animus wrote:Time has always been precious to me and most of the times it's faster to look for an existing answer than finding it out yourself. That's the internet generation for ya

But I see the downside now: the consciousness won't expand this way, at least not as good. Especially when most of the existing answers have it wrong...
Computers provide a set of answers, people filter the computer output and provide one answer. Golly... this new generation has become a computer peripheral! Yep, people are rapidly becoming a "plugin" to an AI system. Unless you want that "red pill..." Reminds me a bit of TRON, "Greetings, programs!" Except now it is more, "Greetings, Plugins!"
If time is precious, then apply it to the
process, not the plugin. Search engines can only pattern match--they cannot
animus wrote:I pictured the first. I guess that's what you meant with thinking one-dimensionally.
In that case, there is no need for any magnetic lines of field to trigger anything. As soon as earth "hits" the stationary asteroid/meteoroid, that is to say as soon as the asteroid gets within the gravitational limit, it's "falling" due to gravity (=meteor) until it burns out in the atmosphere or makes it to the ground (=meteorite).
Now you're starting to see it. That's why we have meteor showers, like the Perseids. We're running in to a pile of rocks.
The process of flipping an idea around is called
Lateral Thinking. Worth some time investigating, as it shows the process of creativity which is a key element in true research.
And in the RS, it is a matter of the point of observation... do electrons flow through a wire, or does the wire flow through the electrons?
animus wrote:daniel wrote:What explodes to create a supernova?
General speaking, the outer shell of the star.
And what elements explode to throw off that outer shell into the 1-x speed range? And what happens to the inner shell?