netos wrote:i am not here for you to "protect" me, i see you as a source of knowledge and truth and i want to hear exactly what you think.
It is not that I am trying to "protect" as much as "respect" you. Everyone has a different path and a different set of values. I have a personal bias against "recreational drugs" (which INCLUDES tobacco, alcohol and caffeine) because of what I saw at Montauk, back when I was in my 20's--it made a rather lasting impression. So I choose not to discuss those areas, as I know I cannot provide an unbiased opinion. (I gave them ALL up after leaving Montauk, even carbonated beverages.)
How you get to the point of realizing there IS a "red pill" is not important; what is important is that you are there.
netos wrote:all i want is the truth, like good ol' Eddie sings. and freedom for all. i am willing to give everything that is me for it and am looking for help on how to do it.
The difficulty with "truth" is that we all interpret things subjectively--we associate our values with different symbology. That's why the scientific underground chose a "baseline" for communication--Larson's Reciprocal System--because it is a common denominator to many other systems of science, philosophy and religion. Larson never realized that his "motion as a ratio of time to space" is exactly the same as "Tao as a ratio of yin to yang." Yin-yang is one of the oldest known "truths," and to have a science based on it is quite a remarkable achievement.
You cannot effectively communicate with others until you can effectively communicate with yourself, and that means knowing what your own, personal symbols mean. Psi abilities require it... true telepathy is an exchange of archetypal concepts and motifs; it is
species independent. (Group mind, which passes as telepathy, is not the same.) We are not able to conceptualize archetypes directly, so we you get a "telepathic message" you interpret it with local symbols, and if you don't know why "Godzilla eating bananas" is popping into your head, then you miss the message. But if you understand Godzilla to be a representation of serpent gods, and eating as "subsuming," etc, you can translate effectively.
netos wrote:back to the point, i have been wondering if i have what it takes to leave the Matrix completely. i am more out than in as i see it. i definitely stare a lot

It is not really a matter of "what it takes," as much as "what do you expect to find?" Something you need to be aware of is that once you take the red pill, the blue pill doesn't work anymore. You cannot go back in to the Matrix, once you get out of it, so consider carefully.
netos wrote:Can you put your finger on what made Duncan Cameron succeed as he did in the project? i did not hear of any special background.
I only had limited interaction with him and the other psychics that operated the chair, primarily for feedback for tuning the interface program. I recall he was a nice guy. I believe Nichols put out information that he was part of a mind control program to enhance his abilities.
netos wrote:it may be just my ego, it is a probable answer, but i have been on this road for several years now and i keep looping. cleaning another layer and looping again. next step will be no drugs. but as i said the drugs were my only teacher to this realm, and the results and synchronizations i experience are in such colossal proportions that i have to seek answers also to the things they made me experience. and when i meditate, without drugs, this is still my only guidance. the Matrix bores me. i want out. i want to break it.
You may want to consider that being inside the Matrix is far more entertaining; lots and lots of diversions. The realm outside the Matrix is actually a much simpler place, for it responds to the natural yin-yang (time-space) of the Universe and does not have all the entertaining complexities of the illusion. If you are already bored with the entertainment, it may be worse outside.
netos wrote:i would appreciate much receiving new guidance. i am willing to relocate to wherever needed to be a part of what you called "Dumbeldore's army".
Let me ask you this: what do you expect from "new guidance?" Everyone sets expectations from any experience, what are your expectations?
netos wrote:actually, the first thing i did after the first glimpse out of the Matrix was to relocate to Venezuela. i knew no one that i could talk to about it, and the Universe sent me the option to relocate.
That's rather interesting... one of the places under consideration for the Antiquatis Monastery is Venezuela, though with the death of Chavez, the political situation has become somewhat difficult.
netos wrote:i learned how to feel, from the heart, and trust my intuition. eventually, it led me to you. can't i be on the right track?
One of the other 'natural consequences' of the Reciprocal System is that there is no such thing as an "accident." The choice of track is yours; the best we can do is point out where some of the tracks end up, and you have to decide for yourself if that is where you want to go.