through "bliss" (symbolic of psychoactive drugs).

Reminds me a bit of the Tokyo Rose days... "Surrender boys, we know where you are and what you are doing." The lesson regarding the new ETs... "Resistance is futile."
This got me inspired to see if I could find out a bit more about their forthcoming plans, they do like to hide things in plain sight after all, as Ken's latest post highlights with the financial crash predictions.

Coincidentally after watching a Clifford Carnicom presentation I noticed Laura Eisenhower (Granddaughter of Ike), I wasn't aware who she was or that she had appeared on the scene until I watched the video below, and so decided to investigate further:

Laura Eisenhower at Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails 2012

At first she seems to talk sense and has an interesting theory that the galactic core light isn't being allowed to reach us through the sun (the geoengineering link) to help us evolve/ascend, and that we're being kept in a kind of time-loop which we need to break free from. It all sounded a bit familiar though...

Then some things got my attention when I checked her website:
( - alarm bells anyone? ;)

-They also told me that no one could really hear me or integrate me
fully, as most were distracted. I needed to come here to Earth to be
physically understood. They also saw me being endlessly attacked my
whole life. They saw that I was from much higher realms, and so I would
feel totally alien here. I could take on the energetic torment of life
and heal it through my being, but if I wanted, I could disappear into
the wilderness and be among the fairies, so that I never have to see
another human again.
Along with appearing to be very nice and genuine she the shows up on websites like but at the same time teaches about folklore, alchemy, reclaiming the feminine and so on with a lot of links to religion, mythology and more, lots of topics covered in the daniel papers and elsewhere; alternative three, Montauk and loads of others, all tied together into an interesting narrative.

So here's the digging after alarm bells naturally went off, lots to choose from:
Divine Union and Spiritual Oneness will free us from the wheel of necessity (zodiac), protect us from global threats, restore the tree of life, and bring us to the Golden Age on Earth.
Ah but of course:

For inquiries and to reserve your session, please email laura.magdalene
[ @ ]
Consultations are over-the-phone. Times are US Pacific.

Suggested Payment: Session costs are based on sliding scale, from
$75-175 for 1 hour. Time may vary depending on one's needs.

Sessions are conducted over the phone, unless special arrangements are
made. Limited spaces available per week, so book early for best times.

And then I found this, very revealing, apparently her most recent info from this year and a mix of all sorts of stuff that's all "good alien" vs "bad NWO", the new good east vs bad west, given away by links to lots of untrustworthy sources such as Billy Meier, the Phoenix papers and even stating that Pleiadians are waiting to save us from the NWO and will! Classic blue beam propaganda:

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: Disclosure
March 30, 2014
As presented at the 22nd WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON UFOs AND RELATED PHENOMENA; Extraterrestrials and World Politics
(the Italian equivalent of the Citizen's Disclosure Hearings).
Republic of San Marino.

Hmmm... that's an interesting choice for the world symposium:
"San Marino has the smallest population of all the members of the Council of Europe."
"San Marino claims to be the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world"
"the Grand and General Council approves the budget and elects the Captains Regent, the State Congress (composed of ten Secretaries with executive power), the Council of Twelve"
"San Marino is the third smallest country in Europe, with only Vatican City and Monaco being smaller."
"San Marino is a predominantly Catholic state[1] — over 97% of the population profess the Catholic faith."
"Motto: Libertas (Liberty)" - Libertas was associated with the pileus, commonly worn by the freed slave (emphasis added)

"The country's economy mainly relies on finance, industry, services and tourism. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP (per capita), with a figure comparable to the most developed European regions. San Marino is considered to have a highly stable economy, with one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, no national debt and a budget surplus."

"The government of San Marino made United States President Abraham Lincoln an honorary citizen. He wrote in reply, saying that the republic proved that "government founded on republican principles is capable of being so administered as to be secure and enduring."

"Other key industries are banking, electronics, and ceramics."

San Marino definitely deserves some further investigation, anyway back to the one "on a mission": ... losure.pdf

Here are some excerpts:
No one is addressing our concerns and our children currently have no real future, but to live in an enslaved society.
An Ex M-16 operative whistleblower states that the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary ecocide and
genocide. He states that the Pleiadian fleet is here to liberate humanity and will be successful.
Positive Intervention
Contactee Alex Collier claims that the intervention of the beings from Sirians A is due to mistakes made by those from Sirius B in terms of technology transfers and other forms of assistance given to humanity:

He says ~ “My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be beneficial and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized Sirius B system were originally from Sirius A.

The main activity that can be attributed to those extraterrestrials from Sirius A is to assist in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet.

They are the original builders of our grid, the architecture on which our planet was based. So therefore they are useful in discerning the sacred geometry and discerning the physical laws of our home world.

They can help us in constructing the new grid, and in constructing a new system that is appropriate for our next challenges. So we would say that the Sirians are excellent allies in the strategic design work that lies ahead. “
..."the new grid" that screams to me the global smart grid Elana Freeland discusses in her book and others like Sofia Smallstorm, WW101 talking about the Transhumanism agenda and our EM prison.

You should read the last few chapters of the above pdf in particular, a good insight into what may lie in store, beware the Nordics!
"Good News!
ET’s are among us. Valiant Thor and other Beings from the planet Venus in another dimensional plane..."

"They still remain stationed around the world in Mother Ships. They wanted to assist us in our spiritual development and helps us with our challenges, but the Shadow Government didn’t want this. A movie is coming out and books written by Frank Stranges tell a lot about these beings and their visit to our government."

"Alternative 4 is about connecting with the Organic Timeline and the divine birthright of our incredible human potential as a unified force who is working with the higher dimensional races of the Cosmos. To do this, we have to overcome the agendas that seek to conquer and divide all of us. During the window period of 2012-2017, called a Stellar Activation Cycle, we have a profound opportunity to achieve this."
You get the idea! It's a bit like getting the script of V before it's released.

Just think how much "bliss" people will have when they are fully matrix-connected by VR and haptic suit to the global smart grid bringing entertainment and distraction 24/7...


I found this to be quite an accurate glimpse of this potential future:

Technology is only going to get more immersive and consume a bigger percentage of our attention.

Take Ready Player One, a book by Ernest Cline. This work of fiction describes a near future where our over populated and environmentally damaged planet sees society flee their daily struggles to interact in a massively multiplayer world.

Read more: ... 1zmil.html
It's coming...
In “Ready Player One,” Cline imagines a lonely teenager who rents an apartment, staying inside to play virtual games clothed in a haptic suit, running on a circular treadmill, lost in a brilliant artificial world far away from this one. Now, Apple is making it real. ... ic-future/
Can't have people seeing "reality" can we?

Not the path for me thanks, i'll stick to the hills, real human contact and nature. :)


Great body of research Chris. A classic example of an elite member usurping old knowledge and techniques for financial gains on unsuspecting muggles in search of enlightenment/electrolytes.
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.

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Post by Lozion » Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:59 pm

RLC wrote:@Dj - Great stuff! And to your point about good aliens vs. bad aliens vs. NWO, etc. etc. I'm thoroughly convinced most of it is a Psyop. It's just a way to get good people to do nothing. If your one of these people on the fence (not you in particular, but in general) and you think that the Nordics (or pleiadians, or arcturians, or fairies, or even leprechauns) are here to save us! Then you are less likely to take action yourself, because a part of you is externalizing your power to anyone of these benevolent races, who according to many, are going to ride in on a horse (or should I say spaceship) to save the day.

That's not to say there isn't benevolent or malevolent beings. I have no doubt they exist. I just don't know if there's actual benevolent beings interacting with people or a government on behalf of saving human kind. I'm sure there was at one time, but now they probably liken us to a crazy old bipolar uncle who no one wants to hang out with, because you don't quite know what's going to happen next. At this point, I think they are concerned we don't blow each other up, but short of that they don't intervene. Besides, as Daniel has said before (I believe) we need to take responsibility for our own actions.

Though, I have hope. I do believe people are changing regardless if the truth is difficult to determine. There's so much disinformation out there that's hard to say what's true and what's not, but if you are a genuine truth seeker, your open minded and you will keep changing puzzle pieces in and out until it fits. So I am of the opinion that sooner or later all lines of truth will converge to one truth, with different perspectives. That said, the good news in all of this is simply that people are starting to become open to different truths. Truths that were at one time, difficult to consider or even grasp. Inversely, it's getting more and more difficult for the NWO to continue to sell their lies. People recognize the patterns and see the truth quicker and quicker. Look at the gulf of tonkin and how long it took for us to know the truth. Then look at the Ukraine issue and see how quickly they are uncovering the truth. The internet in a lot of ways, is acting much like the SETI program you download to use networked computers as a collective super computer to analyze data. Instead of computers, it's people.

So as I said, I am hopeful... :) Even though at times, it looks grim.

Btw, great thread and great responses Lozion. And, I appreciate you answering my question on page 1.

Well, many here have put aside the 'Hopium" element pushed by the New Age reps (Wilcock et al) and decided to go on their own paths so I suggest checking out the Antiquatis forum where the discussion is more centered on choices and actions to be done on the "path of Kheb", the road to becoming Homo Sapiens Ethicus..
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.

Joined:Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:49 pm


Post by RLC » Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:51 pm

Lozion wrote:
RLC wrote:@Dj - Great stuff! And to your point about good aliens vs. bad aliens vs. NWO, etc. etc. I'm thoroughly convinced most of it is a Psyop. It's just a way to get good people to do nothing. If your one of these people on the fence (not you in particular, but in general) and you think that the Nordics (or pleiadians, or arcturians, or fairies, or even leprechauns) are here to save us! Then you are less likely to take action yourself, because a part of you is externalizing your power to anyone of these benevolent races, who according to many, are going to ride in on a horse (or should I say spaceship) to save the day.

That's not to say there isn't benevolent or malevolent beings. I have no doubt they exist. I just don't know if there's actual benevolent beings interacting with people or a government on behalf of saving human kind. I'm sure there was at one time, but now they probably liken us to a crazy old bipolar uncle who no one wants to hang out with, because you don't quite know what's going to happen next. At this point, I think they are concerned we don't blow each other up, but short of that they don't intervene. Besides, as Daniel has said before (I believe) we need to take responsibility for our own actions.

Though, I have hope. I do believe people are changing regardless if the truth is difficult to determine. There's so much disinformation out there that's hard to say what's true and what's not, but if you are a genuine truth seeker, your open minded and you will keep changing puzzle pieces in and out until it fits. So I am of the opinion that sooner or later all lines of truth will converge to one truth, with different perspectives. That said, the good news in all of this is simply that people are starting to become open to different truths. Truths that were at one time, difficult to consider or even grasp. Inversely, it's getting more and more difficult for the NWO to continue to sell their lies. People recognize the patterns and see the truth quicker and quicker. Look at the gulf of tonkin and how long it took for us to know the truth. Then look at the Ukraine issue and see how quickly they are uncovering the truth. The internet in a lot of ways, is acting much like the SETI program you download to use networked computers as a collective super computer to analyze data. Instead of computers, it's people.

So as I said, I am hopeful... :) Even though at times, it looks grim.

Btw, great thread and great responses Lozion. And, I appreciate you answering my question on page 1.

Well, many here have put aside the 'Hopium" element pushed by the New Age reps (Wilcock et al) and decided to go on the on own paths so I suggest checking out the Antiquatis forum where the discussion is more centered on choices and actions to be done on the "path of Kheb", the road to becoming Homo Sapiens Ethicus...
Will do! Awesome!

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